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Mn. Langlry wlll summer at Long Brsnch. Leproay Is 6ald to be spreadlng at an alarmins rate In Ruitla. More thon 1,000,000 men are emplored br tbe mrlou rallway line of tU United Stitoft, The official report on Russia for 188") ihoiri that the populatlon of the empire la 109.0 ) ) - 000. The Rocky Mouotain granhopper Is appcarini In great numbcra In tome Michigan countlea. There Is aelump of thlrtj oranje tree neai Lakeiand, Fia., that anuually ylelds over 100,000 oranges. Hotel rates at Branch are to b hlgher thlB year, as three Lord are expcctud to summer there. The Hormon church has purcbneed 400,000 arres of land in the State of Chihuahua, Mcx'co, for colonization purposes. California has concludcd to try nlckela and penóles. Ten cents for a glass of ginder ale leavc abad taste In the moutb. Queen Victoria has sent to the Glasgow exhlbltloa two table uapkina manufncturcd f rom jarn pun by her majos ty. Thero were 720 deaths lo New York city last week, of whlch 70 wre caused by pneumonía, 169 by scarlet feyer and 22& by measlei. Cora has advanced slxtccn cents por busliel In Austrla-Hungary, bj reason of the operatlon of ome speculators who have cornered the supply. Black tongue Is raging among horses on tha western edge of Ohlo, and the people are creally ezclted, as lt Is a dlseafft that wlll attack both man and beaat. P. T. Barnuni, the showrnan, announces hls Intentlon to present a 200,000-dellar building to tbe Falrfield Hlstorlcal and 8clentlSc Societles ot Bridge port, Ct. Credulous Western people who bougbt from agents packages of tea, so called, found too late that the contents were "ta leayes nhlch had been used before." Some workmen whlle engaged In dlggina a drlrcway at Iuka, Mo,, came In contact wlth the trunk of a petrifled tree about sixty (eet front the surface of the ground. Amalle Klves, tbe novellst, sent her slgnature to fourteen different editors on a wager that all could read lt, Tbe nearest that any one made it out wa "American Rivers, " The famous Texas cattle trall to Colorado and the Northwest wlll soon be wholly wlped out, and the land wlll be tbrown open to ■ettlement. The railroads have made it uselesa, Since the first of January twenty-one perlons have been killed and 139 Injured by reekess drlTlng ot vehlcle In the streets of New York. Most of the oflenders escaped without punistinent. It Is said that enough Balt underlies the city of Ithaca, N. T-, to supply the world for a century, and tbatja cyndicate bas been formed to bulldthe larget salt works In the State oí New York. Northern Minnesota is suffering from a ifreat flood. Towdb have been Inundated and great damagc alrciuly infllcted. Indiana and oíd settlers eay the flood has never been equalled. The official fljrurcs of the Keutucky tobáceo crop íor 1837 shows a decreae over th crop of 1886 of 136,899,780 pounds, or nearly 20,000,000 pounds more decrease tbau the entire crop oL 18S7. The surplus In the United States Treasury lt about $90,000,000, as agaiust $110,000,000 May 1. This is tbc lowest lt has reached in three montliB. Uurlng May about $12,000,000 was expended for pensions. Prof. C. V. Rlley, United States entomoloelat, says a brood oí seventeen-yearlocusts I due íor this year, and may be looked íor in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wlscousln, Iowa, and in Lancaster county, Pa. The French are acknowlegcd to have the finest guns and projectlles In Europe. Thelr Fermlny shell has been shot tbrough an armor píate twenty luches thlck, and come out wlth its steel polnt unlnjured. The netr Nova Scotlau raft Ís to be In the shape of a shlp, about 700 feet loue, 03 íeet broad and 35 feet in depth, all constructed of loga, and rlgeed with slx masts. lt wlll be navlgatèd to New York by a crew of 15 sailors. Judge Arnold, of Argonia, lost his ofllc and court room lu the recent cyclone at that place, and was so severely shocked by a stroke of lightnlng that lt restored the hearing in one of hls ears wlilch had been deaf for thlrty years. The Engllsh tarmers have turned axaiust the sparrows as a pest to agricultura, and are offering rewards for thelr dotruction. It Is asserted that these Viclous blrds cause a loss to agrlcultural Eugland of $40,000,090 to $50,000,000 per year. The lower classes of the Hallan people continue to emlgtatn In enormous numbers, and the governnient ts much alarmed. The number leavlne Genoa last year was 101,200, as aalnst 52,852 the prevlous year. Most of tbem go to South America. The authorltles at Long Island, N. Y., are deterinlned to debate the tramp nuisance. They have purchased a nuraber of chalns equlpped wlth shacklcs and 40 pound Iron balts. All tramps are to wear them whlle working on the public streets. A party of adventurers from Saalt Ste. Marie, Mlch., are coinc to put in thls summer In a canoeing trlD to Hudson's Bay and back. Ihelr route has been selected and It wlll cauae them to paddie 1,630 miles; and carry thelr outfit around 144 portaces. At Canastota, N. Y. , farmers are complalnlng bitterly about tbe ravages of the applotree worm. Wever before have they built the neets as thlckly and Increased as tast as they haTe thls year. In the vicinlty of Hoboken some orcharas are nearly white wlth nests. Prlme's crop reporls state that wheat k bolng harvested in southwestern portion of Texas. It Is wcll maturcd, of heathy color, and ylelds twenty bushels to the aern, which is fair average. Wheat in northern portion of State does not show up as well. California Is being benefltted ty good wheat weatber. Over two-thirds of the omnibus horses of Paris are gray. Tbey are drawn from all the horse-breedlng dlstricts of Frauce, and thls Is a correct index of the color of draft horses of France. The remarkablu record of nlne yeara average service of the 12, WO horses on the stone pavements of Paris U a wonderful record of durablllty. Actlon of Western roads In applylng dltfer. entlal basis on Bhlpments of live stock over entlre systems, uslng the 84-foot cars as standard, and whlch has caused drop of about flfteen per cent. In live stock rates from Omaha and Councll Bluff to Chicago, has, lt now sppears, also caused reductlon indressed beef rates from same points.


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