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A eourse of Hood's Sarsaparilla taken now will build up the system and prevent serious illness later on. Get only Ilood's. "How Did She Burn Her Face" That Was What People Asked Abouí Our Daughter Oreadful Itching, Burning Empilone Cured Smooth, Soft, White Skin Now. "C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass: " Gentlemen : Our little daughter is now four years oíd. When she was about three months oíd, she had eruptions on her face which were very disagreeable, and itched so much, espeeially at night, that it made her trouble a great deal worse. I was obliged to keep her hands tied at night and it was neeessary to watch her during the day. She would scratch herself whenever she had the chame, until her clothes . Would' 8e Covered with Blood. We had a great many doctors to see her, but they did not help her in the least. It was a terrible task to care for her. When we took her away from home, people would ask, ' How did that child burn her face ? ' She was completely covered with ecabs for a long time. She suffered everything. At last we conciuded tó try Hood's Sarsaparilla, because I had great faith in It, and after awhile we could see that she was getting better. People said she would certainly be left with scars on her face, but she was not. It is now a year since she was cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and her face is as Smooth and White and Soft 88 that of any child. I believe Hood's Sarsaparilla to be the best family medicine that can be obtained. I take it myself for headache and that tired feeling, and Ihavefound nothing to equal it. One peculiarity about Hood's Sarsaparilla is that it is pleasant to take and it is no trouble to induce children to take it. The doctors pronounced my little girl's disease to be eczema, or ealt rheum." Mrs. Wilbur Wells, Warren, Connecticut. N. B. Do not be induced to buy any substitute. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla The Best - in faet the One True Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggiats. $1 ; six for .$5. Hnnri'c Dille Te Liver Ills; easyt0 1 1UUU S ril IS take, easy to opérate. 25c. . TOLEDO rv jNARBOft Ifc AND [[ J I) NORTH MICHIGAN) q RAILWAY. Lj- v_J - " ■ Üü f S ""il J H,,,.,, %' ]Ky CITY __- , South Boud TjLÉDOT';% Ft. Wayua ii . WTWiiE v7--i: TIME CAKD. ín cfifoct Jan. 81, 1897. Trains leave Aun Arbor by Central Standard Time. ' HOBTH. SOUTH. 7:30 a. m. 7:30 a. m. li:25 a.m. 11:25 a. m. 4:30 i. m. I 8:35 p. m. Runs between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. All trains daüy cxcept Sumlay. W. H. Bennett, i:. S. Gilmore. y. P. A. Ag't. ffilGHIGANCTENTRAL : The Niágara Falls Route." Central Standard Time TBAINS AT ANN ARBOK. Going East. Qoing West Mail 3:47 p. m. 8:43 a. m. Day Express 4:58 p. m. 7:30 a, m. North Shore Limitedt 9:25 a. m, Chicago Expresst 1:55 p. m, N.Ï.&Lim. Ext 10:115 p. m. Chicago Night Ex 9.10 p. ín. Detroit Expresst 5:50 a. m Pacific Expresst 12:15 p. m. ürand Rapids Ex ... 11:10 a. m 5:55 p. m Atlantic Expresst . , 7:55 a. m. Daily except Sunday. ♦ Daily except Saturday. t Daily. O. W. RUGíiLES, H. W. Ba-ÍEB o Xr T r'hif.nen e-'t nn Arhor. e Home i, Jöe I Michigan People. ; LOCATED l Directly Opposite M. C. R'y Depot. Two Blocks from Union Depot. Three Blocks from Steamer Docks. i t In the Center of the Wholesale District. Three Minutes by Electric Cars to tail Center and all Places of Amusement, i Ji 200 Rooms with Steam Heat. J J $20,000 in New Improvements. Cuisine Unsurpassed. American Plan. f Rates, $2.00 to $3.50 per DayJ v Single Meals 5Oc. iSj. froib Life. KtViV O 'fli RESTORES ViTAÜTY. 3Well Man isthW.Pf oiMe THE GREAT 30th ïlny. produces llie abovc resul! s in :0 days. Jt arts 'il!y and quid n lien all otters fail lounjfmenwillregaiti their lor manhpod. and oíd tueir youthfi iiEVIVO. Xt quic&ly and sun rvous■. EmiKsions. es.and and indiscretion, imfitsoaa fors:uuy. business orroarriage. It '■ctoi;;, atthoBpat oL diseaee, but eat ñervo tonic mil Moixl builder, bringing back the pink glow to palé eheeks ar.d ro -ToiinK the íire of yonth. It warda oLf Tusanitv -na Consumption. Insist on havins üther. It cae be carried in vest pocket. By inail. "81.00 per jiackaue, or six íor SS5.00, with a po3i tive wrttten guarantee to cure or refluid the rooney. Circular f ree. Address EOÏAL MEDICINE CO., 271 TOasll Aïe., CHICAGO, ILL FOR SALE T!Y- Eberbach Drug and Chemical Co Arbor, Michigan. Estáte ot 'Carrio f. DaTix. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County i.f Waahl O ss. At a sesHlon of the Probate Coure tor the County of Washtenaw. I10W311 at the Probate Office in thed'tvof Anti Arbor onTuesdav the 3üth day of Msrch, in the yearone thousand eierht huudred and ninety Present. H. Wirt Newkirk, Jnde of Probate dece the matter of tht' est[lte of (-'arrie O. Dav'is, On reading and fiüng the petition dulv verifled, ot Jon H. navis, praying that administra tion of said estáte may be graiited to liimelf or some otner Miitable person Tiwrmpon it ;., ordereü, That Saturdaj. the a4th day of April next. at ten o Vloek in forenoon. be aasijined for the hearlnc of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said deeeased and all other persons interested in said estáte, are pequired toappearat asession of aaid Court. then to be holden at the Probate Offlee, in tneOityof Ann Arbor, afd show cause if any there oe. why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And it i.t ordered, that aaid petitioner give notice to the persons inlerested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof bycausing a copy of tliis order to bepublished in the Ann Arbor Dkmochat, a newspaper printed and circulated in aaid county three suecessivf weeks previous to said day of hearing H. WIKT NEWRIRK, A true copy) Judge of ProhatrP. J. Lehjiax, Probate Bezister. 86-89 BUSINESS DIRECTORY CL. McGUIRE, Laivteb and Notary Pub lic. Front Oflices over Farmers & Me chnnics Bank, Aun Arbor. Michigan. I ) McKERNAN, Attorney-at-Law. Collectie-as pronptlv attendeil to. Money to .oan Houses and Lots for Sale. Office in Oourt House DEAN' M. TYLER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. OfHee and restdence over postoffice. flrst floor. MARY C. WHITING, Oounselor-at Law. Address postoffice box 1796, Ann Arbor, Michigan, JOHN F. LAWRENCE, Attorney at-Law. Office, Corner Fourth and Ann streets, Ann Arbor, M chigan. OM. MARTIN. Funeral Director and Under taker. Clotli. Metalic and Common Cpffins. SDOreroom No. 19 Kast Washington Street Pesidence Corner Liberty and FifthTelephone 91. WW. NICHOliS, Dentist. Rooms over Ann Arbor Savinus Bank, opnosite Court House square. VITALIZEO AIR administered. It i agreeable and easy to take and no prostrating etïects follow, while teeth are extracted without pain. WASTED- FAITHFÜL MEN OR WOMEN to travel for responsible established house Michigan. Salary L780 and expenses. Positiou permanent Keference. Enclose 6elf-addresped st mped envelope. The National, Star Insurance lïldg., Cliicago. JOHN BAUMCARTNER Successor to Anton Eisele. - DEALER - American and Imoorted Granite - AND- MABBLE of all KINDS, Building Stone, Stone Walks, etc. Satisfaction ffuaranteed; Handle irom the'smallest to the largest work in all its Branches. Shop - Cor. of Detroit and Catherine sts. - - - Ann Arbor, Mich. i I , STATE OF MICHIGAN, ) ', COUNTY OF WASHTENAW, j SS" In the matter of SPICES The JUEY of the Public has tried our spices and found thern PURE We buy the whole spices, the best obtainable, and grind them OUESELVES. We therefore GUARANTEE all