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I). C. (riffen spent Sunday in Chi,cago. Miss Bessie Neat has returned from Chicago. Wm. Densmore is spending the week in Milán. Don Jewett of Detroit, spent Sunday in this city. Miss Ililda Lodeman is on the sick list this week. County Treasurer Rehfuss was in town Tuesday. S. II. Dodge has been suffering witli an attack of the grip. Mrs. A. L. Thomas and children left Tuesday for Joliet, 111. Miss Margaret Van Cleve has returned from Ann Arbor. Miss Cora Comwell has returned from her visit in Chicago. EL McCormick of Au Sable, visited Ypsilanti friends this week. Mrs. Chas. T. McFarlane is the guest of Detroit friends this week. Miss Clarence Curtis spent Sunday at 'St. Mary's Acadeniy, in Windsor. Mrs. Mansfield of New York, is visit'ing her niece, Mrs. II. 15. Adams. Dr. Fellows, of the Chicago University, was a Normal visitor Monday. David Wise has been entertaining Geo. M. Woodford, of Bo&ton, Mass. Misses Mary and Bessie Amsden are slowly recovering from their illness. Tom McAndrevr has been walking with crutches this week, the result of a sprained ankle. Ray Hughes, who has been attending the C. B. C, will return to his home in Tecumseh tomorrow. Dr. Patterson is now oecupying rooms which he has furnished in the Savings Bank building. Mrs. Jessie Chamberlain, who has been visiting Mrs. Forman, returned to her home in Dundee Monday. Mrs. Frank Simons, who has been visiting Ypsilanti friends, returned to her home in Detroit Wednesday. Miss Low M. Sherman arrived from Hillsdale last Saturday, and will spend the rest of the winter iu this city. Dr. and Mrs. F. K. Owen have been entertaining Mrs. McCormick and children of Grand Forks, Dakota. Miss Georgia Cheshire gave a six o'clock diriner last Friday p. m., in honor of Mrs. Frank Simons, of Detroit. Miss Fanny Kief spent Sunday at her home in this city. She was aceompanied iy Miss Elsie West, of Detroit. Miss Josephine Hemphill has re covered from her illness with diph theria. and Mis. R. W. Hemphill is rapidly mproving.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat