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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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200,000 WEAK MEN CURED'.I . STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. V&-CURES GUARANTEED OR NO RAY I inr Vflll 0 Nêrrona and tlespondent; Treek or debilitated; tirsd morninm; noamAnt li bition- lifeless; memory poor; easily fatigned; excitabl and irritmblei eyw Hnnkrtn, red and biurred; pimples on face; dreams and night loases; reetless; haggard looking; weak back; bone paini; hair looae; ulcera; sorO throat: varicocele; deposit in nrine ana drains at stool; distrustfni; want of couíídence; lftOJC OX nergy and strengtk - WE CAN CURE YOU I KESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K. #f. JOHN A. MANLIN. JOHN A. MANLIN. CHA8. TOWERS. 0HA8. P0W3B BÏTKE TBI ATMENT. ATTEB TBIATMICNT. BEFOHJE TKBA1UJIKT. AITICB TaCATUBT. 0 NO ÑAMES 0R TESTIMONIÁIS USEO WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. ' John A. Manlin says:- "I was onn of the conntlesa yief X RlfiOGF I t tims of early isnorance comraenced at 15 yeart of age. I " rll"vlj""l tried even medical finns and spent C-30 without avall. EMISSIONS ANB I gave np in dospair. The draina on my aystem we hiiiivwiwiiv - -i. i weakeninit my intellect as well as my sexnal and physical I VI Pil I FM i Ufe. My brother advised me as a last reeort to consnlt iitii uiLiiui Dra. Kennedy 4 Kergan. 1 eomnionced thoir New Method fjll Rtn Treatment and in a fuw weeks was a new man, with new v ' aawy jLe an(j am5ition. This was four years aso, and now 1 Iam nuirried and happy. 1 recummend thesa reliabla ■pecialiats to all my afflicted fellowmen." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.-CONFIDENTAL. "The Tices of early boyhood laid the fonndation of my T77; - . . rnin. Later on a ''ay lita" and exposure to hlood NUtlhí K rlTllinn m seaseR completed the wreek. I had all the symptoms of OJ Jlll UlO, LIIIIOOIUIIO M NerTons Debility- sunken eyes, emissions, drain in urine, A....J nervonsness, weak back, etc. Syphilis cansed my hair to ValICUDcICi uUlBU. I fall out, bone pains, nlcei" in moutn and on tongue, I blotches on body, etc. I tuank God I tried Dr. Kennedy _„„,„„ & Kergan. They restored me to health, -rigor and happinees." CHAS. POWEB8. ÜWJVe tre at and cure Varicocelt, Emissions, Nervous Debility, SeminalB Wcakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syphüis, Unnaturai Discharges, Self Abusc Küiiity and Bladder Diseases. 17 VEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. npi rI7IÏ ? Ara yon a victim? Havo yon lost hopo? Are yon contemplatinR mar- titnaVUrii riage? Has yonr Blood bf-en diseased? Haye yon any weakness? Onr' New Method Treatment will enre yon. What it haa done for others it will do von. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who bns treated yon, write for an honest opinioi' Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE - "The Golden Monitor" (Ilústrate 0, on DiBMisatt of Men Inclose postase, 2 cents. Sealod, ETNO ÑAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE No medicine sent C. O. D. No ñames on boxes or envelI opes. Everythlng confldentlal. Questlon list and cpat qil Treat■ ment, FREE. ____ .._. .. . NO. 148 SMtLBY S I . , DETROIT, MICH51


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