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Minor Michigan News

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Cheboygan's street railway is to be equippi'd with electricity. Thos. Keeler, prominent farmer, hanged himself near Ubly. Christy Oleson, aed 20. died froin the effeets of a spree at Holton. Hudson's new telephone exchange is completed and has 33 subscribers. Anthony Ratz was fatally stabbed in a saloon row by Ered Myer at Detroit. A fire department with sixteenmembers has been organi.ed at Lake Ann. The Michigan National Guard is to be supplied with a new uniform coat and hat. Iludson Methodists have purchasec a site and will erect a church building to cost $25,000. A vicious horse bit a piece of flesh out of M-vear-oKl (lias. Switzer's neck, near Munith, and he niay die. a David L. Pearson, a farmer living near New iSuiïalo, has gone insane on account of the recent esrthqnaka. Charles Williams, well-to-do farmer, ended li is life by hanging himseli írom a beam ia his barn near Yale. All but five of the 23 saw milis on the Menominee river have elosed for the season owing to cold veather. The Hean-Chamlierlain Co., of Iludson, has torn down their spoke factory building to erect a new bicycle factory. Josepli liesner, ne;ir Iron River, was shot by a set gun vvhicii had been set for deer, and will die from his injuries. The barns of Mrs. M. Chevalier burned near Eaton Rapids. Two horses and three cows perished. Loss, si, ïoo. Methodist College day was observed at Albion college with interesting ceremonies whieh ended up with a banquet. Nicholas Lelullier feil from the third-story window of a saloon building at Charlevoix while asleep. He was not badly hurt. While hunting rabbits near Davison, John Hoyle aecidentally shot himself, the whole charge entering his groin. He died soon afterward. Mrs. Richard Bowersox has received a verdict of $3,044 from her father-inla w, of Three Rivers, for the alienation of her husband's affections. James Mead, aged 20, while felling a tree at Wagner's camp near Farwell, was strook on the left temple by a tlying trunk, fracturing his skull. It cost Alfred Bailey and Charles Sharon, of Hay City, $10 apiece and costs to catch pickerel weighing less than one pound for the purpose of sale. Jed Deering, his wife and a threeyear-old boy died of typhoid fever within three weeks at Tekonsha. Three orplians, under 4 years of age, are left. Geo. Wildermuth was fined 850 at Owosso for si'lliug liquor to a minor. Fred l'etterson and Fred Harte b were i ai li soaked for S100 for keeping open ou Sunday. A spike embedded in a log caused havoc in the Reit, sawmill at Adrián. When it was struck the saw flew into a milllon pieces. Fortunately no one was Injured. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Emerick, of Ypsilanti oelebrated tlie liftieth anni! rsary of their wedding. The former is M and the latter 63 years of age and were pioneers. While temporarily deranged Mrs. Gunnisou, aged 50 years, wandered onto the railroad track at Tustin and vas killed, her head being severed froin her body. Mrs. E. O. Turbush, who resides on her farm about one mile east of West 8ay City, isa widow 80 years of age and weil olï. During her lifetime she liasailopteil :.'l friendlessclülüren. all of whom have made honorable ñames for themselves. The dock managers held a conference at Ashtabula and decided that they would nut grant the advance asked by the striking ore handlers. The strikers remain firm. It is reported that two Indians and a white man, ñames unknnwn, have been drowned n-ar Hog island. Their boat has been fouud bottom sido up near Charlevoix. Kdvvard Kennett has received jnd?inrnt 0Í 1168 and heavy costs against Dr. W. A. Engle, at Hartford, because the doctor'a don took a mouthful of Beh out of his leg. The University of Michigan football eleven won the fjaine trom the versity of Minnesota eleven in the western championship game at Detroit by a score of 20 to 0. Burglars entered the postoffice at Schoolcraft and robbed the safe of in money and S100 worth of stamps. They ob'tained tools to enter the building from a blacksmith shop. Miss Georgia Elliget, aged 18, was frifrhtfully burned at Adrián while lightinf a gasoline stove in the hoine of A. I). Walker. She spilled gasoline on herself when filling the stove. W. G. Lathrop, a sign pain ter from Chicago, was fatally hurt at Owosso by a grappling hook and tackle, used in hoisting a ladder-scaffold, falling frorn a roof and striking him on the head. Robbers entered the house of Lawvence Couroy, a farmer near Farminjjton, aged 80, and at the point of :i revolver forced him to disclose the hiding place of 8300 in cash and numerous valuatles. Tim Thompson and George Bryant, colored men, ving near Whittaker, got into trouble over a line fence and Bryant slashed Thompson in the head and on the shoulder with an ax and he raay die. Kx-Secretary of State Jochim has paid State Treasurer Wilkinson J54OO balance due from him on account of cxeessive salary drawn under the fraudulent amendments of 1893. He had previously sent a check for S500. The forty-third semi-annual missionary meeting and diocesan church conference of the Protestant Episcopal church for western Michigan, met at Newayyo for a three daj'"s session. Twenty-three elergj'men werc present. The car barn of the Marqnette electric railway, saloon and dwelling of William Nesbitt. and dweiling of John Miljour were destroyed by fire at Marquette. The fire started in the car barn from electric wires. Loss 54,000. Joseph Shelley, owner of a hotel at Galien was as.saulted and very seriously beaten by three boys whora he ideutiBed as Guy and Khuo Swen and Rich Lyons, whose enmity he had recent ly incurred by ordering thera to keep away from the hotel. Osear Smalley brought to Michigan frora the wilds oí Oklahoma, as a train robber suspect, has been released from oustody at Allegan. Bis arrest was made without the sliglitest investigaron as to his vvhereahouta at the time oí the Fennville robbery. The sum of 84,011, the cost of the trial of the Molitor inurderers, has been spread on the tax rolls for l'resque Isle county. The money must be paid to Alpuna eounty, the cases having been tried in the courts of that county on a change of venue. John Roseoe and wife, on their waj home to Fredonia, were Crossing the Michigan (Central track at Ceresco, when their carriuge was struck by an express traiu. Mis. Koscoe was killed and Mr. Roscoe had both leg.s broken and received other injuries which inay prove fatal. The Congregationalists at Flint have startad a plan to open their church on Saturday's and give a free entertainment and serve luncheon so that farmers coming into town to trade maj have some place to stop and enjoy themselves besides the saloons. It is proving a success. As a result of the recent shaking uj of the pólice and fire connnissions o Lansiny. whicfa resulted iu l'ommis sionor Kilmore's resignation and Chie Canfield's office being deelared vacant lullmore has had capias issued for Mr. Caníield lor libel. Cantield charged that EHlmore received money on a hose deal. The suit is for 20,000. The Lowell Water & Electvic Co. has nearly completed its plant :i liowell. iu miles froto Grand Etapids. The corapany own several hundreü acres of land on the Klat river, and liave pui in a big dam and modern machinery and will peñérate electricity for distributioti for lighting, motive power and heating purposes at Grand Baplds. (íov. Eich has pardoned I5ela Shout, sent from Nhiawassee county, to the lonia reformatory for three years for larceny. He lias also eommuted to mprisonment for 18 months the sentence of Clinton E. Worden, eonvicted of burglary at Grand Kapids, and sent to lonia for two years and six months. This will release Worden at once. Ifoth couviets are very young. The lirst fatal accident to happen on the new H-story Mabley Sc Co. building at Detroit, befeü l'atrick Thomas, a forman in charge of a forcé of men at work on the iourteenth story. He feil from the northern wall to the roof of the Whitney building, a distance of 120 feet, or nine stories, and BUStained injuries that resulted in his death at Haiper hospital three honra latei". Geo. W. Stone, receiver of tb tí defunet Central Michigan öavinps bank, brings action against Nelson 1'. Jonison. a prominent businessman of Lunsing, to recover a deposit of about S3,0U0, which Jenison withdrew from the bank a ay or two before its failure and at a time when the institiition was practically insolvent. This will involve a test of an important poiut in the state banking law. Frank McTasson and wife of Centreville, went, to Sturgis, and whüe doing the trading he excused himself to step ont doors and disappeared as completely aa though swallowedup by the earth. He had güOÜ on hs person. Several honre afterwards he was fouud it Lima, lint., .six miles away, where lie had wnlked through snowand He had thrown away his coats au vas in his shirt sleeves. He was entirely out of hishead. His money was nissing.


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