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Dan P. Foote

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Dan P. Foota, the National Democratie candidate for justice of the supreme court, was born in Oneida county, X. Y., Aug. 18, 1S31. When he waí ebout 8 years oíd, his father removed to Cattaraugus county. N. Y., and located upon a farm, where Mr. Foote grew up, until nearly 16 years oí age. with the usual experience of a farmer boy, with such edueational advantagts as were afforded by the eommon schools of that new, and then, rather undeveioped seetion of New "York. Before he was 16 years of age, he enlisted in the regular army to serve during the war with Mexico, and was discharged at the close of the war at Fort Columbus, June 27. 1S48. In Soptember of that year he sailed from New Bedford in the bark Pers'.a on a wha!ing voyage around Cape Horn, leavin? the ship at Callo after about a year's experience as a whaleman.He remained a year in Peru, most of the time at the city of Lin.a, making hort voyagea up and Cown the ccast, and !n 1L'O, returned to New York. lic t'.icn shippd in r.avy or.d was for som? tims Pi'hcclmaSiOr aLard the reeeiving E'nin North Carolina, at the Brooklyn ravy yard, and later, was en the Afiienr. station in tne clJ Eicco cf war Jamsstovn, loaving her at Montevideo en account of ii! bealth and returning te Kew York in the StitC3 sioieBhip r.e'.ief. From that tir.-.e to Ju'.y, 1S45, he to fo:io.v the sea. Kis last voyags uas ti cm !fan Francisco to Hong Ilcnrr, Cantón and New York. In Octobcr, 1854, he canie to Michisan, and that winter taught school n ihe township cf Mundy, Gtr.efee county. ar.d the next ppring setlled upen a tract of timbered and in the township oí Tittabawasse _. Saginaw county, ovír a mile from any clearing or ;cr.d. building without assistance the los house upon th land, n wbich he lived until h removed to the city of Saginaw in May, is:;s. During' the Rrst thret years he chüpped, cleared and fenced over forty acres, doingr all the work hir.i f. Aft i that he worked his farm in a modélale way, served as justire of peace, school inspector, taug'í t son. ol winters, read law nights. rainy day? anj cdJ times, and was admitted to the bar in September. 1S63. He was for many years city attorney of Saginaw, gerved one term as prosecutins attorney and one term as state senator. Mr. Foote's success as a lawyer was prompt, and proved continuouuntil impaired health and increased means made it desirable and convenient for him to withdraw from thé more exacting labors of his profession. He has been an uneompromlsing Democrat of the Jackaon, Tilüen, Cleveland school, and has done much tonal vork. On the promulgaron of the Chicago platform of 1S96 he pubftshed a strong and vlgorous letter condemning that deelaratior. as un-Democratio, and giving his reasons why h? could not, as a Democrat. support it. Politically, Mr. Foote believes In scund money. a tariff for revenue only. and an equal opportunlty for every one without favor for any elass or person, and looks upon the idea of making 5C cents worth of silver equal the accepted dollar of commerce and civilization as impussible as would be the attempt by law to make a bushei of oats equal in valué and common estima tion to a bushei of wheat. Recognizing the censtitutional right, and approving the policy of rai?ipg a revenue by raeans of a tariff taxation upon Imports. he denles ths constitutional power of congres;; to levv a tariff tax having for its object and so framed to promot? the advantage ol favcred individuals and classes at the expense of the matses. He holds that lawí provlding for suoh taxation are as unconstituiional and as vicious in prartice vou';d be enactments directly depriving one man of his aceumulations for the benefit c; another- exactly what all protectivê tariff laws indirectly accomplish and are exprwsly intended to accemplii'n. since othetwlse tbey would afford no protection; f er if they failed to give the protective class an sdvantage ever the body cf the rom muñí ty they would afford no protection to the class to be favi;red. He ie equally eppesed to the sehemeg of the fiat mc.nrry and free silver men, as leading directly to ïepudiation.finanoial confusión and bankruptcy. Believins it manifest that we can have but one monetary standard or mea.=ure of valué, he naturally prefers that adepted and recognized by the enlightened nations with which our exchanges are made. He favors the present national bank system, with such modifications as. wlll make lts currency issue more elastic. and secure depositors as well as note holders are now secuied, thus calling into active cireulation the entire money currency of the country and financial panic impossible. And he believes that the federal government should at once retire its legal tender notes and withdraw from the banking business in which it is improvidently, lL not unconstitutionally. eneaeed.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat