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In And About The City

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The Y. W. C. A. is expecting a visit from Mis? Seymour, the State Secretary. The Board of Pirectors of the Y. W. C. A. wiü mset at the rooms next Monday evening at 7:30. ir . Williams is wearing a smile fchatlights upthewhole streel around he F. & M. bank corner. Ifs a gul. The V W.C. A. meeting next Sundav afternoon wil] be led by Mre. l pen Subject, "What is a UhristianV ' A car wil) be on state atreet this evening,. f or the benefit of those who attend the ;-liurns" anniversary, from ypsilanti. Wm. H. l'adley of the senior law class, bas been nominated by the Deffl ocrats of Livingston County, for School Coinmissioner. The animal meeting of the Oharitable Union will be, held at three oVlock, Thursday afternoon, Maren 4th, a1 Ilarris hall. M. W. D'Ooge. Secretary. The Univorsity authorities have pressnted to the Central High School of Detroit, a large frame eontaining about 25 pictures of the University buildings. Ildii. A..I. Sawyei has been appointed amemberof the committee on Legislation and Reform of the State Bar Association, by President O'Hrien J. Atkinson. Webster W. Davis. Law '87, farmerly mayor' of Kana is City. Mo., is an apphcant for appointment as First Siesistant Sécretarvof the Interior under President MoKinley. The. Farmkigton Enterprise has moved hito new quarters, ntted up a power press.and will fret on an additional hustle to improvean good paper, j Success to The Enterprise. Uien V. Mills' 1897 directory of Ann Arbov and Ypsilanti was issued from 'J'iik Ini.axd Pbess Monday. lt is complete in every department. No city in the country has a woie thorough vork of its kiiid. The last session of the sewer committee of the council, to hear what persons in the Ann street sewer district may have. to say. will be held at the city building this afternoon. If you have any complaint to mke, make it today. The last lecture in the Unity Club course will be delivered next Monday evening, Marcb i, by Clara A. Avery of Detrpit, who is very prominent in art circlesin that city. ' Ier subject will be. "üequisites to the Enjoyment of Art." The Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Davies, bishop of the diocese of Michigan, wil] make his annual yisitation to St. Audrew's parish in this city and celébrate t ie rite of eonfirmatiou on a class of candidates on the evening of Passion Sunday, April 4 . Capt. Johnson of the Salvatioo Army. wishes The Democbat to state that there is still much need for clothing of all kinds amongthe porof the city. Salyer & Co's. grooery wagons will stop at any time for bundies, or if a card is dropped to Capt. Johnson somebody will cali for them. The Xorthville üecord says:- The beautiful evening and excellent sleighinar brought mother house f uil of visitors to the I club Saturday night. A program then follows of a length which proves that there should be an I among the inithils, and it should come right after W. Mrs. Eliza 1!. Sundarland read a papeí last Saturday afternoon before the Woman's Club of Battle Creek on "Life in Germany.'" Sunday morning she preached in the Independent ('ongregational church, and in the evemng gave an illustratéd lecture iu the sanu; chureh on ''Rome." If you want to see a real useful, helj)f, il farm and garden and fruit paper, send your name and address- no m - to The i-iural XewXorker, New York. We can send it and The Anx Abboe Democbat both one year for $1.85 and your money back for The Itural in th'ree months'if you want it. Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock Prof. Stanley will lecture in Ohapel, on the series of coDcerts which he is to give at vespers, illustrating the development of sacred literature. 'Phis leeture will greatly add to the enjoyment of the ïnusic," and should be heard by those who purpose aüending the recitals. J'rograms for the series can be secured at the office of Seeretary "Wade. Xcxt t-unday evening there will be a f-ong Service at the Unitarian church. Atine musical program wil! berendered by the Quartette, Mr. George, Mr. Dickie, Miss George and ISIrs. Kempf. assisted by Miss Flora Koch and Miss Francés Taylor. Miss Marión Smith, organist. A short address will begiven by Rev. A. G. Jenuings of Toledo, who exchanges with Mr. Sunderland. Evangelist Miller led a very Lnteresting meeting at the Y. M. C. A. rooms last Sunday, speaking to one of the largest aüdienèes that was ever in the room. H is subject -was ''Experienceswith Hard Men in Colorado " and lie sliowed how the spirit of God was able to win even those hard bearts. llis song, " I am that Wandering Boy," produeed a strong impression. Seven men stood upto begin the Christian life. E. O. Grosvenor, of Monroe, Mich., the new dairy and food commissioner, isa very capable and energetic young man. líe is a gradúate of both the Michigan military academy and uniyersity, and hasmuch practical experience "on the farm and dairying, which will be ol great valué to hun in the discharge of his official dutiës. Mr. (irosvcnor, at one time was a great poultry crank, and secretary of the Michigan poultry association two years, and one year for the southwesteru Michigan poultry association.