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Rinsey & Seabolt, No. 6 and 8 Washineton St. Have on hand a Complete Stoc ei Everythiog iu the HOUT UNE. Teas, Coffees, Sugars, In large amounts, and at Cash Prices And can sell at Iow Figures. The large invoice of Teas they buy and sell is good proof that In Qualiiy and Price ihey Give Bargains. They Eoast their own Coffees every week, 'as none but prime articles are used. Their lïakery tiirns out excellent Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali ;ind sce thein. Eberbach Drug -AND- Chemical Go. ■ - ■ ♦ . - Manufacturers of the foliowing articles, jlyeerine with Lavander for the hands and face 25c bottle. Fragrant Balín for chapped hands and face 25c bottle. Hair Invigorator 75c bottle. Tan and Freckle wash 25c bottle. Toiletine for the complexion 5 & 10e pk Bloom of Roses " " " 5 & c pk C. P. Baking Powder 28c tt). Also a full line of extraets. No, 10 S. Main-st., Ann Arbor, Mich, Miss E. G. Walton A full Line of DEESS MifflG SUPPLIES AND Fancy Goods Attention given to College Golors. And Glove Cleaning. 52 S. State-st., Cor.Williara-st. Hood's Best to take after dmner; b ana prevent distn.-ss. aid I J, Bi" tion, cure const ipation. I I CS Purely vegetable; do notgiipe ' B ■ ■ or cause pain. Sold by all drnggists. 25 cents. Prepared only by C. 1. HooU fc Co., Lowell, Mass. n TOLEDO i-v AmarboR Uí WNORTH MICHIGAN) tT 3 RAILWAY. L-J - - ' i ifcy i& """If ■■■-■ íi5Iteeoi"'ial p)l i UiV HoA-ardCytj JiV F BAVCITYrill ''')) il LÏNCJfti ali E Bt1" O fc'uriOv., a Ft. WnyimX -poole . -'. TIME CAï.D. In effect Oct. 25th, 1896. Trains leavo Aun Arbor by Central Standard Time. NOIITK. SOUTH. 7:80 a.m. 7:30 a. m. ll:30a.m. 11:30 a.m. 4:30 p. m. 8:.r)2p. in. Runs between Ann Arbor and Toledo onhAll trains daily except Sunday. W. H. Bennbtt, E. S. Gilmore Q. P. A. Ag't. jWlCHIGANfTENTgAT, " The Niágara Falls Route." Central Standard Time. TRAIN8 AT ANN ARBOK. Going East. Going Wea Mail 3M7 p. m. 8:43a.m. Day txpress 4:58 p, in. 7:35 a, m North Shore Limitedt !I:j."i a m Chicago Expresst l.-65p.m. N.ï. & Lim. Ext 10:1? p. m. Chicago Ntght f.x 9;10 p. m Detroit Expresst 5:45 a. ir. Pariflc Exprcsst 12:10 p m Grand Rapids Ex ... 11:05 a. m. ê:.W p m B'ast Expresst s:53 a. m, Atlantic Expresst 7:35 a. m. Daily except Sunday. ♦-Daily except Saturday. t - Daily. O. W. RUQULES. H. W. Ha? E8 P. & T. A.Chicago. Ap't. Ann Arbor. C. W. VOGELOealei in FRESH, SALT and S-m DVHeatis SauBBges of all kinds. Poultry an Game in Season. C. W. VOGEL, . No. 9 E. Aan-st f,00, L,re. REVIVO f% RESTORES VITALITY. ïst Day. 'ffigjfff' Jfem;We! I Man ""v-lH of Me. THE GREAT 30th í)av produces the above resulta in .!() days. Itactt íowerfnlly and Quickly. Cures wlien all otliers Lail VounRrucn will regaíu thcir lost nianhood. and ol( ']''} rw!l recover thoir yontliful visor by REVIVO. It íiuickly and surely restores Nervoug leas, r.nst Vitality, Impotency, Nightly Eniissions ost Power, Failing Memory, Wautine Dlseases.aoi ota oL self-abuso or excees and indiscretion ■ mch uníits ono ior B'ndy. business or marriag I lot only euros by starting at tbe seat oL diseai sagreat norve tonic aud lIool buildér, bring ng back tlie pink glow to palé cheeks a d n Btoring tho üre of youth. It warde off Tnsanil m:l Consumption. Insist ou liaving REVIVO. D ither. It can he carried in vest pookot. liy malí. S1.00 per paobaRe, or tiix lor S5.O0, with a posi ive writfeu (juariintco to oure or reíund he money. Circular free. Addre6s BOYAL MEDICINE CO., 271 Watiasí Ave., CHICAGO, ILL FOR SALE I3V- Eberbach Drug and Chemical Co Ann Arbor, Michigan. T7-ANTFD-FAirHFÜL MEN OR WOMKN to travel for responsible estahlished lio.i.-e i Mientan. Salarv SO and expenses Posi tions pe nianent, Reference. Endose elf-ad ressed tnmped envelope. The National, Star nsurence üldg., Chicaeo.


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