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Report Of Andrew E. Gibson, Justice Of The Peace

Report Of Andrew E. Gibson, Justice Of The Peace image
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■e." Convicted; "A" Ap'pealed; "D" Diacontinued; "S" Settled. Nu. N&mes of Parties. Olïense Fines. Costs. l'Alli. INl'Ain. PAID. ÜNPAID. 1 Guy MulUson C SI Car Ord $ 3 00$ 2 JühnLoney A Hack '.... - 3 John Flynn C ■ " .... 100 2 00 100 4 Lin. VanOrden C Shooting 2 00 ... 3 00 5 JWGriswold C Disorderly 00. .. 3 00 i; James D Smawley " " 3 00 3 00 7 James Smawley " " 100 75 2 :: s Royal Lathrop s Walk Ord.... l i 2 00 100 !i Roberi Staebler i 00.... 2 00 i on ]u Edward DeWolf 1 00.... 2 00 1 00 11 John D Johnson l (l11 2 00 100 12 JohuBArctaer l " 2 00 100 13 James II Dunbar L 00...". 2 00 i 00 I I David Ausl In 1 00.... 2 W 1 00 I i Dean Ford 1 00... Ki Vernon Ford 1 00 .... 3 00 17 WilliamP Bistler 100.... 2 un I 00 18 il B Toothaker " '; " " .... i 00 2 00 i 00 1!) Adoiph Wier ' 1 uil 2 00 1 00 20 Jamos Mrown 100.... 200 100 21 James A Devine LOO..... 2 00 100 22 Ferd Perinae 1 00 2 00 l 00 23 Maxlrwin 100 2 80 100 24 GeorgeD Wheeler LO0 2 00 L00 25 OlemenfrGilbo " Disorderly 2 00 3 75 26 John Loney I) Hack Ord 2 25 27 'Ihomas Jonea C Disorderly 3 00 - 4 70 28 WiUiani Schafer " " " l 00. ... 5 20 29 William Staèndell " " L00.... 3 20 2 00 30 William Fucha " " 30 .... 4 70 31 William Kehi " f' 2 00 .... 4 20 32 Charles Lea ver " " 3 00 3 00 .i! GottliebMaulbeitsch..." " 2 00 .... 4 70 34 Joseph Yax l' " - :í."i .lames WilcOX " .... .... :{t Gustave Eïïnz el al s " ■ :i7 Godfried Gross and Jacob Gross D " .... 38 James D Smawley ' " ■'■ ;ll - 4 70 :{9 .lames O'Brien " " i 00 ... l 20 Ki WalterBurril) H Walk Ord loo.... 3 00 il Lulu Frasher " Dis. and Dis. Hs. 3 00 4 70 42 Charles Schneider C Disorderly 10 00 .... 4 20 i;i Anna Sacketi " ' " 5 00 .... 5 20 il Lewia Wesi "Shooting i:. Michael Kinne D Disorderly 2 00 46 Emmons Colli iva C S Walk Ord 3 00 i: Alben Bucholz ..." Disorderly...... .... 3 00 4S Ben]. Davls " '■ 5 00 .... 3 00 in George Jones " " ■■ .-.- :s 00 50 George Elpbin " " 3 00 51 Aliiert Smilli " " 5 00 3 00 ".2 JosephParker " Dis. and Pis. Hs. 10 00 3 00 53 lallie Aiistin " Disorderly 100 ... 3 00 54 William Finnegan " " 1 ll!' : 00 55 Charles L Eddy " Dis. and Dis. Hs. 6 00 400.... 3 00 56 William Miles " Disorderiy i 00.'... 3 00 .".7 Alhert Glassnep " " ' 00 t 70 58 William Richmond " " 4 70 59 JosephCurby " " 3 00 .... 4 70 Total Í83 30 $2-! 0) f 151 45 $26 75 The foregoing is a true statemeni of ill cases broughi beforeroeaa Tustice of the Peáce, under theordinance of lic Ityof A n ii Arbor,from November 22nd, i op to and Including May l.")!h. L896. All flnes collected totbal late have been paid over to the City Freasurer, as wil! appear by the c f receipts in the preface to this. re)ort. the original of which several iv■cipts are in my possession: Andrew E. Gibson, .lust ice Of i lie Peace. QTATE Oí' MICHIGAN I ö Cowsert o Wasktbhaw i ' Andicw E. Gibson, on this 18th day f May 1896, personally appeared be[ore me, the andersignedj a rwtáry Public in and for the said County of Washtenaw, and being by mè flrst luly sworn, deposes and says tlial he