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Between The Lakes

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Forestville has been incorporated. Montcalm's court house now has electric lights. Coldwater's high school will erect a 200-foot fiag sta ff. At Fennville a farmer has raised a fine erop of peannts. The B. Y. P. L'. society of I thaca will hold a chrysantheinum show. Frank Ingraham's fine residence was burned at Hartford. Loss 89,000. James Metzier feil from a ladder at Escariaba and was fatally injured. Standish will bond herself for ffs,000 to take up the town's Lfidebtedness. Several thousand dollars damage was done by forest fires near St. Joseph. Osceola county has already issuec over 200 hunters' licenses this season One hundred and twenty-five liunt ers' licenses have been issued at lthaca It cost Cïeo. Mumford 820 to shoo into a flock of quail near Kalama.oo Mrs. Josie Hard stepped in front o a train at Quincy and was instan tly killed. Four Muskegon men have been ar rested for failing tosendtheir children to school. Fire in Waterloo township, Ingham county, burned over 240 acres of Urn ber land. The Catholic church Algonac, burnet to the ground. The origin of the fire la unkuown. Kalamazoo had a day of prayer ani every store and saloon closed tight for one afternoon. A portrait of Senator McMillan has been hung in the senate chamber a the state capítol. Mr. and Mrs. Henr3' Wilcox, o Adrián, celebrated their golden wed anniversary. Hillsdale college erecteda large flag staff on the campus with impressive patriotic services. Wm. VanAkin's house, ar old land mark near Hiulson, has burned. Loss $2,000, not insured. The ninth annual reunión of the fwenty-eighth Michigan iufantry was held at Kalamazoo. The Sixteenth regiment volunter infantry held their sixteeth annual reunion at I'lymouth. A C. & YV. M. freight was wrecked ncar Bangor and three trainps narro wly escaped death. Over 500 hogs have died in Kranch eounty from cholera, some farmers losing entirely droves. While going down cellar with his Bfun Matthew Redic, of East Jordán, feil and was shot dead. The only schoolhouse in Sodus was burned with its contents, and the Big b'our depot was scorched. Reports to the state board of health show that diphthíria and typhoid fever are on the increase. A G. R. & I train killed Chas. Miingey. a woixlsman. near Cadillac, ile liad been drinking heavily. 4 A patrol wagon upset while going at g rapid gait at ïSaginaw and four pólice fticers were badly injured. August McLeod, of Sene', stumbled and feil while hunting1. liis gun was discharged and McLeod fatally shot. Tobias Hansbersrer's barns. valnpd it $5.000, were totally desti-oyed n Ür'ulgeport township, Saginaw countv. John S. Eek, aged (iO, committed suicide by at Hillsdale. I)espondency beeauseof business failures. llarry E. French was arrested at CJrand liapids on the charge of using the mails for iraudulent purposes. It is alleged he sent to stamp collectors all over the country for stamps to be forwarded on approval. and either did not return them at all, or returned ;hcm short in count. H. h. Bolee, librarían of Eaton Rapids. wasconvicted of violating the looal option law by selling whisky in milk shukes. Tbc new Eerrien county jail at St. Joseph is finished and the prisoners ïave been trausferred from Jierrien Spring's. Andrew Wyse, a young man of Empire, while out driving with a couple of ladies, was thrown froto the buggy and killed. Lizzie Strasser. aged 12, was biirned o death wbile burning brush near ïcorse. VVhen found she was in an attitude of prayer. Tlie water in the Saginaw river is ower than ever before, and is still alling. Se vera 1 milis hare been obliged to shut down. Nearly 400 deer licenses have been ssned in Einmet countj'. Nine deer were brought into Harbor Springs the irst day of the season. J. E. Wheelock, a farmer near Richield Centre, has been arrested on tlu; luit-ge of selling a cheese which made !i of his customers ill. The Michigan Free Will Baptists met at Caro with Rev. J. D. McColl, of ürtonville, in the chair and A. J. May, of Capac, as secretary. ' High society at Jienton ilarboris m i terment oer a suit begun bv Monroe i X. Lord, a retired minister aiul wealthy lady, for slander. I r. Joel A Thomas was convicted at Kalamazoo of manslaughter in perForming a criminal operation whieh caused the death of Helen lios. F'erry Grim, asjed 18. ran away from iis home at (rand Kapids and two days later was killed by falling from a Ereight train at South liend, Ind. Conrad Frisch, a Ricksville farmer, was run into by a M. C train. 11 is buggy was vvrecked and the horse killed, but Friscta cannot be found. C V. Dunn. a farmer near Adrián, lost three horses, a quantity of grain and other contents of liis barn by lire. Loss $:.',;íC0; probably iiicendiarism. Forest fires deetroyed a large tract of valuable timber, the farmhouse of Mrs. L'aswell and numerou.s cornflelds and farm outbuiklings. near Azalia. The State Teachers' ai.sociation will meet at Lansing l)ec. :.'0-8. Prof. í. Stanley Hall, of Clark university, will probably deliver the principal address. The water was never so low at South Haven as at the present time. The large boats have all been forced to abandon that port owingto low water. l.ittle Iridian lake, near Kiles, has entirely dried iip the first time in J.'i vc;us. Large bass and other fish are cartea awoy by the wagon loa.d. While a lludson man was traveling ander a treinendous jag bad boy painted his iace black. The Xegrohater signed the pledge as soon as he sobered up. Virjjii Hall. of Cold water, while brinffing home a load oí' Btraw began to sinoke a pipe. The straw ignited and he narrowly escaped dying on the funeral p. re. Fire at (Jajrotown destroyed P. Tooliey & Sons roller milis, with a loss of $10,000, insurance 83.000. The lessees. Heller Bros., lost $3,000, with smal] hiRtirance. The youngesi daughter of Hon. Thomas E. Barkworth, of .fackson, has been Btricken with diphtheria. llis only kou, lrvina, died of that disease but reccntly. Semeünk hall, ereeted by i. Semelii k. of Zeeland. ;it a cost of 110,000 in meinory of his parents. has been dedicated by the Western Theological seminary at Holland. John Tina, a sailor, pot drank at Manistee and wandered iato Buckley & l'ouylas' sn mili, feil on tlie main belt and was crushed to death between the belt and the pulley. Canada Southern surveyors are saul to be inarking out u nciv route froin st. Thomas to Courtvight, nt. , with a view of eztending the Michigan Central road to l'ort iluion. The Champion mine proprietors have started '.o build another crusher, and will open another shaft as soon as the water is out. They are shipping about 150 tons of ore per day. Over 1.500,000 feet of hiraber and 1,000,000 lath were burned on Churchill Bros.' mili dock at Alpena and the entire plant narrowly escaped. The loss was $35,000, in su red for $8,500. W. R. Portcr and MÍ88 Lulu Smith were arrested at Charlevoix char#ed with living together as man and wife. Porter has a wife and two children and fortnerly lived at Fennville. The first eonviction vinder the new pure food law was that of L. I. Ilalsey, agent for the Aldine Vinegar Co., at last Tawas. who sold an inferior artior eider vinegar. Plned $50. Albert Prico. aied 35 years. was riding- home on his bicycle at (rand Rapids when he colhded with Sylvester Tobin. ridiiifi in the opposite direction. Price received injuries from which he died. Ray Sias, aged 18, while hunting near St, Louis, slipped from the top of a stump, his gun, which exploded, his clothes caught fire and he received injuries whieh will prove fatal. A company of hunters from Battle Creek will soon start for Virginia, on a hunting expedition. It is claimed that deer and partridge are more abundant there than iu northern M Ichigan. A ".'-year-old son of Isaac Dodd was kicked in the face by a horse and frightfully injnred at Jaekson. The lower jaw was completely crushed and the face toru to pieces. Recovery is loubtful. The schooner Henry C. Uichards, of iland, foundered off Iittle Point Au S;ibi; with iron ore, from Kscanaba to South Chicago There was a howliiif snowstorm blowing when the crew look to the yawl. They suffered severely until resened by the White Kiver life saving crew Loss $20,001). Senderson had a very disastrous Bre. It started in R. F. Revenough's liarness shop, and before it was ■hecked, swept four business blocks nd one residenceand burned property (vorth 810,000. Rev. H. C. Kishpaugh, ;he M. K. pastor, during the fire, feil frota a ladder and was quite seriojjsly lurt. The fire vr :""ondia-ff. Klomistz Bros.' fruit store In the heart of the business section of Calumet was blown by some kind of an explosión and the brothers were arrested charg-ed with arson to secure $1, 000 insurance. William Jones Petoskey, a randson of the famous chief. was beíore a Manistee justice for being drunk and had to pay a tine. l'etoskey is well educat-ecl and is said to be the best Indian interpreter of the región. Lake Superior Iron Co. will resume operations at its hematite mine at, Islipeming, which has been idle for tUe past 10 months. A bout 150 men vil be employed. The Excelsior furna :e will go into blast at once. The barns, granary and other outjuildings on the farm of John Smith, near i'lint, were destroyed by fire. All his crops, machinery. two line ïorses, several head of cattle, wagons, etc, were burned. Loss, Si, 000. Henry A. McCaustland, of Saginaw, umped from the Hotel Winslow, Auburn, N. Y., and killed himself. He vas the eastcrn representativo of the Michigan & Ohio Plastei ('o., which ïas headquarters at Grand Rapids. The fishing industry at St. JosephJ which was once enormous, but feil off