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Rauschenberger & Co.,.- - MANUFACTUREHS OP Finely Finished FURNITURB AI.L KINDS FOR Libraries Barber Shops Stores Millinery Saloons Emporiums Etc. Design Work a Bpeelalty. Itepaïring of Furniture of every detwription T. RAUSCHENBERGER & CO. Oflicc and Factory on Vine St.. Near W. Liberty. ANN ARBOR, - MICH. Rinsey & Seabolt, No. 6 and 8 Washineton St. Have on hand a Complete Stoc of Everything GROCERÏ LINE. Teas, Coffees, Sugars, In large amounts, and at Cash Prices And can seil at low Figures. The large invoice of Teas they buy and sell is sood proof ihat In Quality and Price they Give Eargains. They Roast their om Coffees every week, as none bul prime articles are used. Their Bakeryturns out excellent Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see them. CASTINGS Have them made at the ANN ARBOR FOUNDRY 4-9 W. Huron St, l'low eastings, and castings of All Kinds made to order. liss E. G. Walton A fnll Line of DRBSS IAIING SÜPPLIES A.N'D Fancy Ooods Special Attention given to College Colors. And Glove Cleaning. 52 S. State-Rt., Ccr.Willïam-st. To tlie Electora of the Seventh Ward of the City of Aun Arbor. Notice s hereby given that a sesión of the Board of Regii-tration of the Seventh Ward of the City of Ann Arbor, vi 11 be held at Hammond or WeínbergV shop, rear 110 State South) in said city, Tuesday Mareh 30th, A. D.t'l8ö7 for the purpure of regietering new doctors in said ward in faid city who may appear for Buch purpose and that said board will be in session on the riay and at the place aforesald from 8 o'clock in the forenoon toSo'clocli in the afternoon, and on the follpwïng day at the Conncil Chamber from 0 o'clock in theforenoon to 4 o'clock iii the afternoon in said city. Ernest E. Eberbach, C. IIOMKIÏ CaUY, HoitACIi 1. DAKFOBTH, 31-35 Board of Registration. Notice of City Election. Notice is hereby given that the Annual Charter Elcetion in and for the City oí Aun Arbor will be held on Monilay, tlie fiftli day of April, A. !., 1897, at which election the followins city offleere, viss: A Mayor, President of the Conunon Conncil. City Clerk, City Assessor and Justice of the Peace will be elected by the quallfled electors of the whole city, and a Supervisor, an Alderman and a Constable will be eiected in each ward thereof. The said election will be held in each ward of Bftid city at the following places, viz: Fikst Waud, Zion Qerman School, Washington strect, near Fifth ave. Second Wakd, Pratt Block, No. 64 Main strect South. Thiiíd Waru, Basement of Court House. Fourtii Wakd, Engine House, Huron street, corner Fifth ave. Fifth Ward, Engine House, Swift street, near Broadway. Sixtu Waru, Engine House, East University ave., near College. Sevkhth Wakd, Weinberg's Shop, rear 110 State street, South. GLEN V. MILLS. City Clerk, Cor. Bates and Lamed Sts. Host convenipnt and central location. Cara for every part of the city pass the door at short intervals. Elevatnr service, steaui lieat, electric Jlghtg, tile floors, &c. Bates, S1.50 to S2.00 per day. H.H. JAMES & SON, ProprietorS' Notioe of General Election. Notlte i's hereby given that the General Election i ti and for the City of Aun Arlior will be held on Momlay, tlie flfth day of April, A. J). 18i)7, at whfch election the following State and County Ufflcer are to be elected, víz: A Jiiíftice of the Supreme Courl in place of Charles D. Long, whoe term of office expire;? December 1, 1897, also two Regent of the Univereityof Michigan in place of Levi L. Barbonr and William J. Cocker, whose termts of oflice expire December 31, 1897. Also a Connty Commissioner of Schools for the Connty of Washtennw in place of William W. Wedenievcr, whose term of ofllce expires. And also the follnwíng Amendments to the Constitution of this State will be voted on, vi.: JOINT UEsOLUTION Proposnig an amendment to Bection one, article nine, of the Constitution of this State, relative to the salary of the Atlorney General. Resolved oy the Senate anti House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That an amendment to ection one of article nine of the constitution of thie State be and the same is hereby proposod, to read as follows: Sbotion 1. The Governor shall reeeïve an annual salary of four thousand dollars; the judgea of the circuit conrt. shftll each receivt an annual salary of two thousand five hundred dollars; the Attorney General shall receive an annnal salary of three thousand five hnndred dollary, and he ehall reeide dn ring hifi term of office in the city of Lansing.and in person attend tothcdutiesof hls office; the Becretary of State shall receive an annnal Balary of eigfit himdred dollars; the State Treasurer shall receive an annnal salary of one thonfand dollars: the Superintendent of Public I n 1 1 niet i on shall receive an annual salary of one thousanrï dollars: the Commissioner of the Stare Land Office shall receive an annual salary of eight hnndred dollars. They Bh all receive no fees oi perqnisites whateyer for the performance of any anti es connected with their ofilcè. It shall not be competent i'or the Leg i sla ture to increase the pal ar i es tierein p'rovided. Be it fnrther resolved, That sai d amendment phall be submitted to the People of the State of Michigan at the next Spring Election, on the lir-i Blond ay of April, in the yearone thoueand eight hundred and nïnety-seven, and the Secretarv of State is hereby required to give nol ice of the same to the eheriffs of the oeveral countiee of this state the time prior to said election reqnired by law, and th said sheriffp mv hereby reguired ■ the several qo tices required by law. Each or said amendmeni phall have written or prfnted on his ballot, ;is ihen provided by law, the worde "Amendment to the constitntfon relative to the salary of the Attornej Gi eral- Yéf," and each person voting aainst said amendment ehall have on his ballot in like manhit, "Amendment Po the constii ution relative to the Attorney General- No." The ballots shall in all respecte be canvasped and returns mad as in genera] election of State officers. T!iN Joint Resol ut ion is ordered to takc ininiediate effect. Piled Pebrnary 19, 18i)7. KUNT RESOLTJTION To amend eection ten of article ten, of the Consi i f ut i nu of the State of Michigan, so as to pro. vide for i Board of Connty Auditors for the Connty of Kent. Resolved by theSenate and House of Kepreseni al i vs of the" State of Michigan, That the following amendment to the constïtntion of the State of Michigan be and the same ia hereby proponed and eubmitted to the People of this State, thai ia to s;iv, That snetion ten of article ten of said Constituí ion be amended so as to read as follows: Section 11). The board of BUpervisors, or. in the county of Wayne and in the county of Kent. the boara of county auditors. shaíl have the exclusive power tp prescribe and iix the compeneation for all eervïcesrenderei for, and loadjupl all clairap against their repect l e connties, and the nu: po fixed or deflneü shall be subject to no a peal. And be il further resolved, That said amemlmeni Bhall be submitted to the people of this S i at he Election to be heidon the flrsi MCon'!v in April in the year one thonsand eight hun'■■i'1 and ninety-seven, and thai the Secretary of R :n b equired to give not ice of 'the finio to the eheriflfa of the eeveral count iesof thie S ato. ar least twenty days prior to such election. ainl faid siieriffs shall be required to give . n ihftpeyeral townships. the same aa for tht ''' ei' ■■ " justices of the Supreme Court. ■nul t ' - - .'ii'ï -me".i 'm.-nt shall be printed npou the "''"■(■! al ' all t" ii-i-'i ■' puch election as provided tiv 1: v. as fa) ( yen: ' Amendment to the Constïcitioii fo provMl" f" a noard of Auditors for [Cent Ccnntv-YFS ri: ( "1." All votes cast „i rcfor : h;.)l lieconntcd.canva ■ d and returned ' for tho (■"(■■ i n of ï j u tí ice of the Supreme Co irt of t úv, S are. Thi MTit rtj.oiUtion is ordered to take imraedia'e effect. filuu U, 13 ir. GLENV. MILLS, City Clerk. To tlie Elector of the First Ward of the City of Ann Arbor, Xotïco Íp hereby given tliat a seffMon of the ]U anl of I.' irrution of the First Ward of the City f Ann Arbor, wil! be held at the Germán Kvaiijrclical School ( Washingtpn Ptreèt, near Kir ii av uue) ín Baid city. Tuesday, March 30. A. o. l ■;.).'