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MARY C. WHITING. ATTOKNEY AT LAW. Real Estáte, Jboan, Collection and Insurance offle. Piirate oonnultatlon of ladies sscredly regurted. Office H East Hurón Btreet, A nn Arbor, Michigan. MRS. S. VOLLAND. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON. Office and residenco No. 87 Thompson street. Office hours from 9 a. ra., till 18 m., and from 6 MU lp. m. P. M'KERÑAN A TT O B N E Y-A T-L A W. Collectlom A promptly atended to. Money to loan. House and lots or sale. Olllce in Court House. . DR. JAMKS C. WOOD. OFFICE and Realdenoe, No. GG South Fourth street. Oftice hou ra from 'to 4 and 7 K8 ). m. Telephoue No. 114. D. A. McLACIlLAiV, M. D.. OFFICE DJ HASGNIC TEMPUS BLOCK, Ann Arbor. Office hours from ï t 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 48 Thoinpson street. Telephone No. 128. DR. II. R. ARNDT, OFFICE over the Kirst Xa'.lonnl Bank. Honre: 1030 a. m to 12 m.; 2.S0 i i8.80p. m. Canba roclioJ al resldonoe, West Kuron Mrt'; (in; wlllreply to calis in the evei _ DEAN M. TYLER, M. D. PHYBICIAN AND SUQKON. Office and reldence over postoflice, Örst floor. JOSEPH CLINTON, lfERCHANT TAILOR. Shop over Wines & ill Worden's. All work truaranteed or no Aup, JOHN F. LAWRENC2, ATTORNFY ATLAW. Office, nos. 3 and 4, Grand Open House, 4nn Arbor, Mlcu. O. BI. MARTIN. TTNDERTAKKR AND FUSEKAL DIRECTOR. U Cloth, Metalin and common Oofflna. Storeroom No. lü Ii. Washington siivet. Ifpsidence cor. i iberty and Fifth. Telephor.e Xo. 2i. EUGENE OESTERL1N, IN8DKA.NCE AGENT AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Moneys collected i'i ny part, of F.urope. Draf ts lesued and pald único, Su. 8. W. Liberty ttreet, Ann Arbor, Mich rpHE UNION' HOTEI. glves a cood nieal for 25 J. cents. I also have for Sale Bottled Beer. Duart bottles 10 c; pint bottles 5 c 16 W. Washington st. JOHN SCHNEIDER, Jr. Proprietor. THE GERMANTaThÖYÊL. PORNER WASHINGTON AND SECOND Ij itreets. Wm. L. Frank, p'oprletor. rooms for travellng men. Every room Ecated bT team. C. W. VOGEL. MIW MAIiKET. O. W. VOGEL, Proprietor. Late of Chelssa, at Thoran Matthewa' old stand on Ann street Freah and Salt meata kept on hand. FREDERICK PISTORIUS, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Official correspon A dent of the Germán Consulate, Real Es tate, Collection, Insurance, Steamship and Xxai uency. Office No. 40 South Main strest. MRS. WM. CASPARY. Restaurant, Confectionery aud Lunch Rcoras. Mrst-cla mealfl at all boui-st. Oysters in tvGry etyle. Bread Cajeen, Pies and Cold lnnches constant ly on hand. AH kinds of cigars mmI tobáceo. Refitaurtvnt cor., Aon and Fourtb street-s A. C NICHOLS. JD E3STTIST, ÏATE of KiebolH Broi. Over Andrew'B : J Store. No. 18 South M:..u strt'et W. W. NICHOLS. DENTIST. Itooms Over Ann Arbor Haringa Uauk, O]). Court House Sqtttre. T1ja;l!zecL J3? admiuistered. lt is axreeable and e:sy to take and nu prootratlngeltecta follow, whlle teeth areextractód without pain. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Organized ISfiiï. n lei th Gt-neral Ban lei nj Iuw ofthisKtate has now, icciutling capital Stock, etc., etc., OVER $500,000 ASSETS. Business men, Quardl&ns, TniBteee, i.adies and other persona wil! Ood ttii.