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The river is very low. Chelsea fair, Sept. 25-28. Tuesday uigbt we had a fiao ruin. Dr. Frothinghani Las returned home. A heavy nut erop is expected this fall . Mr. and Mrs. Lew Clement are in Cheboygan. Miss J. (,'11111011 was in Ypsilanti over Sunday. Postmaster Duffy was in Corunna over Sunday. Dr. Frazer of Ypsilanti, was in the oity Monday. Mrs. G. Luick is visiting frienüs in Bay City. K. of M. encampment at Port Huron Aug. I2th. D. F. Schairer has been very siok with tonsillitis. Mrs. C. H. Bichmond is visiting freinds in Boston. Mrs. O. N. Jones has returued f rom Nortli Lake. Mr. C. Millón has returned from his northern trip. Beunion of the 9th Michigan at Grand Ledge, Aug. 8." Miss Minnio Kempf has returned from Saginaw. Now is tho time to Iay in your winter'a supply of coal. John Earp spent a few days in Detrcit last week. D. Henning left for Chicago via Detroit yesterday. Honthly meeting of the council next Monday evening. Mrs. J. C. Wood visited Monroe friends last week. Extensive repairs are being made at the Central Mills. Miss Maggie Hayluw is spending a few weeks in Öcio. Miss Mary Sulhvan returned from Chicago Saturday. Will Jolly wont shoot any more woodcock juet at present. J. P. Hollinan has oponed a music store at 69 8. Main street. Wm Lymburner camped over Sunday at Strawberry Lake. Some of the stones for Newberry hall are drawn ten miles. The abutmenta are beiag laid for tho new bridge at Ged.loa. Stark & Co. are decorating Lew H. Clement's music store. Dr. McLachlin, of York, was an Ann Arbor visitor Tuesday. Bread is the staLf of life, so is advertising the statï of business. Miss Emma Hoffstetter has gooe to Pe;oskey, Mich., on a visit. Mre. C. H. Devlin of Bay City is tho guest of Mrs. Will Hatch. The new groeery store on E. Ann street s called the " Excelsior." Willie Traub of Detroit is visiting bis grandmother, Mrs. Bross. There was a teachers' examination at he court house yesterday. Miss Nellie O'Br ien of E. Liberty street s visiting Bay City friends. Mrs. Dr. Eldridge, of Flint, is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Arndt. St. George's eooiety will have a picnic at Whitmore Aug. 13th. H. J. Brown and family returned from Whitmore Lake Wednesday. D. F. Allmendinger is the happy father of anolher son born last week. Kobert Lane and Charley Jacobs are usticating at Whitmore Lake. Company A will give an excursión lo )etroit some time this month. Paul Snauble and family are spendng the summer out of the city. Mrs. W. E. Sprague, of Detroit, is visting at J. öprague's, tifth ward. A new floor is beiug laid in the store ocoupied by Goodspeed & Sons. Miss Minnie Cowan went to Topinabee with the Misses Chupín, Monday. D. C. Fall let out his rich bass voioe in St. Audrew's cbureh laat Sunday. Vrm. Aeton, of this city has had a reissue of pension we are glad of it. Up to last Sunday !)8 campers had registered at Oak Grove, Kush Lake. Mrs. J. Sprague is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. B. Williams, of Alilan. Godfrey Dieterle, of Detroit Sundayed with hiu brother, Wm. G. Dieterle. J. AI. Swift purchased about the fiist new wheat in our market this year. J. T. Jacobs bas purchased a Kentucky saddle horse for his childsen. Mrs. J.M. Staflord bas gone to Akron. O., with her sister, Miss E. Rice. Mrs. John Bailey and family, of Detroit, are visiting relativos in the city. Mrs. Will Jenkirs, of Detroit, is visit ing Mrs. S. L . Jenkins of First street. Mrs. Dewitt bas lier mother from Ithica, Mich., visiting her for a few weeks. Chris Donnelly is acting as substituto for Geo. Blum, mail carrier, this week. Mrs. Warren, of Lindenville, O., is visiting Mrs. Oaniol Milieu of tlie 5th ward. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hatch are entertaining Mrs. G. Ji. Smith and son of Detroit. Miss Irene Duffy and her young brother Josepb, are visiting au aunt in Corunna. Annual picnic of Zion Lutheran Sunday school next Thursday Aug. 9th. The homeopathie faculty with their wives picniced at W bitmore, Wednesday. Miss Emma Alexander goes to Whitmore Lake to-morrow for a two weeks' stay. Miss Anna O'Brien goea to Detroit and Port Huron next week tor several weeks' visit. John liowdisb, of the Two Sams, has gone to Stockbridge, for a two weeks' visit. Will Watts writos that he is liaving a (jlorious good time at Chautauqua Lake, Mrs. Chamberlain of Detroit, is visiting her father, Erastus LeSeur, of the 5tb ward. Miss Dolly Phillips, of Kalamazoo has been the guest of Miss Allie Curtis this week. Mrs. E. A. Spence and family are speuding some time at Naubringway, Mich. C. L. Allen has removed from 46 E. Catharine street to South Uuiversity avenue. D. 0. Fall and family, and Eugene Mutschell and family have returnedfrom camp. Walter Toop expects to occupy his new store on State street in about three weeks. Mrs. L. C. Bisdon is repainting her house corner of East-Ann and Fifth streets. Arthur Howell, of Adrián, one of the Sig boye, has been visiting his unele, Dr. Howell. M. O'Toole and wife expect to go to Colchester, Conn., in a few weeks to visit fnends. Mrs. J. C. Wood has her mother, Mrs . G. Bulkley, of Monroe with her for the summer. Blessed are they who do not advertise, for they shall rarely be troubled with a custouier. Geo. Blum, mail carrier, ia taking b short rest aud enjoying the beauties of Whitmore. There is talk of makiug Mackinao Ieland a permanent camping ground for the state troops. Rev. Henry Gelaton and family of Honda, are visiting at his father'e, Rev. m. Gelston's. Steps are being taken to form a woman's relief corps in thiscity. A worthy undertaking. Miss Salmón, of Nortliville, who has been visiting Mis. E. 1). Davis, has returned home. Mrs. Geo. Cropsey and Miss Sarah Smith are spending the week with Detroit friends . E. S. Trites, who representa the Toledo coal company was in the city a few days this week. Fred W. Stevens has accepted a. position in the llyde Park, 111., schools at a salary of SI, 400. Mrs. Caroline Loomis, is eutertaining Mrs. Wm. T. Barney, of Newark, N. Y., for a few weeks. E. V. Hangsterfer and Bert Schumacher went to Detroit, Wednenday, for a few days' stay. You can't eat enough in a week to last you ii year aud you can't advertise on tbat plan either. Rev. Dwight Ramsdell and Miss Grace Laraway, both of Northüeld, were married Wednesday. Alfred, the young son of Fred Schlanderer has been juite sick with inüammatory rheumatiBm. The State street stores are fast nearing completion. The galvanized iron fronts are being put up. Farmers say unless we have rain soon and plenty of it, the erop of potatoes wil be amall and poor. Miss May Clark returned from a two weeks' vieit to Bay View, Petoskey and Mackinac, Monday. One of our young clerks said the other day that when night comes he is tired doing notaing. Airs. Dr. Eaton of Syracuse, N. Y., is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Storms of Broadway, 5th ward. Bronson Howard is writing another play, a military comedy involving inci dents of the rebellion. Miss Flora Storms of the Huron street bazar, left Tuesday for a three weeks' visit in Chicago and lowa. W. J. Booth has renovated and otherwise improved the house now occupied by him on William street. A great many oolored citizens of this city went to Detroit and Jackson to celébrate Emancipation day . Mrs. Dennison, of No. 10 N. State-st. was called to the bedside of a sick brother in New York, last week. It is rumored that H. G. Sutton, late principal of the 4th ward school, will enter the university this fall. There is some talk of removing the capsule faetory at Kalamazoo to Ann Arbor. Bring it here by all means. Miss M. Niethammer has returned from Stockbridge whe"e she has been making a tour weeks' visit. There will be a meeting of the old Cleveland-llendrioks club at Qermania hall nest Tuesday evening. Bern and IlowellJones, the young sons of Dr. S. A. Jones, spent last week with Mrs. J. M. Ashley of Toledo. Miss Jennie Wines of this city has been appointed teacher in the 2d ward school vice Mrs. Lawrence of Saline. Dr. Hugo Lupinski has boen removed as health ofQcer of Grand Bapids and Dr. E. Watson succeeds him. Business can go without advertismg, so can a wagon go without fjreasiug, bilt in both cases it is hard work. Ed Eberbach is conflned to the house by sickness. Wo hope soon to see him baok at bis place of business. Misa Lottie Millard has gone to Linden ville, O., and will bethe guest of Mrs. James Bicketts for two weeks. Kev. Anna Shaw, of Boston, Mass., will speak at the Ypsilanti opera house Wednesday evening, Sspt. 5th. Mrs. Hoyt, of Ashtabula, Ohio, has rented the Ellis store on E. Ann street, and will open a millinery store. M. H. O'Brien, operator ia the ' United Lines office, has accepted a position in the company's oflice, Detroit. Mrs. Charles Callaban, of Chicago, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Donnelly has a young son, bom Wednesday. O. L. Matthews had some originnl claims for pensions last week from parties living 25 to 40 miles from here. Mr. Fred Maynard with his family, of Grand Bapids, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Maynard this week. Elmer E. Hubbard, lit, '88, goes to Japan as a teacher in the public schools at a salary of $750 for the first year. Miss Lizzie Dunn, of Ann Arbor, is spsnding a short time with her sister, Mrs. Backus, in Websier. - Dexter Leader. Mr?. Will Pack, who has been visitmg elatives in the city, returned to her home in Minneapolis, Minn., this week. Or. Flora Waddel!, a homeopathie physician of VVauseon, Ohio, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ilawes, of the Arlington. Misses Flora and May Webster who lave been visiting their grandfather, Mr. Charles Spoor, have returned to Owosso. No bells ring so loud as a good advertisement. People are more apt to leed wbat they read than what they hear. In Dotroit Sunday one of the pastors ook this singular text for his morning sermón. " Here and there a gray hair." O. A. Bowen, a sophom:re in the univerity, has goDe to his home in Marahon, ü , to spend the month of August. Rev. T. Parry, of Michigan City, will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning Rnd evenng. Mrs. Jos. Donnelly has gone to Chicacago to spend some time with her daughers, Mrs. Charles, and Mrs. James Calaïan. Mr. Jenuings has gonu to Duluth and other northern cities iu the interest of .he Disciple church to bo erected in our city. They that take the lead in pushing heir business througu the newspapers, generally take the lead in everything else. The ladies of St. Andrew's church gave a lawn social yesterday afternoon at the residence of J. M. Wheeler, on W. Huron street. Prof. W. S. Peray will conduct a teachers' instituto at Williamston, commencng August 13th and continuing for two weeks. Mrs. C. ('hapm and daughters, Mieses juey and Mamie Chapín, left for Topinabee this week to spend a couple of months. Wm. E. Robiusou, brother of Mrs. E. üichols, of N. Ingalls street, has been re-eleoted superintendent of the Detroit schools. P. Q. McTntyre of Northfield, has leas;d a part of his onion patch to James M . Stafford of this city, for six years, at $300 ?er year. The Germán workingmen's societies !rom Saline, Manchester, Ypsilanti and Dexter held a picnic at the Germán park Wednesday. Miss Máry Dignan han gone to Port Austin via the lakes. Slie will visit her sister, Mrs. Meder at Muskegon before her return home. F. A. Latson, of Jackson, and late bridge builder oa the Michigan Central, iias taken Chris. Donnelly's place in the expresa office. If you wish to visit the Cincinnati exposition, take the T., A. A. & N. M., and the C, H. & ü., railroads which will carry you cheap. G. R. Lyon, of Owosso, was in the city Monday on business connected with the sale ot the (Jnn (Jolyer property on E. Liberty street. Fred McOmber, Tom Kearney, John and Jim Duffy, J, Slatterly and F. O'Hearn go to Whitmore Lake next week camping. Mrs. Lawreuce has decided to reinaiu in Saline as teacher of the primary department, and oonsequently will not come to Ann Arbor. Asa ot the mail carriers, sprained his ankle Monday and is obliged to lay oil for a while. We hope it won't be for long Asa. Mrs. Ellen Miller, of Superior.met with quite a loss last Saturday by the burning of a building containing a number of farm implements. Delegates from all the trades union in this city tnaet this evening in the hall over Stimson's grocery on Main streot to form a trades counoil. Mth. Charles Miller and children, and Miss Ida Heller, who have been visiting their sister Mrs. E. L. Munyon, have returned to Defiance, O. J. M. Swift purchased soveral hundred buihels of new wbeat last Thursday ; and Swathel, Kyer & Peterson bought over 400 bushels last Saturday. Dr. Angelí and daughter, Miss Lois, left for lihodn Ialand Monday, to spend the balance of the summer. The family preceded them by a few duys. The Manchester Enterprise aays " We have been quite busy of late looking for oustomers." This is the season when everybody is likewise employed. Mrs. C. K. Bemick has materially improved the appearance of her residence by taking down the fence in front of her property on E. Catharine street. Rev. G. M. SkiDner, of Detroit offlciated at St. James' ohurcb, Dexter, last Sunday, and will temporarily occupy that pulpit until other arrangements are made. The Ashleys are trying to lease the Toledo, Saginaw, & Mackinacroad between East Saginaw and Durand. The Grand Trunk isnegotiatiDg for the same road. The loss by lire on the buildings and contenta of Michael Cowan, has been adjnsted by the board of directora of the Washtenaw Mutual Insurance Company. The Sunday school exoursion train will leave the Toledo depot next Tuesday morning, at 7:30 local time; returning leaving Detroit 5:30 p. ni., local time. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter who are on their way to their new home in Honolulú, Sandwich Islands, are making a short visit with Mrs.Carter'sbrother, EvartH. Scott. The Democbat's tbanks are due A . O. Hyde, president of t ie Michigan state agricultural society, for a ticket to the state fair to be held ft Jackson, Sept. 10-15. The Sunday schools of this city will give a railroad and steamboat excursión to Detroit and Lake St. Olair via tbe T., A. A. & N. M. & Wabash R. R.Tuesday, August 7th. Sneak thieves entered the reBidence of Ilenry Braun, on the Dixboro road, while the family were at church laat Sunday and stole $10 in money, some wearing r pparel and edibles. Mrs. Godfrey, of Corunna, who is on her way to visit her daughter, Sister Mary Caspar, in the Monroe convent, is epending a few days in the city, with her daughter, Mrs. Reidy. Chris Donnelly whom everybody knows and who has been connected with the express company for over six years, is to be one of our mail carriers. Chris will makc a good one. Eberbach & Sons are rilling au order for chemicals for the Brookings, Dakota college. They also will send a full equipment for a pharmaceutical department, for the same institution. Miss Hattie. daughter of Alderman 9wiLt, left Friday for Kochester, Mich., tor a two weeks' visit. She will go from there, with a paity of friends to Port Huron beforeher return home. Mrs. Curtis and daughter, of Lansing, who have been the guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Matthews for several weeks were called home suddenly last Sunday night on account of the illneas of Mr. Curtis. II. Randall has been afraid he might lose his competent workmau, (,'hristian Allmendinger, as he is the owner of a calf with two tails and Mr. Randall ïhought he might start a little side show of his own. One day last week when James Harkins was dnving on Mam street, one of the ïuy ropes on the republican pole caught lis buggy top, damaging it considerably. Jim says the republicans can't get him by any guy ropes. Andrew Muehlig, of the firm Schuh & Muehhg, had an addition to his family Wednesday of a 9 Ib. boy. Now is the ;ime to strike Andrew for a f urnace as he will probably put one in cheap, he is so :roud of that boy. Monthly meeting of Washtenaw pomoogical society nest Saturday, Aug. 4, at 2 p. m. in the court house. Topics: Pears, peacbes grapea, transportation. Exhibit of fruit of the season, fruit preserves and packages. The Delhi niission Sunday school has extended an iuvitation to the Dexter, Ueddes and St. Andrew's Sunday sohools :o joiu thora in a picnic in Delhi aometime next month. The invitation will probably be accepted. ü. L. Matthews' pension business has incrcased so rapidly that he is obliged to seek other quarlors for the present. He goes to Lansineinafew weeks as he'flnds :he facilities there bet ter for getting intu :he interior of the state. Allmendinger & "Co., have the machinery for tbeir new organ factory, and ïre now putting it in position. Every;hing will be ready for business by