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His Quaint Bequest

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An original and enterprising genius Is Dr. I. N. Foote of Argentine, Kan. He loves his profession and lio loves humanity, and so he has made n unique wil! bestowing his body, aftcr death, upon tho medical society or colloge that guarantees to carry out the provisions of his remarkable bequest. Perhaps Dr. Foote is nnimated as much by vanity as philanthropy. He thinkg his physical organism will reveal secrets at present unknown to science and therefore his body wül b worth dissecting. Both the document and its author are original creations. As to the will, it Is construoted differently from the ordinary last testament of a man, being devold of all legal verbinge and written in an entertaining, gnssipy manner. It includes a description of the doctor's physical make up and the imperfections incident thereto, so that the coming medical student who shall take him apart may do so with more facility and proflt. It embodies a brief blographical sketch of the author, as well as his ideas on cremation, progress, medicino and the abatement of crime. "Realizlng that we aro given to many practices for which we can assign no reason, only that it is thecustom," the document begins, "and realizing that many of these practices are not only unwise, but actually pernicious, and balieving this to be the case in regnrd to our present custom of disposing ot the dead by funeral ceremonies and burials in the earth. through which water percola tes, rendcrlng our foimtains deadly poisonous, and from which noxious gases of ten arise, whicli endanger those still living, I herebv enter my protest against tlns custom being carried out in the disposition of my romains and insist that all except such parts as may be found worthy of proservation in tlie interest of science, be cremated and disposed of as hereinafter provided. "Realizing further that there are some points in my anatomy that may be of interest to our profession, I will map them out in order to facilítate the work of the operator vrho may dissect my remaiua " Then follows an account of Dr. Foote's various peculiar complaints in the technical languaeaffected bythe medical lession. Dr. Foote calis these idiosyncracies"deviations from the normal," and begins with the less important ones. He explains that "the operator will flnd that the right fíbula and tibia have been fracturod three times, leavingan unsightly lump. " Next comes a compound fracture, extending from near the elbow to the shoulder, which of itself is of little importance, he states, but the new aitachments of the muscles which cause the arm to lock and induce pain whén raised in a certain position- as, for instance, in the act of putting on coat or vest- may prove of ome interest. ■the right ear nest must be taken into consideraron, which was stung or bitten by a black beetle in the neighborhood of 1 ... anmiiy uuu Y LHil H USO, CíillSiiig total deafness in that ear. The stomaeh of Dr. Footo will algo prove of interest to some young man handy with the scalpel. 'He mayor may not flnd anythingabnormal," continúes the will "for of late years it has caused me little or no trouble, but some years ago I suffercd much with indigestión, acidity and regurgitation. A frequent metallic tinkling as if an iron or steel rod was lightly hit in that región, was heard, which was very annoying, and aftcr this I was prostrated by solar heat and was unable to labor or retain food or drink to auy extaat for 13 weeks." After calling attention to a rare gondition oí the appendix, the document discusses the spine, where a careful inspect on is recommended. Some doctors have claimed that the trouble ivas ataxia locomotor, and the patiënt admits that the symptoms indicated such to be tho case Ihe brain, it is suggested, will prove equally proflteble to the operator, considerinp; tho other coniiltinn Dr iootehas also experienced a quantit-y of minor phenomena, oalled"attaeks " Witn larga medical adjectives preflxed Among tne most remarkable of these may be mentioned the consciopsness of a third arm or hand on the left side so real as te cause mental distress. This comes when the doctor feels cold. In addition there is a partial paralysls of the nerves of motlon on the right, including both upper and ower extremity, while there is an excessivo action of the nérvea nf srr,cr.n Besides having more limbs than he ought to have Dr. Foote sometimes feels like a steam engine and again liko a mnriaU instrument, Although the doctor cannot holp but take gome pride in being so different froin other men, yet the next clause disclmms i any personal vanity in the matter Alter tlns comes a conciso biogniphy After the biography a theory on the scientiflc proDBgation of the human species follows, by whloh crime will cease and the open sesame will be provided which shall usherinthemillennialmorn." Dr Foota roposes to prevent, by legal means, the nmrriage of crimináis, idlots or of those with hereditary disease. The doctor is 68 years oíd and says he expects to live longer thau his wife, who he says, has heart disease.


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Ann Arbor Democrat