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Maceo Is No More

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Key West, Fia., Jan. 13.- Advices recetved here from Havana bring further confirmation, if such were needed, of the death of Antonio Maceo. A gentleman in Havana who was an intímate friend of the late insurgent leader has received a letter and a package from one of the rebel chieftains. The packftge cnntained Maceo's carbine, which in case of nis death he had desired te be sent to the friend referred to. It is a Colt carbine and its number is 11.129. The letter also furnished additional proef of the great insurgent leader'? death. The government does not allöw newg of the burning of plantations, etc, to ba . published, but it is stated on reliable authorüy that if the governraeat alJowed the grinding of cane in Havana province the planters would not be able to make 10,000 hogsheads of sugar, lieeause from eight miles out of Havana as far as Matanzas nearly all the sugar cañe has been burned. Cubans l.ikely to Surprise Weyler. General Weyler asserts that there are only 500 insurgents in the province of Pinar del Rio, but the Cubans say that he will shortly repent having made such a statement. There is no doubt that the insurgents have suffered greatly from sickness and other causes, but it is claimed that should the Spanish comjnander only partly withdraw his troops irom the western nart of Pinar del Hio the insurgents will again concéntrate in large bodies, having only scattered into small groups for the present in order to escape the overwhe,lmingly large force sent against them. The Cubans claim that all such statements are directed from Madrid, fnr the purpose of influencing congressional action at Washington. Mm-h Depemls T'pon Uaxlmo GomeZi A great deal depends upon Maxime Gomez and the progress his army wil! make during the next few weeks or so. 33ut it is not thought likely that Gomez . will risk a pitched battle wltn the when he can probably accomplisli the end in view without taking any such chances. However, the Cubans expect military news of importance shortly, as it is understood that Ihey have been the New Tork .iunta that the moment is opportune for a coup of some descrlption. which will be of importance enonsli to demónstrate that General Weyler is not stating the exact facts when he says that the Drovince of Pinar il,-! Rio is pacified. and that he 3s imw preparing to accomplish the paciRcation of the remainder of the island of Cuba. BACNTLESS "(JETS THERE" AGAIN, Uut Her Captain Intímate That It Has IJntirely by Accident. "Washington, Jan. 13. - The secretary of the interior has received from Collector Bisbee at Jacksonville, a report en the recent movements of the suspected filibuster Dauntless, in which he ineorporates an affidavit made by Captain lleyers, the master. The affidavit States in effect that on Dec. 2S the master subscribed to an oath that the Dauntless was about starting on a ivrecking tour, and that he would not viólate the neutrality or navigation laws. On that day he steamed down the river, but the weather was too thick íor his vessel to go to sea. and so he Teturned to Jacksonville. On the 29th He again started on his wrecking trip. Tsut the weather was still heavy and Jie concluded to go inside, through Uawks channel. While in the channel he discovered Sígnala of distress flying from a point on No Name Key. He put in to the island and found thirty-five men in sreat distress suffering from exposure to the weather and want of food. There -ñas also a quantity of freightage in mbroken boxea and packages. What they contained he did not know. He took the men and freight on board Jiew Year"s Day, and as nearly as he could recollect on the 3rd of January he dellvered them at sea. Tn whom they were delivered he does not say. ' OME CIBMX NEWS FKO5I TAMPA. Story of a Rebel Victory Told a Fugitive froin the Island. Tampa. Fla., Jan. 13.- Antonio Roginy, a natlve Cuban, forced to leave home as pólice were after him on suspieion, is herc. He says the raid at Caoliilïas. called a Rpanish victory, was A great Cuban success. The town was garrisoned by 500 Spaniards, who had three cannon. Before light Wednesday Cuban insurgents under Major Sorres seized the outposts and almost captured the entire place before the Spaniards knew what was going on. The cannon in one blockhouse Was turned on the Spaniards, and they retreated to the intrenchments. Major Sorres threw part of his force in the rear of the Spaniards and routed them. The Cubans did not pursue; they were after the spoils and supplies. The Spaniards had managred to spike one cannon, but the Cubans took the other two ivith them, as well as the complete camp equipment, including a large supply of ammunition.


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