Sept. Lat. This is a fine tbing for Ann Arbor. Would we had more of thera. One of the attractions at Chelsea fair will be a great democratie mass meeting sn the grounds on Thursday the 27th of Sept., to compete for f20 premium with a republican mass meeting to be held on :he 28th on the same grounds. County Clerk Howlett is rusticating it Cavanaugh Lake this week. Deputy Brown returned Monday trom there and ie had aome big fish stories to teil, but is we know many young ladies were :bere we doubt if be did much fishing. C. Eberbach has j usfc placed in the Germania hotel for Win. Frank, a doublé wrought steel range, one of the finest in :he city. Mr. Frank's business is mcreasïng so rapidly that a larger cooking apparatus for serving hiá hungry guests was necessary . H. Bandall has on exhibition in bis art storo a large piece of Burmese embroidsry. The eloth, woven byhand, is called libist.i clotb, and is the same as worn by the water carriers of that country. It is a very rare piece of work and everybody should avail himself of seeing it. Manager J. D. Mishler of Prof. Bartbolomew's Equine Parodox has two salace oars 75 feet long to bring his pharaphernalia to this city besides the cars for the horses. These cars will be stored at tbe foot of Washington street daring the week they exhibit in this city. Frank Reilley, a farmer who lives near Delhi, had his house entered by burglars this week who stole a silver watch, silver knives and forks, a gold neoklace, gold Snger rings, money and other valuables. Mr. Beilley otters $10.00 for the return of the property, and Sheriff Walsh f 25 for the conviotion of the thieves. Major and Mrs. Soule left Wedneeday Tor Minneapolis, Minn., to spend several weeks. They will be joined by their daughter, Miss Soule, who with tbem will take the Northern Pacific railroad and spend some time in doing Yellow Stone Park, returning to Ann Arbor about the middle dt September. The Milan cornet band is a component part of our village and should beencouraged whenever opportunity offers itself. Our merchants could well afford to chip in and pay them for Saturday evening concert; it wuulü. be a paying investment for them as well as the band.- Leader. If you succeed in baving open air coneerts as weü as Ann Arbor has you will have them - perhaps next summer. Fair gum chewers, beware! "The habit of gum chewing in this coantry is producing a race of hollow-cheeked youug women. The constant exercise of the masseter inunde hardens it, and removes the fatty covering that conduces to roundness. Not only is the fullness of the cheek destroyed, but there is a tendency to wrinkhng of the skin, a result of the falling away of the part beneath. The followiug is the program for the farmers' picnic at Whitmore Lake, August 18th.: Music; prayer by Rev. J. B. Sunderland, Ann Arbor; music; address of welcome by the president, Hon. C. Al. Wood, Anderson; music; address by president of agricultural college, Hon Edwin Willitts; musio; address, Rev. S. EL Adams, D. D., Ann Arbor; music; paper, by Mrs.VV. K. Sexton, Howell;- impromptu speaking. Judge Chas. 1). Long makes a statement that is of pabular interest to justices. He says the recent decisión of the supreme court concerning the power of justices to sontence ofïenders to imprisonment at Iouia in no way affects tiieir power to sentence such offenders to the Detroit house of correction. The prison at lorna is a state institution, and oftenders cannot be sent there a by justice any more than they can be committed to the state prison at Jackson by suoh courts. - Lansing Journal. A proposition is on foot to put out a new postal card very inuch like a doublé postal card of the present pattern. The back fold is split diagonally so that it can be opened out like a four-pointed star. The four corners are joined in the center, when the card is ready for mailing, with a piece of gummed paper. The card weighs less than half an ounce, and will contain no more writing than the card at present in use. It has, it is claimed, the advantage of greater privacy. It is intended that the card shall be oariied for the same price as tke present card- one cent. Manohester Enterprize.


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