. for tlie purpoee of registering new elecio in mid waru. in said city. who mfty apply for uch punióse, nnd iliat said Board will be ín ees.-ion on the day and at the place aforesaid from 8 o'ciocA in thé forenoon to 8 o'clock in the afternoon and on the follpwing riay at tlie Couneil l'h amber from 9 o'clor.iv in the forenoon to 4 o'clock in the afternoon in Baid city, Lewis C (iooDiïicir. Chas. A. Maynau, Geobob L. Mooük. 34-35 Board of Registration. To tlie Electora of the Second Ward of the City of Ann Arbor. Notice is herrby given iliai ;i x-s-itm of the Board of Registration of the Second Ward of the City of Ann' Aobor will be held at the office of Suf W. MiHard (No. 3 Liberty Wesi ) ín said city, Tuesday, March 80th. A. I). 1897, for the purpofe of registering new electora in said ward ín said city, who raay apply for sucb purpose, and that said Board will be ín seraion on i he day and at the place aforesaid from 8 o'clock in the forenoon to 8 o'clock in the afternoon and on the following day at theGonncil Chamberfrom 9 o'clock in the forenoon to 4 orclock in the afternoon i.i taid city. John M. FElNEn, Joun Koch, MlCH All, GllOSSMAlí, 84-35 Board of Regtstration. To the Electora of the Third Ward of t!ie City of Aun Arbor. Notice is hereby given that a pesïon of tlio Board of Registration of the Third Ward of the City of Ann Arbor, wíl! be held al the f'ouri House (basement) inBaid city, Tinv-dav, March 30th, A. D. 1897, for the pnrpone of reib! ering new electora In said ward in said city who may apply for euch purpose, hik! that Baid Board w i Í1 be in seseion on the day and at, the phi'e aforesaid from 8 o'clock in the forenoon to 8 o'clock in the afternoon and on the following day at the Cotmcil Chamber from 9 o'clock in ti e forenoou to 4 o'clock in the afternoon in said city. John J. Fibchi u, J . OB LaUBENGaTEII, Jsase A. Dkll, 34-35 Board of Registration. T the Electora of tUe ï'omüi Ward oi the City ot" Ann Arbor. Nottce is hereby given that a P,ewion of the j Board of Registration of the Fonrih Ward of the cii v of Ann Arbor will be held at the Kngine House in said city, Tiu'sda . March ;ith.A.J). 1897, for the pnrpoae of legistering new electora in eaid ward in said city who may apply lor rach pnrpose and thal Baid Board wiïl be in session on the day and ai the place aforesaid from s o1ciocfe in the forenoon to 8 oclock in the afterroon and on the following day at the Council Chamber from '. o'clock in the forenoon to 4 o'clock in the afternoon in sald city. Hekman Kkapp. Herbert J. Burke, Aktiu'k Brov n. 34-35 Board of Kegistratlon. To the Electora of the Fifth Ward of tlie City of Aun Arbor. Notice is hereby given thal a seseion of the Board of Registration of the Fifth Ward of the CHy of Ann Arbor will be held at the Bngjne House in the said city Taesday March 30th, A. D. 1897, for the pnrpose of registerlng new electors in said ward who may apnJy for such pnrpose and thal Baid Board be iii Beeeion on the day and at the place aforesaid from 8 o'clock in the forenoon to 8 o'clock in the afternoonTuid on the following day al the Conncil Chamber from 9 o'clock in the forenoon to 4 o'clock in the afternoon Ín the city. Jamks Boylïj, Wm. M. Shaufoiïd, :4-:i," Gilukht C. Khodk-. Board of Keglstration. To the Electors of the Sixth Ward of the City of Ann Arbor. Notice i? hereby given that a seeslon of 'the Board of Registration of the Sixth Ward, of the City of Ann Arbor will be held at the Engine House, in taid city, Taesday March 30th. 1897, for the purpose of registering Dew electora In said ward in said city who may apply for such purpost- and that Baid board will be in Bession on the day and at the place aforesaid from 8 o'clock in the forenoon to 8 o'clock in the afternoon and on the following day at the Council Chamber rom 9 o'clock in the forenoon to 4 o'clock in the afternoon in taid city. L3 "Arthur .T. Kitson, Emmkt Coon, IHakrisox Soulb, 34-35 [Board of Registration.


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