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Dexter Dots

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Win. Shannon is very sick. Blanch Cushman was at home last Sunday. Jay Warren is happy over a baby boy born last week. Andrew T. Ilughes was calling on old f rienda Monday. James Devine is entertaining a little girl baby at his home. John Schieferstine went to Jackson Wednesday on business. Wm. G. Doty of Ann Arbor was in town Monduy on business The Pedro 'lub met at Joe StapUrs Tuesday evening this week. Miss Ilattie Keath has gone to Mt. ; Clemens to spend the winter. The City School bonds were sold Friday ast week at 5 per cent. Frank Jewell has returned f rom a short visit with friends in Detroit. Oren T. Parker is making preparations to btiild a large barn this spring. The W. W. society met with Jay Smith and family Wednesdaythis week. Daniel Lyons' daughters had a patty at their home, Friday evening last week Wil! Fisher has rfnted the Marcas S. I cok tarm, and will move onto it in the spring. The M. E. society had a ehicken pie dinnerat the church parlors Wednesday tliis week. ( hancey Coy entertained a company of young people, Wednesday evening thia week. Dr. Jolni Lee has traded bis pacer to George Reade of Xorth Lake, for a fine roadster. Steve Crane and family of near Adrián, are visiting at Henry M. Phelp's this week. Frank and Wirt Caruenter had ;i party dance at their residence, Tuesday evening last week. The Baptist society gave a surprise party 011 Mr. and Mra George Peatt, Wednesday evening this week. 11. A. Williams, of the Farmers & Mecharnos Bank, Aim Arbor, was a welcome visitor on our streets Tuesday. The K. O. T. M. had a special meeting Saturday evening to make arrangements for their dance, to be held Fridav i Feb. lilth. Wüliam Jewell and wife went to De troit Saturday for a short visit. Mr. lewell is to take an examination for the City Mail Service. Dr. Elmer Frank Chase has gone to Arkansas City, Kansas, to look after his interest in a suspended bank in which ne was a stockholder. Miss Hattie Bo-.twickhas resigned as teacher of the Dexer High School. Miss lïelle Croarkin was appomted to lili Miss Bostwicks place. E. R. Doane and Ruben Queal, will startfor Florida next Tuesday morning. Clay Springs will be their stoppin? place as they have orange groves there. ïhey wil! not return until late in the spring. Hev. C. II. Beale, D. D. of Boston, Massachusetts, will givea lectureat the ('ongregational church Friday evening. Price 15 ets. and 10 ets. Subject "Views from Bericon Hill, or Boston Old and Xew." The speaker comes with high recommendations. The races were held Tuesday. Pools were sold at Daner Moore's. Committep Alexander IJancer and j. V. N". Gregory. J. V. X. Grexory won the lirst race, Ilomer Boyd of Chelsea, won the pacing race. There was a large crowd in attendance from all surroumling places. Ann Arbor was well represented.


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