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COUNCIL CHAMBER. j. Ann Arbor, Pebruary lst 1807. ) Begular Session. Called to order by Pres. Hiscock. Roll Called. Quorum Present. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOK. To the Common Council of the City of Ana Arbor: Gentlemen: - The Ordinance to amend an ordinanue relative to Licenses passed by your honorable body at its last session, I hereby disapprove tor the following reaspns: ïo my mind the insertion of the words "ol their own production" in sectiou 7 is too far reaehing and in the wrong direction. Seetion 7 as arnended reads as follows: Seetion 7. Every hawker pedler or person going about from place to place, or who makes use of any of the streets or open places in said City, selling or offering for sale goods, ware3, merchandise or any species of property, shall pay a license therefor in the sum of one hundred dollars per year, or fifty dollars for a period of six months. And for a period of less than six months such person shall pay a license therefor as follows ; that is to say : lf he intends to travel on ioot, one dollar per day: if he intends to travel with one norse one dollar and iifty cents per day: if he intends to travel with tvvo or more horsesorother animáis, two dollars per day for every vehicle so used. Any person selling or exposing for sale any such goods or property from any wagon, hand-cart, show-case or stand, in any street or open place, shall pay the sum j of three dollars per day, and in grantingalieense for any such purpose in any street or open place the Mayor shall desígnate the street and place where any such wagon, hand-cart, stand or shovv-case, shall be located and shall have power and authority to change and retócate the same from time to timo j in his discretion. Provided, tliis section shall not apply to persons selling domestic fruits, dairy, farm or garden produce, of their own production, not to bakers or merchants delivering goods to their customers in said City. T'nder our present ortHnances all "farm produce (induding dressed meat) may be sold in any quantity direct from the farmers' pedlers' or citizens' wagons to our people at their doors f ree from license or charge of any kind, while by lnserting the words "of their own production" you prevent tbepeddling of farm produce in onr City without a hcense unless such produce is of the peddlers own production. Ibelieve such an ordinance unjust to our citizens. It nut only takes from them the rigb.t to use their own judgment wbenbuying supplies for their families but it pre. vents them from going Into the country and buying such products and seüing them around town thereby a living. It has been the practice of a great many of our teamsters to go into the country and buy up larg-e quantities of wood and during the winter haul it to town and sell it. Others there are who go out and buy butter, eggs, poultry etc, which tbey bring in and sell to our citizens, all of which is probibited by tliis amendment. It also proliibits our milkmen from selling the only milk from tfieirown dairy and as they all or nearly all are dependent upon others - vvholly or in part - for their mük it can easily be 8een that if the proposed ordinance was to become law the workings oí it niight become a serious matter to our oitizens. You have recluced, somewhat, the license ratea but tbey are still excessive and prohibitivo to such a degree that I believe will invalídate the ordinance and will in thatdirection be no improvcment on the old. If our people can j save any money by buying direct from the farmer or if any of them can make a little by going into the country and buving of the farmers the producís of their farms and bringing in and selling ït to our citizens 11 is not in my opinión the duty of your honorable body todony thein the privilege. I cannot 8ee where our people are to derive any benefit while it is plain to be seen where they would be greatly injured by the operations of this amendment. It would have the effect of turning the trade of a goodly number of farmer9 to surrounding towns who heretofore have patronized, our City. It has a tendency to raise the cost 'of living whioh may bc the causo of our citLzens moving away as well as of preventing others from coming here to live. Altogether I consider it against