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SHQES 50c. ON = = THE $1. The Death &SL & ( . o Detroit, one of the lar Oldesl and Uest Shoe Ho uses in the WCst, Forced ;i Settlemeut of estáte Shoes had to sjo, Cash Tal Ha We werc on Uapd and bought, 3000 pairs for 5Oc. On the Dollar. Have Oponed the Greatest Slaughtor Safa of Shoea Knowii in Ann Arbors' Jlistory. A. C. McGraw & Co. Slamped on tlie Soles and Means a (iood ölioe. $5.00 Band Welt siioes g-o at. $2.60. 4.50 " " 2.26. 4.00 " " " " " 2.00. ) Kid Iiutton " " ' 1.75. S3.00 " " 1.90. Tliis Stock Kopt Sepcrate From l'.cmilar Stock. It will I'ay you to lo Investígate. Come Befóte Sizes are gone. Our reputation is Goot), Bonest, Fair DealiDg and Doingf as wc to do. do Fake Sales. Goodspeed's zl. WlGHIGAN (TENTRAL 1 '■ The Niágara Falls Route." (Central Standard Time. THAIN8 AT ANN ARBOK. iig Eas.t. Oolog West Mail' 8.50 p.m. B48a. m. Da] impresa' s.uup, m. 7.80 . m. Morth Shore I.hnitudt 9 M a. m, Ohicano Exptesat lu.i8 p. in. N. . i Urn. Ert 10.18 p. m. Detroit ExpresBt 5.40 h. va Pacific Expresst 12.15 p. m. GlnndRapldsEx.... 11.05a, m, 5.67 i. Fost Expvesst Atlautic Expremt 7.47 a. m. - -Daily except Sunday. ♦ Daily (zeept Saturday. t Daily. O. W. RUOULES, n. W. Ha f E6 P. AT. A.OhicMto. Ag't. Ann Atbor. . TOLEDO pv ANN ARBOW -TO-ÍT7 J NORTH MICHIGAN) C RAILWAY. UJ 1-j -■„dof W jÊBAYCITYj MU8KEQON i,r";ikr7fisACi:AW lr) Ft. Waynt j ___ L0 ÍU ' '■' ■ - - ■. TIME CA1ID. In effect November 3rd, 1S95. Trains Leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. north. sou 7 37 a. m. 7.1Ü a. m. 12.15 p. m. 11.30 a. m. 4.15 p. ui. 'J.UOp. m. Trains ruu between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. s W. H. BfnnBf.t. R. S. Greenwood, Ci. P. A. Asrl FRED. HOELZLE'S Washington Meat Market! Fresh Meata of all Kinds at reasopoble pricef F-ed Hoelzle, Corner 4tn-nvo. anri Wasblngton-St, ARTHUs? J. KlTSOti, Coniracior and Buiidi r. Estimates furniehed on all work id lino of the above. HPR-nrp. A.J.Kitson. Millinery - = Opening. Sept. 19, 20 and 21. Haring removed my millinery to aecood Hoor of the Bach & Eoath bh eb I ain dow rtatly to show tlie Lmiies a large aiul choice assortment of Fine Millinery. the opening I wil] offer reduotioria on all untrimiued feit hats. ENGLISH Fl'R FELTS, COe regular price 75c. WOOL PELTS, 90c regular priee SI. FRENCII FUR PELTS, Si 25 and SI. 40, regular price $1.50 and 81.75. No Charges tor Trimming hats During Opening. Lai'.ies, come and see the elegant av .ut "f Pattern Hats and Bonnets. Ai! the latest novolties tvill be on bition. Remember you will be arty vvelcouiB, whether v o - ish to parchase or not. Muin en trance Uroufrh Mr. 1'. Si. .1.: Dry Goods store, or stairway botween First National Haak, and Allaby'e tore. In E. Fiertj. Itoal Estáte for Salo. ICHIGAS. Oonntyof Wnlitenawl Vu Lhe Mi. ner ol the !M;e of David iupp. deceased. Notlce i-i hen by given that in pursnaiiceof an .'U'U.i to tlio unden-iened adiniuiI liy l!in. Judie ■' "ro ■ ,1 Wtiviiteniiw twentjfourth dB} of Brpiinilier A. Ü. 8t, il..-..' uili ;.,,) ,if Public Vünduv, to the . ai tlie daelllDK. n ilic Innds Hrt Li BcrtOedii iheCou. Waahit-naw i Bald State, on Frlday the 'Mliilaj of Nov S r, .1 o'eloek in the aften.con uf tltat 4ay(;u jcct U) all enciiinbrancefi lv morinaLu orotherwlse txlsting at lhe time or the d.-alh jf :;iiu deceased the foUowInK described Kwu Estáte,) ti aiI Dius certaln parcela of land pituate in the towDRblpg of Halloe and Hridgewaler In taid UDl] bollDd na ti.llows, viz: C' nnncnciiK; t !ii west corner of 8ectlon six town.-.hipoi ialiue, thence norih flilyflve ar.d one hnll ïods, eat fortj keven pods, thence north eiKhty eii;htaid one haif rjds, theuce east tweutysevoD rods. thence aouth one hundred and l"rt four rods, thence east seventy fout rods to tli ■ piai t beglnnlñg. Also commenclue at the east quaricr post of section one t.,nshlp nf Bridgewater, thenr south Ihiny live rodï, tnence went twenty to ' and three fouriha rods, thence north thirty .ive roils, tnence mat twenty two and thrt! fourlhs roda to thu place of beginnin coutaiumg iu all forty flve aerea more ir lss. t'UËDüKICK J. FELDKA.MP, Admini trator. In i'hancory . STATE OK MICHIGAN. Suit pending in the Clnult Oourt for Wasut mnv Couuty inch.iiüriv: Wherein Míenle Field is Complain ant aiul John W. Held i Detondant Satis factory proof nppearing to this Court liy Aft. ■ lavil ou tile that defcmlant is not a resident o( thig Stnte buc is a resident of the State of Oiiio, it is ordered tliat Defendaut appear and answet the Bill of Complaint flleil in this cause wtthio four months from the date c? ibis order. Dated, Aun Arbor, Oct. I5th, A D. 1-95. E. D. KINNE, Circuit Judici'. ARTIÍÜR BROWN, Solicitor for t'omplainant. Attest. WM. DAN8INGBUKG, Kesistcr. ('onimissioiiers' Notice. STATE OK MICHIGAN, CoUnty of Washt. . 'l'ln undenftned liavin been appointcd by tlie Probate Court for sai.l county, commiaBioneii to recelve, examine and i.djust all claims and demanda -f all persons against 'I'1 estáte oí, Thoniiis F. Leonard, late of said County dn DOtlce that tiix months from datei are allmved, by urder of said Proliatc Court, Cor credtton to present thcir claims against tlie ostate of said deteased, and that they wlll meet at me ofïiee of E. B. Pond in the city o( Athi Arbor, in said county, on Monda; tlie 30th day of December, and on the ÜUüt day of Harcb next, at ten o'clock a. m. oí eacb of said days, toreceive, examine and adjust aaid claims Dated, Sept. 30 th, 1895. E. B. POSD, L. GRUNER, Commissionera. è 11 Want Electric LiLtits ! Pricë now lowered so all can afford them. 3-4 cent per lamp hour on metres. Run all night. Teleplione tlo A. A. T.-H. ELECTRIC Co, School "h h Books All books reqnired for ward or high schools óarried in full linos ut lowest prices. New or Secoii iasi Blank books, tablets and School snpplies of all flescnptionc. Moore & Wetmore C S. Main at., and cor. State and William StS. C. W. VOCELOealei io FRES1I, SALT and Smoiked IMIeatiS Sawsages oí all kinds. Poultry ma Game in Senson. C. W. VOGEL. - No. 9 E. Ann ut, Special Sale -OFDress Qoods For the Balance of this week we will offer 15 ]c's plain and fancv Dress Goods worth 124 t,o 20c dow" 9c y 1 10 po's plain .■uk) i'ancy Dress Goods worth 25 to 30c now 1 7c yd 5 pc's 45 inch all wool colored serge worth 50c now 31c yd [6 pc's all wool Novel ty Dress Gooda worth 50c uow 33c yd 5 pc's all wool Dress tlannel 54 inch wide worth 50 to 00c now 37ic yd f i. Gooflyear k Cd, Successor to Goodyear & Si. James. No. 18 S. Main st. ■ Ann Arbor. Solé Agenta for Standard Paper Patterns.


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