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Blow And Bluster

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A severe wind storm and bli.zard, which was a curabination of a hurricane frojn the Gulf of Mexico and a geuuine terror frora Manitoba struck the central Mississlppi and the lake States and did greut damage. In ühirago telegraph and telephone communiuation wns completely broken up; the trolley wires broke down and trafflc was at a standstill in the city; several horses were killed by live wires. Passengere on several suburban electrie street raüroads were snowbounil in a desolate portion of the city, and some of them were corapelled to remain all night in the cars, beinff unable to reach their homes, l'reig'ht and passenger tralHc frora every direction wat practically blocked and suburban traios very much delaved. The same state of affairs is reported throufhout Illinois, altliough but une fatal accident is reported. The steamer John Kmory Owên and consorte Nicholson and Michijyan went ashore at Lakeside, north of Chicago. seas swept the wrecks for an hour or more, and the Owen and Michigan were scuttled to save thern frompoundingon theroeksbutthe Nicholson sank. The wrecks were sighted by life savers from Kvanston an hour af ter they Btranded and the ítvw were taken ashoro. The JNieholson's crew lost all they had and the captain's wife and ehild were rescued in tbeir night clottaes. The stranded boa ts are owned by the J. Kmery Owen estáte, Detroit, and were valned as tollows: Meainer Owen, 8í)5,000; schooner Michigan, 000; schooner Nicholson, $16,000. They carried a total of 5,200 tons of coal. The steamei-s Jewett and .TolmOades i were badly damaed by striking ! as thej' entered the harborsof i kee and South Chicaifo respectively. ! There were numerous minor mishaps at various lake ports. In the oil regions of Ohio great damnge was done by the blowing down of hundreds of derricka Over 1,000 wero wrecked abont Bgwling Green alone. The riilage of Cyffnet was almost entirely blown away, it is rejiorted. At Cleveland many honses were uuroofed, araongf them tliu Music hall, one of tlie largest struutures in the city. Trees Were uprooted and nearly all u-ires were down. John Zimmerman was fatally injured by a roof fallinp on hiin. Several resideoces were wrecked at Akron and people sought safety in their cellars. Toledo suft'ered Likewise, and Cincinnati had some ' startline experiences. A number of large boats rere torn froin theirinoorDgs and sent spiniiiiig up the river in great danser of dashing againat piers, bvidtfes, etc. A. Congregational church at North Colnmbus, juist fini.hcd, was totally demolished and the Pan llandle lailroad shops were wreeked. At Elwood, Ind. , the (-asting hall of the factor v was demolished over j the heads of 400 workmen. Only two were injured, and they not fatally. The McC'oy lamp chimney factory was lifted froin i s foundation. Much other dauiago was done. The loss is estinjated at 8100,000 and TOO raen are ! temporarilv idle. At Frankfort, lm!., tho roof of the ncw Ciyde window fflass factory was unroofed, business bloclcs were demolishcd and the dianapolis gas purnpinf station wris destroyed. Loss $30,000 an.l 300 men are rendcred ulle. Many smail ings wreeked at Iudianapolis and ; aral largpr oues unroofed. A faetory on .Madison avenue was dismaiulcd, anda new Moravian c.:-.un:li was upended. James Howard was sériously njured at Anderuou, End., by a building falling on hun. The storm raged violently through Missouri and Arkansas. ïlie Texas ranches are covered with snow several tnches neep, severely exposing all kinds of live stock. If the temperatura falls much lovver there will b'. great loss of cattle and sheep. A fastfreight on the Illinois Central struók a box car at Lámar station. Miss., whicu had been blown f rom the sidinsr, in tli storm, and completely wrecl gineer J. C. VVoolsey and a Negro tramp were killed. The water in liuffalo harbor was raised nine feet by west wind and abo:,' iamage done to V08sela laid up. The tug Elk was out in two by the steamer Syracu8e. In Detroit and lower Michigan the palo blew 76 milis au hour. Two electrio lijjht towera were blown down in Detroit, b"jt fortúnate! feil lengthwise of the street and did no serious diimage, buta horse v;i. killed by steppiny; on a live wire. ?.lany largre windowa vrere blown in, trees uproooted, ohimneys demolished and sheils unroofed. At Wyandotte, the Dearly completed 'buildings of Fords new and extensive so.i;i ;ish works were vvrecked. On the Detroit river the water was lowered five feet by the f ali'. Several small misbaps occurred ut no livt's were lost. Tbroughout Michigan the storm took the eharaeter of a biinding blizzard and beyond the damage to wires, trees, f enees and ;heds there was no great loss.


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Ann Arbor Democrat