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Dedicated Today

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Ypsilanti and the Normal School in particular, and'the friends and patrons of the school and of education in general, are interested today in the dedieation of " Starkweather Hall," the new home of the Students' Ohristian Association at the Normal School. The building is a handsome one and will greatly enlarge the usefulness of the Assoc'iation; and Mrs. Mary A. Starkweather has erected a monument to herself that will endure for all time. The men and women who are influenced and helped here, will carry that inlluence and help out into the schools of the land where ït will grow and increase beyond the power of man to follow. The building is located on the northwest corner of the Normal grounds, west of the Normal proper, and north of the new training school, lt is built of ordirury lield stone which was taken from the Michigan Central gravel bank between Ypsilanti and (eddes; the tower is of lonia sandstone, and is Qnished at the top vvith a band of pressed ornamental brick. '1 his with the red roof and side tiling makes a very bandeóme building, wliicli is rendered still more attrative by the positton and architeetural fitness of the two entrances On the lirst tloor of the building are six rooms besides the kitchen and entrance. One of these is a large room designed to be used for receptions or as a dinning room when necessary. Another room wül be used for a dressing room, another for the library, and the remaining ones for Jlible classes. These rooms will be separated by rolling parititions, and can be thrown together when so desired. The kitcken is conveniently arranged and will besupplied at once with dishes, a gasoline stove, etc. Upstairs is the general assembly room which will be ïitted up in time with between 300 and 400 opera chairs, but for the present the chairs from the old building will be used. A large corridor and a keeper's room, the reut of which will be given to a student for taking 'care of the building, complete the second ñoor, from which there are both front and rear stairs. The building is most beautifully finished; the walls are tinted a rich cream color, and the iloors, window casings ana aoors are 01 riara woou. ah the hardware was made especially for the building, and the monogram "S. C. A." appears on the door knobs and wherever it is possible to put it. The lichting is by combination gas and electncity, the chandeliers costing $400. The heating is done by one furnace situated in the basement where are also tuilet rooms. The arches in both this and the training school building are line specimens of their kind, and were made by a tramp who came to the foreman one Monday morning, stating that he had had nottimg but apples to eat since the Saturday before and beggïng for work. ün being asked what he could do he mentioned this particular line, in which he proved to be an expert. The furnishing of the building will cnst not far f rom $1000, a stoue walk costing 850 will be laid in front of the hall, and the name "Starkweather Hall " will be engraved above the front entrance. This with a stone in the tower bearing "S. C. A., M. S. JST. S., 1890," will be the only engraving on the building. The prioe of the iirst contract was Si,t75, out on account of strik ing quicksand and having to build an extra walt, the cost was increased by $3X5. The State Board ot Education have agreed to insure the building and furnish light and heat. The Students' Christian Association was organized in the present form in 1881, and was legaily incorporated in 1896. A board of' directora composed of faculty and student members have charge of the financial aiïairs of the society, which has an average of 250 members a year. The present oflicers of the the association are A. E. AVilber, aresident; Miss Cora Berry, vice-pres.; Miss Olive Maveety, ree. sec ; Ezra [Ienne, cor. sec; 0. E. Waterbury, :reas.; J. E. Fleming, librarían. Today s being observed as a general holiday, and tiie following program will be carried out in Normal hall this afternoon, beginning at 2 o'clock: Music. Scripture Lesson and Invocation. Music. Report of the Building C'oimnittee by the Chairinan. Response by the President of the Association. Prayer of Dedication. Music. ddress by Prof. Julia A. King, subject, the Christian Association. Address on behalf of the Board of Education by Hon. Perry F. Powerp. Address on behalf of the School by the Principal. Music and Bencdiction. Beginning at 7:30 o'clock a short pro'ram wil! be rendered in the evenmg, ;he chief feature of which will be an address on the "History of the Association" by Miss Annie A. .Patón.


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