has tieard read the foregoing reporl by liim subscribed, and thai the same 8 Irue to hia own knowledge, exceptj is to mattere therein stated to be on informal ion and belief, and as to i tiose natiei's he believes them to be true. .las. R. Bach, Nntary Public in and for Washteiaw County, Michigan. A' ABBOB, MlCH., May 5, 1896. ''iiiiu Honorabli th Convmon Council of tli, 'ihi of Ann .1 r':ir: Gentlemen: - I herewith report (o your Honorable Body thllt In conformty with a resolntion passed by the former Council I have jouroalized the sewer accounts and report my findings for yonr con-ideration. On assumlng tho management of the Treasurer's ofiiee I found placed to the creditof :.ll sewer accounta under the heai of Main Sewers, the Bum of $4,948.05, This sum when divided was placed to the credit, of tho different sewer accounts as follosvs: May 31, '95, main sewer $ 5,447.38 Labor aect. Lateral sewer No 2 255.43 Tax acet. sewer district tío 1 503.18 Ta.-s acet sewer district No 2 1 1 1.69 $ (5,317.09 Labor acet. dis't No I, overdruk. 9 54.40 Labor acet. di't No '■'. overdraft. 1,131.14 Labor are:, dis't No I. overdraft. 184.10 $ 1,309.04 MAIN BBWBR. 1895. June i bal cm hand I 6,441 3a June 30 tupllcense SI 00 .luly :l bap I ícense Au :l toapproprlat Ion 8,000 00 Au(?31 tap ícense 51 ihi Sepi 30 tap licetise 33 Oc( ::i Clerk tap license Oc( Í tra ( i Jls'1 No3 1,440 OS Oef . i i-;i fpom dis'i No I Nny:Hap llcense 51 00 Dec :l tap license 13 50 Dec 31 tap license Jan :a 'flfl tap llconse M , Fel 39 tap license HOOI Marcli 31 tap license 10 SO April a tap llci nse :x 00 tl5,510 Tl 1805. June 31 warrants pald í June I tro to dls'l No 1 I W liñ June I tra todkM No2 .luly :il ly warrants pald .'-' 00 Aor 31 by warrants pald 110 09 sii 30 by warrants pald H 63 Mi-i 'i by warrántspaid Ocl . tra to dls'l No 1 0 I (i.-i ; tra to dls'l No I Ocl i tra i d1s1 NoS 601 '.." Ocl J ira tOdls't No 3 1,440 ES Oc1 '. trn todls'l No I Nov :;:i by warranl pald Dec 31 iv warraits pald Dec 31 1 r llsM No : Jan 'i ''; tra to dls'l No2 Jan 'i tn lls'l No B Jan i tra I - dls't So Jan Sltra todis'l Sol 50 00 Jan 31 warrant p;iil 'tí " Feb 29 warrants ;-:iil IJV2 23 Api-il :l warrantá pald 11 2S AprllSl by bal 10,869 U i, ili) ;i LABOR ACCT [.ATERAI, 8EWEH DIS'T NO. 1. Aüí.' '94 bonds sold ? 4,000 (ki May 31 '95 by balance ■"! 40 S 4."r4 40 .liiiii' 1 Iniiisfcr from i Main sewcr Ocl 31 i ransfer [rom m s Oi;( 31 i ra nsffr from m s Jan 31 '9C transfer froni tn s mee 6 87 ■ Aun 30 warrants palu I Sfi 70 Bepl :u " '■ Ocl : i - ■■ i: ■■■■ N.iv ni '■ " l.Klil i Dedil " '■ 1,960 ;:, jan 31 '93 " " 30 n FebSa ■■ - IT05 Marfil 31 " '' 12 00 i ■ " ' $ l,i ■ ! ! bal S ■"! W .huir :; i ii warrants .luly :il " ■ ■:■ 00 N'iv :: ,Tan30'96. " ■ X, I-vi,;: ni :: March 31 " i .'i 3 -I-:; 32 May 1 lo bal S (i 27 TAX U MT SI U IK DISTRICT -Vl 1. June I. '91, u May 31, '95, ;: col i I, I 1.548 r:: Muy ::i lo bal i ,)uly3l ia col 252 ::i A uc a I tax col tas col 31 ("" i'.-i : taxcol r.! :V Nov30taxcol [9 80 Drcll! l:i col 120 l!l ,!:i:i 31, ■'."■.. l:i rol ■;.-, :) li .:; :;i Mareh 31 tax col 17 03 April :u .!■■:.■ Miner (tu s of Vug)... 