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We had a little conversation the 9ther day with one of our best merehants, that furnishes food for thought On the subject of advertising. So many advertisers thiuk advertising does not paybecause people are not always talkaboirt it. This gentleman said in speaking of a certain artiele that he had been advertising, that while he kept ft in the papers he noticed he had a quiet, but steady sale of it, since he iook it out the demand haddropped off. and almost entirely ceased. This is the nub of th.8 whole matter- keeping at it. Aa advertisement seen once niay be forgotten, if a reader of a paper flnds a merchant's name there week af ter week Be comes to look on that advertiser as something of a personal friend, especïaJly is this the case where it is in a paper to which the reader is much attached. This feeling often draws a man to the advertiser when he needs a thing in his line, even though the ad may not at the time menliou the speciüe artiele he needs. The eharacter of the paper is also a point worthy of consideration. A clean straightforward paper, one with a good seputation in tts own business relations, fe au additional recommendation to the advertisement. A poorly printed, ouchy appearing sheet, or one with a poor business reputation, detraets just ao much from the value of the advertisements. Even in advertising the Id adage holds true, ar.d "a mai is known by the company he keeps." ;et into good company, and stay with it.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat