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MARY C. WHITING. A TTORNEY AT LAW. Real Estáte, ijoan, A Coliectlon and Insuranca offlc. Prlrata consultatlon of ladles nacredly regarded. OOlca II East Hurón Btreet, Ann Arbor, Michigan. MRS. S. VOLLAND. M. D. ■pnTSICIAN AND SUKOEON. Office and JL residence No. 37 Thompson street. OlTlce honra from 9 a. in., till 12 in., and from 6 ti!l (p. in. P. M'KERÑAN, A TT O R N E Y-A T-L A W. Collecttom A promptly atndel to. Money to loan. Housea and lots or sola. Office ín Cour Hou. DR. JAMES U. WOOD. OFFICE and Resfdonee, No. f6 South Fourth Street. Office hours froin 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 . m. Telephone No. 114. D. A. McLACHLAN, M. D., OFFICE IN MASGNJC TEMPLE BLOCS. Ann Arbor. Office houra from ü to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. KcMdence 48 Thompaon street. Telephone No. 12S. DR. H. R. ARNDT, OFFICE over tlio First National Dank. Houra: 10.30 a. m. to 12 ni.: :. I &80p. m. Om be reaohed at. residence. West Unron Btreat. (the "Prof. Nlchols' place") by teliphone No. ST7, nd will reply to calis in the STenlng. DEANM. TYLER, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SÜQEON. Office and reatdence over postoflice, flrst floor. JOSEPH CLINTOX, 1 fERCHANT TAILOR. Shop over WlneB iu. Worden'e. All work euaranteed or no eharge. JOHN F. LAWRENCZ, TTORNFY ATLAW. V Office, nos. 3 and 4, Grand Opeia House, Ann Arbor, Mlch. O. M. MARTIN. UNDERTAKBH AND l-'UNKKA r, DIRECTOR. Cloth, Metalio aud rommoh Cofflna Storeroom, No. K K. WaRhiuirton street. Ki-sidence cor. "i iljf rty and ifili. Telephoce No. 2!. EUGENE ORSTERL1N, INSnKANCE AGENT AND NOTAR Y PUBLIC. Moneya collected In :n part uf Kurope. DrafM issucil audpaiil. Offloe, No. 8, W. Liberty fitreet, Ann Arbor, Mich rpHE UNION' HOTEL glves a good ineal for 25 [ -L cents. I iIko have tor Sa lïottlcd Beer. I Juart bottles 10 c; pint bottlns 5 c 16 W. Washington st. JOHN SCHNEIDER, Jr. Proprietor. THE QERMAMIA HOTEÍÜ nORNER WASHINGTON AND 8ECOND KJ gtreeU. Wm. L. Frank, proprletor. Kampie rooms for traveling iuen. Every room t.ated by etearn. C W. VOGEL. TÏW MAKKET. O. W. VOGEL, Proprietor. Lat of Cheissa, at Thomit Matthewg' oíd rtand on Ann street Fresa and Salt ineaU kept on Hand. FREDERICK PISTORIUS. A TTORNEY AT LAW. Official correspon ii. dent of the Germán Coneulate, Real Sa tace, Coliectlon, Insurance, Steamship and Loai gency. Office No. 40 South ilain atrest. MRS. WM. CASPARY. Restaurant, Confectlonery nud Lunch Hoorns. Mrst-cl is im-als ai tul houni. Oysters in very stjle Bread, üKps, l'ies and Cold Lunches constan tly on hand. All kinds of ciKurs und lobacco. Restaurant cor.t Ann and .Fourtïi stri't-ta " aTc. nicho ls. JD EITTIST, Ï ATE of Nlchols Bros, Over Andrew'a Book J Store. No. Ut South Main street. W. W. NICHOLS, DEHTIST. liciiiiiis Over Ann Arbor Savings Bank, 0p. Coiirt House Square. "Vtia,lziecL Air admluistered. It is aireeable mul esy to tako andno proütratlng effect folio, hile teeth are extracted without pain. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Ornuilzed 1889. un U-r the General Banking Low of tilia state Ims nmv, hcluding capital .Stock, etc., etc., OVER $500,000 ASSETS. Business men, Guardians, Trustees, Ladie and otlier persons will flnd this Bank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT Hace at whlcta to ïnake bepoóítóand do business. Interest is Allowed on All Savings Deposits Of Sl.OOaiul iipn-ard, aocording to the rules of the bank, and iaterest compounded Bemi-annually. Money to Loan in Sums of $29 to $9,000. Secured by Uninvombered RealEgtate and other Kood securities. DIKEOTORS-Ohristain Ma-k, W. W. Wüieu, W. W. Harruiian, William Deuble, David Rluaey, Daniel Hiscock and VV. B. Sinith. OFI'ICEHS-Christian Maclt, President; W. W.wines, Vice-Presideut: C. E. Hiscoclc, Casher. THE CALICRAPH WRITING MACHINE. fUMH fJ n,;. . élkt%V nil THR MOST "rice Vul%uu practical. UUV in i:ni i And n.vnu uKioAÁHciü MUngHaddai 20,000 KOItTQB T tw M Tl OKFICK, LIBRAR In Daily Use. and family. For printed matter, etc, address Thb Ameiuoak Wiinixo Machine Co., n.uiTFonn, CONK. New York Branch, : Wíl ükoadwat. Ve challenge all Writinff iviachlneft to a Compo ltlve contest lor S eed. Address for circulare und testimoniáis, State AgontsJtJrX). E. l'ADDOCK & CO., 24 Congresc _ Weat, Detroit, Mich. EBERBACH & SON. AND PHARMAO18T8, No. 12 South Main Street - DBAL1BB IX - Drug;, Alediclnea, Clicrnietil, Dye Stuffkr, Artlit'f and Wax Floirer Materials, Toilet Á rticles, TrasiM, Eto. Pm Wies nl Llpors ! Special attentlon paid to th furnlïhlnir of tbjslcUni, Chemlita, Schools, eto., wlth phllo■opblcal and Chemical Apparatus, Bobemtan Chemical tllaaiware, Poroalal War. Pur teacenU, eto. rhydolans' Preaorlptleni Oartfully ProparsJ at all houra. CBERB ACH & SON. IPv JMICHICAN central Time Table, July 15, 1888. Standard Time. OOINQ Elf. -- a &! il íá I! l f TM &,W JTQ ÍW 0 A. X. A.M. r. X A. 11. 1-. M. r. M. „'hicago... Lv. 5.00 9.00 3.10 10.10 9.10 Kalamazoo... 10.20 1.33 6.58 7.10 3 35 2.27 Battle Creek... 11.15 3.15 7.3.'i 7 55 4.37 3.15 p. m. lackeon Ar. 1.30 4.15 8-49 9.35 6.15 4.45 3helsea 2.04 10.12 7.10 6.27 Dexter 2 17 10.24 7.27 6.41 &nu Arbor 2.41 5.80 9.41 10.40 7.50 6.00 Dc-trolt _Ar. 4.10 6.45 10.45 11.50 9.20 7.30 St. Thomas Ar 1 0 10 11.05 2.00 12.10 12.45 3.25 Falla View ' ' 4.59 3.44 6.46 Buffalo Ar 4.85 7.15 5.r5 U.OJ 8OINS WIST. s éi Ë& Ëé s STATION.. = L L -O gS ?L es as - : a. H a Sa SrS H ? L 'M A.M. P. X P. M. A.M. A.M. r. X. Buffalo L. 11.30 5.35! 9 00 1.0U apara Falls la. 15 I 6.20 P. H. 1.47 5t. Thomas... 4.25 10.00 110 6.50 P.M. Detroit Lv. 7.30 9.10 4.00 1.20 8.00 10.15 lim Arbor._... 8.f.0 [0 40 5.30 2.24 9.15 11 35 iexter 9.0S 5.50 9.44 ?helsea 9.22 8.08 10.00 tackion Ar. 10.13 11.45 7.10 3.27 10 55 12.54 Jattle Creek 12.09 l.ïS 8.52 4.38 12.Í7 .15 Salamaioo 12.50 2.041 9.45 5.15 1.S0 3.07 ahltago Ar 6.10 _6.40_ :.00 7.45 Sanday excepüá. tSaturday ASiimlay xcepleo fDaily. H. W. HAYES, Aul Ann Arltor. Toledo, Ann Arhor & Northern Michisfiin liaihva). Time table goin j iuto effect Suuday July Stb 1888. Tralns run by Standard Tima. uJïiiE KortU. I Going South. I STATIONS. 42 3 5 Pass Ex. Slail Standard Time. Pass Ex. Mail p. m. p. H. A. u. L've.l Arr.l a. m. p. m. p. . 11 00 3 25 9 15 TOLKDO. 