- Michigan Poultry Breeder. It is true that times are hard, and it is also truc that very few persons are doing anything to make thein easier. The payment of small debts or i)arts of them here and there would be a great aid in this conneetion. Too many persons appear to think that because" they cannot wipe out a bilí all at once that a sinall portion of the amount at a time vould,not be proper, lf you can't pay ten, five, two or one dollar, try twentylive cents. H's always acceptable. This advice will not only apply to business houses in general bui alike to newspaper publis.hers - Northville Record. Lyeeum No. i discusses jthe A. P. A. ! tonight. On Monday aftemoon, March lst.t'ie Political Equality Club will meet witli oule, on s. Univers ty ave. The surplus íund f rom the Junior Hop, amounting to about $200, wiil be given to the Athletic Association. Representativo Powera hasintrodu a bul lo give the President oí the Univeráity a vote on the board oí' regenta. F. Parker expects to come back from the north with some black bear cubs, wbich will beexhibited in Parker. Uolburo & Scüiieider's window. T. L. Jacobs of the Junior Law class üov. Pingree's $25 prize for thc greatest aumbrr of obsolete I Ie found over 100 ïhose attending the Burns Anniversary entertainment at Universary Hall Friday evening froni rpsilanti, will be able to take the car Lome from the faont of the University. Mrs. M. M. Maitin tías just returned from a trip to Allegan and ïhree üaks, wnere slie lèotured before the Ladies j History class of those cities, upon her recent European trip. The city Y. M. C. A. luis been oblieed i the idea of holding a series of meetings after the close of those in me Methodist caurch The state ol their önances will not permit of it at this time. Supt. Reeyes !eft f or Washington, !. e. .hst night, to see that McKinleyis properly inaugurated. He will spend a short time afterwards visiting diiferent I Eastern points, and expects to be absent about a month. When in Detroit and in want of a stapping place try the " Wayne." The prices are reasonable, the service the very best. ,T. li. Hayes, the proprietor, kiniws the h'tel business from top to bottom, and no'.hing is too good for his patrons. G-ive liini a trial. Watkins, last vear's famous pitcher, has been engagi il as coach lor the, base ball team fchis year. "Watty" is personally very popular, nd is also wel] qualilied lor" the position. He will undoubget the very best results possible out of the men. Harnum's advance agent was in town this week arranging for the big show's performance here next August, sín months nfter the appearance of the advance agent. Yet there are many who think that the Republican prtosperity show should appear within thirty (1 lys'at'ter Advance Agent McKiuley's appearance.-Jackson Star. The following gentlemen from this city are in attendance at the Y. M.C. A. convention in Owosso: C. W. Wagner, Wm Goodyear, ïïm, Biggs, Ilorace Purfield, ('■ (í- Stimson, James Tice, Richard Flynn, (Jeo. H. Pond, Earl Stewart, Ed. Krapf, Ilomer Godfrey, E. S. Gilmore, and A. E. JJummery. X. Stanger and B. 13. Johnson will leave this evening. Tlie Wheeling, W. Va. News, lias the following good words for one of Michigan's colored students. ' Phil Water.--, who graduaten trom tne Law ciepart ment in 1895: "Ed. Carder, of Koane, wil] be Secretary of State Dawson's cliief assistant. l'hil "Waters will also probably be in Dawson's office. Waters is known as the sil ver-i ongued orator óf Kanawha, an1 is famous for lus speeches in behalf of the republican party. As f ar back as '88, when hewas 17 yêars oíd. he stumped for protection. Waters is a son of lUv. J. W. Waters, pastor of tlie -hnpson M. Ë. church, Wheeling. the most prominent eolored minister in the West Virginia conference, l'liil is now librarían of the house. "Fiictsand Fiction" for 1897 will be f uil of good things, and things to interest all sorts of readers. Leadiog articles. illustrated whén necessary. on events of national and world-wide interest will appear as subject matter presents itself. In these the aim will be to give a more analytical survey of the subject than is found in the daily press. "Jack Besant's Boy," by C. F. fiandolph. is a story beginning in the January number, which,in addition to being higlily interesting to those ''who have had êxperience." as well as to those ' who have only observed," has the added charin of being the onlyonewritten on the subject and plan on which this story is constructed. 'L'he reader must reach the end of this story to fully appreciate its beauty and coristruction.


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