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Me rit Made and Merit Maintains theconfidence ol thé people in Hood's Sarsaparilla. If a medicine cares you when sick ; if it makes wonderf ui cures everywhere, then beyond allquestion that medicinepossesses merit. Made That is just the truth about Hood's Saraparilla. We know it possesses merit ecause it cures, not once or twice or a lundred times, but in thousands and housands of cases. We know it cures absolutely, permanently, when all others fail to do any good whatever. We repcat Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best - in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hnnrt'a Pille "?','? nausea, indigestión, 11UUU S rlllS biliousneos. 25 cents. VXANTED-FAITHFUL MEN OR WOMEN . :,. P travel for res)ir.nsible establisiied house m Michigan. Salary $780 and expenses. Posiion tertnanent Referenee. Bnclnse peif-ad dressed stamnsd envelope. The National Star Insurance bldg., Chicago. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. CL. McGUIRE, Lawyer and Notary Pub. lic. Front Offices over Farmers Mechanics Bank, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 13 MoKJfiRNAN, Attorney-at-Law. Cpllectioas pro-nptly attendeel to. Money to .oan Hoüaes and Lots for Sale. Office in Jourt House DEAN M. TYLER. M. D., Phyoician nd Sureeon. Office and resldence over postofflee , flrat floor. MARif C. WHITINQ, Counselor-at Law. Address postofflee box 1798, Ann Arbot Michigan. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, Attorney at-Law Office. Corner Fourth and Ann streets, Ann Arbor, M cbigan . 0 M. MARTIN. Funeral Director and Dnder ' . tataer. Cloth. Metalic and Common Cofflna. Sioreroom No. 19 East Washington Street aeidence Corner Liberty and FifthTelephone 91. WW. NICHOLS, Dentist. Rooms over . Ann Arbor Savings Bank. opnosite Court House square. VITALIZED AIR adminiatered. It is agreeable and easy to take and no prostratine effects follow, while teeth are extraelf tl without pain. WANTED- FAITHFUX MEN OR WOMEN to travel for responsible established house il Michigan. Salary S780 and expenses. PosiHon permanent. Reference. Endose elf-addressed st rnped envelope. The National, Star Insurance Bldg., Cliicago. JOHN BAUMCARTNER Sncressor to Anton Eisele. -DEALER IN - American and Imported Granite - AND - MARBLE of all KINDS, Building Stone, Stone Walks, etc. Satisfaction ffuaranteed; Handle irom thesmallest to the largest wort in all its Branches. Shop- Cor. of Detroit and Catherine sts. - - - Ann Arbor, Mich. Steam and Gasoline Portable and ■?#%■, Marine tügHICS If you think of buying1 an engine of any size or kind send for our Catalogue No. 30, containing illustrations and prices of every kind of engine from one up to 25 horse power, at bottom prices, or List No. 29 for yacht engines, boilers and boat machinery. Either sent free. Chas. P. Willard Co. 197 Canal Street. . Chicago ij. from Life. f fe, V I V # SöfiP llii REST0RES VITALTYi8tDay.fT'JLAWell Man 15thDay. "WWjêW of Me. THE GREAT 30th Day. PR.EKTCH H.Iï3VraïI3-y produces the abovc results in 30 days. It acts powerf ully and imiokJy. Cures when all others fail. ïoungmenwillregaia tlieir lost manhood.and old "oen will recover tbcir youthíul visor by using SKVIVO. It nuickly and Burely restores Nervoualess, Lost Vitality, Impotency. Jiightly Emissiona. jost Power, Failittg Memory, Wastins Diseascs.and il elA:ets of self-abuse or excessand indiscretion. vhich unilts one for s-tidy, business or marriage. It lot only mrrs by starting at tho seat of disease, but sagreat nervo tonic and blood buildcr, bringng back the pink glow to palc cheeks and re■toring the iire of yonth. It wards off Jnsanity md Consumrtion. Insist on having other. It -can bo carried in vest pocket. By mail, 81.00 per packaee, or six lor S5. 00, witl a posi tive written puarantee to cure or refund the iiionpy. Circular free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 271 Waöasll Aï6., CHICAGO, ILL FOR SALE BY- Eberbach Drug and Chemical Co Ann Arbor, Michigan. Awarded Highest Honors - World's Fair. DR CMEAJH BAKING mm MOST PERFECT MADE. pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. 