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Sheriff Walsh has secured a pension. A. B. Pond, of Chicago, ia iu the city. The court house roof is being repaired. Dr. Frothingham has gone to Petokey. The Misses Doufclas are at Grosse Isle. Col. Dean was in E. Saginaw Wednesday. W. D. Adama has been iu Toledo this week. Miss Berdie Bliss is visiting Detroit friends. Miss Cornelia Earp is visiting Detroit friends. Mrs. Dr. Darling is visitmg in Lakeside, O. Miss Alida Lovejoy spent Sunday in Detroit . A nice shower Wednesday uight laid the dust. Martin Clark is busy Rotting out his fair book. Mrs. A. J. Paisley has gone north for a few weeks. Prof. M. E. Cooley has returned f rom New York. Mrs. E. Bathbone and family are at North Lake. Look out for the eclipse of the moon Sunday night. The Baptist church is having a thorough cleaning. Lew H. Clement spent a few days last week in Colon . A special meeting of the regenta this Friday e ven ing. Cholera morbus seems to be quite epidemie just now. E. Mutschel and wife are camping at Whitmore Lake. C. Vanarsdale is spending a week at Whitmore Lake. Junius E. Beal has been in Washington D.C., tbis week. Hon. A. J. Sawyer and family are at Cavanaugh Lake. Supervisor Qilbert, of Chelsea, was in the city Tuesday. Deputy Clerk Brown is rusticating at Cavanaugh Lake. Miss Kittie Caspary visitcd Ypsilanti friends this week. Carroll Jones and Lee Kapp are camping at Öilver Lake. Roas Whitman is speniiing the va oation at Willis, Alioh. Mrs. E. B. Hall and children were at Whitmore yesterday. A. D. Seyler and wife went to Whitmore Luke, Tuesday. Mrs. A. Dygert has a sister froin Denver, Col., visiting her. C. Orr and family have returned f rom a visit to Xenia, Ohio. Mrs. S. M. Hunt and JIiss Kate Douglas ure in Ashtebula, O. E. N. Qilbert spent Sunday with his family on E. Arm streel. The state teachers' instituto willbebeld in Jonesville, August 27. Elmer Kirby, law, 88, bas swung cut lus süingle in Ypsilanti. C. Eberbach is putting a new tin roof on the museum building. Milo Pulcipher's family are at Whitmore Lake for the week. D. C. Griffen, of Ypsilanti, was in the city Saturday ou buaineaa. Mías Birdie Breakey is spendiug a few weeks at Whitmore Lake. Lew Clement and wife leave Slonday for a trip around the lakes. Miases Millie aiid Ada Gilbert are aojourning at Whitmore Lake. M. J. Fritz of the Savinga bank ia camping at Strawberry lake. The republicana expect to have a great blow out to-morrow evening. David Henninghaa returned f rom Europe looking üale and hoarty . Mra. J. M. Stafford and sister, Misa Eva Rice were in Detroit 1 ueaday. A new time oard went into eflect on the Mickigan Central laat Sunday. Mra. Kennedy, of Laramie, W. T. is the gueat of Air. J. M. Wheeler. MoCreery'a new grocery atore on E. Ann street will be opened next week. Dr. Ryder and family left for their new home in Maas., vVedneaday. Mrs. Wm Bigga has returned from a nine weeks' visit to Nova Scotia. Link McMillan has gone to Chicago to accept a poailion on the Uerald. Mra. Wm. Burleaon, of Detroit, waa in the city for a few daya thia week. Mra.V.Ü.VaughanandMra. Í. O.Knowlton were at Nnrth Lake Tueaday. Mra. Erneat Krueger ia apending a few days with her parents in Detroit. Perry H. Riohardaon, lit. '88, has aci-epted a position in W. Virginia. Postmaster Duffy was presented to President Cleveland Wednesday. Miss Laura Helber, of this city, is spending several weekB in Detroit. The Two Sams advertise bargains tuis week. See ad in another column. Mrs. Bridget Foley, of E. Washington street, has been grauted a pension. Prof. G. L. Morris read service in St. James' church Dexter last Sunday. Miss Abbie Pond and niece, Bessie Pond are visiting relatives in Flint. County Clerk Howlett and family went to Cavanaugh Lake, Monday night. J . Z. Batton of Philadelphia, Pa , spent Wednesday with C. S. Millen. - .Miases Anna and Ella Tay lor are spending 89veral weeks at VVbitmore Lake. Miss Allie Echer of Detroit, was the guest of Airs. Dr. Smith over Sunday. Business men's association meeting a the court house next Tuesday evening. Miss Grace Hall. of Albion, has been visitiog her cousins, the Misses Oregg. Miss Eva liice, of Akron, Ohio, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. M. Stafford. A grandson of Brigham Vonng was reoentlyconfirmed in the Episcopal church. The Ann Arbor oo-operative savingH association has now over 120 members. The Misses Ooodsell, of Ypsilanti, are to Bpend Sunday with the Missss Payne. Dr. Harold B. Wilson has opened au oflice at No. 100 Minnii avenue, Detroit. Jas. Goeghan, late of the M. O. freight office, is uidht operator at the Toledo depot. Hon. J. T. Jacobs, and several other gentlemen leu ve tor Cincinnati next Monday. Fred Wallace, of Chattanooga will spend the sammer with his wife in this oity. August JSoehna.with H. Kandall, goes to Whitmore Lake next week f ir his vacation. There will be a grand international regatta at Maokinao Island, Augnst I Ith 16th. Miss Msry dementa goes to New York City neit week for a sevsral weeks' visit. Albert Sorg haa beeu repapering and repainting the A. M. L. church this week. Mrs. John J. Bobison is at the bedside of a sick daughter in Anderson, this state. Tuesday Justice Pond fined Edward Taylor $2.00 and costs for breaoh of the peace. Miss Tees Slatterly, of this city, left for Marquetto last Saturday, to spend several weeks. Mrs. Clapperson, of Toronto, Ont., lias been visiting ber claughter, Mrs. Prof. Clute. A. Wilsey bas had some new stone steps put in front of his store od S Fourth street. Fbil. Stimson, late of Saginaw. bas leased Mrs. Tajlor's house on William etreet. E. A. Gott with his family is visiting his mother and sisters on 8. División street. Ypsilanti grocers talk of closing their stores at 7:3ü every evening except Saturday. Mr. and Mrs John Carmen of N. Ingalls street have (jone to St. Pau], Minn., to live. Mrs. Dr. Piilmer and Miss Alice Root are spending several weeks at Maokinao Islanu. Miss Tessie Gregg expects to make a visit to AlbioD, this state, about the lst of August. Mrs. Dr. Johnson of Garnd Rapids, is visiting her father, Mr. Nat kan Sutton, of Geddes. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Peterson who are in the east will remain there until September. Miss Rosa Klotz, of Maybee, this state, is spending tüe sumraer with friends in the oity. A little son of Wm. Kennedy feil from a wagon VVednesday and was very badly bruised. Mrs. Ida Wbeat, of Atohison, Kansas, is visiting her parunts. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. elementa. Moses Seabolt and family, and Wm. Saunders and family are camping at Zukey Lake. A cage of foreigu birds bas attracted considerable attention upon the streets this week. Company A presented a fine appearance as they started for camp ïuesday af ternoon . 3. ü. King, formerly with II. J. Brown, has accepted a position in a Jackson drug store. Mrs. Will Hatch and daughler, Miss Ora, are spending a few days at Wintmore Lake. J. O. Sohiappacasse has had a fine new awning put up over his store on E. Huron street. Augustus Fellows expects to move into his new house on Hih street the last of this mouth. L. D. Wines has rented the house on E. Washington streetjately oocupied by Engene Mutschel. Mr. James Wilcoxson is having a tar walk laid north of bis residence on N . División Htreet. Mrs. Heimer and daughter. Miss Faitb, oí jn . ingaiia street are npendiug the sum&aer in Gogebic. George Bilby, violinist, leaves the middle of Augusl for Berlín, to finish hia musical education. Oscar Burkhardt, with D. F. öchairer, goes to Grand Kapids to-morrow for a weeli's vacatiuD. Miss Sophia Gregory, formerly of this city.has entered the Thom pson old ladiea' home m Detroit. Mrs. Devine, a sister of Mrs. Mark Harriojíton, has rented the Carmen house on N. Iugalls street. Miss Alice Condón is spending gome weeks