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Frederick Peck of Urand Uapids wants to bc consul to Kingston, Jamaica. Thereare884 veis in the soldiere' home. 'Vho. state has obtained a writ of mandamus from tho supi'fine oourt citing Sliia wasse county to show cause why an order shoukl not issue for the payment of $42,000 claimed due from the county to the state. Twelve thousand dollars of this is on account of the old flve-year tax list, and a laríer amount for compound interest. By the irovisions of the sundry civil approprlatlon bill as reported, $800.000 is available to begin work on the Detroit postofflce. Xine new business blocks, to replace those deslroyed by lire, are being built iu Lain'sburi?. Lena White of Greenville, is under arrest for scnding obscene matter through the mails. AVednesday, August 15, is the dato upon which the Ninth Michigan cavalry association will hold a reunión at Cold water. Warden Hatch, in an address beforc the prison association at its annual meeting in Boston, said the time has not come for indetorminate sentonces, and that religión does more in the Michigan prison than discipline. The bill for the relief of Gen. Andrew T. Mclteynolds of Grand Rapids became a law without the President's signature, the time for vetoing it having elapsed. It givos the general his Mexican pendón for the period of the rubellion, somethlng like $1,soo. The iMiitv.irt for the great Soo water power canal h;is been awardedto Macarthur Bros. of Chicago. The price is in the vicinit.v of $360,000. Work wlll commence August lst, when about 1.000 men will be put on the immense uudertaking. The cannl will bc throe miles long, with a capacity of 800,000 horsepower. This, it is believed, will muke the Soo the great milllng center of the northwest. Footpads assaulted Fred. Grip, qne of the contraëtors of the new prison being built near Marquette, tbe other day, as he was returninfl trom Marquette where he had been to get money to pay his workmen. He was frightfully beaten before the assailants were frlghtened away, without, however, securing an.vthing. Montgomery, Chani])aign & Co's docks near Muskegon burued tho other morning, entailióg a heavy Ios9. John Lynch, aged 05, a farmer from near Albion, went to Jackson the other night with $75 and a certificate of depositforiiUHi. He was around town some time and finally landed at Llzzie Wright's house of ill fame. When he left there his raoney and certiftcato were goue. The inmutes of the house were arrested, Mrs. Wright being absent. Catherine Cartillier of Buena Vista, is under arrest for attempting to buru the house of a neighbor namcd Hobson. . John H. Sumner of Michigan has been appointed to a $1,000 clerkship in the postofflee department by transfer from the treasury de])artment. Mineral water has been found near New Baltimore. Forest fires have dono much Arenac count.v. C. E. Somera, treasurer of Nestor Uiwnsdij, Koscommon county, has been bound over for trial cm charge of embezzlement. President Cleveland has bought a (rand Rapids portable cottage, 2M feet square and oontaining seven rooms, whioh will be set up at Red Top, Grover's Washington ooun try place. A very rich deposit has boen found in the Lake Superior irou company's mine near Ishpeming, The fiud is worth 800,000 a ton. Committee on transportation of G. A. R. associatiou of Southeastern Michigan havo secured special train to oonvey veterans to Columbus Sept. 10. It will start at Bronson and nu through to Columbus without chango. Oscar MitcheU of Kast Saglnaw was drowned while bathing in the Saginavv rlvei the other morning. The senate has conlirmed the nomination of Andrew F. Shafer as surveyor of customs at Grand Rapids. Representative Cutcheon's bill providinr for monthly pay of the army has passed the house and the general has secured a favor able report in the senate on his bill for the remuster and pay of the volunteer officers. Buchanan ladies are concocting a scheme for putting up a soldiers' monument. A Greenville boy threw a stone at his father's horse to make it stop prancing. The stone struck the horse behind the ear, killing it instantly. J. L. Dyer, a traveling man, was robbed of $200, while waiiing at the depot in Coldwater the other night. Another riehlind of gold reported at Ishpeming. This entire section of Michigan has gone wild with enthusiasm. John F. Simpson, the old man who was genteneed to Jackson for life several years ago for murdering his wifo at the corner of Jeflerson ave. and Lieb-st., Detroit, died in prison July '21. A Parma farmer with a big wool erop refused to sell it last year for 30 cents per pound. He feit the same way this season, and now has tvvo years' clips on hand. A chunk of pure copper, weighing 83 pounds, was found near Northport a few days ago. Alto is the name of a new station on the G. R. L. & D. railroad, about 18 miles east of Grand Rapids. Ernest Stone, an 18-years-old son of E. E. Stone, produce dealer of Leslie, accidentally shot himself the other afternoon while out gunning. He stooped over, his revolver feil out of iiis belt and was dischargcd, the ball passing up through his chin and killing Mm instantly. John Alice is in jail at Kalamaoo, charged with breaking into the depot at Augusta and stealing railroad tickets. Congreisman Chipman's bill to restore the $110,000 paid for the lots in the rear of the present Detroit postoflice tothe fund for the ereetion of the new building, bas been. ordered to be favorably reported to the house. Mr. Chipman is cntirely coniident of its passage. Additional letter carriers will be appointed in the Michigan eities where the free dfilivery system prevalls, in order tq comply with the eight-hour law. Sevcn women voted at the recent school meeting in Bellaire. George Miller of Gaylord suicided because he had had trouble with his wife, to vvhom he had been inarried but two weeks. Forest lires have done considerable! damage in Mecosta count.v. Hou Austin Blair, the "war governor," will be the uucst of the Michigan ('.. A. R. daring the national enoampment in Columbus in September. The tirst camp-meeting ever held in Küjgsley, Grand Traverse county, is now in progresa. Senator Palmer is endeavorlax to secure a brevet commission for Capt. Isaac P. Toll oT l'etoskey. Capt. Toll cspeciall.v distingulshed himself at the storming of Cherubusco, in the Mcxican war, and for spme unexplained reason was not giveu the compllmentary brevet accorded to othor ofticers lor gallantry in that unpleasantness Capt. Toll is now postmaster at Petoskey. James Caplis, one of the best knowivresi dents of Detroit and a prominent inoinber of tho Detroit bar, is dead. The senate has passed the bill authorizlng the President to promote First Lieut. Thom as W. Ivord. U. S. A., of Detroit, retired, to a captainey. Charles B. Eiiobardson, a retail boot and shoe iealer doing business in Detroit, Pontlac, Bay City and Lansing, bas mado on asslgnment. Dr. .1. V. Spencer, for uearly 40 years a practlciug physlclan of Battle Creek, is dead. (ieorge Chapman's carriage, In whioh live persems were riding, was struck by a ti ain on the Grand Trunk, near Lapeer, the other morning. Miss Chapman, an eiderly lady, was vir.v seriously injured, and Mrs. Chapman and her daughter guflVrcd serious injury. An extensión cif the (rand Trunk road from Jackson to Elkhart, Ind., is being talked about. Fifty of the best knovvn ladies of Battle Creek have organized a dress reform iul, and doclared war agalnst the bustle, high heels, tight shoes, stiff corsets and the like. MeiKiiiiince liad a 10,000 re on the iMth inst. Gen. Alger and other capitalista have se- curod a controlling interest in the liopes gold mine ut Ishpcining, paying therefor $150,000. Gov. Luce has accepfed the resignation of Judge K.M. Montgomory of the seventeenth circuit, to take effect September 10, and has appoinU'd John M. Longyearof Marquette, a member of the board of control of the Michigan miuing schoul, vico Chas. E. Wright, decoased. Mrs. dam Doty bate.s. the well knowu wrlter of ohildren'8 books, is summering iu the Grand Traverse reglón. August 22 is the date tixed for the unnuitl reunión of the ofücers and ex-ofllcers of Lenawee county, at Devil's Lake. Nearly $20,000 worth of logs were destroyed by Ure near Big Kapids the other day. The flrst collection district of Michigan paid (1,566,807.79 into the internal revenue dopartuient during the flscal year, and the fourth district paid $807,511.22, This was on tobáceo, liquor and oleomargarine. Murray Lyttle oí Ferrysburpr, formerly a brakeman on the Chicago & West Michigan road, has sued that company for $10,000 ior the loss of a foot while in its employ. Albert Dodge, ehairman of tho prohlbition stato central committee, adverases for 2,000 volunteer prohibition speakers for the campaign. Bartley Breen, democratie Dominee for auditor-general, declines to accept the nomination, allegiug that he cannot neglect liis business to niake the canvass. DETROIT .U.VKKEH Whkat, White t 80 @ 92 " Red 84 m SS Cobx, perbu 47 48 Oats, " " 35 @ Si, 1 58 (ffl 1 60 Mai-t 95 $ 1 00 Timothy Seei 250 (8253 Clover Sekd. per bag 4 10 @ 4 15 I'eed, perewt.... 12 75 @13 00 Flour - Michigan patent.., 4 95 @ 5 00 Michigan roller 4 M @ 4 60 Minnesota patent.. 5 00 @ 5 05 Minnesota bakers'. 4 50 u 4 60 Rye per bu 60 @ 65 Apples, per bbl 3 00 f 3 50 Bean-8, picked 2 40 @ 2 45 " unpicked 175 @ 2 00 Beeswax 28 @ 80 Butter 14 @ 15 Cheese, per Ib 8 & 9 Ukied Api', per 1b 8 ( 9 Koos. per do. 15 @ 10 HoEY,perlb 14 (f? W Hops per lb 5 ra 10 Hat, per ton, clover 1100 @12 0J ' " timothy 14 00 @15 00 Malt, per bu 90 @-l 0j ÜN1ON3, per bbl 350 @3 60 POTA.TOES, newperbb! '1 00 (3 2 15 CiiEKKiKS, per bu 2 50 @ 3 00 lii.ACKiiEitnii:- per bu 3 00 (á 3 75 G008BBEBRIBH, per bu 2 00 @ 2 50 KArni:itHiKsper bu 3 CO (& 3 50 Cl kuants per bu 150 06 2 00 CiiKHKiES per bu 2 50 @ 3 50 HcCKUSBEKBIBS, per bu 3 00 01 3 50 PeaCHES, per bu 3 00 @ 3 50 Poültry- Chiekens. live 8 (4 ,) lieese 6 (d. 7 Turkeys üy.fíb 10 Ducks per lb 7 "@ 8 Pbovisions- MesjPork. ...14 25 14 50 Kamily 1( 00 tol6 25 Extra mess beef 8 50 (a! S 75 Lard 7 a 0 Uams 11 (f 12 Bhouldera ü (i Bacon 10 & 10% Tallo w, per lb.. 3 (g) 3i Hides - Green City per lb .. 5 Country ,. 5)4 (reen Calf 6 Cured 7 Balted Sneep skins, wool.. 60 @ l 0) LI VB STOOK. Cattle - Market steaúy forgood; otliera lower; steers, $3 75 11.; stockers aml feeJ ers, $'J 10(..t C): oows, bulla and mixed, $1 253 50; Texas and ludían cnttle, tl 75@4 25; western ran ;ers and Montana Texans, ï4 !í5. Hoos - Market stea tv and stront; mixed, $5 S0(L6 03; heavy, Í5 UOCiiO 35; light, Í5 M69a 30; skips . 4 (5. bUEEP - Market Btronger; natives, $2 'M i ib; Westerns shoi 11 í:i ' n t! 4 41); Texas sl.orn, 0.1 'J.ka.i: lamlw $6 35@1 i5. 'I lie Drovers' Journal s ecial cablegram from I oiulon nut rs b st Americun cattle 15c estimuted doad wei ht, being }4c. lowcr. WOOL. Kleoces Fine, Otóle; medium. 14@25c; üoame, ..'m 5e: unwaaned, unmerchantab.e, cotted and black, -,, oif ; bucks, '. o il'.


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