-t Hauk a SAFE AND CONVENIENT Hace at whlcb to malre i 'Aposltsand do business. interest s Allowed on Aü Savings Deposits Of Sl.ouaml iiptvsiril, accordlng tothe rules af the bank. and interest couipounded semi-annually. Money to Loan in Sumsof 25 to S5.000. Secured by Unincumbered Keal Eetale and otlier cood securities. DIRECTQKS-Chrlataln Maek, W. W. Wines, W. W. Harrmlan, Wllllam Deublo, David Rinsey, Daniel Hiscock and W. u. Sinith. OFFICER8- Chrl8tlaTi Hack, Preaident; W. W.iVines, Vico-Presideut: O. K. llicock', rasher. __„____ THE CALICRAPH WRITING MACHINE. Price OK.ÖÖ" PIlAÏÏ?oJESBI lOOW DURABLE Aud KAF1D itstaiiis, Hcad! Wriiing Machine 3O,OOJ F0R,,Il: T t '1 TT OrFICK, I.IBRAB In Daily Uso. and pakily, For pnnted matter, etc., address The Amekicax Wuiting M.icniNK Co., HARTFORD, CONN'. tscw York Branoh, Wíl ]5uodwat. W oluklleDS all Writtng Machines to a Compe ltlve cuntoHt ror s red. Address íor circulara and testimoniáis, State Afrem GEO. E. I'.VDDOOK & CO., U Congres '" Weat. Detroit, Micb. EBERBACH & SON. AND PHARMACÍSTS, No. 12 South Main Street - DKALRB8 UI - Drtlgï, Medicinen, Chemlcala, Dyo Stuffil, ArtUt'i and Wax Flower Material!, Toilet Artlcles, Trusses, Etc Pm Wines ui Lipors ! Special attentlon pald to tho furnUhlnc of thyslclana, Cheralita, Schools, etc, wlth phllo■ophlcal and Chemical Apparatu, Bohemtan Chemical Ulauware, ForoaUla War, Pur Beacenta, etc fbydotana' PreaorlptUna Carofully Frepared at all boun. CBERBACH A SON. mSÍv cmebal Time Table, July 15, 1888. Standard Time. aonte ae. H s 1 - $ i -g STATIONS, d ►. iS IS l f ra La .e 5h fl JL. K A. X. P. M A.M. I M. P. Jf. Dhtcaeo Lv. S.00 9.00 3.10 10.10 9.10 Kalamazoo... 10. 10 1.38 6.GN 7.10 3 35 2.27 Battle Creek... 11.15 3.15 7.33 7 55 4.27 3.15 p. v I Inckson Ar. 1.20 4.15 8i 615 -45 Chelsea 2.04 I 10.1S 7.10 5:J7 Dexter 2 17 10.24 7.27 5.41 Ann Arbor 2.41 5.30 0.41 10.40 7.50 6.00 Detroit _Ar. 4.10 6.45 10.45 11.51 9.20 7.30 A . M. P. M. P. M. St. Thomas Ar 1 0 10 11.05 2.00 12.10 12.45 8.25 A. M. Palla View 4.59 3.44 6.46 Buffalo Ar 4.35 7.15 5.55 iU UÜINO WEST. 5 &íÜj SS jS tatios. a ,! Külïc g 2 L M o es L hh L5 A.H. P.M. P.H. A. . A.M. P.H. Suffalo ....L. 1130 5.35J 900 1.00 A. H. 'I acara Falla 12.15 6.20 p. H. 1.47 St. Thomas... 4.25 10.00 1 10 5.50 p. H. letrolt Lv. 7.30 9.10 4.00 1.20 8.00 10.15 Inn Arbor._... 8.M !0 40 5.30 2.S4 9.15 U 80 Dexter 9.0S 6.50 9.44 2helsea 9.22 6.05 10.09 p. m. facfeson &.r. 10.13 11.45 7.10 3.27 10 55 12.54 A.H. Jattle Cteek.„. 12.09 1.S8 8.52 4.38 12.27 2.15 Salamaroo 12 80 2.01 9.45 5.15 1.20 3.07 ;hicai?o Ar 6.10 6.4( O T.00 7.45 Bniiday excepted. JSaiurday & Bnnday cicepteo rDally. H.W. HATE6, Aal. Ann Arhor. Foledo, Ann Ar bor & Northern Michigan Kailwiiy. Tune table goln iuto effect Sunday July 9tb 1888. Traiiis run by Standard Time. QoiTTg Nortli. 1 Going South. I STATIONS. 8. 4 2 I ■ 3 5 l'ass Ex. Mail Standard Time. Pas Ex. Mail r. m. p. H. a. h. L've.l Arr.l a. m. p. k. p. h. 1100 3 25 '115 TOLEDO. 