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Sour Stomach, sometimes calledwaterbrash, and burning puin, distrcss, nausea, dyspepsia, are cared by Hood's Sarsaparilla. This it ancomplialies because with lts wonderful power as a blood purifler, Hood's Sarsaparilla gently tones and strengtliens tlie stomacli and digestive organs, iavigorates the liver, cveate8 an appetite, gives refresuing sleep, and raises the liealtli tone. In cases of dyspepsia and indigestión il geems t have a magie touch." " For over 12 years I suffered from sour Stomach wlth severe pains across my shoulders, and great distress. I had violent nausea which would Ieave mo very weak and faint, difflcult to get my breath. Tliese spells came oftener and more severe. I did not receive any lastinij benefit from physicians, bat found sueh happy effeets from a trial of Hood's Sarsaparilla, that ] took several bottles and invan to ahvays keeplt in the house. I ani now able to do all my own work, which for six years I have been unable to do. My luis and son have also been greatly benefited by Hood's Sarsaparilla - for pains in the back, and after the fir'l' I sladly recommend this grand blood medicine." Mrs. Pbtek Bukbt, Leominster, Mnss. Hood's Sarsaparilla Ia the One Tme Blood Purlfier. Alldi ■ , ■ v-v cure ;i 1 1 LI ver lis nood s Pilis sickii leí 11 la a speciaüy prepared Klotli for keeping all Tableteare Bright and Clean. Ft will not Scratoh or injure the mest delicate SUTface, TRICE 15C EACII 2 for 25c. For Sale by Cal] and See WM. GOODYEAR & Co, 18 S. Main St. N, B.- A Large Line oL Cbildren'a Bonnets & Hats, line of Lailitít,' Shirt Waistó just received. Agenta for Standard l'.iper Patterns. f, TOLEDO p. pt Ann arboy_ Ui? V'NORTH MICHIGAN) q L RAILWAY. v_l 'IS fmÊi wÈ ' i in i "-racyf__Y BAY CITY % 141 ft. W.ynoj -'looi.e s'. TIME CAIÍD. In effect May 17th, 1W6. Traína Leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. KOBTH. SOUTH. t.'35a. ni. .!0a. m. t 9. 15 a. m. til. 30 a. m. + 'Ï4 p. ni. JH.I 1 p. m. ♦9. 5 p. m. f.O-'p m. i Sunday only between Toledo and Hamburg Jmiction. Daily Sleepen between Toledo and Frankfort t Daily except Sunduy. W. H. BoniMttt, R. 8. Greenwood, B. P. A Agt. jfllCHIGAN CENTRAL "The Niágara Falls Route." Central Standard Time. TBAINS AT AKN ARBOK. (Icing East. Qolng Wea t Muil 8.50 p. m. 8.38 a. in. Day Exprfira 5.00 p. m. 7.80 R, m. Nortta Shore Limitedt 9 5 a. m, Chicago Exprwsat ll.8 p. ni. N.. & Ext in.12p.rn. Detroit Kxpresst 5.40 a. m Pacifli: Kxpres-t 12.1T. p. m. Grand ltapids Ex ... 11.05a, m, 5.RSp. m , Fast Bzpresst 2Uüp. ni. 1 pr88t ".:.'(! a. m. Daily excppt Sunday. Daily exept Saturday. t Dai y. . W. KUÖOLES, H. W. HaíES P. & T. A.Chlcasro. Ag't. Ann Arbor. Make it a point to see tliat your blood is purified, cnriched and vitalized at this season with Hood's Saraaparilla. Wantkd - A íew gooa canvassers Splendid ODportunity for those wlio are ou' WOrk and want to earn sonie money. or particulars iniire at tbe office c ts Aníí Aebob Dkmo i:at. Itnpoverished blood causes that t .ed eeliosr. Hood's Sarsaparilla puriüc-, uriches and the blood gives vigor and vitaüty. . , ' CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For prompt answer nml an taonest oiuiiion. .wntc w Sil i S N ifc ('O., who have bad nearly titty reu f.v'.-'rincpinthe patent bnjinea. Cpmmnnl tlons strictly cniinriential. A Hnmllmok of 1 tormatinii ooncernlns rntc-iits and now to odtalo ihorn sent froe. Also a catalogue of mechan leal aml BOlentlflO boofcí s-nt : froc. _._,! Patents taken ttarouKb Muim & Co. recel special notlcelnthe Sclentlüc Amei-icnnt tlius aro brought irtiely beforethe pabllawt out "! to the Inventor. Ttali Bplenala paí isBlied woekly, elPRantly ilUiítratml. hnsliyfari"" larest clrculatii n ot any scientiiu? worii In tno world. :t a year. Bamnlj enrios sent f reo. liuildinic Kiiition. monthly, t3.Su a year. MW" . foples, 'J5 cents. UfeerT nnmber oontalns MJ (ful plateB, in OOlOn, nnl pbotpcrapbs Oí n bonses, wlth plans. enablinK buiuicrs folow tu0 iaicst áeniens aml seoure contracta. A'MUNN & CO.. KBW ÏOKK. .Jüt BiioJUWAT. Firnt-Class Stcainboat Service belweO Detroit and Cleveland, and Cleveland, l'iit-in-l'ay ud Toledo. D. & C. Floating Palaces ure no running daily bótween Detroit and Cleveland, and on May 1 will oommenee t run daily between Clevelandi Put-in-Bay and Toledo. If yu are traveliiifr betweon the above poinU, taUe advantage of a water trip and save money. Bpend your vacation on the Great Lakes. Send for illustrated pamphlet Addrcss A. A. SCHANTZ, Q. 1'. A., Detroit,


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