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Jnne l '95. urouRhl forth ann Aur. approprlatlon ■■! '" i ■■!. rem oi roller ' ■'! sold.... ' ■' oc. Sudwortli sldcwalk '. ;' ,;,n. Rose sldowalk... :-; i sldowalk !- ("; Jan, sldowalk froiti tax roll - - Murcli :tl, ly bul - _ --' lLï8I 21 June, warrants ::il , ' ' '! Ia; :: :: i::::::::::-:::::::::::::: ':"':;í ■■.';' .. ■■ z:.:::: isi % t ; ■■ ■■ " 131 32 1 " .. .. (188 98 v-p"; - - :.:::::::... ..„■i,, ■ ■■ :::: '■ 11,788 :r, Maroh31, tobnlancr ;-':-;r! !S I contillKflil fliml UUU UU owlng bridge, culvcri ftnd crosswalk fund 1.000 00 i iver dra f i "'';;,; 5 Cash on hand -4 !- poob rus. June 1, bal forward 151 ';!.' Juno :, Fred Slpley onnnm August, approprlatlon g.ou w Marcli :)1. bal ,'unc t. warrants patd '2ï S Jiny. - ;: ,S2ï Sept - - l :, ■: : ::::::::::::::: y;;i: " = :::::::::::::::: SS j-.'i.. ■■ ■■ ; Wan-h. - " -i' VÏM.ircli 31, bal ■'■'■' 2.9SS !U Ihie Bridge, culvort and crosswalk fund . ' 22 '" . l Êedog fund '■}'■'■ '" Due contlnftenl finid iou w 1.728 00 BRIDGE, (TI.VKKT AM CRO88WAI.K ITMi. Junel, l:il forward Ï.SJ6 Dj Aur. 31. approprlatlon 5,000 00 ,i. ;tl, rebate on frelKhl i1 Jan. I. 115, tor plunk sold 16 08 7,39] 75 March 31, tobal ::--'"-' g Duc i ri 'in waUT fund -i"11 00 lue from street fund '""" w Due fiotn pi xir f mul 700 HO .") '2 i'Z July. warrarfts pald :-1('l '■ ■"' Auk, " - 2.00?S Sept '■ - lis ,., Oct, - - ;; g Sov. ■■ - 3 ■ :,.,-. ■ ■■ 020 Jan ■■ - 2M Febl - - W Marcli. ' ■ gOl Mairli, by balance 8.282 tí s t,8m ra POI.ICK. Junol, '!i". balance forward ( 1.OT2 4S .rune '95, Justlce E B Pond Aiil'. ''.'."i. approprlation 8.Q00 (Hi Aii'_'. E 1$ l'oiul lust Ice 4 mi Si'iit '9S, Gibson Justice fees 10 30 Sept, '9S, K li l'ond (ustlee T il Oct. ■■.'■"'. A E Glbaon lustlce toes 5 00 Ni.v, '95, E H Pood lustlce fee IS ihi Dec, '9S, M C Pctonou H in Jan, '96, M C Peterson 1" -W l'eb, ''.':. M C l'eterson si Hnrch, '9(S, M C Peterson 20 10 4,700 ; Marcli 31, tobal 1.770 62 June 4, warrants pald :';ci 45 Juiy 31, " ■' -'■'■ "" Ai:;i. " ' 80009 Sept 30, " '■ '■'■'■'■'' S0 Oct 31, ■ ■' 333 S3 Kov 30, - ■ :-v-'-i i' Dec 31, '■ - :-"'■" Ui Jan 31, ■' '■ 371 00 ivi, ■:■.'. ■■ - SU in Maroh 31, " " ; i) Murcta 31. by bulance 1,770 62 4,:()!l 82 FIBEMEN'8 PIMl. .1 une l. '.'.", bal forward i 470 11 , '95, upproprlat'on 6,8Oj Op s.'.nn ii March 31, to balance ,ii."v', :i June 30, warrants pald 7M x July 31, ■■ ■■ 6iO !-: An:i(i " '■ 588 44 Sepi 30, " ' r2." o:; o.i 31, ■' " 471 "8 N.iv :'. " ' 602 26 Doe 31, - " ü'.i'. '.'■■ Jan 31, " " 6H3 78 t'eb ■ " '.'lo 21 Mar 31, " " 592 31 Mairli 31, by balance 2,854 26 8.HT0 11 r.Mi:n:i:v n mi June I, Broughi torward _... July :l. i: S flanly 15 00 PebSU, Be, ESManly ïri oo 288 38 Uarch SI, to balance 187 80 June 30, warrants pald 32 25 July 30, " U (i A UK 30, " l.i 7" Si-pt 30, " ' i: 50 Oc( 30. " ■ :i ("i Nov 30. " 48 00 March 31, by balance K7 86 2i :; BOLDIEBS' RELIEF. June i. 'i)5. balance forward Uarch 1, '!Hi 337 83 1,137 V-i Uarch 31, to balance 858 88 .liiiir i. 'M. warrants paid 'M m July 31, ■■ " 4U 00 Aug 31, " - 35 no Bept 30, " :ï ikj (let 31, " ■ 40 00 Ni". ■ " 31) 00 Dec31, " " :o oo Jan 30, '96, " " 40 00 .Mar 31, " " :; s,'i March 31, by balance 653 1,137 T-i nou iTxn. June l. bal forward 85 00 JuneüO, '5, llcense, Mills l oo July 31, ■■ - l oii Sept 1, " " :a ot) Oct 31, " ■■ ; 00 Nov 30, " ' z (mi Dec 31, " " 14 iki Jan 31, 'i'n. " ■ 1 li-lir.1i. ■ " B ti March 31, " ■' 100 n: oo Uarch 31, to balance iTr iki Due f ruin poor funii ::;; imi March Hl, by balance 176 00 175 I) KT Ml. June 1, bal forward i .;i:i"i i", Aug Hl, approprlal ni :..."hi iki 7,425 15 Uarch 31, to balance 1.51S w I, '95, wananls paid 02 ;.'i July 30, " " .-....„ 2,865 00 Jan 31, '90. " " 2.903 00 Balance ,512 w Ï.4U5 15 Due c"Ontln(?enl fund TOO i Due bridge, culvert and crosawalka 800 w 9 1,000 00 Miico of the C'hiof of Pólice, Ann Arbor, Mirii, April 30, I sofi. Totiu HonoruhU Common Council: Gentlemen : - I have the honor to Bubmlt herewith my annual report of the business of the Pólice Departmeot of the City of Ann Arbor, for the year ending April 30, 1896. There are live persons employed in the Pólice Department, viz.: Meiven ('. Peteraon,1 chief, appointed May 6, '95, salary $!" 00 David Collins, patrolman, appointed October 6, '90, salary... 50 00 .Hullen Armbruster, patrolman, appointed May , '94, Balary.:.. 50 00 George [sbel, patrolman, appointed June 15, '04, salary. ... 50 00 John O'.Maru. patrolman, appointed May 6, '95, salary .... 50 00 Tho total number of arrest during the year were as follows, and upon the following charges, viz.: Larceny 17 Burglary 2 forgery 2 Elape 2 Keeping lottery 1 Gambling G Assault and Battery 9 Prostltution 7 Carrying concealed weapons 2 Violating U.S. Mail 2 : ii Ordiñanee. Vlolattül íiquOr Uws "'-y ■ J. 1 Ii-unkene83 w Rldlng aioviutf traina - ( Iruelty to animal?. 