14 9a Aprll31 l'err'.ne (tax of Dec) :;ii Tü I 1,609 30 May l io balance í 476 -I March :;i '96, bonds redei med í 1,000 00 Marrh 31 i rosi pald 15 04 M ly :;! by balance 503 [9 8 l.Ms 23 ■ md redeemod } l.o ) ■■; Interesi pald 33 00 i [00 00 A prü ::!. '', í, S 1,809 30 BOU ACCOÜNT SEWER IHST. NO. 2. 8ept 1891 liniuls solil I 6, h.OOO 00 June 1 '95 to bal $ June l tra from tualn sewer ■. ib Ir O r Mills pertalníiií; Ici 1 1 ii I 1 matter 51(1 M ((-t trtuihfor liiiiin sewor Jan '96 tra inaui sowci-.„. 850 (K) S 8,049 27 May 1 to balance t 3S ;i . !M warrants paid $ ■'"' í5 Sepl 30 ■■ ■' 61 a Ocl :il ■ " m :;: ■' ' l.iio H Dec31 ' " .Tan 31, '98 " " [íob2M ' " March 31 " " April 31 ■■ " May 31 ' ' I.S03 ■ M :i.y ;:i ■ S (i.liOU 10 Juno 31 '93 by warrants i : : 1 1 (f :.'l t July.'M " ■ 4ii tui Vnjj 31 " ■■ I iMi ■ 61ti si Dec 10 ' '■ 516 84 Jan :l '90 " " ii's 1" AprII31 hv balance 85 ?6 T iCCOI H mi i imc t NO. :.'. June '94 lo May '95 tax col 1, B79-25 Jnne l '93 to balai 5 III 6 .1 ' 1 1 - : : i Ui tax col (13 i5 .luly ;t1 " 030 10 92 '! ', : i 'i 16 ali Noi XI " i 51 i. , ; ■ 134 :.i .lm :; '06 " 181 29 .: 159 20 March 31 " 24 n Aprll II ' 31 81 May I to 1 al .M: i'.-ii '.i.", i.-)!nl-. ;i mi Intcrsl puld ....L i. Muy :;l by bal ? 1,679 i") i ín 80 '95 bonds redeomod t" IOci '.'J liitvrvxt ; Kob 39 (Mliitorosi pald I Aprll 3 iice I :'. i -: 60 LABOB U3COÜNT SEWER DISTRICT NO. ■!. May 31 1,131 U Bopí 30 bonds so;.; í i: ox) ou Oct 7 transfer from m B I 110 05 (i, -i ',i bood sold -olll I().!H() I! Aprll 31 by balance 3,900 tS ï.-..iii) ',iii Ml In wurrants puld ■? 94 00 ■■ m i;:. 95 25 " l:;i 38 ■■ na oo Jan :il '95 " " 388 02 lili-■■ " ii .;l ■ 11 :il '■ - ín! 2.1 ■ II.' .ii 8 1,131 II June i to i;,l S 1,131 N June 30 by wurrants pald 148 40 .lul'. SI ' ■ ■■ [03 II Au31 ■■ ■ ■' ter to maln sower i i id 31 warrants pald Nov ;t " . , Hi-:;l " ■' ; ■ Fob 28 '■ " 2,301 f I Marcti 31 ■' " 163 il April :;i " ■ 71 70 I28.3M) !"l May I to bal $ 8,900 25 TAX ACCOUNT 8KWFB DISTRICT Mi. 3. Auj; 31 '96, tax collected 5 8op1 30 ■' '■ 815 41) Oei :il - " 231 32 Nov 30 " " 1,312 I ■■ :! ' " 1,812 lis Jan 31 '96 " " 529 91 Feb 29 ■ ■■ lts i Mareta 31 " ■' i;i 91 April :si ' " .. 687 91 April :jl by balance 1,289 'X 90! Hl Feb 29 ''M. by i ls redeemed t 8,500 00 Im'Ip :.".i íiv Interest pald l.v, 89 Fob ::.i ■■ ■' 120 mi Feb29 ■■ " 128 93 May i by balance s 1,209 '.'" t.ABOH ACCOUNT sr.WKn DISTRICT Mi. 1. May SI by balance S Isí lo S isi in Sepl :; '95 bond sold í 'imn no Ocl . transfer from maln sewer 2736 68 l)ec -il transfer irom ma in sewer 330 o; April ::i by balance 252 73 $ 4Sfn is May :;l '98 by warrant s paiil s 184 I g 184 10 .lu ni' i '95 to balance $ 184 l Juno 30 by warrant pald ; :tr Julj :;i ■ 5 ■■ ■ ui- sa S ,i :;i) ■ ■ 2043 s Octl by transfer to maln srwi-r 273 63 ci.-i :n warrants puld 1306 56 Feb .'.i' '911 by vrarrants pald w 18 I ts."ti 4-i .May i to balance $ r.'iw '.:: iax Account sewer district no. i. Aur31 '95tax collected 5 658 50 Seol 30 " ■■ i.. i :.". Ocl :;! ■■ j:;t 82 Nov ;n ■ 86 .".;i llec :l ■■ 131 K Jan ::i '96 " " 319 62 " 64 99 April :;i " " n ;i $ 1461 :i May i to balance í Fob 20 '96bonds rcdeemed í luim mi Ktïb 29 interest patd _ -Ji "i"i Feb 29 interest pald 73 98 April :!l by balance 382 ".:. $ 1461 39 LABOR ACCOUNT SEWER DISTRICT KO. " I transfer from maln sewer f 50 00 8 50 00 May lt(i hal $ L-, Au)t 31 '05 by wairants pald $ L'l H) April 31 by i ia lance ::: mi S Ü3 00 LABOR ACCOUNT SBWEB DISTRICT KO. li. Jan 'mi transfer from maln sewer $ UW 00 S 100 00 May lio balance _ í 3 85 A usr :n '■.: by {rsrrants na id 5 12 lE Sejl !'. " ■ 1 I H 1 ■ 42 15 .l:i ii :l 'W " " :; .'ii April :l by balance 3 95 S 100 00 4IVIUDRAFTS Main sewer $10,869 49 Labor arci. lateral sewer i !cl No 1 S 27 Tax aect. lateral sewer disl ; Icl So] 47(i 24 Labor aect. lateral sewer dUtrici No S ::r, ;,; Tax aect. lateral sewer district No :: 784 o: Labor aect. lateral sewer district No :i ;.KX) 2T Tax aect.' later il sewer disiii.-i No :: 1,209 IB Labor aect. lateral sewer district No 1 258 ;:; Tav aect. lateral scwor district No i :;;: ;: Labor arci. lateral sewer dist riel No.") K Labor aect. lateral sewer district No i) :; 95 Delinquent tax fund 94 :J0 Maln sewor bond fund 100 00 íüirs oí f;-),:i io ; H) Balance In sewer fund $ V31 i;l l:i lance in city I mul li... 121,893 7 All of which is most reapoctfully submittsd. '. ir. Manly, May 1,1896. City Treasurer. To tho Common Counnil: - According to the power conferred upon ma by tho Charter, I hereby appoint Kmma 1!. Mills, Deputy City Clerk, subject to the approval of your Honorable Body. GLEN. A'. MlLLS, City Clork. Adoptcd as follows: Feas AM. Maynard, Moore, Koch, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, BrowD, ord, Rbodes, Coon, Soule, Cady, Daoforth, Pres. II lacock 1 1. None. Aid. Maynard moved that the Comin un catión of tho Board of Public Works ralative to the Liberty Street sewer be taken from the table. Adopte i. Aid. Brown moved that the further consideration of thls claim be indeflaately postponed, Adopted as follows : 5feas Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koch, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Browo, Sbadford, Rhodea, Coon, Soule, Cady, Danforth, Pees, llisco-.-k- 14. tíaya (Tone. EESOLUTION9. Bj Alderman Soule. Hesolved, That the Street Comisslonerbedirected to llush tho Bnsh-tanks in the II í 11 St. se ver district, which bave ooi been connected wlth the water mafias. And further resolved that the Chiefofthe Tiro Department be dirocted io furnish a suHiciont amount of hose to connect with the Bre hydrants and a man to take charge of such hydránt during the flushin ;. Adopted as follows' 5Teas- Aid. Maynard, Moore, Kocb, Laubengayer, DU, Brown. Sbadford, IlliDilcs. ('or.u. Soule, Cady, Dan f or tb, Pres. Hiscock- 13' Nays Aid. Burke. By Aid. Cady. Resolved, Thai Professor Harry D. Butcbios be granted permlssion to lay his sidewalk sothat tho itiside line will extend one foot into the street from the property line. Rforred to Sidewalk Committeo. Aid. Brown moved that the voto on ashtonaw Ave. sower be reconsiden Adopted as follows: "i cas Aid. Maynard. Moore, Laubengayer, Dell. Burke, Brown, Shadford, RhodfiB, Coon, ( Danforth, Prea. Hiscock. - 12. Nays- Aid. Kooh, Soule. - 2. Aid. ('ady moved that tho report be laid on the table untilan opinión can be secured trom the City Attornoy. Adoptud. On motion the Counoll adjourned. ci.iiN' V. Mills, City Clerk.


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