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Estáte oí üaisy Jb'elen Piatt. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty oí Washtenau O ss. At a session of the Probate Ourt for the County of Washtenaw. holdan at the Pro hate Office n the City of Aun Arbor. on Wednesday, the ISth day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety seven. Present. H. Wirt Newkirk, .ïndge of Pnbate. In the matter of the estáte of Daisy Helen Pratt de(ya ed. On reading and fl'iner the petition, duly verified, i f Louw A. Prait, práying that adn iiiistra tion of said estáte mav be granted to Louis A. P tt or some other suitable persou Thercupon It ix ordered, That Saturday. the (itli day nf Febiuarv ncxt. at ten o'ulock in the forenoon. be assigrei for the hearing of -aid petition, and that theheirsat lawof said deceascd nnd all other persons interested in said '-s;aíp. are requirió', toappearat a session of said Oourt. then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, aid show cause, i f any there Bfi. why the prayer of the petit:oner shoutd ut be grant?d: And it is further ordered, that said peütioner give notice to the persons in terested in said estáte, of the pendeucv of said petition and the hearing thereof, bycausing acopyof this order to bepublished in the Ann ARnoR Dkmockat, a newspaper printed andcirculated in said county three successiv weeks previous to said day of hearing H. WIRT NËWMRK, (A true copy) Judge of Prohat P J. Lkh'iam, Prohate Résister. 25-28 A Chance to Malte íloney. I read hiw one of your Hubncrtbers raade money peiling DIshwashers; I ordered one, and my ladv f riends were charmed. as they hate dish washing. My brother at 1 I commenced selüng them, and have made $1 TOO after paving all expenses We don't canvass any. Our sales are 11 made at home. Penple come or send for them. The Mi und City Dish Wasner is the best Hishwafher on the market Our business is increasing, and we aiegoing to keep rigftt on until e make ten thousnnd dollars We sell frorr. ft to 15 machines every day, and some days more. The Diihwaaher i. lovely, every h usekeeper wautsonn. There ís no excuse to be poor wnen so much money can be made sellin? Dish Wash ers. For full narticulars, address The Mound City Disli Washer Co., St. Loni-i. Mo They will start yon on the road to succes -A Reade t. 25 Commissioners' Notice, STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw. The undersigned uaving been appoinied by the Probate Court for said county, crniniission ers to receive. examine andadju-t II claims and dTiiands of a'l persons against the estáte of Willard Foster. late of said county, deeeased, hereby give notice that six months f "rom date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court for credit- rs to present their claims againet the eslatei f said deceased, and that they will meet at the late residence of said deceased In the rownhip oí icio, in said county. on the Sánd dav of Harch and on the 21st day of June next, ai ten o'clock a. m. of each of said days, to receive, examine and ad.iust said claims. Dated, December 21st. lxüfi F,DWíiD MOORE, DANIEL SEYLE.H, 23-26 Commissioners. JVotice to Crcditors. OTA TE OF MICHIGAN. County of WashteO na" ss. Notice is hereby given, that by an rderof the Probate Court for the County .f Wasntenaw, mad'' on the 29th day of December V.D.IS'J . six months rom that date were allowed Cor creditors to present their claims ai'ainst the -■state of Rob't B. C. Scadin late of said County. leceased, and that all creditors of said deceased iré required to prese t their claras to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in t' e city of Ann Arbor, examination and allowance on or before the 2Oth of day June next. and that 8' cli claims ïll be heard belore said Court, on the 2!th dayof March next and on the Sllth day of June nexf, at ten o'clock in the fore uoon o' each of said days. Dated, Anu Arbor. IVc. 29, 4. D. lf% .1. WILURD BABÜITT. 2 28 Judge of Probate Mortgage Sale. DEFAUtr having been mide m the eonditions of a mortgasre exeented by Francés C. Sumner to Eüzabeth P. Baldwin hearing date et. 4th. A I) 18S8, and recordert in the office of the Kegister of Deeds for Wahtenaw county ichigan. on Oct 4th. A. D. 18SS, in I iberfig, of Mortgages on page 10.'. and said mor;gHge was ii.ssigned by said Elizabeth F. Baldwin to Clarence G Taylor by deed of assignment dated Feb. 1 1 th, A. D. 18f9. and recordird in said ReKister's offic ■ July lstli. A. I). 1889 in Liberl'iof Apsignnents of Mor'gages in page x-74, and said murtgajïe was also assiglien by said Ciar ence (i. Tayior lo Klam S. Worden by deed of assignment clated Oct. 17th A D "8I. and recordé' in said Register's office Oct 17th. A. D. 1891 in Líber li or Asslgnznents of Morrgages on page '9. t)y which default the power of sale coñtaincd in said morlgage became operat.ive. and mi snit or proceeding in law or equity hav ing been instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof, and the sum of eighteen liundrd and ti.irtyone and ninty oue-luindreths dollars (SI. 831 9"0 heing now eliimed to be due upon said mortgage, notice is therefore hereby given that said mortgagewill be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises therein doscribed o r som e part thereof, to-wit; All that certain piece or parcel of land sitúate and being in the city of Ann Arbor, County of WasMtenaw and State of Michigan and described as follows, to-wit: The west. half (w. y) of No. nine (9) and ten (10) m Block No six (rt) south of Huron street, in Harige No. ten(10)east,accordini to the recorded plat of the Ann Arbor Land Co. 's addition to the village (now city) of Ann Arbor aforesaid, at pub ie vendue on Saturday the 20th day of March, A. I) 1897, at. ten o'clock in the forenoon at the east front door of the Court House in the city of Anu Arbor in said Oounty of Washteniw, that being the place of holding the Circuit Court in said County. Dated, Dec. 14th. A. D. '8S6. Ei-AM S. WORDEN, Assignee of Mortgagee. XOAH W. CHEKVEK Attorney. 2Í-35. Commissioners' otice. y-TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw k1 The undersigned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said county, commissioners to receive. examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against the eutute of Catberlne Meyer, late of said counry deceased, hereby give notice that six months f rom date are a!-owed b order of said Probate Court. for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the late residence of said deceased. in the township of l-odi, in said connty, on the 30th day of March and on the 30th day of June next, at ten o'clock a. m. of eaeh of said days to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Uated, l ecember 30. 1896 FRICO W00D. HARRISON BASSETT. 24-47 Commissioners. WANTED- FAITHFUL MEN OR WOMEN to travel for responsible establisiied house in Michigan. Salary $"80 and expenses. Posilon ermanent Reference. Knclose st.f-ad dressed stamp3d envelope. The National, Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago. Sales With Hood's ■■■ ■ ■ rilla," Sales Talk," and Jl WL show that this ■ Ca I 1% cine has enjoyed public confidence and patronage to a greater extentthanaccorded any ether proprietary medicine. This is 8imply because it possesses greater merit and produces greater cures than any other. It is not what we say, but what Hood!s Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story. All advertisements of Hood's Sarsaparilla, like Hood's Sarsaparilla itself, are honest. We have never deceived the public, and this with its superlative medicinal merit, is why the people have abiding confidence in it, and buy Hood's Sarsaparilla Almost to the exclusión of all others. Try It. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. ,_, ., r... are the only pills to take nOOa S rMllS with Hood's Sarsaparilla. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. CL. McGUIRE, Lawtes and Notary Püb i.ic. Front Offices over Farmers & Mcclianics Bank, Ann Arbor, Michigan. O McKKRNAN, Attorney-at-Law. ColIectiOHS pro nptlv attended to. Money to oan llouses and Lots for Sale. Office in Ctourt House DEAN M TYLER. M. D., Phyaician and Surgeon. Office and residenee over postoffice, flrst floor. MARF C WHITING, Counselor-at Law. Address postoffice box 1796, Ann Arbor Michigan, JOHN F. LAWRENCE. Attorney at-Law. ff Ofïice. Corner Fourtli and Ann streets, Ann Arbor 31 chigan. Ci M. M RTINT. Funeral Director and Under ' ■ takcr. Cloth. Metalic and Cominon i'offins. Storeroom No. 19 Kast Washington Street eidence Corner Liberty and Fifth ïelephone 91. WW. NICHOLS, Dentist. Rooms over Ann Arbor Savings Bank. opnosite Court House square. v'Ii'ALIZED AIR ad mimstered. It i- agreeable atni easy to take and no prostrating efferts follow, while teeth are extracted without pain. I7A:JTED- FAITHFÜL MEN OR WOMEN to travel for responsible established house il Michigan. Salary J;8U and expenses i'osilion permanent Reference. Endose eelf-addressed st mped envelope. The National, Star Insurance B dg-., Chicago. JOHN BAUMCARTNER Successor to Antoii Eiseie. - DEALER It, - American and Imponed Granite - AND - MLARBLK of all KINDS, Stone, Stone Walks, etc. Satisfaotion guaranteed; Handle irom the smallest to the largest wort in all its Branches. Shop - Cor. of Detroit and Catherine sts. - - - Ann Arbor, Mich. tBBÉWI" II II- I !!■ I I a"will11fc lililí ■■ II IH "■m-Ml I nu !■ S!.....:ii ...'.i ','i .'! ..-; .■i.ii Steam and Gasolina Porïred Engines If you think of buying an entine of any size or kind send for our Catalogue No. 30, containing illustrations and prices of every kind of engine from one up to 25 horse power, at bottom prices, or List No. 29 for y acht engines, boilers and boat machinery. Either sent free. Chas. P. Willard & Co. 197 Canal Street. Chicago Estáte of C:roline P. Fitzineyer. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, öounty of Washtenaw, "O ss. At a session of the probate court for the county of Wachtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor. on fourth day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven. Present, H. Wirt Newkirk, Judge of Prf bate. In the matter of the estáte of Caroline P. Fitzmeyer, insane CoïUKtock F Hill, the Guardian of said ward, eines into court and represents that he is novr prepared to ronder iris aunual account as such Guardian. Thereupon it, is ordered that Monday, the first day of February next, at ten o'clock in the foreuoon be assigntd f or es amining and allowing such account, and that the next of kin of said ward ;nd all other persons interested in said estáte, are required toappear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in i;aid county, and show cause, if any there be why the said account should not be ailowed : And it is f urther ordered. that said guardián give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said accou n t , anri the hearing thereof, by oausing a copy of this order to be published in The Ann Arhor Demncral, a newspaper printed and circulating in said couüty, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. H. WIRT NEWKIKK, (A true eapy.) Judge uf Probate. P. J. Lehman. Probate Reelster. 21-27 How the Dipper Saved the Farm. Father was siok and the mortgage on the farm wís coming due, I saw in the Christian Advocate where Miss A. M. Fiitz of Station A, St. Louis Mo.,would send a sample combinatiou dipper for 18 two cent stampfl, and I ordered one I saw the dipper couid be used as a fruit jar filler. a plaiu dipper, a fine fetrainer. a funnel, a strainer funnel, a sick room wprming pan, an-ï a pint me8ure. These eight different uses make the dipper such a necesary article that I went to work with it, and it sella at very near every houso. And in four months I paid cff the morteage. I think I can clear as much aa S200 a month. It you need work you can do well by triving this a trial. Miss A. M. Frilz, Station A. Sr. Louis, Mo., will send you a sample for 18 two cant stamps - wnte at once. John G. N. 34-36 A Churu That Churas In One Minute. I have been in the dairy business all my life and have many times churned foranhourbefore butter would appar, so when I heard of a churn that wou d churn in a minute. I concluded to try it. Every day for a Iweek I used it. and not only could 1 churn in a minute, butlgot more and better butter tnan with the common churn. TMa is very important informatiou to butter makers. The churn works easily aml will churn an ordinary churning in les than. íixty seconds. I have sold two drzrn of these churnsin the past month. Every butter maker tbat ha? seen me churn in less than a minute boughtone. You can obtain all desired infnrmation regarding the churn by addressing J. F. Casey & Co., St. Louis, Mo., and they will give you prompt and courteous antention w A Dairyman.


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