5 SuQpicion 1 Insane 5 Mi8cellaneoua Total.., 211 By mmitlis the arresta were ís follows: May. 10: Juno, VI: July, 16; August, 17: September, 36; (otober, 12: November, 18: December, 10: January, 16; February, 11; March, 40: April, 1-Total, 211. It bas been the ambition of vour poLlce force during the past year, to prevent crimft and disorder, rathertbanto ga,in a reputation tor cumeroua arresta at the expense of the tax-payers or tor the sake of iettlng fees. The expenses of the department for the year wet-e as tollows, viz.: Salaries of regular and special oincers 83,352 16 Supplies 12 39 Incidental expenses 37.25 Total $3,40180 The followinjjf tees and fines bave been earaedduring the year, ...: Fees or' oftieers turned Into city troasury 94.60 Fines of ofticers earned in city oases i Fines of officers earned ín Btate cases 73.00 Total $28 It gives me great pie asure to report thatmy associate&upon the forcé have been, without exception, prompt, diligent, and faithful in the discharge of thoir duties. It is proper to Bay that many of the duties of tha pólice force are of a private and delicate nature, involving in their performance the utmost secrecy judgment and discretion: in judgment and discretion; in many oases jroporty has been preserved or recovred. dlffleulties adjusted, and offenses provented of whlch thepubliccan never fnow. When wo take into consideration the extent of the City lerritory- the fact that nearly, orquite one fourth f our populatioo ts constantly changnijr, beinK Btrangers whose history and "ormer occupations and babtts of life mist be unknown to the pólice force when Üjey come here more thán two thoiisand of these young men away from the inlluences and rest'raints of home, and tempted to give way to the buoyant and mischievous spirits of youth - when we consider that we bave bul one xliceman to about three thousand sucb population, the quiet and order that :ias been maintained, the protection that has been extended to persons and property in Ann Arbor b,y the polici force, is without, parallel in citie? 0Í ibis sizo in this or any other country. That sueh a result bas boon obtuined. is due to the fact that the faithfuloess and zeal of the pólice forcé bas Been supplemented and re-inforced by the generous support of the Council, and the dympathy and encóuragment of all the best citi.ons of the city. 1 would say that it has been our aim to keep the pólice force outslde, and independent of politics. Tvo man lias been recommended becauseóf bis party affiliations, or kept apon the force because of his polltlcal opinions. That the force may be removed as far ;s possible from all polltlcal. or party, or factional inlluences in tho future, I beg leave to recoïnmend toyour Honorable Body to secure ar. amendmert to the City Charter at the next session of the lagislaturc, putting the pólice department of the city, under the charge of a Board of Pólice Commissioners, similar to the board whlch now bas charge of the Fire Department, and wliich has made that department an honor to the city and so UDivereally popular with our citizens. In Bubmlttlng this, my first annual report, 1 beg to cali the attention of the Council to the Ihadequacy of the salary of the Chief of Pólice. Believing the Couneil reasonablo, we are all of the opinión thatthe labo'reris worthy of his hire. I respectfully request a consideration of the questionand lixing aniiff of the salary of the (hief of Police, on a basis and at a Bum which shall be a reasonable compansatioQ (jf the services rendered. About twclvc years ago, when our populaüon was a little over Beven thousand, and the nutnberof students in the University was about eighleon hundred, the salary of the Chief of Pólice was fixed at sixty five dollars per month, or seven hundred and eighty dollars per year, which is a much lesa Balary than any (Eilief of Polico in the state recoives in cities with a population of live thouBand or over. As an illustration and comparison, I cali your attention to the following cities of Michigan : the population and eomponsation receivod by their Chiefs of Pólice : c ►tl ■ - ' - l- i - i - ■ o 5 i - ■ - -' .- ' ; ' .-' " O w h- V _ ;_ , ï '__ '. , -O '- O g S W . io ►- - 1 o O' - i rO li S ï 14 H 14 o O i; O S S' a S r ' - ' " cc 'i c. p' S w c - . o l o '■-' O - - r- 959999909999 - ' O O O COOOOOOj PB w tL r r : r : '. '. ' - o o" p, %, '■''; 5 o 5 er?" -------- ED O SO - ' - t- ' O ".T i- ' I v cL "C1 ö5 ooooooooSoooo ocooopooooooS. oooooooooooo-Since the salary of tho Chief of l'olice of Ami Aibor was fixed nearly twelve yeara ago at -even hundred and c'i'lit.y dollars, the populaüon of the city has nearly doubled, lts territorial área larely Inereaeed, and nearly one tnillion o( dollars added t. ïis taxable property. Ofcourse the dutioa and roBponsibilltles of the Chief of l'olice have alao been in the meantime larg-ely Increased. While patrolmen have been added to the pólice forcé, it was net done solely to assiat the marshal in his day d atiesas tbeir work is nights, except during the past wintor one patrolman has been detailed o.n duty four houra in the afternoon. The adoption of the new charter added materially to his labor onlent írt the citj'j the building of ES the construction of Bewoi'S, the busl of the Board of Public Works. amittees oí the Coiömon ( ouncil, ;ül becoming moro Important nd onerous every year, have added to he constant and Bteadily growing'duties vhich the Chief of Pólice is called upon o perforan. Ho is snbject to constant all 8, iktv and night, and not :i rtinilj tour n the twenty-four may he cali nis own. In view of the facts, we respectfully iibmii toyouf Honorable Body wh ether t would not be simple juslice to iix the alary of the Chief of Pólice at the eum f one thousand dollars por annum. Flus siim was contemplated and recommendod to the ummon Couocil sev ycai-s ago. Tlio increase asked is S220 and would liardly be, iaceptible to tho individual taxpayer. It would only oost tlie toxpayer a trille over ihree cents per year on every ono thousand dollars assessed valuation of proThis sum would bo almost noiniial in view of the important and reaponsible dutiea to be performed by said officer, and lower than that of the Chiof of l'olice in any city of thia State, (if une third tho si.c of Ami Arbor. l te&peotfully yours, Mhi,vkn e. Peteksön, Chiof of Pólice. Recelved and placed on Ble. Anx Arbor, Mich., May 4. 1896. To the Honorable the Common Counril oi' i1k city of A 11 ii Arbor: Gentlemen: - You have asked lor au opinión u pon i he uualiliral ion of .lohn R. Miner as a member of i lic Board of l'ublio Works, be iiavlng been at the spring eleftion elected supervisor for i he Brsl ward. Se61 on liirty of the Charter of ii, city of Aun Arbor enumerates city otfleers a-i follows: A .Mayor. Presideni of the ('on m Council, ( " í t Clerk, two .lust Icea of I be I 'eace and an Assessor and Supervisor: and two Aldermen and a Constable elected in each wan!. It would stvin. therefore, that the supervisor is a city oftlcer, and being a city officer under section u: of the charter wbich provides that no member of the Board of Public Works shall liold any eleci ivc office under t lic charter of said city, and further, tliat anclcction lo and acccplancc of any in said city shall bc dccincd a resignatiort of tnembership and shall racata his office from said board. Therefore i am of the opinión that said office is dow vacated. Yours. etc. chas. II. Kline, City Attorney. Aid. Maynard moved that the report of the City Attorney beaccepted and adopted. Adopted. RESOL. ÜTI0N8. By Aid. Cady. Resolved, that the sum of elghi liundred ank nfty 1 luce dollars and eighty eighi cents, ($853.88), the balance oí tbe Soldiere' Relief Pund be transferred to tbe Contingent Pund accord ing to section 6 of aci 253 of the Public Actsoí 1895, thal $100 be transferred f rom the Bridge, Culveri and Crosswalk Pund to the Streel Pund, thal $700 be trnnsferred trom i he Pund to the Contingent Pund; thal $700 be i ransiViiiMi frora ibe Water Pund i the Contingent Pund. A'iiipicii aa'followa: Veas Soule, Maynard, Coon. Cady Shadford, Burke, Brown, Danforth Dell. Moorc. Laubengnyer, Koch, All tnendinger,Rhodes, Pres. Hiscock - 15 Naya None. By Aid. Moore. Resolved, that the Pinance Committee be directed to secure blds from the several banks for thecUy money tor t he ensuing year! Adopted, By Aid. Maynard. Resolved, that the Pinance Committeeemploy an expert accountant to examine the books of the City 'freasurer and iiy Clerk. Adopted. By Aid. Maynard. Whkkkas: it haa transpirad upon reliable authority, that the City Marshal -and. Andrew K. Gibson, esquire, Jusí ice of i he Peace, of i hi city.have certain tuoneys in their hands, belonging to the City of Aun Albor, and whekeas, ín i he opinión of 1 liiá councii, the truth or Falsity of Buch informal ion, ought to be Invest tgated. Resolved, that a special committee of three be appointed by Jthis councii to malee sucb investigatfon and thal the Mayor be and is hereby requested in issue subpóenas, or process, 6y warrant tocompel the attendanceof such persons, and the production of sucli booka and papers befcre the said comii ril ; cc ai sucn time and place, assucli committee ma y direct: in accordauce witli the proTlsions ofi section 84 of charter. A lopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koch, Grosstnan, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Brown, Shadford, Rh odes, ( loon, Soule, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock - lö. Nays - None. Pres. Siscock appointed Maynard, Brown and ('adv is such eommittee to act with i lic Pólice Committee. By Aid. Dell. Hesólned, that Jesse A. Dell be granted the use of Pelch Park for ( he pony ring the same as season of 1895. Adopted. By Aid. Coon. Resolved, that the Board of Public Works be authorized to ask for bids for a car load of brick for crosswalks. Adopted. jld. Maynard moved that Dr. E. A. Clark be elected city physician for the ensuing year. Adopted as follows: Veas - Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koch, Grossman, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Brown, Shadford, Rhodes, Coon, Soule, Cady, Danfortb, Pres. Siscock - 15. Nays None. n motion the Councii adjouraed. Glem V. Mrr.r.s, City ('lc-rk. ( '( il il I, ( II AMÜK1Í. I Anti Arbor, May lstli, 1896. f Elegular Session. Called to order by President Hiacoek. I tol] called. Quorum present. Absent . A ld. Grossman. OOMMUNICATIONS FBOii THE MAYOR. Aun Arbor, Mich., May I8th, '96. HAVOR'8 OFFICE. To the Honorabl Comnum Councü of tin '!i; of Ann Arbor: Gentlemen: I havo the honor of informing your honorable body that i have this hiy ajipointeil 'J'limias D. Kearney to the office ot City Attorne.v the appolntmcnt to take effect June lat next and respect fuHv tk that you COnfirm the same. Wakren E. Walker, Mayor. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Maynard. Moore. Kocli. Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Brown, Shadford, Rhodes, Coon, Soulc, Cady, Danfort b, Pres. Hiscock - 14. Nays -None. CITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Ann Arbor, May lóth, i cordial i y nIted to particípate witb the M Solliers in Memorial Day exeroiees, May 0, 1896, which vvili be observod as per npanying circular. Yours ti-uly. C. II. .Manly. Secretary of ( !omna Aid. Cady moved tbat the Invitation be accepted. Adooted. Ann Arbor, Mich., .May L9. I - To the Honoráblt Vommon Coúncil of tlie 'itu of A n a Arbor: Your Board of Btaaltb begleave to m] your at tention to an existiag hui-ini-o. The same being known us tbc Foundry Water Pond nrfafich is crossed by Washington and Third streete. We woulci lly ask your Honorable Body to take such measures by which we can abate said nuisance and defray tny expnnse that might u-ise in dischargiog said dut les of abating said nuisancé. The same having been disclosod u nuisance by the Board of Bealtb. Eli V. Moro, Pn il V. Mills. Scc'y. John Kapp, llcallh officor. Referred to the City Attorney. A petltlon si;ncd by Mrs. (liva B. Hall askingfori ige to construct i private Bewer was read and referred to the Sowoi' Comrnittee. A p ■ JohnsoD and lOothers asking toranelectrielight was ivu'l umi referred to t'no Lighting Cotnmi A petition signed by-H. Hochreinand 9 oth ■ ■ for the construction ofa sidewalk on -nl street was read ánd referred to Sidewalk Comtnittoe. A petition signed by V. B. Sin:1! and 2:i otiera as k ing tor an el ht at the corner f 14th nul Washlngton-st;, ivas read and reforrod tothë Dighting t 'om müii A petition signed by Wm. I'. Groves aakiog for the building1 of the '■■ branches along his property on Kast Washington streel was read and reFerred to t he Sewer ( omtail i ee. The Clerk presecttd a summons in the oase of Benhard Mast and Anna Mast vs. The City of Anti Arbor wtiich was rferred to the City Attorney. BKPOBTS OP STANDING CÖMMITTEE8. 11 MANCR. The bias o( the State Savlnga Bank fop the City money at 3 per cent. daily balancea and 6 per cent. on overdrafts; of the Farmers' and Mochantes' Bank at 3 per cent. on balances and 6 per rent. on overdrafts; of the Ann Arbor Savings Banks at ;i 1-10 per cent. on balance and 6 per cent. on overdrafts. Aid. Brown moved that the bid of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank be accepted. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Moore. Koch, ienayer, Üell, Burke, Browu, S h ad ford, Rhodes, Coon, Soule, Cady, 13. Nays None. . 08. ' To the ( 'ommon ( ouncil: Vuu'1 ('(Biiniiitce on Sewers to whom was referred the communication of the i of Public Works relativo to lowering the sewer on Washtenaw Avenue, in frontof the propertyof Miss Gardner, have visited the loeation and considereö the argumenta tor umi against such improveinent, and your eommitteo are thoröughly coavinced that it ís a public aecessity that such f be lowered a sufficieat depth to give the house cennections a fall ;is required by the plumbers rules. That is that the sewer be lowered at the manhole in front of the rosidence' of MUs Gardner four feet, and that the sèwer be lowered east and west from said man-hole extending east to tin; oast line of the property ot Trof. ])'( and west to sneh a point s to give the regular fall to sm-h bower. .nt your Committee would further recommend that the cost of such improvement be taken f rom the general sewer fund. Reapeetfully submitted, !'i":u Kcch, Emmett ( oon, Jesse A 1 ell, r. .1. Burke, W. M. Shadford, (..