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Marión Crawford says that hls experience In the east convlnces hlm that the Armenians are the "sharpest, shrewdest and tricklest of all eastern peoples." Bradley Newell, the Brattleboro, Vt., healer, says that slnce January he has made $25,000. On June 28 he Ís golng to Europe to have a rest and a good lime and to see the Prlnce of Wales. Hon. F. W. Hatch of Washington, Minister fronv Hawail, is at Vortsmouth, N. H., to spend a few weeks at hls former home. A public reception had been planned for him, but it was postponed at hls request, and he was met at the depot by a few relatlves only. Thomas Nast, the famous cartoonist, recently painted a picture of Sir Henry Irvlng, which Mr. Nast called "The Immortal Llght of Genius." It Is said that when Sir Henry saw the result of Mr. Nast's labors he was so pleased that he at once sent the artist a check for $1,000 in excesa of the commisslon. Whitelaw Reid in a letter to a "reform apelling" advocate says of the duty of the state board of regents: "We at least should avoid the barbarous business of vivisection on our noble living Engllgh. Such changes as are necdful should, so far as we are concerned, come, as in nature, slowly, and not artiflcially, but in the order of growth." Lleut. Amls, one of the oldest and most noted men on the Washington pollce force, is an expert In the making of violins, and has made a number of very flne Instruments. In making the violins he uses nothing but an ordinary pocket knife. The Lleutenant Is a Virginian by blrth and rearing, but when a youth went north and served in the Union army.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat