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In And About The City

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The ice men oí the city are making things hump along the river these days. The ladies of the M. E. church gave their regular monthly social last evening. A number of Ann Arborites went up to Dexter Tuesday, to see the racing on the ice. Beta Theta Pi gave a sleigh ride and dance at Whitmore Lak, Saturday afternoon. The annual banquet of Zeta Psi will be given at the Russell House, Detroit, Aíarch 22nd. At St. Andrew's church, next Sunday evening, there will be a musical service ■without sermón. The Clenadis has made a rule that the boys may visit the society only every other week. ]t is nearing election time now, and we may expect to see the laws enforced fora brief period. trville W. Sage of this city, has had an inerease of pension, secured through W. K Childs' ageney. Prof. E. H. Mensel will speak before th Y. M. C. A. at the Sunday afternoon meeting, subject, "The Christian Race." Mr. andIrs. B. E. Thayer of Cherry street, rejoice in the advent of a son at their home, who arrived there Saturday morning last. If you have a friend you wish to have invited tothe Masonic party next week, send his name to X. O. Hollands, chairman of the invitation committee. The Chequamegon and Min nis orchestras have been engaged to f urnish the dance musie for the Masonic party February 12. one being stationed in each of the rooms. Fred lieimold and George Waidelich have botli waived examination in tice oourt. and been boutiü over to me circuit court.on the charge of not drawing the screens at their saloons. A pleasant musicale was given at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Angelí last evening, by Miss Mary Angelí of Chicago, a guest at the President's house, assisted by Mrs. N. S. Hoff and Mrs. Spitzley. The Brighton Fair is said to be doomed. The association has voted to sell $50 Bhares for 25, and okl meral.ers who are dissatisfied are oftering their shares for even less and drawing out. "Some Further Considerations Touching the Choice of the Christian Minisiry as a Life Work," will be the subject of the sermón liy the Eev. Henry Tatlock, at fct. Andrew's church, next Sunday morning. The Woman's Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. will hold tlieir regular montlily business meeting Monday, FebruarySth, at 3 o'clock, in the rooms of the association. All ladies interested are inyited to be present. One of the largest crowds of the yëar witnessed the third degree work in Fratemity Lodge last Friday night. John J). LJuncan of this city and Dr. A. E. White of the University hospital, were made Master Masons. Dan Smith the popular proprietor of the railroad eating house at the D. L. & X. depot at Plymouth has sold 400 of his wooden men since July 1. - Worthville Record, l'robably because tliey wooden(t) eat his leather sandwiches. Fred Myers, ablacksmith at Church, had his eye pierced about a year ago by a piece óf llying steel. The member has contiiiually grown worse since that time, and Thursday, he went to Ann Arbor to have it removed- Hudson Vibrator. Fraternity Lodge will confer tlie first degree this evening. Visiting brothers welcome. Thursday evening of next week Golden liule and Fraternity Lodges will work together on the third degree, in order to leave the room cleai f or the masonic party the next evening. Gov. l'ingree has appointed W. W, Wedemeyer, county school commissioner of Ann Arbor, as deputy railroad commissioner, and into Sheriff Judson's lap trom the same town is likt'ly to fall the wardenship of the , state prison plum. It is understood that the way things now stand neither the railroad commissioner nor bis deputy know the difference between a railroad and a corn sbeller. - Northville Record. Senator li. 15. Loomis of Kent county thinks that the state of Michigan should provide a decent residence for its governor. ïhere are otlurs. ïhe idea that the goyernor of such a state should have to live at a hotel or rent a house, is hardly in keeping with the dignity of' such a great state as Michigan. The governor's house should become a rallying point for Michigan events, and the social Life should become a thing of beritting dignity. This it cannot do wliile the governor's home is a migratory thing. By all means give us a governor's residence belonging to the state. - Ann Arbok Democrat. Your views, Mr. Democrat, shall receive consideration. and after giving them proper thouarht The News wifl decide whether ït is best for the press and public to boom the project or not. -Graas Lake News. That will settle it. If the News and Democrat agree, she goes - if not, nit. Editor Dana carne to Ann Arbor in a private palace car aud lef t in the same. The Ann Arbor editors can not understand it, and at the next meeting of their press club they will adopt resolutions eommending that the fad of each editor riding in nis private palace car be introduced in said Ann Arbor.- Daily Times. Hold on, Lisemer. Just because you own two papers and can ride in two languages, you need not hurt the feelings of the íest of us by talking about such luxuries. - Ann Arbor Democrat. in muy not generally be known that Ralph McAllaster, the editor of The Democrat, is a next of kin of Ward McAUister, formerly of New York's 400, but now of the Infernal Kegions, where puns like the above are never tolerated, and their perpetrators punished with red-hot lire. - Times. How do you know whereWard McAUister has gone to, or what the customs of the place you refer to? That must be a stray idêa from your "' Gems of Thought " column. "Hank' Owen is now located in his handsome new barber shop in the Cook House block. The Ann Arbor Electric Company has flled articles of association with the secretary of state at Lansing durïng the past week. Capital stock, $16,000. ïwo yonng women had a row at a dance in Flint, Saturday night, and one of the girls threw her adversary down a flight of stairs. ïhey are evidently a lively crowd up there. The Michigan Press Association will hold its midwinter meeting at Hotel Cadillac, Detroit. February 22nd and 23rd. The Cadillac has tendered the association a banquet on Tuesday ing. Wm. V. Rinehart, Jr.,who graduated from the U. of M. some six years ago, and who was mafte a master masón by Fraternity lodge of this city, was recently chosen Worshipful Master of Arcana Lodge F. & A. M. of Seattle, ■Vash.- Courier. Prof. Stanley will begin at vesper i services next semester, aseries of musical programs, illustrating the development of sacred music. He will begin with the music of i'alestrino in 1600 and continue clown to the present time. There will be twelve programs given. City Treasurer Manly has decided that under the stat lawhe has the right to hold open the collection of taxes until February 25. The seeond quarter of the sewer taxes in Districts 1 and 2 and the first quarter in Districts 3 and 4. are now due and must be paid on or before February 25. The Hurón Valley Building and Loan Association held its annual meetine Mondav night and re-elected the following offlcers: Frederiek Schmid, president; Norman Gates, vice president; Jolm R. Miner, seeretary: F. EL Belser. treasurer; Herman Krapf, Ambrose Kearney, T. D. Kearney, O. M. Martin and W. Gr. Doty, directora. Arrangements have been made with Chicago lor four base ball games, tvyo to be played in Chicago, one in Detroit, May 22, and one in Anti Arbor. May 29. Games have been scheduled with Wisconsin to be played at Madison, May 10, and in Ann Arbor, .Tune 12. On the Chicago trip games will be played with lïeloit and the All Chicago high school team. The eighth anniversary of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Zion Lutheran church was celebrated on Thursday last. The pastor, Kev. Nicklas, made some appropriate remarks encouraging the members of the society in their work. Hefreshments were aerved. At election the following offcers were chosen for the year: President, Mrs. Cbristian Maek; vice-president, Mrs. Rev. A. L. Xicklas; aecretary, Mrs. S. Uraupner; treasurer, Mrs. Fred Schmid: assistant treasurer, Mrs. J. Koch. Six aew members were received at this ! meeting.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat