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BUSINESS DIRECTORY CL. McGUIEE, Lawïeb and Notaky Pub Lio. Front ónices over Farmers & Mechamos Bank, Arm Avbor, Michigan. Ï3 McKERNAN, Attorney-at-Law. Collections pro-nptlv attendetl to. Money to oan Houses and Lots for Sale. Office in Oourt House DEAN M. TYLER. M. D., Physieian and Surereon. Office and' residenee over postofflee , first floor. MARYT C. WHITING, Counselor-at Law. Address postofnee box 1796, Ann Arbor, Michigan. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, Attorney at-Law. Office. Corner Fourth and Ann streets, Ann Arbor, 51 chigan. OM. MARTIN. Funeral Director and Under taker. Cloth. Metalic and Common CoSSns. Storeroom No. 19 East Washington Street. Pes-idenee Corner Liberty and FifthTelephone 91. WW. NICHOLS, Dentist. Rooms over Ann Arbor Savines Bank. opposite Court House square. VITALIZED AIR adminiatered. It is agreeable and easy to take and no prostrating effects follow, while teeth are extracted without pain. TT7ANTED- FAITHFÜL MEN OR WOMEN ' to travel for responsible esiablished house iiMichigan. Salary S78U and expenses. Posilion permanent Reference. Ei, close self-addressed stmped envelope. The National, Star Insurance Bldg., Ciiicago. JOHN BAUMGARTNER Successor to Au ton Eisele. - DKALEK IJ, - American and Imported Granite - AND - MARBLK of all KIIVDS, Building Stone, Stone Walks, etc Satisfaction guaranteed; Handle irom the smallest to the largest wort in all its Branches. Shop- Cor. of Detroit and Catherine sts. - - - Ann Arbor, Mica. STATE OF M [CHIGAN, 1 COÜNTY OP WASHTENAW, j S8 In the matter of SPICES The JUEY of the Public has tried our spices and found them PURE We buy the whole spices, the best obtainable, and grind them OUESELVES. We therefore GUARANTEE all our spices pure. We invite you to try them, and satisfy yourselves Eberbach Brug and Chemical Co: Mortarnsrc Sal. DEFAULT bavlng been made in the condltionsof a ii ixecnted by John E IVrry and Eliza E. Perry, bis wife toAnna K Worden, bearlng date February 7th, A. I). 1885 and recorded In the oöiceoï the Uf'ister of Deeds for Washtenaw countv, Michigan, on Pebruary Mth, A. 1). :,. in LiberC7 of mortgages,on pase 2í) whieh aald murtsrase was ned by said Anna li. Worden to Elum S. Worden by deed of asslgnment, dated November 21st. A.l). 1886, and recorded In said ReeIster's office November 2lst. A. U 1885, in Llber i of Assignments of Mortgages, on paso 579 li.v whlch default the power of salu contained In aald mortgage became operative, and uo sult or proceedlng in law or e(iuity havlng been '.nstituted to recover tlje clebt secured bj said mortgage, or any part tlioreof, and tlie sum of Cwo tiiousaud. tiiree hundred and i velve and 66-100 dollars (Ï2,312.6S) belag noiv claimed to be due apon said mortgage, notice Is therefore herehy glven that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the niortaged premises tlierein descrlbed, or some part thereof, to-wit: All of tlie followlng descrlbed land, situated in the township of Salem, in Washtenaw county and State of Michigan, viz: Bt'ing 1lie nor tb -east part (n. e. pt.) of the west half (w. ü) f the north-west quarter (n. w H) of section No. ninf (S), in township No. one (1) south, in range No. even (7) east. in said comny. It belng bounded on the north by a highway, on the east by land of George S. Vanetta, on the south by a highway known as tlie Trail Road. and on the west by the highway running from the Trail Road to the base lice. exceptlng one acre of land owned by Mrs. Hubbard. This description contains about fort.y-three acres of land. Also the fcillowlngdescribed land: Tlie west half w. %) of the east half (e. k) of the south-west quarter (s. w. X) of section No. four (4) in said townsbip and range, excepting flve acres in the north-west corner thereof, and containing thirty-flve acres of land, at public vendue, on Saturday, the twenty-second day of May, A. 1). 18ii7, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. at the east front door of the Oourt House in the city of Ann Arbor, iu said county of Washtonaw, that being the place of holding the Circuit Court in said county. Dated February 25th. A. D. 1897. ELUM S. WORDE:, NOAH W. CHEEVERtorneyf """gg' " Fon Sale Cheap.- A large 4 foot Grind Stone, 6 inch face, with frame and pully. Inquire at the Inland Press ollice. tf Cor. Bates and Larcad Ste. Sïost convenint and central loalion. Cara for overy part of the city pass tbe door at short intervals. Elevator service, steaiu. lieat, elecfcric llglits, tlie floors, &c. Itates, SÏ.5O to $2.00 per day. H.H. JAMES &SON,ProprietovS


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