Public Policy and it snould never be given a place among our ordinances. Füed January 19th, 1897. Wakken E. Walker, GleD V. Mille, City Clerk. Mayor. Whereupon the Ordinance to Amend an Ordinance Helative to Licenses was passed as follows, the Veto of the Mayor notwithstanding: . Yeas- Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koch, Grossman, Laubengayer, Dell, Shadford, Rhodes, (adv. Pres. Hiscock- 10. Nays - Aid. Burke, Brown, Goon, Soule, Daniortb. - 5. i To the Common Council. I have this day appointed Fatrick' Desmond as a special policeman to act at the Arm Arbor B. R. depot and grounds without expense to the City. Warren E. Walker, .Mayor. Dated, January 3Oth, 1897. Received and placed on file PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. To the ('oranion Council: The Board of Public Works would recommend that action be taken by your honorable body to have the bridge over the Michigan Central Railroad replanked as it is in a dangerous eondiBoard of Public Works, Glen V. -Mills, Clerk. Aid. Koch moved that the recommendation of tbe Board be concurred in by the council. Adopted. To the Cominon Council: The Board of Public Works would respectfnlly i-ecommend that a flagnian be ordered placed at the Y on North' Main street during the time that the railroad companies are transfering cars at said crosaia?. Board of Public Works Gien V. Mills, Clerk. Aid. Maynard moved that the recommendation ef the Board be concurred in by the Council. Adopted. A petition signed by A. Allen John asking for wood for heating the room for a free kindergarten, was read and refered to the Fire Department Committee. A petition si?nel by Bina A. Butler askins for the return of taxes illegally assessed was reád and referred to the Finance Cemmittee. A bul for extras in the construction of the Sewer in Lateral Sewer Districts No. 3 and 4 was presented to the Council and referred to the Sewer Committee. REPOKTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. FI NANCE. To the Common Council. Your Committee on Finance respectfully report that they have had the following bilis under consideration ;ind would reoomraend their allowance and that warrants be ordered drawn for the same. Respectfullv submitted, C. H. Cady, Harrison Soule, Emmett Coon, Coinmittee on Finance. CONTINGENT FUND. Glen V Mills, salary $ 83 34 1-atiick O'Hearn. " 83 M Thomas D Kearney" 50 00 Charles H Manly. " 8 34 ölen V (dllls, postage 2 T5 Mis C A Greene, ren1 SU 17 Mack & Bchmid, rent 10 00 Marvin Davenpori janilor work 10 1 Aun rbor SavTngs Bank accounts asslgned 10 62 nii Arbor Register printing 11 u [nland Press, printing ffi 60 Emma Loeffler, stenographer 5C Moore & Wetmore supplles 4 7E A n n Arhor Electric Co lighting 528 '■''■ Sld W MUlard printing 9 00 John Elsele supplies 3; Louis Bhode ' 178 Schalrer & Mlllen supplies - Moore .v Wetmore, " IS 3( Neue Washtenaw Post, printing 30 Henry Richards coal 32 50 Ann Arbor Argus printtaR & OhasH Manly asslgned by E B Pond.. v oo Eugene B Hall coal 11 "' Nlcuael Staebler coal '" '■ JA Polhemús llvery 2 75 .loe Kiiii-kimrn pouna rees i Lucy D 8 Parker reñí 60 00 Josepb White trlmmlng hedse Ann Arbor Savings Bank 6 1' .! Geromtller buiylng cat 50 Wm Addis lodRlnga 100 .] I' Bchuh entry leu 2 00 Total S 105.") 08 sbweb FUND-General. Seo i' ivv salar; S 100 00 E W Groves salary ' ll" A 11 Koys patterns 1 m Aun Aroor Water Oo., test 1 6á Total S i District No. 5. Abraham Beek teaming Toial ? 212 SÏKKET J-UNI). Ann Arbor Savlngs Bank accounts asgigned tbem: James Masón labor S S 00 I red ülrlch labor l " M Wi Le labor 4 Nlcholas tienderlong labor.. . 15 James Masón labor 2 70 ]i French labor 2 70 Barney Morrlsou labor 2 ÏÖ M Herey labor 1 ■■ ' ' 8 Wm.l Eandall labor 1 ■ Benneti French " '. 25 John Groft " 1 SO Mlchael Herey labor l 50 1 50 Matthew Luippold labor '. M Williams [abor :: 55 M aessian ' 2 25 4H 65 A.G Bchniidt repairs 110 ( A Maynard & Co.oil 10 Martin Nagel snowplowlng i 50 Andrew Hunter repairs 160 Daniel -i Ross salary Julius Weii rplowlag i 50 .luim .1 Ferguson " 1 ."'i Eratus White - :i i0 M M Wheelock " i 50 Thomas Hannan " :; John Kittlesnow plovlng 1 50 II Otto & Son repairs lu 15 Glen V Milis accounts asslgned 75 Martin Nagel snowplowing 1 fn Johi McHúgh ■ 1 50 E B B 62 15 Hutzel & Oo Bupplles 4 40 bach ' i 20 I isB ■■ 59 95 rheeler stone A A Bruwing Co 2 00 Total 3 273 11 PÓLICE ITMi. MOPeterson, salary and expenses...! l6 31 David Colllns, salary no 00 John O'Mara, salary 50 ixi Ki-niifii Armbruster salary E '■ [sbeíl, salary ler livory 3 0J Total ? 269 30 FIUK DEPARTMENT 11NI). b'red Slpley, salary 5 00 00 C A EdwarJs.. " 50 00 W II McLaren, " 60 00 Max Whitllnger, " 50 00 Alberi West, " 50 00 Eugene Williams, " Herman Kim. " Samuel McLaren, " 50 00 isOarroll " 20 00 Hoelzle. " s 1 v 1 Schnlerle, " B mi Ed. Il" Win Rettich, " 8 00 riño Hoelzlo " 8 00 I Schiirer & Millón slieets 17 T0 AV Etobison services 5 00 Pat GHmey hay :! ;.■.- LulCK Bros. lumber ';' Mrs Ream washlng....... ". Muehlig & Schmldpolish Kyer Milllng Co bran J ■;" Oiark .v Basseti coa) ■; i 11 Richards coa! í C I. Fost team ■■■■■. Jatofia Donepan horse shoeing Jg n Siscock & Bon eoal lü ■" Total SS04-Í7 POOR FL'ND. Pred Slpley. saiary 8 _ fí] Ann Arbor EaUroad frelglit 65 08 1. H Densmore wood ï A Anti Tramp Society labor. . . 1 ' Geo F Allmendinger groceries _- . F Blgalke, grocerleB J JJ Frank Burg, groceries ' H JBrowu medicine Doty&Felner Bhoes '- ;■' D Cramer groceries . ■ "" Ed Dufly. groceries ■_' "" Mrs Evans, aid John Goetz, Jr., groceries ra .lolin Goctz.t Sou. groceries '■ f' i. Gruner shoes f" G Eoeffer (troceries "V" V p Lodbolz. ftrocerles J' Wm H Mclntyre, grocerles i o M Martín coffln W ?? c Maynard & Oo srocerles ' ?Q Manu Uros, medicine O'Hara. Boyle&Oo, prqcones W Kinsey&Seabolt,)froceries " L Bobde coal g Wm Eelnbardt sboes W C Rinscy. i;r,K-ci-H'S J !; II Richards coal W F Stlmson, RTOceries ',s Staebler & Co groceries CJeorge Spatbeli mcat JJJ Wahr & Mlllershoes d Obas Zoern, meac . -, Ann Arbor gavlngs Bank aoct assiK d 2b j. Total S 30Ï85 RECAPITOLATION. Contingent fund... ümis 1O'"5 Sewer Fund General -I '■ ';. DlstNo.5 292S 888 Street íund r,,'',, ? ' Pólice fund g 58 Fircmen's fund wj l'oor fund j0' " Total 2922 Aid. Soule excused. Aid. Dell moved that the item of $2oO for the purchase a team for the Fire Depaitment be strieken from the report and referred to the Pire Department Committee. Adopted as folio ws: Yeas.- Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koch, Grossman, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Shadford, Rhodes, Coon, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock.- 13. Nays. - Aid. Brown - 1. Whereupon the report as amended j was adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Maynard, Koch, Koch, Grossman, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Brown, Sh'adford, Rhodes, Coon, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock- 14. Xays - None. To the Common Councll : Your Committee on Finance wou ld recommend that the City Attorney be directed to settle the case of Mast vs. The City of Ann Arbor and that a warrant be orriered dravvn for $230 in payment of the same. Respectfully submitted, C. H. Cady, Harrison Soule, EmrnettCoon, Committee on Finance. Adopted as fjollows : Yeas- Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koch, Grossman, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Brown, Shadford, llhodes, Coon, Oady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock- 14. Nays - None, To the Comraon L'ouncil: Your Coramittee on Finance to whom was referred the petition of E. J. Pbelpsaaking for the return of $53.20 for taxes illegally assessed would recommend that the tax be refunded and that a warrant be ordered drawn for the amount named. RespectMly 8ubmitted, C. H. Cady, Harrison Soule, Emmett Coon. Committoe on Finance. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Alcl. Maynard, Aloore. Koch, Grossman, Laubëns-ayer, 'Dell, Burke, Brown, Shadford. Rhodes, Coon, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiseock - 14-. Naya - Xone. To the Common Council: Your Committee on. Finance would recommend that the City Attorney make a demand on Otis C. Johnson, ecutor of the Lucy VV. S. Morgan lístate for the sewer tax on the lot purchased bv the City for a city building site, of said estáte; and f urttaer ■ your committee would recommend that the petitions of Philip Visel, Herman Hardinghausand Christian Mack bereferred to the City Attorney for inyestigation; and further that the City Attorney bo instruoted to collect the money paid by the Ciiy of Anti Arbor. lina jndgement rendered against the City for damages suatained by injuries reoeivcd upon a detective walk in front 'i of the property of Josoph J. EHis Estate. Respcctfully submitted, C. H. Cady, Harrison Soule, Emmett Coon. Committee on Finance. Adontcd as folio : Yeas - Akl. Maynard, Moore, Koch, Grossman, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Brown, Shadford, Khodes, Coon, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscoek - li. Nays - None. LICHTING. To the Common Councll : Your Committeo on Lighting to whora was referred the subject of lichting the Court House tower would recommend that the contract be awarded to the Ann Arbor Gas Company for the ensuing year at $75.00 per annun. Respectfully submitted, Harrison Soule, H. P. Danforth. C. H. Cady. Committee on Lighting. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koch, Gros;man, Laubensayer, Dell, Burke, Brown, Shadford. Rhodes, Coon, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock - 14. Nays - None. SEWERS. To the Cominon Council : Your Committee ou Sevvers to whora was referred the subject of the connection of theCourt House with thesewers would report that after giving the matter due consideration they are of the op'nion that it would be to the be&t interest of the city to accept the $250.00 oiïered by the county. Uespeetfully submitted, .lolin Koe h, H. J. Hurke, C. H. Cady. W. M. Shadford, J. A. Dell, Geo. L. Moore, Emmett Coon, Committee on Sewers. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Maynard, Moore, Kooh, Grossrnan, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke. Brown, Shadford. Rhodes, Uoon, Cady, Uanforth, Pres. Hiscock.- 14. Nays- None. POOR. To the Coramon Council : Your Committee on Poor to whom was referred the petition of A. Koppf asking for relief would recommend tbat the subject be referred to the Superintendent of the Poor. Respectfully subniitted. G. C. Rhodes, Jacob Laubengager, H. P. Danforth, Committee on Poor. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Maynai'd, Moore, Koch, Grosstnan, Laubeng-ayer, Dell, Burke, Brovvn, Shadford, Khodes, Coon, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock - 14. Naya - None. IÏEPOKT OF CITY OPFICERS. The report of the city Engineer on plans and estimated costof the construction of the sevver in Lateral Sewer District Ko. 6 was read and ordered placed on file. The monthly reportso? the City Marshal Superintendent of the Poor and Chief of the Fire Department was road and ordered placed on íílo. RESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Moore. Besolved, that the Board of Public Works be directed to advertise for and purchase 3000 yards cobble stone at forty cents per yard. Aid. Coon moved as an amendment that the Board purehase 1000 yards instead of aOOO. Adopted as follovvs : Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Koch, Grossman, Laubengayer, Burke, Brown, Cady, Danforth. - 9. Nays -Aid. Moore Dell, Shadford, Rhodes, Pres, Hiscock - 5. By Aid. Brown. Resolved, that the city Engineer be hereby instruoted to make a large map of the city, which shall show by colored lines the several wards of the city, also the course of the several sewers throusrh the streets which can be placed in the Council rooms. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koch, Grossrnan, Laubengayer, Dell. Burke, Brown, Shadford, Khodes, Coon, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock - 14. ïsays - None. Bv Aid. Brown. lïesolved, that the President oí the Council, the City Atty. and ten other persons, five from the Council and five citizens be appointed as a committee for the purpose of the advisability of having certain changes made in the City Charter and report the sa.inp, to this council. Adopted as follows: r Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Moore Koch, Grossman, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Brovvn, Shadford, Rhodes, Coon, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscoek. - 14. Nays - None. Pres. Hiscoek appointed the following as suchCommitti c . t'res. HiscocK, City Attorney Kearney, Aid. Brown, Caóy, Coon, Maynard, Soule, Mayor Walker, Horace G. Prettyman, Henry .T. Brovvn, Wm, O. Harriman and Elihu B. Pond. On motion the C'ouneil adjouri'ed. Glex r. Mills, City Clerk.


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