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Tag No. Xo. 1. Suirested scwer system by ('. I'.. Green. a). Main Sewer. Xo. 2. OutlettoPelch street Tracin.-s. No. ■'!. 5th Ward brancb. Tracings. No. 4. 5th Ward branch. Original. No. 5. Plan for repair of Main Se wei Tía g. (b). District No. 1. Xo. . Sheet I. Tracing1. Xo. 7. Sheet land 2. Original. -. V. Liberty street. (c). District No. 2. No. 8. sliert l. Tracing. Xo. 9. Sheet 2. Tracing. No. 10. Sheet I and 2. Original. (d). District No. :. No. 1 1. Sheet 1. Tracing. No. 12. "2. No. 13. ' 3. " No. it. ■ i. " No. 15. ... " No. 16. " 1 and 2. Original. No. 17. " 3 and 4. " No. 18. Sketch plan. Tracing. No. !!. List f pipe, tío. 20, List of bidders. Original. (e). District No. 1. No. 21. Sheet No. i. Tracing. No. 22. " No. I. Original. (. 23. Sketch of plan. Tracing. No. 20. List of bidders. (f). Distriol No. 5. No. 24. Sheet 1. Tracing. No. 25. "2. " tío. 2t. ' I and 2. Original. (g). District No. i. (i. 27. Sheet 1. Traeing. Dio. 2-. " 2. No. 2t. " .!. " No. 30. '; i and 2. Original. No. 31. ' :. Original. (h). Detail drawings, etc. 'o. .'2. Lamp hole - Qrst design. TraciDff. "o. .'!:. Tops- lamp holes. .Man boles. Flusli tanks. iiïen. Tracing8. io. 34. Man hole?. o. 35. Flushtauk - lst design. Tiacinr. o. 36. Flush tank - 2nd design. Ti-ac ing. d. .'7. flush tank. Traeingi o. .'W. Man holes and lamp hole. Original. No. 39. M. I i. & L. II. Tops- 2ml design. No. 41. .Man hole top - lst design. Tracing. STREET WORK. MAPS. (a). SectiOD M;ips. No. 41. Northeast quar ter, section 29, 1 2 e of 6 e. No. I-. Sou thaast quarter, section 29, t 2 s of r ( o. Vo. 43. North west quartúr, section 29, t 2 s of r (i e. "o. H. Southwest quarter, section 29, 1 2 e oí r i e. id. 45. Parta of sections 11) and 20. Reservoir. (li). Streetb, Grounds, Etc. No. 46. Twelfth Streel fróm X. l'niversity-avo to E. Washington Street. o. 47. Liberty street weft of Main Sewer. Xo. 48. Portions of Main and Summit street. Xo. 49. Toledo&A. A. R. R. grounds. No. 50. " ' " No. 51. " " location in 1872. No. 52. Sketch of team track M. C. I!. R. 1887. Additlons, Etc. No. 53. Aun Arbor n 1826. No. 54. Tenbrook. No. 55. Ormsby & Page. No. 56. Miller addition. No. 57. .1. 1-'. Lawrence. Waril Mapa. No. 58. First ward - oíd. No. 59. 2nd ward - oíd. Cío. 60. 3rd wárd aorth half. No. 61. 3rd warJ south half. Xo. 62. Üili wanl. No. 63. Xavis' ma] second ward. No. 64. Porest ! til] emetery. No. r. Block 1 north range 10 east. No. mi. " 1 " " 13 eást. o. (17. " 2 M3uth " 1 east. Allmendinger v Snyderi 'o. 68. Grade plat. Tappan Pai-k. d. (i:). Washtenaw ave. Dr. Dist. o. 70. Extensión ol Ceder Bend ave. . 71. Locatlon ol Street llaihvay on State street. Plans', and Detailed Drawings; lío. 72. Engine House cement walk. o. 7.!. ('atcli basin, Monroe and E. l 'llivcl'sit V UW. o. 7 1. Roller slicds. ío. 7.". Extensión of Póuntain ' oulvert. No. 7ii. Culvert at Main and Sumtnll st n fío. 77. Por plank walks - elevated. NU. 7S. Safe worklDg stresses for iron and steel. BEWEE WORK PROPILES. No. 79. Main sewor. rio 11 1. No. 80. " " "2. No. 81. 5th Ward branch. Pirst dcBign. No. 2. 