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If glass disbes, tumblers and other articles of that ware are put into a kettle and covered entirely with cold water, and the water allowed to boil quickly for a short time, and the kettle then removed from the stovo and placed in a oool spot until the water has become cold, the articles will be bo tougheued by tbis procesa that they will not break easily. Keep the kettle covered tightly until the water has ha3 time to oool. Those of our citizens who failed to visit the Utah exposition car which was in this city Tuesday missed a rare troat. It was a museum on a good si.ed scale, and contained an exhibit of the producís of that territory which are shown tbroughout the U. S. for the purpose of attracting immigration to the far west. The exhibit consisted of specimens of raw ma terials of a mineral character found in Utah, and the industries that can be developed with them ; of orude wool with an annual yield of 12,000,000 lbs.; sandstone and marble; paint pigmento from native ores; potatoes, each one weighing several pounda; canned strawberriea as large as peaches, and many other kinds of fruit; handmade lace from native silk; salt evaporated on sage biusb taken from Salt Lake, etc., etc., etc., too numeróos to mention. The car was in charge of two flnely educated and cultured men who have devoted tbemselves, time and tnoney to the welfare of their lovcd territory, and who were ready and willing to answer any and all questions. It cost the people of Salt Lake City $15,000 to put this car on the road, and more than 100,000 people have visited it, and over tbree tons of literature have been given away. A novel way indeed of advertising that great country, wbich, with ite great natural advantáges, its wonderful slimate and picturesque scenery must in the future beoome well populated. At a special meeting of the regente last Fnday evening the followiug work wus done : W alter Miller was madeacting assistant professor of Latin to fill the place of Dr. Èlisha Jones for one year, and J. II. Drake made instruotor in Latin for the same period. Lucius L. Van Slyke, leoturer on general chemistry was appointed to take Prof. Langley'e place during the latter's absence: L. A. Khodes was made instructor in Germán and F. II. Cole, Pb. D., instructor in mathematica. Dr. J. W. Warren, of Boston, was appointed lccturer in physiology to take up Dr. Sewell's work in the medical dtpartment. Prof. de Pont was made assistant professor of French and registrar of the literary faculty with a salary of $1,800. Profs. Griffln, Wells and Knowlton, who were appointed for one year, were made permanent professore. The report of the citizens' committee, offering to raise money to pu rebase a site for and build a lying-in-hospital, provided the state should take charge of and maintain it, was accepted and the university authorities will take charge. The regents will also endeavor to construct one for the homeopathie department. Dr. Herdman was required to dehver lectures to the freshman medical clasa during the coming year without additional compensation. Dr. Wm. A . Campbell was deeïgnated curator of the medical museum until the next meeting of the board. An appropriation of $100 was made for the pathological laboratory. The resignation of Prof. Calvin B. Uady was accepted. Piles! Piles! Itching Piles. Symptoms- Moisture; intense itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcérate, becotning very sore. Swaune's Ointmenl stops the itebing and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in most cases removes the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia. City Locáis. Coal. Having many customers who wiah me to indícate the time I deern most favorable for the purchase of the winter's supply of coal, I would eay that I think this as good a time as will occur during the (üiRuiiiK year. My reasons are that transportaron of farm products after the harveBt nearly always push up freights on coal. Bat a stronger reason is that my yard is full, and I am anxious to sell. My coal this summer is especially nice, and my teamsters are men who cannot be induced to chet in weight. Each carefully weighs the coal he delivers, so my customers may feel aesured that tliey get exact weight . Vith the utmost care, I have found my little proflts eaoh year in unpaid bilk. Therefore I muBt more than ever request cash with order. Very respectfully, Euoene B. Hall. Milllnery Bargains. All purchasers of millinery at my store for the week cominencing July 28, will be beuefited by a discount of 20 to 40 per cent. off the regular price. All goods marked in plain figures. I must reduce my stock, for extensivo repairs will bo made in my store before the fall trade. Cali und secure bargains. Mrs. E, L. Munyon, 16 East Washington-st. Pasture for three or four liorses. Inquire of Geo. H. Rhodes. No. 12 E. Washington streot. .luo. A. Kobisou, city scavenger, uses oulv tight barrels No. ;1 Wali street, Fifth Ward. To Rent.- -Inquire of Wm. Burke. The largest stock of Pianos and Organs ever seen in Aun Arbor may be found at No. 25, South Fourtu street. f Wilsey's new blook). Alvin Wilsey. Ann Arbor Steam Laundry, Messrs. iatefïey & Lewis proprietors, are makiug a specialty this summer of family washing. Give them a cali. ÍSee the Standard Itotary Shuttle Sewing Machine. The Swiftest, Easiest, Stillest Hunning Machine made. A. Wilsey, Agent. Persous desirous of ronting, bryiug, or aolling real estáte, or loaDing money would do well to cali on Mrs. M. C.VVhitiug. att'y at law, Ann Arbor, P. O. box 17%. M. Kogers bas just reoelved a freah supply of Hercules powder for blowing stumps and rocks, frora 10 to 00 por cent. strong. For superior made and stylisb clothing the Tvvo Sams lead them all . The finest turnouts in the city and first-class backs at H. Kitrcdgo's livery, west of the DufTy block. Hiram Kitredge. First Ulass Hair Work done at Mrs. Fitch's. When you want a Hat buy the best at the Two Sams. Ladies' Hair Ooods at Mrs. Fitch's Hair EmDorium, over Frank Burg's, Washington street. For Hale. Three hundred and fifty acres of land in the northern portion of Washtenaw oounty, to be sold for $13 per acre, altogether or in seperate páreles. For particulars address P. ü . box 1035, Aun Arbor Michigan. IiOaninq.- Money to loan on first-class Real Estáte Mortgage at Current rates of Interest. Satisfaotory arrangements made with capitalists desiring such iuvestments. Every conveyance and transaction in abstracts of titles carefully examinod as to legal effect. Z. P. Kino, Ann Arbor. For any article that is fine in the furnishing goods line the Two Sams are leaders. For SALE.--Store No. 4 E. Huron st., very cheap. Inqniro at 28 Thompson etreet, of Mrs. F. Eczema, ltcliy, Scaly, Skin Tortures. The simple application of "Swayne'x Ointmeni," without any infernal medicine will cure any case of Tetter, Salt Rlieum, Ringworm, Piles, Itch, Sores, Pimples, Eczema, all Scaly, Itchy Skiu Eruptions, no matter how obstinate or long standing. It is potent, effective, and costs Dut a trille. For Sale.- Four lots on E. Anu street for sale cheap. For particulars inquire of J. Baumgardner, Eisele's Marble Works. Oor. Detroit and E. Catherine. Fob Sale. - The residence of C. II. Manly, 101 South Main etreet. Second block from the business portion of the city. Inquiro at county treasurer's office or residence.


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