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J. F. Schuh has the contract for plumbing Miss May Wing's house on S. State st. John E. Miner has been elected chairman of the board of supervisors, a well deserved honor. Librarían Vanee was remembered bj ,he senior laws with a handsomo office chair and waste basket. The county treasurer reports 835,325 liquor taxes colleeted from the seventy saloons and five manufacturera of the county. Some acids consigned to the Uuiversity laboratory exploded ia the M. C. freight house Monday and caused a small fire. Miohuel IJrenners now St. James Ilota] on W. Hurón st lias been opened by Geo. B. Shetterly as a $1.50 per da.y house. Rev. Henry Tatlock will hold service and preach in the Geddes school house, uext Sunday, at three o'clock in the afternoon. The board of regents have christened the uew Woman's building Sarah Casswell Angelí hall in honor of the presidenta wife. There will be a county conference af the National Party at the Court House in Ann Arbor, on Mouday, June iOth at 2 p. m. Cari Woods of Green Oaks had a ihoulder dislocated Saturday by the overturning of a buggy near the Conratli fruit farm. E. E. Calkins the 3tate st. druggist is exhibiting a beautiful night blooming cereus from tlie couservatory of Cousins and Hall. G. A. Peters, C. A. Crozier, E. A. Nordman and C. II. Johnson wil) reproseut Washtenaw county in the state convention of the Peoples party at Lansing, July 4th. Chit'f Sipley, of the fire department, requesis the bicyclists who habitually pursue the department when it is making a run to a fire to stop the practice which is dangerous to riders and confusing to the department. Justice Gibson was married at Libonan, O., last Thursday, to Misa Ada Geeding a teacher in the public schools of that city, Tliis is an instance where the justice wun his case out of court and his personal recognizance was taken for future good behavior. Jas. E. Harkins will sing two of the latest songs at the Fourth of July Picnic Whitmora Lako. One entitled "The Chuich Across the way"' and tw otherstyled "The Deacon went astray." Jim has more reserve amunition in the vocal order if the occassion demands it. Yale was representad at President Angell's quartiir sentennial celebration by Prof. John E. Clark. Prof. Claik was forraerly an instructor in the U. of M. and major of the 5th Michigan Cavalry during the civil war. He was the guest of his brotherin-law A. M. Doty. The officers of the Ann Arbor High school alumni for ensuine year are as follows: President, VV. W. Wedemeyer; vice-president, Mrs. G. Downs; recording secretary, Miss Ellen Uennett; corresponding secrotary, Mi-is Lucy Chapín; exeeutive committee, Prof. Earl Dow, Miss Charlotte Walker anti Glenn TrowbriJge. The entertainment of the Girls Friendly society at Harria hall on Saturday eveninff was an artistic success. The piano solos renderd by Miss Fischer, the recitations of Miss Thompson, the supero of Master (ïerald Brown and the living pictures produced by the young ladies of the society were both instructivo and entertaining. The University Senate met the High school faculty and board of education on the diamond at the athleüc groiinds Saturday. The game was urapired by County School Commissie ner Wedemeyer and was an instructiva exhibition of whatthe older heads haveyet to learn of the science of the national game. The procceds went to the Woinen's gymnasium building fund. The National Party will hold a uiass couyention at Lansing, July 3d and 4th begiuning on the 3d at 2 p. m. Mrs. Helen M. Gouger of Indiana will address the convention in the evening. The National Party is a party of the "common people" its object is to pro tect the interest of the masses from the g-reed of the classes, all interested in the cause are urged to atteud. Half fare on R. Rs. The Juiy nuraber of the New Crusade : published by the Wood-Allen Pub. Co. of this city maintains its usual high standard. Ainong the articles of note is nni hv l.nuisr C. Parinírton. M. D. on "Heredit.y," by Mrs. I. H. Kellogg ou { "Teaching1 Children Slf Control" and an extract frora a sermón by the Kev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones on "No scx in Crime." The subscription price is 50 cents per year. Tlie Washtenaw County Har Association have passed resolutions recitng the services of the late Alpheus l'e'ch to the state of Michigan and commeainí bis character as a man anda lawyer and havo sent them to I the supreme coart of this state, to the U. S. court for the eastern district of Mlchiiran, and to the circuit court of Washtenaw county witli tho request tliat they be spread upon the journals of the respective courts. The ladies of the Fruit and Flower mission have for a Ion;,' tiine been tryiujf to raise suffleieut mouey to buy an ambulance to use for the transfer of patiënt to the University llospitals Imt despairiug of success they have induced O. M. Martin, the public spirited nndertaker, to adil a vehicle of that character to liis outfit. The ambulance Mr. Martin has purehnsed is complete in every particular and will be ou cali at all hours for all emergencies. Re. Ernest J. Denn vvill hold service in tho Poster school, next Sunday, at three o'clock in the afternoon. Mr. Dennon has reeently graduated froin tho Episcopal Theological Scliool in Cambridge, Mass., and is now one of the cleruy of St. Stephen's ehurch, liostou. lie is here for a brief vacatiou. He graduated froin tho U. of M. three years ago. While a student He li ui charge oí St. Andrew's Misaion Bunday bcliool at Kosters. Huirali for tVhitiöoffe Laité Jiiiv i, Thi fdllb'.viüfr thrtnl JÍ1 nin bn thë And Arbtír Rállrbad July 4 tö accom: mídate all wlid ñiíh to ejoy a pleasant day at tilia beautiful resort. Morninp trailla vvill leave Ana Arbor at Í.HS and 10 a ín. fot' the lake. Afternoon truins will leave at 1 p. m. and 4. 33 p. ni. Returning leave the lake at 6. SU, 7.30 and 8.22 p. m. for Ana Arbor. Only 25 cts round trip. Children 15 cts. A irood dinner will be íurnished for 25 cts. The Light Infantry Co, of Ypsilantl, Ann Arbor and Adrián will bs at the Lake in a body. A good program and a good time will be given and all who go will spend a pleasant time. Even the children have caujrht the spirit of entorprise which has dominated the Woman's league during the past year and are eraulating the efforts of their older sisters looking toward tho completion of the Woman's gymnasium. The "Upi Phi sorority" - composed of the follón ing little girls in the 4th and 5th grades of the city schools: Miss Beth Cooley, president, Miss Margaret Cooley, Miss Kathlece Cutting, Miss Bessie Eggert, Miss Gretchen Lydecker and Miss Rose Carhart - gave a simplified versión of the "Merchant of Venice' to an appre;iativo audience Saturday afternoon. The play was produced in Mrs. Cuttings laundry and the tickets were sold by the personal efforts of the juvenile (vorkers at two cents each with threo :ents extra for reserved seats. The aroceeds of the entertainment, amountng to $1.53, were turned over to ;reasurer Soule for the benefit of the building fund.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat