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Sketches By M. Quad

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Just as the train was leaving Pen Hill :. o had come tip on horseback, apparently riding for his life, flung himself off and boarded a car uot two minutes ahead of a gang of 20 men in pursnit. They ghonted and gestured and ñred theil pistols, but the train ; pulled out with the man aboard. Tho passengere were naturally anxious to I know what it was all about, and pretty ! Boon tho fugitive was the center of a ■ grotip of eaer questioners. He was a middleaged man, and not at all eícited. Whcn asked for his story, he replied: "I hevn't much of a story to teil. I ■was over at Blauko this mornin, and a critter wantod me to take a hand in a game of poker. I clemicd him out, and he pulled a gun on me. That's about all." "But somcthing must have followed?" persisted one. "Yes, in conrse. Bein he was goin to shoot, I shot fust. That's all." "Butdidn't they arrest you f or the shootinji'.-1' ' "Waal, the city marshal was goin to, but I shot him through the hand and shoulder and got away. I guess that's all." "But it can 't be. You wcre pursned by a lot of men?' ' "Yes, I was. They wanted to hang me, you know, but I objected. That's the f uil yarn. ' ' "But you were on horseback?" ' ' Yes. When the crowd took af ter me, I I jumped on a hoss tntl oseaped. Purty ; good hoss, thatwas. That's all." "And how f ar did they run you?" "About 15 miles." " And they shot at ytraï" "Oh, yes; yes, they shot at me, and I shot at them. " "And was anybody hit?" "I dropped three of 'em, bnt I don't know how bad they was hit. That's all the story, gentleman. ' ' ' ' Then you killed at least one man, wounded ïour, barely escaped lynching and don't cali it mnch of a story?" exclaimod the questioner. " "Waal, it's a story, of course, " replied the man, "but jes' a little one and not wuth talkiu about. Somebody give me a chaw of terbaoker, and hev uiy of you got any cartridges that will fit a 32 gun and be sure to go off when ye pull trigger?" Had to Take a Live One. "I beg your pardon if I disturb you, sir?" sho eaid to the keeper of the morgue, "but my husband has been gone two days, and I fear that he may have been killed on the street and brought here. " " Husband missing, en.' quenerl tne official. ' ' Wc may have him iu liere. What sort of a looking man was he?" "A short, thickset man, sir, with side whiskers and two front teeth gone. ' ' "Uin. Side whiskers, eh? Two front teeth gone? Was he a man likely to get in the way of a cable car?" "He was, sir. If he thought the car meant to bluff him, he'd stand on the track until he was run over. ' ' "How was he on dodging hacks?" ' ' He never dodged one in his life. He used to carry half a dozen rocks tied up in a handkerchief, and the hackman who tried to ruu him down got his head knocked off." "Been gone two days, eh?" "Two days and a night, sir, and you don 't know how worried I am. " ' ' Yes, I supposc so, ' ' absently replied the man. "I wish I could say he was here and thus relieve your anxiety. " "Then he isn't here?" "No, r.xa'am; notuuless heshavedoff thoso sido whiskers and went to a dentist bef ore he was brought in. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but we are just out of short, thickset men with side whiskers. One may be brought in at any hour, however. ' ' "If not here, then he is still alive?" suggestcd the woman as the look of anxiety left her face. "I should so infor, ma'am - should so infer. In f act, ma'am, I am quite sure your hnsband is alive and well. " "Thaiiks, sir. You haven 'tseenhim?" "I have, ma'am. Less thmi half an hom ago he asked me to drink with him in the saloon over there, and froin this window you can now sec him standing v p to the bar, side whiskers and all. " "Thunk heaveu, and I'll go over and takc him by the neck and - and" - "Glad to be of service toyou, ma'am. If I had a short, thickset man, with side whiskers and two front teeth ont on a slab inside, I would admit you with pleasure, but as I haven't you'll have to take up with the live one over there and make the best of it. Good day, ma'am. Cali agahi if you happen this way, and I may be in better luck. ' ' M. Qüad.


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Ann Arbor Democrat