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STew York, Maren 19. Money on cali nominally 1J4@3 per cent.; prime mercantile paper 3O4 per cent.; sterling exchange easier, with ac aal busi ness in bankers' bilis at 487487H for demand and 485!4@485}á for sixts' days; posted rates, 486@48á and 488a488)á; commercial büls. tëiMSilver certiflcates, 64@64?4; no sales; bar SÜTer, 63. Mexican dollars, 48. United States government bonls firm; new i'a registereii, ï!3% do. coupons, 133%; 5's registered. 114; do. coupms, 114; 4's registered, lllü: do. coupons. 113á; 2's regiatered 85JÍ; Pacific 6's of 98, 10S%. Chicago Grain and Produce. Followiuix were the quotations on the Board of Trade today: Wheat - March, opened and closed nominal; May, opened 735ác, olosed 73Jfe; July, opened 72ic, closed 723íc. Corn - May, opened 24140, closed 2i%e; July opened, 25Jéc, closed 25c; September, opened '6%a, closed 26Lác. Oats- Mi y, opened 17c, closed lfijc; July, opened 17%c, closed 18o. Pork -May, opened $8.90, closed $8.92á; July, opened $9.00, closed 89.05. Lard - May, opened 4.30, clo-ied $i 33}$; July, opened U.42H, closed $4.42". Produce: Buttei - Extra creamery, 18o per Ib.; extra dairy, 16o per Ib; fresh pac kin g stock, 80. Ëggs - Fresh stock, 10c per doz. Poultry- Turl-eys,9H@126o par Ib; chickens (hens), 7@8c; roosters, 4@5c; ducks. 9@Hc;:geese, 7@8c. Potatoes- Burbanks, 33 25c per bu.; Hebrons, 19(&ííc. Sweet Potatoes- Dlinois, $1.ii0@1.5U per bbl. Honev - White clover, llaiáo per Ib; imperfect, 7@tfc. Apples- Common to faney, $l.f)J2.0D per bol. Cranberries- Jersay-;, $.'.0')@3.50. Chicago JLive Stock. Chicago, March 16. Live Stock- Prices at tho Union Stock yarda today ranged as follow-: Hogs - Estim ited receipts for the day, 18,000: sales ranged at$3.4i @4.05pg5, $3.85@4.05 light, S3.63@3.70 rough packimr, $3.85@4.07á mixed, and 83.7o@4.07á heavy packing and shipping lots. Cattle- Estiiuatedreceipts for the day, 2,500;' quotations ranged at $5.15O5.60 choice to extra shippin,' steers, S4.UJ(5.10 good to choice do., $3.9(l4.55 fair to good. $3.60@4.05 comino to medium do., $3.5033.90 butchers1 steors, 93.33 O3.80 stockyrs, $3.70@4.25 fuetiers, $3.0J@3.7U cows, $2.40@4.a0 heifers, $.2.@3.75 buils, oxen andstas, S3.9!)4.35 Texas steei-s, and $3.00á 0.25 vcal calves. Shecp and Lambs- Estimated receipts for the day, 12.0JD; sales rangod at $i.3034.2ó western, $3.00@3.40 Texans, $3.60@4.3.l natives, and 83.5J @5.35 lambs. MiUvaukee Grain. Milwaukee, March 16. Wheat- No. 2 sprmg, 73%c; No. 1 northern, 78c; May, Corn - No. 3, 21c. Oats -No. 2 white, 18Mc Barley- No 2, 31áo; samples, 22@3UJÍe. Rve- No. 1, 34?ác Detroit Grain. Detroit, March 16. Wheat- Cash white, 89c; cash red, 90o; May, 9(%c; July, 7594c.


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