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Whatever may be oue 's personal opinión as to the beauty of terraces, it is certain that men and women will continue to like them and to constnlct them. It is important, therefore to knowhow to construct them in the best manner. Bnt before explaining a ■wrinkle or two that are of valne in terrace building a Country Gentleman correspondent protests vigoronsly against the making of doublé terraces. He says, "They are an abomination in the sight of good landscape gaxdening, and as for three terraces, one above another - well, woids fail to characterize snch atrocions mutilation of the 'old sod. ' " Following are some helpful suggestions aloug with explanatory illustratious from the same source: In making a single terrace it is a eomewhat difflcult matter to make a loóse bank of earth rernain in place until the sod is applied, and oven after the sod is in place any pressnre on the top of tho terrace is likely to cause the wholc upper edge to slip off. To prevent this rrouble drive two or three rows of stakes along the extent of the proposed terrace, and to the upper part nailrough boards, as snown in the cross section iu Pig. 1. This will hold the heaped up earth in place till the sod is applied, and thereafter will give great firmness to the terrace nntil nature so compacts all the materials as to niake slipping impossible, as shown in Fig. 2. There is shown in this cross section au excellent point in applying turf to terraces. The end of the roll is begun on the level top of the terrace aud is carried out over the edge and down the slope, thns inving no open crack at the upper edge, where an opening isspecially detital to tlio v( 11 being of a terrace. As sharp aud distinct au edge can be madí in 1 1 ; 'i s way ;:s where the opening - at the edge, while the results of the former practico are f ar superior. Gnawed Trees. If tb( gnawing is serious, it may prfn-o fatal to the tree, bnt many are savt tl by prompt ai tion. In this connectiuii the Iowa Homestead gives the followiiiji advice : As soon as pcssible heup eartli arouud the iv' es to a considerable, height to f the wounds, and they will head over and tbc damage be repaired, but this shonld bo done just as soon as sible, for the longer the wouïids iro left open the less likelihood there will be of success. If the wtmnd is high on the stem, sew a very loose sleeve of burlap arouud the trunk and fill it with earth, and by the time the burlap rots away tlu wouud will be healed. The object is to keep the air away from the wouud until the tree can overlay itwith a new layer of bark. At the same time anythinpr so closely adhesive as tar would overdo the work. If the tree is very far gone, tic a ropo to the top when the ground is wet and pull the tree over to one side in an inclined position from 20 to 25 degrecs and stake it down there. The upvard flow of sap will strike the angle at the curve, or where the tree is beut, and this will start dormant, or adventitious, buds at that point, and a strong shoot will probably be sent up. Wheu this shoot gets strong enough to reccive the flow of sap, remove the whole top that bas been girdlcd and let the sprout take the place of the iujureó tree. Frozen Seed Wheat. A Manitoba correspondent of The Orange Judd Farmer, who thinks there is ïuuch misconception concerning frozen wheat, expresses liimself as follows: The erop of 1888 was badly frosted. Many farmers sowed more or less of this frosted grain next season. Very few of these, I found from personal iuvestigation, failed to get a good stand. At Brandon experimental farm fields seeded with No. 1 hard aud this frosted stuff made almost exactly the same yield. At Indian Head experiment station results were about the same. Mauy other similar cases have come under rny observation. In Minnesota Professor Harper does not favor using frozen seed. I do not favor usiug this damaged secd when the -best grades are so cheap, bat I do hold that a sound germ is the main requisite. Ou the upper Red river valley bad storage has been the cause of weak seed. The f arther north we go the greater vitality we find, which may explain why the yields from frosted districts farther south, reported by Professor Bolley of North Dakota, are so much La' fericr to those I have uoted in Manitoba.


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