at Marquette, Houghton, and other northern oities. Rev. Dr. Sunderland lias been vieiting las family who are stopping at Silver Lake tuis nummer. Prof. Geo. Whyte, of the pharmacy department, with his wife, are sojourning at Lake Geneva, Wis. What of the weatlier yesterday Editor Courier? Was it not a glorious democratie weather day. The Muses O'Hrien and Hauser, and Mi ssrs. Carroll and Caspery wero in Ypsilanti WedneBday. Sheriff Wfilsh and Kegister Kearns took in the state democratie convention yesterday in Detroit. There was a social in St. Thomas' school yard yesterday afternoon given by the sodality club. Mies Dreesie Martin, of Kast Saginaw, is spending her vacation with Mr. J. Martin, of Fourih street. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lovell, of Elgin, 111., were the guests of Mrs. Geo. P. Williams the first of the week. Miss Maggie McDivitt has a select summer school for little onts, at her home 1)1 L. Washington street. E. 8. Crawford, of East Saginaw, is going to give up journalisni and engage in the practice ot law . Company A is winning praise at Mnckinao for its fine appearance and discipline. Oood enough. There will be a meeting of (he Washtenaw county medical society this evenïng at the court house. Miss Nora Liynn, of the posloflice is epending her vacatiou at Terre üaute, Ind., and other places. Dr. Randall Sohuyler'a children of Milan, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. J Terrel, of the 5th ward. Mrs. Mozart, of the treaaury department, Washington, ü, 0., is spending her vacation in Ann Arbor. Postmaster and Mrs. Doty, of Manchester willspend Sunday with their son Probate Register Doty . Airs. Sid Miliard and Mre. Will Arm strong, are wilh their liego lords, camp ing at Alackinao Island. George Wahr, the live book dealer, ii repaperipg and repainting Lis store, ant putting it in fine sbape. Bev. Dr. Earp and Wm. Galpin heli divine service in Dixboro öunday atter noon in the M. E. ohurch. Nicholas Cordary, of Ypsilanti, a wholesule grocer,has made an asBignmeni to Judge Look of Detroit. Mrs. N. M. Schoff goes to Cmcinnatl Ohio, next Mondny to attend the exposition and to visit relatives. Bishop Harns, of Detroit, has been eleotcd essayist for next year, for the Virginia theological seminary. Mrs. Charles Millerandchildren, of Deflance, Ohio, are the guests of Mrs. Manyon of E. Washington street. Mrs. Brown and Carpenter of Toledo, Ohio. are the guests of Mrs. Tourtielotte and daughter, Mrs. Medaris. E. J. Hale, ohoir-master of St. George's churoh, Detroit, is drilling the boys of St. Andrew's cliurch in singing. Mrs. J. M. Wheeler and sister, Mra. Anna Warden, have been visitmg their mother in Jeffersonville, Ind. A. Sorg has been kalsomining and decorating the interior of Miss FasqueH'H residence on E. Huron street. Misa Nellie Dolan, of Ghioago is expeoted to visit tbe Miases MoCarthy, on E. Ann atreet in a few weeks. H. Randall has engaged the services of a Boston mílliner to have oharge of bis new millinery rooms this fall. Miss A. E. Kimball, of Painesville, Micb., was tbc guest of Mrs. H. W. Hayee, of N. Ingalls atreet last week. Mrs. M. L. VanWart, of New York oity íb visiting her brother, Mr. W. N. Stevens and other relativea in the oity. There will be a meeting of the ladies' deooration society next Friday evening nt Mra. Barkham's, fifth ward. Mías Florence Webster, of Cloveland, O , and Miss Allio Angelí, of Adriau, are the guests of Miss Emma Fayne. I. B. Bent, Kandall's handaqme bookkeeper, is now taking bis yaoation, visiting Boston and other eastern cities. Mrs. Alije Wilson who ís spending tbe summer with her mother, Mrs. N. Cbapin, is spending a few weeks in Detroit. Mr. E. Johnson, the proprietor of tbe new bazar on E. Ann street, 23 years ago was a " typo" in tbe Courier office in this city. The T. A. A. & N. II. K'y. Co., nounce a grnnd excursión to Whitmore Lake July 28th leaviog Ann Arbor 10.55 a. m. No mail matter