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W. K. Childs has seoured a pension for Jolio George Stuebler. The U. of M. Masonic Club will banquet' June 6. H. (. Prettyman will be the caterer. Forty five law students will apply at tlio circuit court, Monday, for ;1uission tci the b;w. 'i'lie Aun Arbor Elk a will play a game of baseball wtth the Detroit Elks in the nuar future. 'J'ho Dnited Prienda bave paid Mra John Sedina Sa.OOO. Her late husband w;is a raember of Uiat#rliM A company manufaeturing ,r;ls entines has rented the oíd foundry on VV. liaron st , and begun work tliere. l'rof. Walker, of Hartford, Conn , has düiivered a eourseof lecturesou Patent Law, tliis week, before the senior law cluss. Alfred SpaulSing's hand was caught in the macbinery at the Ann Arbor Mfg. Co's factory, Tuesday, and badly crushed. The Politica! Equality Club will meet Monday at 3 o'oloclc at the home of M re. Soule, 4 S. Universit.y ave. All interested are invited Arbor llive, No. 113, fjive a tea social rhursday evening oí next week in Maccabee Dall. J. E. Ilarkins will be one of the attraetious. Kev. U'. Si. Forreat, of Medina, O., has accepted the pastorale oL the Churc'j of Cbrist, of lliis city and will be,rin his duties, June 1. C. L. McGuire, 'i)ú law, hnnded in his tlieGi-s to the law fac-ulty, Xuesday, all set in verse, and acoompanied by a half-tone ent of Mr. McGulre. The senior law chiss will leave a porirait of l'rof. J. C. Knowlton a u memorial in reeognition of UÍ8 Bervicea to the law department, while dean. 1'.. 1'. Hall, captain of the High school track team, states tliat all candidates who tvish to í;o to Lansiug must practice at llie fair grounds at 3:30 p. m.daily V. II. S. Wood, of Howell, is in the city to organizo a branch división of tlio Knights of the Loyal Guard, a new fraternal orjjfanization with ueadquarttíis at Flint The lecture in the Weslejan Guild Lecture couise will bc g-iven oext Sunday evenini in the Methodist church by Bev. Dr. Ueorge 11. Trever, of Milwaukee, Wis. W. K. Childs will de'ivcr tho Memorial day address at Hamburg, May 39. The Hamburg G. A. E. post will o to Iirighton May 80, to particípate ia the ]ii,rhloii post's celebratiou. A luwii social will be ffiven for tbe benefit of the Uermau M E. cfaurch on the lavvn of the second ward school li u8e, Thursday evcninp. May 29, 1896 Ico oream and cake will be served ior 15 cents. In the circuit court, Tuesday, Jude Iviiitif dissolved the injunction iu the case of North ra Liun, and refused the petition to appoÏDt i receiyer. This case is better known as the Goodrich will case. Fifty members of Ann Arbor Commandery, K. T. , held Ascensión Day services at Forest Hill cemetery, Siiriihi.y, mul decorated twenty one graves sir Kniiflit Rev, Y. Ij. Tedrow deLvered an appropriate address. The Freshman banquet was held frida.y evening iu Qranger"8 Acade I'imiv couples attendi'il and enj the toasts and dancing'. Mesdames Angll, Norris, Patterson, Keatiog und Knowlton utre the chaperones. Carda have beon received herc for the marriage of Miss Mary Williiins Lanffley, daughter of I'rof. and Mrs. John W. Langley, former Ann Arbor residen ts, to Dr. Ilenry B. Herrick, at Beckwilh Diemorial chureb, Cleveland, O. "The Nature of the Soul" will be discussed by liev. U. 'J. Tenney (i-ditor oí the Review and Herald) in a lectun Fridayeve., 2'ind inst, at 7:80, in tl.iAdventist church, corner of E. Liberty und S. División sts. All seats {ree. No collection. Win. Her, and Christian Martin have been elected delegatt s and Eugene OöSterliii, altérnale, of the Ann Arbor branch of the Workingmeu'8 society of Michigan, to the society' state convention, which will be held at Muskegon, June 0, lü, and 11. The Trtnity Lutheran aid society ; gave an enjnyable ice cream socjal, Friday evening iu the parlora of the church. Mr. Maj'aiua, a Japanese student, gave a stereopticon lecture m '!,;r' on .l:i pan" which v;is both in; teresting and instructive. I The Ann Arbor Ry. does a good business. For the fir.-it week in May 'ii5, the earnings were $31,405, and the sanie week this n.outh $21,973. Fronp Jan. lst to M;iy 7, '95, the earnings were SSíi.M"; as compared with . 353 this year - a goud gain. Rev. Dr. lohn V. Bradshaw, pastor of the First Congregational church of this city, presided as moderator of the flfty-üflh annual convention of the Miohigun Coneregational AssociatioD at Greenville, Tuesday, and responded I to the address of welcoine. So few of our business men attended the meeting held Friday evening lo arrange for an Independence Day celebration, that the matter has been dropped. It is hoped that arrangements may be on foot earlicr next year and insure the auccees of the venture. A special meeting of the legal votéis ) of Ann Arbor School District No. 1, has bean called by the district board. and will be held at the supervisor's rooms in the i'Ourt house, May '25, 1896, at 'J p. :n., to vote on the questioD of building an addition lo the 8rd ward school building. The Hiyli School 8. C. A. lias eleeted the followlnir offleers for ensuing year: President, W alter Simes; Qrstvice president, C';iáy: .s.'cond vice presi dent. Miss Cooley; secretary, Miss croft; treasnrer, Markham Cheevor; pianist, Miss Bradshaw; Bulletin editor, EMward Boylan. The case of V. B. Phillips, receiver of the Register Pub. Co., vs. S. A. M irao, et. al, was sottled Wrdnesday ] by a compromiso, outside of court. Mr. Moran'j tlainii to the Am Arbor ■e undisturbed, ind one half of tlu ;, by Kuch .fc [lenne was ordered tn be ]}:ia ey held by the court. The directors of the Ann Arbor & ! Vpsilanti Street Kv. Co., and those of i the Ann Arbor .Street Ry. Co., hare recently met and talked over tlie affairs of the two roads and it is ruraorcd that tliey haTe affreed toeijuip tlie Ann Arbor & Ypsilantl line uitli electiieit.v, thus nniting' the two Unes. It is expected that tho clianye wiü be mudo bofoie f all. A now rule has boen passed for the senior literary studente in the Dnlversity. Those vvho have ninety hours or more to their credit after the iirst three years, raay continue their work for llie reinainm .year along special lines of study. They will, however, be Bubject to the direction and approval of the administrativo council of the íTíiduate scliool. This will virtually lak; the place of the "university system" of graduatioil. Prof. and Mis. II. C. Adama taincd tlie Gradúate Club at tlieir home cm llill st , l'riday evening. Au able paper was read by Prof. 15. A. Sinedale on "Tlie Real Monroe Doctrine," with a diseussion b.y Professors D'Oog-e, Adams, Iliusdale, Wenley and others. These officers were chosen for the euSUÏDgyear: President, Miss üliaius, !)."); viee president, Mr. Davis; secietary, Duane II. Stuart; general oommittee. Mr. Uray and Miss Lovell. Extensiva preparationa are being' made by the college girls for serving coffee ;mil ices after the May Festival eoncerts. Rooms A & B have been given up for this purpose one oí whioh is to be a Japanese room, the otliei decorated with the üowers wliich Mrr, Cousins lias kindly offered. The decoratlnfj wiil be under the direction o) Miss Alice llunt It islioped that tliese efforts will be rewarded by a generous patronage and tliat a g-oodly sum may be added to the iund of the Women'b üuildiiii?. The Franklin House on V. Iluron st will hereafter bo known as the new St. James hotel. The building has been cntirely renovated. The office is dow loeated on the corner and hot been tnstefully flnished in oak. The dininf room is the largest in the city, taking tip half of the ground iloor. All of the rooms have been ncwly decorated, and the building will be tteated by steam. An Iron pórtico will be built on the Hu ron st front of the building. Ueo. U. Shetterly oi Streater, 111., will remove to this city. June 1 '. and take charge of the hotel as lessee and manager, Mr. Brenner retaining the ownership of the build ing. Several students raised a disturban c Friday evening during the lTreshinai. banquet. Two were arrested and nrarrants uro in Marshal Peterson's hands for eight raore. The damage lorie to windows and the costs of arrest ;iiv about $50 and the case againat the studenta will ha dropped if that iinount be paid. Lfnot, the marshal ■.ivs be will prosecute. One of the students bas engajeil Prof. J. C. lúiowlton to defeud Ilino, and claims to havo taken no part in the distnrbance Richard lïa.y, a law student who wa arresten l-'ridav niyiit, has been suspended by the law facnlt.y. He wa: found to have Btooes iu his pocket, anrt this was oonsidered to be better prooi of guilt than in the case oí the other; arrested. The U. of M. comedy elub'ssecond annual bene Ut for the woman's gymnasium ivas gíven at the opera liouse Fridaj evening. "A Scrajp of Paper," b.y Sardón was the play and an unusually interest ing performance was given. Mr. Edsvard Weitzel was stage manager. T'lu members of the club took characters as follows: - ProsDer Couramont, Mr. üaiiily; Baron de la (laeiere, Mr. Wedoclt; Anatole, Mr. Brnith; Ji-an. Mr. Bourland; Francois, Mr. de Pont; Brismouche, Mr. llarrinuin; Louise de la (laciere, Miss Barnes; Buzanne de Russeville, Miss I!. Duuster; Mathilde, Miss Devine; M'ile Zeuobie, Mist Duffy; Madame de Pont, Miss U. Ounster; Pauline, Miss Porter. The performance was given for tlie benefit )f tlie woman's gymnasium. A jpecially selected orchestra of twelve pieces, tbe playera being members ol the Chequamegons and High School Drohestra, fuvnished music for tluentertainment


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