1 10 4 35 10 45 12 20 4 05 9C8 Junct'n 12 24 3 85 10 08 12 3S 4 13 10 07 Dmideo 12 18 3 47 9 57 1 OS 4 3110 21 Milan 12 00 3 27 9 40 1 40 4 52 10 ir. Ktlsfleld 11 40 3 08 9 18 200 507 1055 ANNAKBOR 1127 2 58 9 08 2 25 5Í7 111O Ltrlands's 1110 2 43 8 50 2 47 5 45 1124 Whitinore IWe 10 56 2 31 8 38 2 58 5 52 II 30 Hamburg 10 50 2 26 8 30 8 55 8 2F12 0.) Howell 1015 155 7 52 5 15 7 15 1 00 Diiraml 27 1 00 7 05 5 47 7 45 121 oriimia 0 08 12 37 6 37 00 7 55 1 38 Owuskw 8 OH 12 30 6 35 768 9 1H 3 55 lthaen 7 52 11 '20 5 83 S10 9 35 4 15 St Urail 7 34 1105 5 16 816 9 41 4i7 Alma 7 HU 00 5 12 8 58 10 20 5 12 Ut. I'lea.sant 6 40 10 23 4 35 A. M. V. U. t. li. A. M. A. M. P. M AH passenger traiua run daily icept Sunday Trains run on the South Lyon iranoh Vave Ana Arbor at 7:00 a. m., Iland's at 7:30, Worden's at 7:45, and arriv at South Lyon At 8:00 p. m.[ leaTe South Lyon at 9::' a. in.. Worden's at 9:45, Leland'ü at 10:00 and arrivo at Ann Arbor at 10:30 a. m. Connectlns at Toledo with rallroadi divergIne. At Manhattan Junction witli uXeEne I!. 1!. At Alexis Juuctlou withM. C. R K. U S. R'y, and F. ft P. M. R. R. At Monrot Jnnction wlth L. 8. & M. 8. R'y. At Dundee, with L. S. M. 8., and M. & O. R'y. At Milau with W., St. 1. & P. R'y. At Pittfle!4 with L. R. M. S. K'v.. at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central K R.. and at South Lyon with Detroit, Ianslnp; Northern R. R., and O. T. R'y. At Hamburg with M. A. Une Wvlslon Grand Trunk R'.T. At Howell with Detroit, Lansiug & North prh H'y. At Duraiut with Chicago A Grand Trunk R'y and Detroit. Orand Haven 4 Millwmukee lt'v. At owosso JuDction with Detroit, (Jrand Slaven & MiUwnukre H'y and Michigan Central K. R. At St. l.oi;is wlth Detroit, Lantinf & Northern R. R. and SRinaw Valley & St. Louis R'y. At Alma with Detroit, Lulislng & Northern li'y. At Mt. Pleasaut with Flint & l'eie Manaiette R'y. I? W. aSHLKY, Cleneral Manager, A. J. PAISI.KY. Aerrt Ann Arbor. W. H. BENNKTT, Gea. l'ass. Agt JOIIN_MUEHLIG, UNDËRTAKER. ROOMS No.35 South Main Street over A. L. Noble's store. RESIDENCE 61 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. HENRY MATTHEWS Eept a Flnt-cUa MEAT MARKET ! Dealer in all kinds of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meatt, One Door East of Franklln House. Prlcon Beasonable. Thanklni; those who har ao llberallr patronceil me In the past, I alao cordlaUr soiicittrad rom new patrono. HENRY MATTHEWS, Huron Street, . Ann Arbor, Mioh. C H. MILLEN INSURANCE AGENT. ,No, 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency in the city. Estiibhahed a qnarter of a ceutury. liepresentDgtlie followintf ürst-clasa companies. Home Ins. Co. of N. "ï., $7,000,000 Continental Ins. Oo. of N Y 4,207,204 Niágara Ins. Co. of N. Y 1,735,59-1 Girard Ins. ('o. of Phlla 1,132,486 Orieut Ins. Co. of llartfont 1,4:9.522 Sommercitil Union of London 12,(100,000 Uvorpool. London and Olobe 'K,O00,00O Jid.'.i lom IjOKxe WierallH aliintfil and fnmptlypaM. C. il. mii.len. fERNElilRMÑÍR No. 16 South Main St. A FULL LINE OF FIIESH GRO CERIES Just Opened, of TEAS, COPFEES SUGARS and SPICES . We also carry a full ine of PIPES, TOBACCO and CIOARS. VEGETABLES In Season. WERNER & BRENNER.


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