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Hood's Cure all livcr i!Is, p ■ ■ ■ ness, headache, sour ■ m w S & ach, indigestión, I I Vi tion. Tliey act easily, B ■ I I out pain or gripe. Sold by all ctnigRists. 25 cents. ïlio only Piüs to take with ilood's Sarsaparilla. n TOLEDO p. Annarboy ƒ - r- k 4 AND jj_ J MORTH MICHIGAN) C RAILWAY. Lj- !_( Hit n 'Ml Ho .vard ftfr V" rB A Y C I T Y TIME CAKD. In effect Jan. 31, 1897. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. KORTH. SOUTH. 7:30 a. m. 7:30 a. m. ll:25a.m. 11:25 a. m. 4:30 ]).m. 8:35 p. m. Euns between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. All trains daily except Sunday. W. H. Bennett, E. S. Gilmore. G. P. A. Ag't. jWlGHIGAN (TENTRAL "The Niágara Falls Route." Central Standard Time. TEAIN8 AT ANN ARBOK. Going East. Going Weet Mail 3:47 p. m. 8:43 a. m. Day Express 4:58 p. m. 7:35 a, m. North Shore Limitedt 9:25 a. m, Chicago Expresst 1:55 p. m. N.?. & Ext 10:17 p. m. Chicago Sight Ex 9.10 p. in. Detroit Expresst 5:45 a. m Pacific Expresst 12:15 p. m. Urand Rápida Ex - 11:05 a. m. 5:55 p. m B'ast Expresst 2:53 a. m. Atlantic Expresst. 7:35 a. m. 'Daily except Sunday. Daily except Saturday. t Daily. O. W. KUGGLES, H. W. BaíEE P. & T. A. Chicago. Ag't. Ann Art.T. C. W. VOGELDealei in FRESH, SALT and Sm oHsiecL ZMIeatiS Sausaires of all kinds. Poultry anU Game in Season. C. W V". EL. - No. 9 E. Aan-st smtë? REVIVO W F$%l RESTORES VITAUTY. istDay. pf'r ji#,We!l Man ïsthDayHffpF of Me. THE GREAT soth ñay. probaros the ahovc results in 30 days. itacts powerfully aiid fíÚIckJy. Cures wlmn all otherr fail. Vomiiiinnu wil! reBQin their lost manhoocl. and old men wilï recövi ■■ tbcir youtliful itior by using .IIOVIVO. It ; . lily and eurely restores Nervous:t'ss. Lost Vitali. -. .fiiipotency, Nigbtly Eroissions, .nstPoAvr. Faili. . ï mory. "Wa-tintr Diseases, and til ctfects of sclf-ü'jusc or excossand indiscretion, hich uniits ona for erudy. business ormarriage. It ■u-t only cures by startinpr at the poat of disease. b6 ia Qffreot nerve tonic and bloou builder, onngiufi back tin: pnk priow to paic cheeksandrostorlng tbe '3re of yonth. It wards oiT Jnsanity ind Consumption. iDfllst on baving REVIVO na other. It can be earried in vest poctet. By mail, ÍS 1.00 per packajre, or bíx for $$5.00, with a post ti'o written guarantee to e-ure or refund the money. Circular free. Address ROÏAL MEDICfflE CO., 271 WaDasll Ave., CHICAGO, ILL FOR SALE BY- Eberbach Drug and Chemical Co Arbor. Miehisran GLÜBBINGliSÏ Order youi' papers through The Democrat and get more vaxue for YOUR MONEY. ÏHE DeMOCRAT ÍS nOW the leading count.y newspaper, and we offer you in corrhination the very best newspapers ana agricaltural papers of the country. THE DEMOCRAT AND The Detroit Weekly Tribnne. . SI 35 The Detroit Twice-a-WWk Frefi Prpss 1 70 Gleanings in Bee C.ilture 1 75 Hoard's Dairyrnan. 1 65 American Poultry Journal 1 35 Farm Poultry 1 75 Farm Journal 1 10 American Swineherd 1 25 Michigan Farmer 1 75 The Rural New Yorker 1 85 The Orange Judd Farmer 1 75 The Interior 2 75 The Independent 3 50 Century 4 50 St. Mrnolas 3 50 llarper's Magazine 4 00 Harper's Weekly 4 21 Harper'n Uazaar 4 20 National Tribune 1 80 Youth's Companion 2 25 (new subscribtrs only). AVeekly Inter-Ocean 1 70 Cosmopolitan 1 84 Weview of Reviews 'S 00 Mvmsey's 1 80 The Argosy 1 8C Watch fchis list; there will be additions to it from week to week. SEND ALL ORDERS THROUGH - - "THE DEMOCRAT."


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