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Manchester Mention

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!. Conklin visited in Tecumseh last Friday. Floyd Austin of Norvell, spent Sunlay in town. Rev. Fr. Reiley of Adrián, was in own Sunday. Henry Landwehr was in Ann Arbor Tuesday on business. Wm. Raxter has been conflned to the j house with a severe cold. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Corey entertained a pedro party Friday evening. C. J. Farrell drove to Tecumseb Saturday and returned Sunday. Attorney Rushton of Brooklyn, was in town on business, Monday. Dr. V. D. Reed of Teoumseh, Sun dayed in town with his niother. The infant ehild of Mr. and Mr-s Chas. Hildinger, died Wednesday. Dr. G. A. ,-ervis was cal led to Xorvell, Friday. on a professional visit. C. W. Case was busy Tuesday appraising the property of the (Joon estáte. L. I). Watkins is feeding over 1000 sheep this winter, besides oiher stock. A. C. Torrey drove to Monroe Tuesday, to be absent a few days on business. Jas. Kellam. who has been traveling lor a Chicago book concern, is home on a visit. David Jones, who is woiking in Chicago, was home on a visit the flrst of the week. The scholars in the MeMahon district held a social Friday night. at L. M. Baldwin's. While cutting ice on the upper pond last week. men and horses both received good duckings. Messrs Yocum & Blosser at'ended a meeting of thi; Foresters at Tecumseb Tuesday evening. Mis. .). II. Kingsley feil on the icy walk one day last week, and badly sprained her ankle. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lowery gave them a pleasaut surprise, Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. J)odge of Adrián, visited Mr. and Mrs. ï U. Jiriegel over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Enocb Silkworth and sou, visited in Brooklyn and Jelïerson from Saturday until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sanford returned Wednesday from a two months'visit at New York and Philadelphia. So many people liave been laid up with S"vere colds lately. that the physicians have been unusually busy. Whilesleighriding one day last week, Miss Emma Tisle was carelt'ssly thrown from the sleigh and badly bruised. borne oí our young people drove to Pleasant Lake, Friday night, to nttend the dance, and report a pleasant time. We learn that the Ladies' Aid Society are preparing to present " The District Scliool" at a future date. Sleighing parties have bepn quite mimeröus the past week, and both oldand young have been enjoying the winter sport. C. II. Millen of Wolf Lake, was in town Friday, and reports that Eugene is recovaring nicely froni hia recent se ere illness. Miss Minnie Reeves of ïecumseh. was in town Friday and called on friends. She left that afternoon to visit in Ypsilanti. liev. J. L. Iludson of Alpena, formerly presiding eider of this district, is visiting his sisters, Mrs. M. D. Case and Mrs. E.K Fellows. Michael Kirk. who has resided in the southem part of tliis township for the past 50 years. died Wednesday morning of neuralgia of the heart. Last week we mentioned that Wm. Amspoker had moved to Ann Arbor. He had packed his goods, but did aot move until Monday, owing to the severe cold weather. Dr. J. A. Lynch will discontinue the drug business, and will move into new quarters over Schaible & Hendershot's. where he will resume his practice and manufacturing. Messrs. Schaible & Ilendershot opened up their store Monday with a new stock of drv goods, boots, shoes and groceries, and are hu-tling for a portion of our citizens' patronage. Excelsior's JMerry Makers drove ïn Monday evening f rom Ypsilanti and Tuesday night held the boards at Arbeiter Hall. where they presented the comedy: "Reilly's Reception," to a fairly good house. Some of -mama's darlings," who have become thoroughly attached to each other, were caught in the act of passing notes in the high school recently, and Trof. Essery entertained the scholars by reading i he loving passages enclused to the school. Ira Smith and wife of Seward, O., are yisiting it E. S. llagaman's. Mr. Smith is one of the best cheese makers in Ohio, and is here inspecting the plant. Mr. Smith, accorapanied by Mr. Haga man. went to Charlotte Monday night to attend a three days meeting "of the State Dairymen'a Association. The "bigswamp" aorthof townon the Chelsea road, has been a busy place this winter, and several acres of' tamarack treeshave been cut for firewood. The timber could he bought cheap, and so many men were looking for employment, that it was an easy matter to clear up a large tract of land. l'eople who were up town early enough ïuesday morning to sep the load of men, dogs, guns and ammunition. thoughtthat Jerome Holmes had organizo' i a company of recruits to fight for Cuban imlependence, but it was only a load of local huntsmen going over to the 'big swamp" on a fox hunt. Mieliael Wurster's boy Charlie, had hitched up to come to town Tuesday night but the horse concluded not to wait for him and galloped away. I Ie ran down the sidewalk on ■ xchange Place, knockinjï Philo Silkworth down. but fortunately did not injure him The horse was stopped in front of Kensler's store before any damage to cutttr was done.


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