5th Ward branch. Second desi No. 83. District Cío. 1. No. si. 2. Roll 1. No. 85. " "2. '■ i'. No. 86. " ' :!. " ]. Xo. 87. " " :. " 2. No, ' " :!. " ::. No. 89. ■ " :!. " 4. No. !. " " :. ■■ ó. No. 91. " " 4. " 1. No. '■-'. '; ■ ;. " ]. NO. 93. ■ ■ 5. ■ 2. Xi. 94, ■ ■ ii. i. I STREET WORK PROFILES. No. 9Ö. Broadway. Center roll 1. No. 96. Broadway. ('entei' roll . tío. 97. N. City limit toSwift. No. 98. I i'ukis street center andsides No. 99. Brown and Lincoln street center. No. ido. Catherine, 13th, Observatory center. No. 101. Catherine, Ingalls street to i:iih . side. No. 102. Catherine, l.ith to Observatory X. .side. No. 103. Cburch, Willard and E. l'niversity center port ion. No. 101. ('lituvh and Elm 10. sirtes. No. 105. Cedar Bend ave. No. 106. Cedar Bend ave extensión. No. 104. Elm and Church !'.. side. .No. 107. Foreat ave., üiü to Israel W. side. No. 108' First strcet, Kingsley to Miller ave., E. side. No. 109. Pourtb ave, Packard to Madison w. éide. Xo.110. 14th stt-oet, Ann to Vollund. Center. No. 111. Fuller street, State to Detroit. Center. No. lli'. Geddes ave, Washtenaw to city limita center and sidos. No. 113. W. Hurón street, 3rd street to 7th street S. side. No. 114. E. Hurón street, [ngalls to Observator];, center. No. 99. Lincoln street and Brown. Center. 'So. 1 15. Lincoln ave. HilltO Israel W. Side. No. 116. W. Liberty street, Main Sewer to corporate line, center. Cío. 117. Mieliiiran ave., E. Oniversity ave., to Wells, center, tío. 118. Main street, South to Madison. NO 119. Main street, Thompson to State, center. center. Sío. 121. Oxford Street, Washtenaw to Ilill, center and lv;sido. o. 122. Oxford Street, Washtenaw to Hill, center and sales. Xd. 123. Observatory, Ann toGeddes, W. side. No. 124. Observatory, Geddes to Fuller, center. Xd. 125. Davis' pretiles. No. 12t. Prospect, Wells to E. Univeraity, center. No. 127. State, Kul to Broadway W. B No. 129. State, Monroeto Hill, !: side. No. 128. 7th Htreet, north of Jluron, i: Blde. Xii. 130. Tbirdand Krause, center. Xo. 131. Thirteenth Btreet, Quron to Fuller, center. No. 132. E. University. Packard to Anule, center. No. 133. '. Washington streot. 3rd to 9th, center. No 134. K. Washington, 12th to 14th, (■■■nter, No. 135. .. K Sido Washington strcet S. (Jniversity ave to llill, center. No. 136. Wa8btenawDrawings,center No. J;i7. Wells, Packard to Anole center. No. 138. Street and Sldewalk l'roíiles. Roll I. No. 139. Street and Sidewalk Profiles. Koll 2. No. ! 10. Street and Sidewalk Profiles. Roll 3. No. 111. Street and Sidewalk Profiles. Roll 4, oíd. No. 1 12. Street and Sidewalk Profiles. Roll 5. Xo. 14.'!. Monroe street drawings. Detail Drawins, Etc. Xo. 144. Engine House, design 1. No. 145. Hiijfinc House, desiga -. BOOKS. 1 I ) inclusiva Field Books. 2-)-:o 15 - 19 " - Inspectors Books. ::i :::, " " " Plat Bookof Main Sewer, 10 plats. Cndex I ook. Record of Street Monumente,2 books. " Main Sewer Oonstruetion. 11 Ele-Survey of 2nd Ward. 4 vols. Engineering News. 1 grade Resolution Pile. luí Sidewalk grade Resolutions. ::s Street grade Resolutions. TOOLS, K 1 1 . 4 100 ft. cloth tapes. 1 Ui ft. level rod. 2 lo ft. range rods. 1 - ft. range rod. 1 lile case. 1 drawing table. 1 blue )iint. trame. i band xu. i plok. l shovel. ( 'ontin utd.)


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