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That Extreme tired feeling afflictH nearly everybody at this season. The hustlers ceaae to push, the tireless grow weary, the energetic become enervated. You know just what we mean. Some men and women endeavor temporarily to overeóme that Tired Feeling by great forcé oí will. But this is unsafe, as it pulls powerfully upon the nervous system, whioh will not long stand such strain. Too many people " work on theirnerves," and the result is een in unfortunate wrecks marked "nervous prostration," in every direction. That tired Feeling is a positive proof of thin, weak, impure blood; for, i f the blood is rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it imparta lifeand energy to every nerve, organ and tissue of the body. The necessity of taking Hood's Sarsaparilla for that tired feeling ia, therefore, apparent to every one, and the good it will do you is equally beyond question. Ueinember that Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood l'uiiflcr. All driiRRists. $1. Preparad only byC. i. Hood&Co., Lowell. M;iss. i j. ,,.,, are easy to takt-, e;isy HOOd S Fl 1 IS W opérate. 25 cents. Does It Pay lo Trafle at J. St. JAMES Why of course it does. During the month of July and August Come Yourself and See if Our Store is not the proper Market for Saving Money. B. Si James. Ann Arbor, Mich. (ood Health And a good appetite go hand in hand. Witl the loss of apoetite, ttie Bystein caunot long sustuin itself. Thus the fortifications of good health are broken down and the system is liable to attacks of disease. It is in suth cases thnt the medical powers of Uood's Sarsaparilla are clearly shown. Thousands who hare taken Hood's Saraparilla testify to its great merits as a purifier of the blood, its powers to restore and shapen the appetite and promote a healthy action of the digestive organs. Thus it is, not what we say but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does that tells the story and constitutes the strongest recommendation that can be urged for any medicine. Why not take Hood's Saraparilla now? Out of weakness comes strength when the blood has been purified, enriched and vitalized by Hood's Sarsaparilla. HANDKERCHIEF -ANDRIBBON SALE For Balance of This Month WE SHALLSELL Nos. 5 and 7 all Sillc Ribbons, sale price 5c yard. Nos. 9 and 12 all Silk Ribbons, sale price 9c. yard. No. 10 all Silk Ribbons, sale price lic. yard. 25 doz. Handkerchiefs, Colored Borders, sale price 3c, 2 for 5o. 50 doz. Haudkerchiefs, White, H. 8.. Embd. Cornrs, sale price 4c each. 40 doz. HandUerchiefs," White, EL S. and Scalloped Edges, sale price, 7c each. 20 doz. Haudkerchiefs, White, Scalloped Bdges, sale price, 17c each. 6 doz. Handkerchiefs, Colored Kmbroidery, sillo price, lííjíjc each. 25 doz. Men's Colored H. S. lianderchiefs, sale priee 9e each. 60 doz. Ladies' Seamless Kast Black Hosiï, sale price 9c each. 25 doz. Ladies' Seamless Fast Black Hose, ïvvo Thread sale price 2 for 25c. 25 doz. Ladies' Silk Mitts, 25c quality, sale price 19c each. 10 doz. Ladies' Windsor Ties, 25c quality. sale price 2 for "5c. 5 doz. Ladies' Teek Scarfs, 25o quality, sale price 19c each. 25 doz. Ladies' Extra Sool Sumtner Corsets, 50c quality 83c. 10 doz. Ladies' Bel ts. sale price 15c each. 25 doz. Ladies' Jersey Vests, sale price 3c each. WI. GOODYEAR & Cl, 18 S. Main St. A course of Hood's Sarsapasilla this may be the means of keeping roa well and liearty all summer. Milliner! All the Latest Shapes an Styles in Pattern HATS an BONNETS, Artistic : Trimming our Specialty. Mrs. E. Fogcrty Parlors over B. St. James' Store ltCAVEAI5flltAUtMARÍSi F COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTA1N A PATENT? Fors prompt answer and an honeat opinión, wrlte to M INN fc CO., who hare bad nearlr flfty years' experience In tbe patent business. Communications strictly confldentlal. A II andbook of Information concern intr Patrnt and bow to obtaln tbem sent f ree. Also a catalogue oí mecbantcat and scientlflo books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. recelT special noticetn the Hcicintiflc A nier leun, and thns are brougbt wiaely befo re the public without cost to the inventor. Thte splendid paper, Isaued weekly, eleprantly niustrateci.has byfarth largest circulation of any scientlflo work in thm world. 93 a rear. Sample copies sent free. Jïulldiiic Kdition, monthly. f 2.50 a year. Slnffl íopies, !í cents. Krerjr number oontalns beauíiful platea, in oolors, and pbotORraphs of new houses, with plans, enabiinor oultders to show the latent desttrns and secure contracta. Addreas MUNN & CO.. NKW YOuk, 3tfl BhvawwXY. . TOLEDO n AnarboW - AND] J J NORTH MICHIGAN? q RAILWAY. Lj I-J B Ik.,d cLo___J& PBA Y CIT V il TIME CARD. In effect June 7tb, 16SC. Traína Leave Aun Arbor by Central Standard Time. NORTH. SODTB. ;.38a. m. ♦ 7.19 a. m. t 8.05 a. m. ll.SU a. m. ISI4 p. m. tS.IB p. in tlO.8U p. m. 8 56 p. m. t Suuday cuily betweeu Toledo and Hamburg Ju rietion. t Daily Sleepers betweeu Toledo and Frankfort Daily except Sunday. W. H. Bminxtvt. R. 8. Qreenwood, O. P. ABt. "Anu Arbor Kail Uoad Bulletin." The Aan Arbor Rail Road will ell tickets at one fare for the round trip to all atatiODS on their Line betweeu tl ara burg Junction and Toledo on Sunday trains. Tickets limited to date of sale. R S. Gbekwood, Asrt Estáte of David Steffee. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, O as. At a sessfoii of the probate court for the county of Wachtenaw, bolden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor. on Tuesday the 23d day of June, in the year one thouaand eigbt hundred and ntnety-six. Present, J Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of David Steffee, deceased. On reading nd flling the petition duly verifled of Margaret Catherlne Steffee praying that a certain instrument now on file in tbia court puroorting to be the last will and testament of Kiiid deceased roay be adraitted to probate and that admiuixtratit n of said estáte may be granted to herself the executrix in said will uamed or to sonie otlier suitable person. Thereupon ft is ordered, that Monday, the SOth day of July ni-xt. at ten o'clock in the foremnn, be asslgned for the hear ing of aaid petition, and that the deviaees leKHtees and heire at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte ai e required toappear at a session of aaid Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, In said county. and show cause if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered, that said petitioter give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and ihe hearing thereof, by causing a copy of tliis order to be publtahed in the Anti Arbor Demncrat, a newspaper printed and circulating in said coun ty , three successlve weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probate. W, O. Dott. Probate Résister. Michigan (Tentral "The Magara Falls Route." Central Standard Tima, TKAINS AT ANN ARBOR. Goiug East. Golng West Mail 3.50p. m. 8.38a. m. Day Express S.OUp. m. 7.30 a, in. North Shore Limitedt a.W a. in, Chicago Kxpteaat 10.Ï8 p. in, N. ïTi lim. Ext lU.lïp. m. Detroit Expreast... 5.40 a. m Paciflc Exprwst 12.15 p. m. Qrand Kapida Kx . . . . 11.05 H. m, 5.B5p.m Fast Kxpreast ü Atlantic Expresüt . . . 7.30 a. m. Diily except Sunday. Daily except Saturday. t Daily. O. W. RUGÓLES. H. W. Haí E6 P. A T. A.Chlcago. Ag't. Ann Arbor. Flrst-EIa88 Steamboat Service between Detroit and Cleveland, and Cleveland, l'ut-ln-I'ny and Toledo. D. & C. Palaces are now running daily between Detroit and Cleveland, and on May 1 will comineuce to run daily between Cleveland, Put-in-Bay and Toledo. Ií you are ' traveling between the above points, i take advantage of a water trip and save money. Spend your vacation on the Great ..alies. Send for illustrated paraphlet. Address A. A. SCHARTZ, G. P. A., roit, Mich. t luiporluut Ndtict' to W lieelmen. The Ann Arbor R. R. Co. take ' ure iu ann'ouncing taat hereaiter biyles will be checlced between all sta. ious on its line without charge. Impoverished blood causes that tired eelinff. Hood's Sarsaparilla purilie?, ' nriuhes and vitalizes the blood and t fives vigor and vitality. For Sale. S Good ladtes horse 7 years old also safe n first clasa condition medium size. Tor particular enquire VV. F. liaur, P. n . 1652. . o I Steam and Gasoline , Portable and P" __ _. Z - - . - Marine CliglIieS i If you tliink of biiying an engine of , any size or kind send for our Catalogue No. 30, illustrations aiul prices of every kind of engine from one up to 25 horse power, at bottom prices, or List Na 29 for yacht engiues, boilers and boat niachinery. Either sent free. Chas. P. Wülard & Co. 197 Canal Street - - Chicago Estáte of iUary E. Murlette. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. Coiinty of Wa-htenaw, O ss. At & session of the probate court fot the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office, in the city of Aim Arbor, on Tuesday, the lKtli day of .Tune, in the yar one tiionsand eight hundred and ninely-six Present, J. Willard llabbitt, Judge of Pro bate. In the matter of the estáte of M;iry K. Mrlettn, deceasd. On readint; nd tl H uk the petitlon, dulv verillfil. of ( laUHon I) llarinon praying thát udininÍBtratioit of SAid eHtate may be rranted to Christian Mack or some other Huituble perron. Tnereupon )t BOrdered, that Monday, the L'itli day of July next, at ten o'cloek in the fnrenCKiu, be aasiKned for IIih hearini; of eaid petiion, and that ttie heir at law of said deceased and all other per ons interested in ttaid estate. are required to appear at a session of sald court, then to Um holden at the probate oftlee, in the cuv of Aan Arbor. in said county, and show cause.if any there be, why the prayer of tbe petttioner should not be Rranted. And it is further ordered that said pe iiioner eive notice to the persons intorested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by rausin a cvpy of this order to be published in Ttie Ann Arimr Denutvrat, a newspapor printed and ciroulated in said county three successive weeks irevious to said day of hearing. J. Wil. I, Mil) UABBITT, A true copy Judse of Probate. Wm. U. Uoty. Inbate lieeister. Make it a point to see tliat yonr blood ia purified, enriched and vitalized at this season witli Hood's Sarsaparilla. Wantkd - A few gooa canvasscrs Splendid ooportunity for those wlio are ou work and want to earn soine money. or particulars inquire at the office ( ki Ann Akuok Dkmocrat.


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Ann Arbor Democrat