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Justices Of The Peace

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The following list comprlsee tho Justices of the l'eace of this county, together with thcir their postofflee address and the date when thcir terra expires: Name. I'. O. Address. Term rrpi'.s E.B. Pond A nu Arbor laai K. K. Frueaufl" " " 1889 Wm.H. Bishop Whittaker 1889 F. J. Rust Newcomb 1890 Thomas Wardell. . ..Oakville 1891 Watson Barr Vpsllantl 1892 Slade Lazel] Clinton 1890 Adam Belde], Sr Brldgewater 1891 Kobert McHenncy ....Clinlon 189Í Wllliam Clark Plnckney 1889 J. Knapp Brldgewater . ... 1889 Wm. Beuerley Manchester 1891 Lander Easton Dexter 1890 Samuel Seney Chelsea 1HÍU Philip Blum Ann Arbor 1889 Qeorge Mann Brldgewater 1890 Daniel D. Seyler Ann Arbor. 1892 SimonKreis ' " 1891 E. C. May Unadilla 1890 Andrew J. Boyce Stockbridge 1892 Samuiil H. Perkins... Manchester 1889 Franklin Hall " 1890 A.Conklin " 1891 Henry Juug Ann Arbor 1889 James Welch ' ' 1890 Michael Duffy Whitmore Lake. 1892 F. D. Rathfour Saline 188 James D. Alllson Plttsfleld 1891 Saxton Macomber Salem 1889 Randall Chapman " ... 1891 Myron Webb Saline 1889 JohnF. Buck.... " 1890 John McKennon " 1891 Fred J. Feldkamp " 1892 David Allmendlnger.. Ann Arbor 1889 Alexander D. Crane... Dexter 1892 H. J. Davldter Manchester 1890 Henry L. Renan " 1891 V. L.Shankland Ann Arbor 1889 Robert Martin Plymouth 1890 Edgar S. Geer Ann Arbor 1891 Jonathan R. Holmes. Manchester 1892 T. V. Quackenbusb.. .Superior 1892 Wm. J. Knapp Chelsea 1889 Tlmothy McKune .... " 1890 J. D. Schnaitraan ' 1892 George W. Phelps Dexter 1890 Elmer S. Cushman DelhiMills 1891 Henry H. Wilson Webster 1892 Lemuel Goldsmith....York 1889 W. W. Kelsey Nora 1890 Henry Coe Urania 189U D.C. Griffln Ypsilanti 1890 Krank Joslyn " 1899 A. Graves " 1889 James C. Bemis " 1891 W. Irvlng Yeckley ...Rawsonvllle 18D2 A few of our' subscnbers do not like the cash in ad vanee system; they seem to thiuk that because their paper is stopped when their time expires it is an intimatiou that their credit is not good, or at least thiuk that we consider it in that light. But the great majonty of our patrone are more sensible about it; they say they like the system, and wish other papers which they take would do as we do. Of the systom we have this to say: sinoe we oommenced doing business that way we have received twice as muoh cash on subscription as for the sume time under the old "lot hor run" system, and our patrous, witu vory few exceptions expross themselves better satisned. Now under the circumstances, and the faot that our list does not decrease by it, we do not proposc to pleaso the few pereons who imagine their credit assailed, juBt for the sake of allowing our pocket to go empty. We have now on our books about $500 worth of unpaid subscription accounts, and we don't propose to let the umount swell to please aoybody.- Milan Leader. It would be a good idea if all newspapers would follow the example of the Leader. The republican couuty convention wbs held at the court house Tuesday. Prof. A. George of YpBilauti, was made chairman and Evart II. Scot temporary seoretary. Committees on oredentials and permanent orgauizatiou were then appointed after which adjournment was made until 1 :30 p. m. Dpon reassembling the reports of commiltees were read and the temporary olllcers were made permanent. The convention then divided into legislativo di&tricts and chose the followiug delegates to the state convention.- let district.- J. T. Jacobs, Ann Arbor; E. H. Scott, Ann Arbor; E. E. Leiand, Northfleld; Win. Judson, Sylvan; A. H. Beal, öcio; F. C. Huson, A. A. town; Geb. S. Wheeler, Salem; Geo. H. Mitchell, Lima; Chas. E. tliscock, Ann Arbor. 2nd district.- A. E. Ford, Ypeilanti town ; E. B. Stone, Augusta; E. F. Pyle, York; H. D. Platt, Pittsfield; C. F. R. Bellowe, Ypsilanti; J. B. ley, Ypsilanti; W. S. Crafts, Sharon; H. 8 Bontelle, Ypsilanti; A. F. Freeman, Manchester. Tq the congressional convention. - lst. district. - E. K. Frueauff, Tbos. J. Keecb, Chas. H. Kline, Zenaa Sw.eet, Aon Arbor; Orrin C. Burkhardt, Lima; Frank Duncan, Northfleld; Geo. 11. Pond, Ann Arbor; E. S. Cushman, Webster; Perry Townsend, Superior. 2d. district.- i)r. F. K. O wen, Ypsilanti; H. P. Thompson, Augusta; A. R. Graves, Ypsilanti town; H. J. Taylor, Ypsilanti; M. Cady, Pittsfield; Geo. llawson, Bridgewater; Archibald Foster, Ypsilanti; P. V. Carpenter, Ypsilanti; J. F. Nestell, Manchester. Each delégate was empowered to appoint bis own substitute. On motion of Jas. L. Gilbert the delegates to the state convention were requested to cast their votes for Cyrus G. Luce for governor, and to tlie congressional convention for Hon. Edward P, Allen, for congress. Adopteded by a rising vote.


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