■il ! ,. Mnnre, C. II. ('adv, Committeo on Sewers. Adopted as folio we : Yeas- Aid. Maynard. Moore, Koch, lengayer, Dell, Burke, Brown, Shadfora, Rhodes, ('oon, Soule, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock - 14. Najs- Xoue. RTBEETS. To the Common Council : Vour Committee on Streets to whom was referred the subjeel o chango, fix and establish the grade of Walnut and Linden streets, are of the opinión that sneh grade should be flxed and estabLiabed, and youroommittee havecauged to have prepared andherewitb Bubmit a resolution to lix and establisb such grade. Résped fully Bubinitted, ( ïeo. 1-. Moore, W. M. Shadford, .1. A. Dell, II. .1. liurke. C. II. Cady, II. Soule, ( 'iiiuini! tee on Streots. Adopted. STREET QRADE RESOLUTION. I ty A hl. Moore. WHEHEAS, in the opinión of the Council the grade on Linden ought to bechanged and öxed and ■ ' ; l i i to the end that sneh streel naay I; made suitable for public travel and traille. Therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the on I linden trom center line of south University avenue to the south line oi' Geddes Avenue be and the same is hon-ln ohanged from the ■ i it tirade and lixed and establlshed. 80 that the grilde on and alOng BUCh street shall I! as Collows, that i to say : At the center line of south [Jniversity avenue, 881.00 feet. Ai 850 feel Dörtherly from the center line of south University avenue, 8 At the south lino of Geddes ave svs.71) feot. the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the o line of said street, and the grade linea of straight linee betwoen the Beveral point or stations abov stad'd, the roadway to conform thereto. Adopted as follows: 'eas Aid. Maynard. Moore, Koch, Laubengayer, Del), Burke, Brown, Shadford, Rhodes, ('oon, Soi Danforth, Pres Hiscock - 14. ISays Ñone. By Aid. Moore. WHEREAS, in the opinión of the Council the grade of Walnut si ought to lixeu and ostablished, to the ,at Buch street uiay be made trállk'. . lt -- herí ■}' ordi red that ! i aut stVoet froni r line 0f south Untverslty avenue to the south line of Oeddeg avenue i"1. and the same ís horeby changed tvuva the ]rosent arrade and iixcd and estabtha1 the grade on and along áuch street sball be as follows, that u y : At the center of S. ünivereity Ave., 877.00 A' WO teel norlherly frona the center O( S. l'niv.i'sily Ase.., 88250 COt,. At the Boutb line of Geddea Ave., 892.50 feet. the elevation given being above the official city datum und along the center ■ ! uiil street, and the grade linfs ti o' 'aight lines between the severa] poinf.a or Btations above Bttited. the roadwaj to conform thereto. Adopted hs follows: Yras Aid. Maynard, Moore, Kocb, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Brown, Shndfonl, Rhodep, ('non. Soule, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hlscock- 14. Nays - None. ( lommon ( louncil : ypur eombined committeea on sidewalks and sti-eets wou ld recommend that tivc hundred dollars be approprlated from thesti'eet fund to grade tho streot anil sidewalk on Walout St.. and south University avenue from Washtenaw Ave loOxford. VTour commlttees recotniDend that the-Street Commission ■ Instructed to begin Buch gradine at Washtenaw aveuue.and continue the same as far as the money laste, and to complete all work as he goes, and uslng the liii't on theraise of ground near the corner of Walnut and Geddes avenue a iimii as i ossible. Respect ful! y submitted, ( !eo. L. Moore, Jesse A. Dell, [. .]. Uurke, Ai'thur Brown, W. M. Sbadford, cc. Rhodes, e 11. Cady, ( 'liiimitteo on Streets and Sidewalks. Adopted as Eollows: Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koch, lengayer, Dell, Burke, Brown, Shadfoi'd, Rbodes, Óoon, Soule, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Eiscook - 13. Nays None. To the ioinmon ( 'ouneil : Your 'onnniiti'i' on Streets to whom was refeiTfld the communicatlon of the Board oí Public Works relative toveplanking the bridges over the Hu ron river al Broadway and Wall Ste., otherwise known as bridges No. 1 and 2, would recommend thatthe Board be instructed to replank such bridges with homlock plank, two aud one-half inches in thickness. And further your Committëe wou ld recommend thai a water tank be loeated in front of the store of Win. Lodholz, on Broadway St., accordLng to a potition referred to thisComraittee. And finther your Committee would recommend that the Street Commlssioner be Instructed to widen fr'elch Bt.,between the Ann ArborR. R. and Spring st. Also lo cut Geddee Ave. to grade, from Observatory St. cast to the ih-si lü! according to the profile of the grado adopted by thia Counoil. I espectfully submitted, Goe. '.. .Moore, .1. A. Dell. li. .1. Burke, W. M. Sbadford, Harrison Soule, C. il. Cady. ( ïommittueon Streets. Adopted as follows: Yens a id. Maynard, Moore, Koch, lengayer, Dell, Burke, Brown, Shadford, Rhodes. (Joon, Soule, Cady. Danforth. Pres. Iliscock - 14. Nays None. To the Common ( louncil. Your Committee on Streets would ï-ecoramend that the Street Commissioner be directed to putan oak box culvort across Thayer St. on tlie north side of Hill. And further that the Strt et Commissioner place a tile drain, consisting of tile two feet in diamater across Forest avenue ia the line of [srael avenue And turther your committee would rceommend that the Engineer furnish the Common Counoil at its next regular session plans and profile, and estimated cost of the tile drain sufficient to carry the water in the localities of Wood, Prospect, and cast [Jniversity avenue. Respeetfully submitted, Geo. L Moore, .1. A. Dell, 11. .1. Burke, V. M. Shadford, Harrison Soule, e. il. Cady. Committee on Streets. Adopted as follows: Yia Aid. Maynard, Moore. Koeh Laubengaver, Dell, Burke, Brown Shadford, Khodes, Coon, Soule, Cady Danforth, Pres. Iliscoek - 14 Naya - Xono. To the Common Council. Your Committee on Streets would nmend that the Board of Public Woiks be directed to macadaraize Detroit St. from 4th Ave. to the. Viaduct over the M. C. R. lt., and further your Committee would recommend that the Board of Public Works be. directed to tdamize tth Ave from the north Line of Aon St. to Detroit St.. I tespectfully Bubmitted, i teo. i.. Moore, .1. A. Dell, EI. J. Burke, W. M. Shadford, C. I!. Uady. Aid. Maynard moved that the report be laid on the table forone week. Adopti'il as follows : - Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koch, lengayer, Dell, Burke, Brawn, Shadford, Rhodea, ('non. Soule, Cady, I) inforth, i 'iis. I [iscock -14. Nays- None. SIDEWALKS. To the Conimon !ouncil. Your Committee on Sidewalks would recommend that the Street Commissioner be instructed to build a cement cross walk on the South side of Liberty Ashley St. Also i brick cross walk '-V2 toot in length, on the south side of Liberty aeróse Pirst St. Also two swamp oak plank walks atsross Uil , SC on the east side of State, and across State St. on the north side of Hill. Respeetfully submitted, iett Coon, ( '. A. Ma aard, G. C. Rhodes. John Koch, Jacob Laubengayer, Arthur Brown, II. P. Danforth. Committee on Sidewalks Adoptod as follows: Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Moore. Koch, ngayer, Delh Burke, Brown, Shadfoi'd, Rhodes, Coon, Soule, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock - 14. Nays -None. To the ( 'omnion louncil: ■(llu■ Committee on Sidewalks would recommond that the oak tree lacated in thi , ttt thé Covntir of May1 nui'd And Í 'ibvrty Bi and tbc Slreet Commissionei1 be , rected to remove the same at Oücéi I tespeotfully Bubmittö'li Eromett t'oon, C. A. Maynapd' G. L'. Ithodes, John Koch, Jacob Laubengayei1, Arthur Brown, II. 1. Danfoi-th, Committoo on Sidewalks. Adopted asfollows: Yous - Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koch, c Laubengaj er, Dell. Burke, Browo, Shadford, Rhodes, ('oen, Soule, Cady, Uanfoi'th. Pres. Iliscock- 14. Naya - Nono, To the C'omtnon CouriciL Your committee on sido walks to whom was referred tho subject to change, üx. and grado the sidewalk on tho north sido of south University avenue and south gide of south University avenue, are of tho opinión that such gi-ade should be fixed and established, and your committee have caused to be prepared and hereby aubmit a rcsolution to lix and establish such grade. I lespectfully submitted, Emmett Coon, C. A. .Maynard, CC Khodes, .lolin Koch, Jacob Laubengayer, Arthur Brown, II. I'. Danforth. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Moore, Kocli, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Iirown, Shadford, Rhodeu, Coon, Soule, Cady. Danforth, Pree, Hiscock - 14 Nays - None. StDEWALK QRADE RESOLUTION. By Alderman Coon. WHEREAS, In the opinión of tbe i iouncil tbe grade of the siuewalk on the Doi'tb sido of s. üniversity Ave., oiight to be changed and lixed and established, to the end thut such stroct may be Buitable for public travel. Thcrefore, Resolved, and it is hereby ordercd that the grade of the sidcwalk on and alODg the north side of S. Un I vertí ty Ave , from Nortb-east line of Washten;uv Ave, to the west line of Oxford St. , 6e, and the tatne ia hereby cbaoged, lixcd and established, so that tho grade of saiil sidt'ualks on and along the slrect aforeeaid shall be as tollows, that is to say : At the N. li. line of Wftshtenaw Ave. 873.75ft. At the East line of Eltn St., 87G.5O. At the center lino of Walnut St", 877.50 ft. Ai 275 ft casterly from the center line of Walnút St., 880.00 ft. At the center line of Linden St. 881.40 ft. At 3S2 ft. easterly from tho center line of Linden St., 897.00 ft. At 566 ft. easterly from the center line of Linden St., 904.50 ft. At the center lino oí Oxford St., 909.70 ft tlie elovation given beingf above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk and the grade Unes to consist of straight lines between the severa] points or stations above stated. ■ Adopted as follows: i cas - Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koch, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Brown, Shadford, Rhodes, Cood, Soule, ('adv. Danforth. Pres. Hisoock- 14. Nays - None. By Aid. Coon. WHEREAS, in the opinión of the Council the Grade of the side wal K on tho BOUth side of S. Univer.