upon which "bad debt" or " collectors " is pnn ted on the envelope can now be distributed through the mail. John Butler wus before Justice Freuoll Monday, for ussault and battery upon Simon Preston, and flned 82.00 and costs. It is said that conl will be higher tliis winter than last. May we have a mild winter then will be the wish of every)ody. M. Koll can be be congratulated upon lia good fortune. He held the lucky icket which drew the prize in a Germán ottery. L. B. Hall hos a tmall menagerie of na own. Two horses, acow, a donkey, wo slik-haired rabbits, a irrot and a monkey. Alerritt Tice, one of Mr. Baldwin's berry pickers, picks something hke 60 quarts of raspberriea a day. This is not uluw icking. Mrs. E. S. Sinolair who bas been visitng friends in the city for several weeks wilJ leave for her home in Detroit nezt klonday. Mrs. David McNair and sons Mr. Will, a West Point cadet, and Mr. Fred McNair ire the guests of Probate Register and klrs. Doty. Miss A. Tolford who has been enter;ained by Mrs. C. Loom is tor several weeks, lett for her home in Qrand Kapids Wednesday. Junius E. Beal lias been in Waahing;on this week, endeavoring to secure a enewal of tüe copyright of Dr. Chase's ecipe book. P. Lalhrop and wife who have been topping with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson are going west rospecting. The monthly meeting of the women's missionury society of 8t. Andrew's huroh was held yesterdny afternoon at lobart hall. State Engiueer Davis bas returned to ..ansing to settle a contest along a cerain line and which bas caused considerable trouble. An authority says: "there will be more eaohes in Michigan this year than at any previous time in eight years, unless all eigns fail." Mr. C. Behr, of Detroit, is in the city liis week. He intends to build a new ilock east of his store now occupied by tfrg. Munyon. Miss Mary Caflareta, sister of Mr. J. G.Hchiappacasse, who is travel int; abroad nth a party of friands, was last heard from at Naples. Mr. Thomas Terhune. of New York City and inspector of public buildings, lias jeen the guest of his brotber, Knoch Terbune, tuis week. O. H. Millen left for Mackinac last Saturday night, for a week's stay. He will visit Petoskey and Wequetonsing before his return home. Mra. A. W. Wood and danghter, Miss Jennie, of Thompson street, who. have been in Europe several months, sail for home next week. Juniiis V. öeyler, son of our townsman A. I). Seyler, who is perfecting himself in musio in Berlin, has decided to remain abroad another year. Une of the express compuny's horses was frigbtened the other day by a bicycle. No damage done but a quantity of berries werespilled, Mrs. Dr. Frothingham and daughters are at Petoskey. Tbey will visit Mackinao luland, Bay View and other resorts before returning home. There are quite a number of republicana sauguine of oarrying tliiw country this fall. - Courier. That is nght, do not mention the small number. A large rattlesnake with eeven rattles was.killed in a dry timothy field on the Whitiug farm a few days ago. It ia the firet one seen upon the farm for years. A great many parenta took their children to Ypsilanti, Wednesday, to see Barnum's circus Of courae the older ones went especially for the little ones beneflt. Two more Detroit firms, Alee Gorden and Daniel hcotten Lío., and Li. Ladd of Adrián, have laken out a writ of replevin against N, Cordary, of Ypsilanti. Bishop Wm. B. Campbell of Toledo, Ohio. assisted by Rev. John Hevels, of Chatham, Ont., will preach in Fireman's hall next Sunday afternoon at three o'clock. Mrs. Will Chadwick of Fremont, Ind , is speuding the summer with her father, Mr. Wm. Taylor. Mr. Chadwick who has been west prospecting was in town over Sunday. Hugo Lupinki was married laet Saturday evening in Grand Rapids to Miss Clementine L. Honghton, by líev Ida C. Huther. The piirtios are well-known in this oity. Mr. Mary Brinknel, of the third ward, gave a large birthday party last Thursday eveniDg. Fnends were present from the surrounding towns, and an enjoyable time was had. Harlow Oloott, superintendent of schools at Ishpeming, bas purchased six acres of land on Miller avenue of Chauncey Oroutt. He intends coming to this city to reside. Miss Erama M. Herey, who has been teaching the Frain .Lake school, will spe ndthe summer at her home in this city. She will resume her school duties in September. Probate Begister Dot y has been men tioned as a candidato on the democratie congressional ticket. We would be pleased to write Congressman Doty which poBition he can ably fill. Mr. andMrs. Stemkohl, of Manchester spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm Dieterle. They brought home Mr. Dieterle's ohildren who have been spending several weeks with them. Sunday July 2!)th the corner stone oi the 2nd Baptist church (colored) corner of Pontiac and Fifth streets will be laid, Hon. Alpheus Felcl), Dr. Angelí and others are expected to be present. How coommodating for the moon to have its eclipse Sunday night. It will give the young man a longer time to speud witli his dulcina, because they both will be anxious to seo the eclipse. Mre. D. F. Lnmaden, of Detroit, spent Sunday wilh Mrs. C. H. Kichmond. She is now at Mrs. Uarrie DeForest's m Geddes, but expecta aoon to visit her daughter, Mrs. Jennie Oallard, at the 800. Mrs. Dr. Sullivan has returned to her home in Chicago accompanied by Miss Sullivan of the poatoffice foroe. Mrs. McManus, who expected to return with her daughter will go liter in the season. M. C. LeBeau has improved his property, corner of Lawrence and Thayer etreets by Bodding out to the curbing. lic expects to get into his new house on Lawrence street sometime in September. F. E. Yale has purchased two more lots oorth of his property. the old Cocker place on W. Hurón struet. A streatn of liviüg water runs through the lots which Mr. Yale proposes to enlarge and beautify. The building oornerof E. Washington and Fourth streets, owned by Mr. C. Behr, and occnpied by Al rs. E . L. MunMunyon aa a millinery store is to have a thorough overhauling and put in fine shape. The ladiea' decoration society, of the fifth ward, have elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Pres. Mrs. N. H. Pierce, vice-pres. Mrs. Wm. Fisher; seo., Mrs. S. lïarkbam; treas., Mrs. N. Bailey. W. W. Tozer has purchased the residence of Levi ',V. Wines, corner of E. Washington and Tbayerstreeta. Mr. Tozer expecis to make a number of improvements to the house by adding porches, etc, etc. Postmaster Duffy has Becured an increase of the number of carriers from five to seven. This will give better atisfaotion throughout the city. Mr )uffy will also put the eight hour sysem into praotice. Prof. E. Cook and daughter Miss May, f Portland, Oregon, were the guests of )r. and Mrs. Tyler the first of the week. rof. Cook and daughter ara both very ine musicians they having been before he public a great many times in concert. Mrs. E. L. Drake has joined her husand iu this city with her little son. Dr. iraké has leased the house just flnished on the Michigan street rock, and will ocupy it at once.- Marquette Miuing Journal. Mrs. Drake was Misa Nettie Gregg of this city. Some persons think they must have heir laundry work done in Toledo, and ome Toledo folks think they must have ;heir washing doneiu Ann Arbor. Stefey & Servias evory week receive several arge baskets of clothing to be laundried rom that oity. Miss Kittie Hatch went to Mackinac sland last Saturday fur a week's stay, ind while there is the gueat of her uncle, Jol. Devlin. Miss Hutch will also viwit Wequetonsing where slie will spend the alaace of ihe summer with her uncle, Mr. W. F. Parsons. The young son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Qibson had his foot stepped on by a horse when they were at White Lake 4th of uly week, and Mrs. Gibson could not ring him home until last Friday. While he family were absentsome one atole $20 n money from the house bnt nothing lse was taken. Miss. L. Smith cntertained a party of rienda at her pleasunt home in the town f Ann Arbor one day last week, the liases Christman and Dignan from this ity and the Misses Divine from Webster being among the guests. Delicious iceream, strawberries and cake were servd to the guests. A team of horses hitched to a heavy wajron ran away Monday afternoon and on E. Liberty near Main street collided with a horee and carriuge driveu by Miss Osborn of Delhi Mills. The horses were oou quieted and it was found no serious lamage was done but Misa Osborn met with a narrow escape. Heury M. Hunt, proprietor of Hunt'a Tews Bureau, Chicago, and special repesentntive of the United Press and a noted journalist has been the guest, durng the past two weeks, of hia mother-inaw, Mrs. C. G. Liddell, of Oak View. festerday he attended the democrntio tate oonvention in Detroit. Weise & Reese have filed a petition in chancery againat Judge W. Look of Deroit, asaignee of Nicholas Cordary, of fpsilanti. On Monday a temporary inunction was granted and an order taken efore circuit court commisaioner, P. McKernau requiring Judge Look to show causo why such injunction should not be grauted. The following from the Marquotte Minng Journal will be read with interest by ,he many friends of Rev. Wyllys Hall of ibis city: "Gordou Hall, son of Rev. Dr. Wyllys Hall, has received notification hat he successfully pssed the entrance examination to Trimty college at Chicago reoently. Ho will go eaat this fall, therefore, as a full-fledged member of tbe class of 1892 at Trinity." The D. D. Mallory Co., E. N. Grant, Grant, Wood & Co., the American Eaglé Pobacoo Co., Hammond. Standiah & Co., Geore C. Wetherbee, Edward T. Ives, John J. Bagley & Co., SHm'l R. Sinclair and a numiier of other Detroit firma and C. 8. Smith of Ypsilanti, have begun suit for replevin in the circuit court againat Nioholas Cordary, of Ypsilanli, a late wholesale aDd retail grocer. The laat Sunday in September is the formal closing of the Pope's ubilee season, and he has chosen thia manner of observing it. On the Sunday n question in every Romau catholio oUurch in the world, both parochinl and collegiate, maases of requii-m for the departed will be sung, and, where posaible, a solemn hiyh maas of requiem celebrated. A plenary indulgeuce is also granted the faithful who receive communion and offer prayera for the departed on that day. A requiem mass ou Sunday is of very unusual occurrence, and allowed only by dispenaation. In many churches the day will be observed on a very elabórate scale. The cottage occupied by Mrs. Joe T. Jacobs and family, at Bay View waa lightly damuged by fire Thursdny, July I2th. The fire was discovered by one of ;he childreu, on the woodwork around the ohiinney. Before aseistuuce could arriye the fiames had reached tlie roof Dassing through a closet containing the wardrobeof Misa Kate Jacobs and entirely destroying it, the loss estimated at over 8200. The cottage is owned by Evart H. Scott upon which there was no inaumuce, the policy having expired May 17th. The damage to the house was about $20. Mra. Jacobs and family will oocupy rooms at the Woodard Avenue hotel until the house is repaired . Rev. Dr. Earp has entered upon his fourth year as rector of St. Andrew'a pariah. Below will be found the annual atatement which showa the parieh to be in a very prosperouscondition under its present management: No. of Sunday services, 153 " " week day ' ];o " " Si-rmons and addresses 271 ' '" Communicants added, (jfl " " Raptisiu8, ' '43 " " Conflrmatlons, S8 'i " Marriages, 15 " '■ B ríala, 'i " ' Sunday school scliolars 2ós " " Bible class Hcliolars no " " Rectors visita,, 2,005 ' " - parish engagement, 108 Amount of oTeriiiKMaudcuntribuiiouR..$4 L97 50 Amount of offerings and coutributions for three years, $21,568 4S


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat