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BUSINESS DIRECTORY CL. McGUIKB, Lawyeb ajd Notart Pub. lic. Front Offices over Farmers & Mechanica Bank, Aun Arbor, líichigan. Iy McKEKNAN, Attorney-at-Law. . Collectioas protiptlr attended to. Money to .oan Houses and Lots for Sale. Office in Oourt Houso DEAN M. TYLER. M. D., Physieian nnd Surceon. Ofïïee and residence over postofflee . flrst floor. MARY O. WHITING, Counselor-at Law. Address postoffiee boxH96,Aun Arbor, Michigan, TOHN F. LAWRENCE, Attorney at-Law. f ) Office. Corner Fourth and Aun streets, Ann Arbor, M chigan. OM. MARTIN. Funeral Director and Under . taker. Ololh. Metalic and Cuminon [:oiY!ns. Scorerooin Isro. 19 East Washington Street esidence Corner Liberty aad FifthTelephoce 91. T7" W. NICH0L8, Dentist. Rooms over ii Ana Arbor Savinys Bank. opposite Court House square. VITALIZED AIR administered. It is agreeable and easv to take and no prostrating effeets follow, wlïile teeth are extracted without pain. WANTED- FAITHFUL MES OR WOJ1EN to travel for responsible entablished house it. Michigan. Salary S78U and expenses. Position permanent. Keference. Endose self-addreseed st rnped envelope. The National, Star Insurance Bidg., Chicago. JOHN BAUMGARTNER Suci-essor to Antón Bisele. -DEALER IJS - American and Imponed Granite - AND - JWLAieJEÏIK of all KINDS, Stone, Stone Walks, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed; Handle irom the smallest to the largest worJ in all its Branches. J Shop - Cor. oí Detroit and Catherine sts. - - - Ann Arbor, Mich. STATE OF MÍCHIGAN, ] COUNTY OF WASHTENAW, j SS' In the matter of SPICES The JUEY of the Public has tried our spices and found them PURE We buy the whole spices, the best obtainable, and grind them OUESELVES. We therefore GUARANTEE all our spices pure. We invite you to try them, and satisfy yourselves Eberbach Erug and Chemical Co. Morlgage S;ile. DEFAUIT having been made in the conditions of a wortgage executed by John E. Perry and Eli.a E. Ferry, liis wife to Anna Ji. Worden, hearing date Fehruary 7th, A. D. 1885, a,nd cecorded in the office of the Kegister of Deeds for Washtenaw countv, Michigan, on February Hth, A. D. 1885, in Libero? of mortgages, on page 21). wbich said mortgage was assigned by said Anna lt. Worden to Elurn S. Worden by deed of assignment, dated November 21st, A. D. 1885, and recorded in said Eegister's office November 8lst, A. D. 1885, in Liber 8 of Assignments of Mortgages, on page 579, by which default the power of sale coQtained in said mortgage became opera tlve, and no suit or proceeding in law or equity having been instltuted torecover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof, and the sum ot two tliousaud, tliree hundred and twelve and 6G-100 dollars (t2.312.69) being now claimed to be due upon said mortgage. notice is therefore tiereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premfsea therein described, or some part thereof. to-wit: All of the following described land, situated in tlie township of Salem, in Washtenaw countv and State of Michigan, viz: Being 1he north-east part (n. e. pt.) of .the west lialf (w. y,) of the north-west quarter (n. w. H) ot sectlon No. nine (9), in township No. one (1) south, in range No. seven (7) east, in said county, it being bounded on the north by a highway. on the east by land of George S. Vanetta, on ilie soutli by a highway ktiown as ihe Trail Road, and on the west by the bighway running from the Trail Road to the base line, excepting one acre of land owned by Mrs. Ilubbard. This description contains about forty-three acres of land. Also the followlng üescrUDed lana: rnewesthair iw.%) oí the east half (e. X) of the south-west quarter (s. w. M) of seotion No. four (4) in said township aud range, excepting flve acres in the nortn-west corner thereof, andcontaining thirty-flve acres of land, at public vendue, on Saturday, ilie twenty-second day of May, A. 1). 1897, at ten o'clock in the forenqon, at the east front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor. in said county of Washtenaw, that being the place of holdii.g the Circuit Court in said county. Dated Feuruary 25th. A. D. 1897. ELÜM S. WORDEN, Assignee of Mortgagee. NOAH W. OHEEVEE, Attorney. 31-43 For Sale Cheap.- A large 4 foot Grind Stone, 6 inch face, with frame and pully. Inquire at the Inland Press oflice. tf Cor. Bates and Lamed Sta. Most conveniflnt anti central ïocation. Clirs for ovry part of the city i;iss tbe door at short interval. Elevator service, steani hcLt, olectric llghts, tile floors, &o. Bates, to 83.00 peT day. H.H. JAMES


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Ann Arbor Democrat