-ity Ave. ought to be changed and ftx&d and established, to the end tliat such Street uoay be suitable for public travel. Therefore, Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of ttie sidewalk on and tho south side of S. University Ave., from north-oast line of Washtenaw Ave., to the west line of Oxford St. De, and the same is hereby changed, Bxed and eutablished, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along tho Street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say, At the North East line of Washtenaw Ave., 874.80 teet. At a point squarely opposite center of Linden St.. 882.00 f eet. At the South West corner of Oxford and S. University Ave. 908.90 feet. the elevation given being above the officia] city datum and along the center line of such walk and the grade Unes to consist of straight lines between the several polnts 6r stations above stated. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Moore. Ivoch, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Broun, Shadford, Ilhodes. Coon, Soule, C'ady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock - 14. Nays - None. To the C'ommon Council.- VourCommittee on Sidewalks constder that it is a public necessity i bat the sidewalka here in aftermentioned shall be constructed, graded and re. paired, and submit the following resolution ordering the saine, and recommend it s adoption. Respectfully su bmitted Emniett Coon, CA. Maynard, G.C. Rhodes, .Icilin Koch, Jacob Laubengayer, Art Uur Brown, II. l'. Danforth, Commlttee on sidewalks. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koch, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Brown, Shadford, Rhodes, Coon, Soule, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock - 14. Xays - None. By Aid. Coon. Resolved, 'Thai the construct fon of sidewalka nereln after mentioned is deemed and declared a necessary public lmpro vemen t, therefore it: is bereby ordered that plank side walks be graded, built and coTistructed on and along 1 1 ie following 8t reel s by t he following pretperty in the City of Ann Arbor, vi.: ()n the cast side of Maynard from Liberty along the property of Miss [rene W. Steward, on the south side of Michigan Ave., from the cast line ofeasi [Jnlversity Ave, to the easi line of the property of Arthur Brown, to the property of John R. Mlner, on the north side of Geddes Ave. From thegateofthe Fotest lüli Cemetery, along the property of the Forest Hill cemetery Association. Tlie sanie to be oonstracted on the grade tobehereafter estabflshed by the City Engineer. Also on the north side of Geddes Ave., from the east line of Walter il. Nichois, extending east to theeast City liniits. Andfurtherli Is hereby ordered tliat the following side walks relaid and repalred. On and along th( tollowlng streets, and in front of the in the City of Ann Arbor, viz: On the easi side of 14th street along the property of the University of Michigan, kimwii as the grounds of the Detroii Observatory. Also the south side of east Ann street,, along the same property. Ontheêast side of Maynard Btreel in fronl of Nos. 5 and 7, the pt-öpëi trdj ft. ■. i : I □ bfi muii I, ■!(!,. of cai ertjr ntrcctj in froni o! 88, 31', "■! L-3, the ptoperty of the Jame estata and Siegfried Rosenthaler, Aid. Cady moved a.s an nmcndmcnt to the report of the committee that the Poresi iiill Cemetery Association lic allowed to build a einder walk In place of plank. Aid. Maynani moved as a substituto that that port ion of the report be st rieken out and luid on the table until next sesaion. Adopted. O1IIIINAXCK AM) 9IDEWALKS, 'o the C'ommon Countil : Your joint Committees on Ordinance adSide walks, to whom was r'eferred hepetitionof Michael Brenner, asknx tor t privilege of erecting ;i ortico In front ot hls property at tlio orner oí Hurón and Áshley Btreets voukl recommeád tbat thu prayei )he petitioner be graoted. Provided the petitioner construct the samo in the niiinnw, and of the material statei iy vuur committees. Respeetfully submitted, C. A. Maynard, Arthur Brown, C. IL Cady, Emmel i loon, II. I'. Danfortll. ;. c. Rhodes, Jacob Laubengayer, j John Koi-li. ( ' utmiittoes on Side Walks and Ordlnancc. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Moore, Kocb. Laubeneayer, Dell, Burke. Brown, Shadford, Rhodes, Coon, Soule, Cady, Danforth, Tros. Biscock- 14. Naya - Nune. I1()NIS ïo tho Coinmon Council. Your Committeii on BÖnds would recommend the adoption of the liquor bond of Martin I'. Vogel, with Charles W. Vogel, l'"ivd Browo, Charles Schoot and fredG. Harpst as sureties. Etespeetfullv submltted, Arthur Brown, (eo. L. Moor.'. Comtnittee on Bonds. Adopted as follows: Yoas - Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koch, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Brown. Shadford, Rhodes, Cood. Soule, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock - 14. ;ivs None. KKl'ORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES. Co the Common Onincil of the ('Ui oj Ann Avbor: Gentlemen: - "Whereas, it has transpired upon reliable authorltj that the City Marshal and Andrew !: Gibson, Justlce of the Peace of thiseitj have certain moneys in their hands be longing to the City of Ann Arbor ani trhereas in the opinión of tliis Counci the truth or falsity of such informa t ion ouglit to be invi'st igated, resolvei that ;i spécial eommittee of tlu:ee be appointed by this Council to makt such Investigación and that tlic Mayoi be and Is hereby requested to issue sub poeñaor otherprocess to couopel the attendance of such persons and tin. production of such books and papen before the said Committee at sucl time and place and as suchCommittee may direct in accordance With the pro visiona of scction number 84 of the Charter." Pursuant to the above resolutions your Committee together with the Police Committee met at tlie Counci room in the City of Ann Arbor or Wednesday the Ctii day of May lus and carefully and thoroughly examine the doekets of Andrew E. Gibsoi and compared the reporl of sai Gibson with the said doekets as said Justice of tlie Peace and found the report that he made for the use of said Comtnittei in ill t hings correct and by said re port and f'roin said examina! Ion of ai doekets we found remainiog in hi& hands as said .) ust Ice of t he Peaee the smii of $59.00 whicli he thereupon pai Glcn V. Mills City Clerk and the said Andrew 10. Gibson, on his oath befon said Committee stated that hé hac QOi been able to procure a printet copy of the charter of the City of Ann Arbor and that he did not know unti your Committee had been appointe that lic should have made a report oí the lint; money in his hands at the end of eaeh quarter but on the contrary hc was of the opinión that a report at the end of each year or al the expiration of bis term of office waasufficient, that he had placed the money as soon as it had been received by blm in the bank and that he could have turned it over to the City Treasurer at any time, and your Committee are unwilling to believe thai the said Andrew E. Gibson Is chargeable of any wrongful intent In retaiuing said money in his hands and are incliaed to accept his testlmonyinthat regard as a f uil explanai ion of nis conduct. Your Committee also met with the Pólice Committee al the Council room in the City of Ann Arbor on Prlday the 8th day of May last and examined t he report s of the City Marshal and compared said reporta with tlie doekets and Officia) records of Justices Pond and Gibson and found tliatall moneys paid to M. C. l'clcrsoii as said Marsbal by said .lust ices or by any ot her persona and all 01 her moneys received by him from any other source that belonged tosaid City have been paid to the City Treasurer ly said Marshal and that said report and rumOrs referred to In the above resolution, o tar as the Marshal is eoncerned, were entirely without foundation and that mi Investigation of bia official conducts was called for. and thai said rumora and reporta so far as your Committee have been ablfi to learn iré wholly fálse. ( C. A. Maynard, Special ( om. C. H. Cady, ( Arthur Brown. ÍJesse A. Dell, John Koch, H. J. Burke. Adopted as follows. Yeas -Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koch, LauboDgayer, Dell. Burke, Brown, Shadford, Rhodes, Coon, Soule, ('adv. Danforth, Pres. Ëiscock - 14. Nas None. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICEKS. Ann Arbor, May I8th, '96. ïo the Common Council : I hereby certify that the pressure of water on {ruage at Bogue House waa 05 lbs., or more at all times from April Jth, the date of last report to May Slh, sinee May Sth, it has been as folows: day. Morn'g. Noon. Eire. Midn't. 651b. 0 651b. 851b. 551b. 85 i ' ■ M O II 60 VI 60 13 85 14 70 jo 65 65 65 8S 16 65 65 f6 17 65 65 65 i;, 18 65 65 65 i. Sipley, Chicf of Pire Department. (Continned on pa.'je one. )


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