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The Store. Dependa for Lts patronage upmi its magnifioent incomparable service. Being foremost in everything, having the best of everything, giviní always the Icwesl pricea and best. bargaina making yonr interest lic so uiiiiiistakably ín the store lirection as to lead the muititude to it dours. Tbis week vc again come forwHi'd with a list óf Special Seasrnable Bargains Thin Ootton Dress Goods. 1500 yards Cotton Dimitios wortli ]2oforSc 500 yards Triíh Lawns, Linen fancv effeois worth 121 for 0 7.50 yaids Duck Suitings wortli 12c for 7c. Jaconet Duohess in Newest fiVccis Dois DresJen Btripea etc. :it 2 Great Hosiery Drives. i Case Ladies' Full Regular Fast Black tíose are snld by Small Dealers for i5c ■-' paira for 25c, we let the lot go at 3 Pair for 25c. Only 3 pairs to oach customer. Laili.-K Maroons Brown and Tan Ilose to match new Bhadea in shoes wortfa 25c, ü daya löc. SILK UMBRELLAS. $3.00 pure silk Umbrsllas $1.05. $490, $4 50, 84.00 and $;i.7ó Silk ijmbrellas leducjd to one $2.95 The best 12.00 silk Urabrellas $1.45. 100 Faiicy Dresden Para ols Vöc. White si !k parasols goed weights $1.15. Our Suit Department is at present a most interesting place for a lady to visit. There's a display there t kundreds of Styles of streel and house ïreases, liicycle buíis anJ sepeiate skirts, only oue of a kind as thev're manufacturen1 Bamplee. All selling at fprio. Mack & Comoany The It Means $ $ $ To every person who mut luy (Taving pnrchaa ñ an enormons qnanüty of Japinese rugs in Bizes ironi CxS 1-2 ft. to J2xi5 ft., wc will for a short time offet i hem al rediculousiy low price?, 6x8 i-2 ft Rugí, best quality, 84 25 all other gizee to eorrespond in price. CHILDRBNS' GAREIAGES still going at 25 oo off tlie regular Repairïng and upholsUring dona oheaper tban at any other house in tlic city. Workrnaaship ahvays guaranteed. Bicycles. The Perfect Wboel. THE MAJEST1C guaranteed to be as good as any wheel made, etc. the popular wheel at a popular price. Wc want to sliow it to YOU. 56-58-60 S. Main st. Phone 1C4. I IET -CL3?32L tiTXX1 e . SOM E TRICES Al 111 10 GBEAT CHATTEL MORTQAQE SALE = = (Stabler's Old Stand), 25 S. FOURTII AVE. Standard Wliite Blanks 3o per i roll. Splendid Gilt Combinations Te, ! per rol 1. The Bet Ingrain I'i]er 8cper roll. Heavy il t Cotnbinations 10o pe' roll. Mixed Painte, ready for use OSí: per gallon Floor Paiiit reidy for use, Hóe per gallon. The Best White Lead, 50 per lb. Ti:e lieiit 'Vhite Linseed Oil to per gallon The best Vaniisli 81 per gallon Ala'jastinc 35o per paoka PICTÜRliS Ml FRAMES At Wholesale. Gsorgs Wahr,i (At Stable.'s Old Stnnd), 25 S. Fourth ave., ■ Ann Aibor.


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Ann Arbor Democrat