our spices pure. We invite you i to try them, and satisfy yourselves Eberbach Drug and Chemical Co. Biortgage 8al. DEFAULT havlng hoen made in tlie conditions oí a uiortgage execnted by John E. IVi iv-and Eliza E. Ferry, lus vvife to Anna E. Worden, bearlng date February 7th,A. D. 1885, i and recordt'd in the office oí the Register of Deeds for Washtenaw countv, Michigan on February uth. A. D. 1886, in Libere? of mortgages, on pasre 20. whlch sald mortgage was assigned bysaid Anna K. Worden toElumS Worden by deert of asslgnment, dated November 21st. A. D. 1885, and recorded in said Eegóffice Novem oer Sist, A. D 18S5,iuLiber 8 of Assignments of Mortgages, on page 579. by which default the power of sale contained in sald mortgafie became operatlve, and no snit or proceeding in law or equity haring been instituted tor ver the dubt secured bysaid mortgage,'or any part thereof, and the sum of two thousand, three liundred and twelve and (iC-100 dollars (Í2.;I2.O',) being now claimed to be due upon sald inortgage. notice is therefore hereby given thai sala mortgage will be foreclosed bv a sale of the mortgaged premises iherein descrlbed, or soine part thereof, wit: All of thufollowing liescribed land, situated ín the township oï Salem, In washtenaw countv and State of Michigan viz: liilng the north-east part ín. e. pt.) of the west half (w. !4) of the north-west quarter (n. w. JL) of section No. nlne (9), in township No. oned) soiitii. in range No. seven (7) east, in said county, it being boundeil on the north by a highway, on the east by land of Georgo S. Vanetta, on the sonth by a highway known as the Trail Eoad. and on the west by the hiKhway running from the Trail Road to the base In. e. excepting one acre of land owned by Mrs. Hubbard. This descriptlon contains about forty-three acres of land. AIso the Collowlng descrlbed land : The west half w. ïo of the east half (e. W) of the south-west quarter (s. w. '4) of section No. tour (4) in said township ;i ut! range, excepting flve acres in the north-west corner thereof, and con taininz thirty-five acres of land, at public vendue, on Saturday, the twenty-second day of May A li. 1897, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the east front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor. in said county of Washtenaw that being the place of holding the Circuit Court in said county. Dated Pebruary 26th. A. D. 1897. ELUM S. WOEDEN, NOAH W. CHEEVEEAltSrneeyf Chnucery Sale. IK luirsuance and by virture of a decree of the Circuit Oourt for tlib County of Washtenaw, atate of Michigan, in chancery, made and ?ntered on the ï9th day of June 1896, in a certaln cause therein pending whevein WilfreJ B Phillips, receiver of the Register Publishing LJompany is complninant ai.d John W. Keating Mary A. Keating, The t8rmers & Mechanics Bank of the Citv of Ann Arbor. Kobert W HemphM, Oarlisle P. McKinstry and the City of ïpsilanti, di fendants. Notice is hereby given that 1 will spII at public auctioi' at the east front door of the (Jourt House in the City of Ann Arbnr in said County (that beinc; the building in which theCircuit Court for the County of Washtenaw is huid), on VVednesday, the 28th day of April. 1897. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said .)y. all the following described real estáte situated in the City of Ann Arbor in the County of Washtenaw, Htaue of Michigan known and described as block two north of Huron street in range IS ea-t excepting five sepente par.-els of land four by eight r 'ds each sold to Thomas Clancy, John O'Mara. william Bubbs, Michael and Ellen O'Mara and Mary KpiitinE O. E. BÚTTERFIELD. Circuit Court Comtcissioner. ! 1I0MPS0N & IlARRIMiN. Solicitors for C-mplainant. 83-89


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Ann Arbor Democrat