o such aa extent that only two tugs vere leit, is up again. The Ug Violetlifted 4,000poundsof troutat one lift. Other tugs are coming back. Glenn Mathews, a young lad at Jnion City, is in a critical eondition on account of cigarette smoking. His nervous system is so badly shattered ;hat he has no control over his mind r body, and he is likely to be an inalid for life. The creditors of the defunct Central Michigan savings bank at Lausing will ry and find out who the wi-ecker of he bank is. The attornev-general vill investigate the failure, and if he hinks it feasible will prosecute the Ueged wrecker. Miss Kisie Currie, a dining-room jjirl at the Jackson hotel, at Vale, nropped a lamp upon a stove. Her elothea were soon afire from the explosión. She ran to a neighbor's, bnt before tlie llames were extinguished she was fatally burned. Jolin W. Cadman. of Jackson, made an attempt at suicide at Chicago by shooting himself in the mouth and he can scarccly recover. No cause is known. Cadman holds the office of Indian inspector. Mrs. Cadman is an aunt of Mrs. Grover Cleveland. A Michigan Central fretght train on a heavy g-rade about two miles east of Jackson Junction ran into a handcar loaded with steel rails, badly deinoralizing the engine and throwing several cars from the track. No one was hurt, but several had narrow escapes. The sale of the Michigan branch of the Wisionsin Central railroad, extending from Ironwood to Bessemer, about 14 miles, for unpaid specitic state taxcs. amounting to 84,551, was adjourned until Nov. 20, by order of U. S. Judge Scverens, of Grand Rapids. Lansing and Mason are preparing íor a warm contest over the county seat. Mason is now the county, bilt two terms of circuit court are annually held at Lansing. The new city hall building at the latter place is intended for the joint use of city and county. The larg-e steamer Centurión went hard ashore on a reef at Isle Itoyale and 525 tona of copper ore, valued at 8105,000, liad to be thrown overboard followed by 1.000 tons of flour, before she could be floated. The Centurión was taken to Duluth, but is badly damaged. Benjamin Johnson was attacked by a vicious buil on his island, just north of the lliver Kaisin near Monrce. and barely escaped death. The animal tossed him high in the air five or six times and tinally left him for dead with nearly every rib broken. He may recover. A collision occurred at Grosse Pointe, Lake 8t. Clair, lietween the propeller Husiness and the whaleback No. 118. The Business was sunk, the bows of the whaleback forcing their way into the propeller nearly to the boilers. Xo. 113 had her bows badly smashed up and went aground on the channel bank. l.arge manufacturers throughout the state are protesting against the percentage riders placed upon the Michigan standard fire insurance policies by the state commission, claiming that these riders take the place of the su per cent clauae whioh was prohibited by the last legislature. A rehearmg lias been granted for Nov. 13. Aud-Gen. Turner is hot after Iron, Chippewa, Alpena and Muskegon counties for the taxes due the state. Alpena owes $3(5.000, Muskegon, 337,bippewa $21,000 and Iron 88,000. The recent case decided against Bay county by the supreme court settles the legality of this indebtness and allovvs no other allernative but for the counties to pay up. Geor;re Brown of Iralay City, complaiiR'd to the pólice of Detroit, that he had been swindled out of $198 and a silver watch by a young womau named Louise Johnson, whom he had expected to marry. The girl was arrested later and tells a different story. silo saya the farmer's name VYiggins and that lic induccd her to go to Detroit with him to see the sights and that he gave her the moneyof his own f ree will The latest óf Michigan's state institutions, the I 'pper Peniusula hospital for the insano, has been formally opened. Fifty patients were transfered from Traverse City. The new concern has a capacity of 100. Dr. Samuel Bell, of Detroit, is medical superintendent, and Dr. Chamberlain, of Bessemer, assistant superintendent, John Shrieve, of Detroit, is chief engineer, aud Mis. Strong, of Detroit, is matron. Mis. Marry 1!. Rranch, who shot herself in an Indianapolis hotel, was taken to Williamston for burial. She was the dauphter of the late Geo. Ureman of that place, and was remembered as a beautiful and accomplishedgirl when lOyearsagoshe married Harry Branch, then a faney rol lor skater, but since an actor. Her husband sayshegoaded her to suicide by aceusini her of being untrue, but unjustly as he discovered when too late: A preceptory of the Royal Black Knignts of the Camp of Israel, high degrees of the Oranje order, was instituted at Saginaw with J. M. ltanker as sir kuight precejitor. Thereare over 18,500 miners involved in the strike in Pénnsylvania.


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