110 4 35 10 45 12 20 4 0.1 9 L8 Honroe Junct'n 12 24 3 : 10 06 0 88 4 13 10 07 DiinUee 12 18 3 47 9 57 105 4 3110 21 Milan 1200 327 940 1 40 4 52 10 45 Httsfleld 11 40 8 08 9 18 2 00 5 07 10 55 ANNARBOR 1127 2 58 9 08 2 25 5 27 1110 Ielands's 1110 2 43 8 rfl 247 545 1124 Whitinore I,ake IOWi 231 8 36 5K 5 52 1130 Hamliurg 10 50 2 26 8 30 3 5". 3 2H12 0) Hiiwflll 10 15 155 7 62 515 7 15 100 Diiraml H 27 100 7 05 5 47 7 45 I ai Uoranns Í081Í87 6 87 (i IW 7 5.i 1 30 Owmbii ( 9 0. 12 30 6 35 752 9 1SI3 55 IthaUH 7 52 1120 5 3.) 8 10 9 3514 15 St Louis 7 34 1105 5 16 8 10 9 41 4 27 Alma "1100 512 8 58 10 20 5 12 Ut. I'leasant 6 40 10 23 4 35 A. H. P. If.l'. H. A. H. A. M. P. K All passenger trains run daily excejit Stinday Trains run on tlic Bonth Lyon DraDCb leave Ann Arhor at 7:00 a. in., LelaDd' t 7:30, Worden' at 7:45, and arrWeat South Lyoti at 8:00 p. m.: lftve South I.yon at 9:3i' a. in.. Worden'a at 9:45, TlandV at lij:U') huí arrive at Ann Arbor at 10:30 a. ni. Oonnection.s at Toledo ivith rnllroads diverRIng. At Manhattan Junction wilh Wheeling & LaKeBrle R. R. At Aloxis Junction withM C. B U S R'y, and F. & P. M. R. R. At Monrot Jumition ith L. S. & M. S. R'y. At Dundee, with L. 3. & M. S.. and M. & O. R'y. At Milau wilh "V., St & V. R'y. At Httsfleld with L. s. .? M. S. !{., at Ann Arbor witli Michigan Central R. R.. and at South Lyon with Detroit, 1 .nnsiner Northern R. R., and" G. T. R'y. At IliimUiirir with M. A. Une División Grand Trunlc u Howell with Detroit, Lanüiiig & North crii K'v. At Diiraud with Chicago & Grand Truntc K'y und Detroit. Grand Haven & Mlllwaukee R'y. At Owoaso Junction nith Detroit, Grand Haven A Millwaukee R'y and JIichgan Central R. R. At St. l.oi:ia with Detroif, Lanin? & Northern R. R. and Saginaw Valley & St. Louis R'y. At Alina wlth Detroit, Lansing & Northern R'y. ' Mt. l'leasant with Flint & Tere Marquen 8 R'y. II W. ÁKIILKY, General Manager. A. J. PA1SI KV. AKrt Ann Arbor. W. il. BESNKTT. Ge.i. Pass. A et. JOtm MUEHLIG, ONDEBTAKBR. ROOMS No.35 South IVTain Street over A. L Nobles store. BESIÜENCE 61 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. HENRY MATTHEWS Koops a First-cloas MEAT MARKET ! Dealer In all kinds of Fresti, Salt and Smoked Meaia, One Door East of Franktln House. Prlces Reusonable. Thanklng those who hare to llberallr patróneed me in the past. I also cordlally golicit trad rom uew patroos. HENRY MATTHEWS, Huron Street, - Axm Arbor, Mioh, C. H. MILLEN INSURANCE AGENT. No, 4 South Main St., Aun Arbor. The oldest agenoy in the city. Establisbed a quarter of ;i e;ntury. Kepresentngthe following Hral-clasa compauies. Homeins. Co. of N. V., .. J',000,000 Continental Ing, Oo. of N Y 4,207,906 Niágara Ins. Co. of N. Y l,7:j.",,5(3 Oirard Ins. f'o. of l'liüa 1,133.486 Oriënt [ns. Co. of Hartford 1,4.9,522 Sommerclal Union of London ia, .100,000 Liverpool. London anú Globe .'K.ikio.OOO Itate [ow. lOtu liherall)) viiuslni and pmnpiiy mui, e. . Mili. ex. WERHER& BRENNER No. 16 SouLh Main St. A FULI. LINK OF FRESH GROCBRÏES Just Opened, of TEAS, COFFEE8 8UGARS and SPICES. We also carry a full line oí PIPES, TOBACCO and CIGARS. VEGETABLES In Season. WERNER & BRENNER.


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