40 Years the Standard. TOLEDO i-v AnnarboK (i nORTH MICHIGAN) "T WrJV RAILWAY. L-J ' !lll%%Ro=Mmmon Pi' ])) il B.J_W" f CITY 11 TIME CAR1J. In effect Oct. 25tli, 1896. Traint leave Aun Arbor by Central Standard Time. NOUTH. SOUTH. T:30a.m. 7:30 a. ui. ll:30a.m. 11:30 a. m. 4:30 ]l.m. H:52 ]}. m. Runs between Ann Arbor nnd Toledo only. All trains dail.v except Sunday. M'. H. Beknktt, E. S. Gilmoke. G. P. A. Ag't. JVfoGHiGAN (Central "The Niágara Falls Route." Central Standard Time, TKAINS AT ANN ARBOR. Qoing East. Qoing West Mail 4:37 p. m. 8:43 a. m. Day Expresa 4:38 p. m. 7:35 a. m. North Shore Limltedt 9-5 a. m, Chicago Expresst 1:65 p. ma N "ï7& Lim. Ext 10:1' p. m. Chicago Night Ex :10 p. m. Detroit Expresst... 5.40 a. in Padflc Expresst 12:15 p. m. O rand Rapids Ex . . . . 1 1 :05 a , m. 5:5Sp m Fast Expresst 2:53 p. ui. A tlantic Expresst . . . 7:35 a. m. Daily except Sunday. - Daily except Saturday. t Daily. O. W. KUGULE8. H. W. Ha f E8 P. & T. A.Chicago. Ag't. Ann Arhor. Rinsey & Seabolt, No. 6 and 8 Washineton St. Have on hand a Complete Stoc of Everjthing j iii the GR 0 C BB Y HL Teas, Coffees, Sugars, In large amounts, and at ' Cash Prices And can sell at low Figures. The large invoiee of Teas they buy and sell is ood proof that In Quality and Price they Give Bargains. They Roast their own CofiVes every week, as none but prime articles are used. Their Bakeryturns out excellent Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see them. Éberbach Drug -AND- Chemical Go. . - ■ - Manufacturers of the foiiowing articles. ülycerine with Lavander for the hands anti face 25c bottle. Fragrant Balm for chapped hands and face 25c bottle. Hair Invigorator 75c bottle. Tan and Freckle wash 25c bottle. Toiletine for the complexidn 5 & 10c pk Bloom of Roses " " " 5 & c pk C. P'. Baking Powder 23c Ib. Also a full line of extracta. No. 10 S. Main-st., Ann Arbor, Mich, Hoods Are much in lm ; always b ■ ■ ■ ready, efficiënt, sa t isf I J _ m L% tory ; prevent a eold or f ever, I I S cure all liver ills, sii:k ■ ■ ■ ■ # ache, jaundice, coiiRtipation, etc. l'rice 2b cents. The ouly Pilis to take with Hood's Siirsaiiarilla. TiTANTED-FAirHFÜL MEN OR WOMEV TT to travel for respondióle establtehed houêe i u Michigan Salarv S"fO and expenses. Positions permanent. Enclose sell" addressed stamppd envelope. The National, Star Insurence Blclg., Chico. Freight Charges Have Declined. In the course of his remarks concerning ccrtain "fixed charges" byrcasonof which tho farmer since 1873, as he asBerts, has "found it more and inore difficult to live," Mr. Bryan said: "Railroaci ratea have not been reduced to keejv pace with falliiig prices. " Mr. Bryan must have known that this was not true. The reduction of railroad freight rates, caused in part by lawsenacted in legislatures which western farmers controlled, as well as by competition and by improvements which lowered the cost of service, has f or a long time been tho subject of popular discussion in Nebraska and other western states. The government publishes the following statement concerning the rernarkable decline in freight rates on wheat, in cents per bushei, by lake, canal and rail from Chicago to New York since 1872: By lake By lake By all and canal, and rail. rail. 1872 24.47 28.CM 83.60 1873 10.19 2G.ÍÍ 88.20 1882 7-89 10.00 14 60 1890 5.85 8.50 14.31 18ÍJ1 5.Ü6 8.53 :5C0 1892 5.61 7.55 14.23 1893 6.83 8.44 14.70 1894 4.44 7.00 12.(3 1895 4.11 6.05 12.17 Will Mr. Bryan or any of those who are prominent in the silver movement say that he had never heard of the reduction of freight rates which is indicated by this table? The cost of carrying a bushei of wheat from Chicago to this city last yearwas only one-f ourth of the cost in 1872 by lake and rail, and only a little moro than one-third of the cost in 1872 by rail for the entire :ance. We have pubhshed the figures ;or the last six years, because they show that the low rates have been in foice iuring the years in which the farrueis af the west had great surpluses of grain ind provisions to be shipped to the seaboard for export. Here are some more figures which deserve the attention of Mr. Bryan : RAILROADS. Milus Net Dividend operated. earnings. paid. 1872 67,523 $166,754,373 $64,418,157 1894 175,508 822,539,270 85,278,669 While the mileage has been multiplied by 8, the dividends have been increased by only 82 per cent, and during the last seven years the average annual dividend for all ihe railroads in the country has been lesa than 2 per cent. - Kew York Times.


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