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[OFFICIAL,.! COUNCIL, CHAKBER. Ann Arbor, March 25th, 1897. ) Special Session. Called to order by President Hiscock. Roll Called. Quorum present. Absent Aid. Maynard, Burke, Coon. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR. MAYOR'S OFFICK. Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. Cali a special session of the Commou Council to be held at the Council Chamber Wednesday, March 24th, 1897 at 7:30 P. M. to consider the matter of grading certain streets of the City, to take action relative to the Bill now befors the Legislature to bond the City for $100,000, to fill vacancy on the Sixth Ward Board of Registration caused by the absence of Aid. Coon. Warren E. "Walker, Mayor. Aid. Cady moved that the subject of Huron street be referred to the Street Committee, they to report at the next regular session of this council. Aid. Brown moved as a substitute that $500 be appropriated the Street Fund to grade E. Hurón St. f rom 13th to Observatory. O Aid. Dell moved as a substitute that the grading of E. Hurón St. be posponed until the property owners interested deed a right of way across their property adjoiniDg Forest Ave, f Lost as follows. Yeas- Aid. Grossman, Dell, Shadf ord , Rhodes- 4. Iíays - A.ld. Moore, Kocb, Laubenpayer, Brown, Soule, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock - 8. The subject of Aid. Brown was lost as follows: Yeas - Aid. Kooh, Laubengayer, Brown, Rhodes, Pres. Hiscook- 5. Nays- Aid. Moore, Grossman, Dell, Shadíord, Soule, Cady, Danforth- 7. Whereupon the subject was referred to the Street Committee. By Aid. Brown. Resolved, that Hon. A. J. Sawyer, our representativo in the State Legislature be requested to use his influence to def eat the bilí now pending in the legislature, in reference to granting the City of Ann Arbor permission to issue bonds to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars for the purpose of building a Building for the Art Gallery That Mr. Sawyer be further requested to state to the legislature that the passage of said bilí has never been asked for either by the City of Ann Arbor or ihe University authorities, and that a ertified copy of its resolution be sent ;o Rep. Sawyer. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Moore, Koch, Grossman, uaubengayer, Dell, Brown, Shadford, rlhodes, Soule, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock- 12. Nays - None. By Aid. Soule. Resolved, That Byron H. Coon and Samuel R. Gregory be appointed to till ;he vacancy on the Board of Kegistra;ion in the Sixth Ward, caused by tbe ibsence of Aid. Coon from the City. Vnd the inability of Aid. Soule to at;end. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore, Koch. Grossman, Lau Dengayer, Dell, Brown, Shadford, Rhodes, Soule, Cady, Danforth, Pres. üiscock- 12. Nays - None. On motion of Aid. Brown the Couocil idjourned. Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. COUNCIL CHAMBER Ann Arbor, April 5th 1897. ) Regular Session. Called to order by Glen V. Mills City Clerk. Roll Called. No quorum being present the Council was declared adjourned to Wednesday April 7th, 1897 at 8:00 oolock P. M. Glen V. Mills, City (Jlerk. COUNCIL CHAMBEE ) Ann Arbor, April 7th 1897. f Adjourned Session. Called to order by President Hiscock Roll Called. Quorum present. Absent Aid. Coon. COMMUNICATIONS FRO3I THE MAYOR Ann Arbor, March 29th, 1897. Glen V. Milla, City Clerk. I have this day appointed Charle Walker a Special Policeman to act in and about the Salvation Army, vvithou expense to the City. W. E. Walktcr, Mayor. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. To the CommoQ Couacü: The Board of Public Works would respectfnlly recommend that your honorable body direct them to lease the Parker property south of Allen's Creek between the Ann Arbor Railroad and S. Fifth Avenuu for the sum of $75.00 for one year with the privelege of five. Respectfully submitted, Glen V. Mills, Clerk Board of Public Works. Aid. Brown moved that the recommendation be concurred in by the Council. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koen, Grossman, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Brown, Shadford, Flhodes, Soule, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock - 14. Nays - -None. To the Coramon Council : The Board of Public Works respectfully rooommend that your honorable body order a 24 inch tile laid in the culvert on N. 7th St. near Miller Ave. Respectfully submitted, Glen V. Mills, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Aid. Dell moved that the recommendation be concurred in by the council. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koch, Grossman, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Brown, Shadford. Rhodes, Soule, Cady Danforth, Pres. Hiscock - 14. Nays - None. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. A petition signed by W. H Dorrance nd 2 others asking for a crosáwalk at he corner of S. Ingalls and Monroe treets was ■ read and referred to the idewalk Committee. A petition signed by Evart H. Scott nd 15 others asking for an electric ïght on Washtenaw Ave near city limits was read and referred to the lighting Committee. A petition signed by F. G. Schleicher and 10 others asking for a crosswalk at Libertv and S. 7th streets was read and eferred to the Sidewalk Committee. A petition signed by Fred Radke jr. md 22 for an eleetric light at he córner of Madison and 2nd streets was read and referred to the lighting Dommittee. A petition sisned by Michael tjross man and 14 others asking for a sidewalk an the west side of S. 7th St. was read and referred to the Sidewalk Committee. A petition signed by Willard B. Smith asking for the opening of Hurón St. east of 13th was read. Aid. Koch moved that $500.00 be appropriated to grade E. Hurón street between 13th and Observatory. Lost as f ollows : Yeas - Aid. Koch, Grossman, Laubengayer, Brown, Rhodes, Soule, Pres. Eiscock - 7. Nays- Aid. Maynard, Moore, Dell, Burk'e, Shadford, Cady, Danforth- 7. Whereupon tLe petition was referred to the Street Committee and City Attorney. REPOETS OF STANDING COMMITTEES FINANCE. To the Common Council. Your Committee on Finance respectfully report that they have had the fol[owing bilis under consideration and would reoommend their allovvance and that warrants be ordered drawn for the same. Respectfullv submitted, C. H. Cady, Harrison Soule, Coinmittee on Finance. CONTINGENT FOND. Cien V Mills. salary í 83 34 L'airiek O'llearn. " 83 31 Charles H Majily, " ; Thomas D Kearney" 50 Ufl lrs (' A Greene, rent l I. Mack ,V Schmld, rent 10 00 City ni Ann Arbor hoat furnished.... : 00 .1 E East.eriy janitor .... 11 "' chu-k & Bassett account assigned - 5 00 Glen V Milis ; i asstgned 5 00 Henry O Wtlmot postlng 5 00 M M Élsele supplies 55 [nland Press, prlntlng oti ■ Aun Arbor Electric Co lichting olï Hote.1 Cook meáis 3 50 II .1 Brown supplies 5 i Glen V Mills dlrectorlea 30 00 Nortb Slde Church gravel 20 i.fl Sld W Millard priniing 30! t Vlichael Staebler coal lö -o Glen V Mills acc't asslgned 1 mi nn Arbor Argus printlng Wurster & Kirn repairs 1 OH The Arllngton meáis ;i 'l0 Samuel Gregory services Glen V Mills, postage 1:5 Georc Walir supplies -:.. Henry Elahards eoal ■ }6 um Arbor Agrlculfural Co castings 13 :() N U Covert damages 3 00 charles H Manly Fetersou to Port Hurón 1' on Patrlck O'Hearn postase S ' Wm Judson witnets '10 Zenas Sweet ' 11 Lester Canlleld " .;;;,■,■ i } Fred Davis assiptned to Glen V Mills. 1 10 C .7 Snyder witness 11" Paul Bchall ,■■ l'1 Ulchlgaa Tclcplione Co telephone - 1 40 " " - rental 43 75 Ann Arhor Electric CochansiiiK lamp 1 SO Washtenaw Ali-tract (Jo abstract - 23 00 Aun Arbor Saving Bank acctassiKed 3 A Moran printing $ 31 0!) Sylvester Armstrong paintl'g 9 00 40 Ofl John Luippoul services !0 G 1, MoCollum " 6 :i Neue Washtenaw Post services 45 (K) O A Maynard regist'n and election.. 15 00 Georee L Moore " "' ■ 15 00 LO Goodrich " '" " 15 00 V 11 Butler clerk 8 00 J Blce Mlner " 8 00 Martin Oiark gate keeper 2 oo Thomas Taylor keeper .......... 2 00 Nlcholas Glaser me'ls lstand 2nd wds lfi 00 John Feiner registrat'n and election. . 9 00 Micbael Grotsman " " ■■ 15 0 John Koch " " " 1' Charles liinder inspector Bl Peter Leliman " 6 00 Herman Hutzel clerk ( 0 Bert Schumacher " 6 0 Gustave VValter gato keeper 2 00 John Gross gate keeper 2 n( Carrao & Ryan meiils 7 00 JohnJ Fisher reglstratlon 9 00 .1 A Dell reinst ration and election.. 15(1 Jacob Laubensayer registration 9 00 Clinton J Snyder Uspector li i Wm Niethammer "' 6 00 Wm A Clark clerk 6 00 Charles Esslinaer clerk B 00 jonn siaier utrcuer u Benry Hlnz " " 2 "0 !!( rm;in Krapf reglstratlon 9 0" [ .1 liurke regisvration and election 15 u Alt luir Brown 16 'X ;oo 11 Pond inspector (i 00 IIiMiry A Conklin derk tí Ou H B Dodsley clerk 8( Thomas Jones gate keeper 3( Jacob Frank gate keeper 8 fl The Arlinsiton meals 70 James Boyle reglstratlon s (K W M Bhaatord reglstratlon í) i GCKhodes registratlon iind election 15 l N D Gates Inspector 6 f (] 11 Manly Inspector (i 00 John Shaüforá clerk 60 Harry Hammond " 61 Frank Kapp rntte keeper ■ { Thomas Godkin gate keeper 2 00 Ann Arhor Electric Co assigned by llusih Johnson 7 00 A .1 Kitson reglstration....". 00 Samu. 1 Grosory '.' 9 0' Byron Ooon reglstratlon and election 15 00 Uarrlson Soule Inspector (ik Wm Oleavor inspector 6 00 Ohannlntí Smlth clerh 60 Lyman I) Norris clerk 6' George Et Jewett gate koeper 3 00 Samnel Gregory " " - Ofl 11. nare G Prettyman meals 14 (X Ernest Eberbacn reiistration '. n C 11 ('udy resistratlon !) 00 11 v Danfortta reglstra'n and election 15 00 John Vourifi clerk B' Ernes! Eberbach clerk ti W O K llutterficld 6 00 E M Scott 6 00 Thomas Gougb gut e keeper :: i John Schlemmer gate keeper 2 o Fred Kukn services 2( Egedlus Schmldt services 2 0 ïradlcy M Thompson commissioner.. 5 00 ; Frank AllmenaluRer " .. 5 uO .1 liycr cuTjitmssionor 5 0ü ilun V Mills clerk of election commissioner 5 00 tobert Benz livory 1 3o Total 5 2381 33 sewer FUND-Generai. tato Savings Bank acco'ts assifrned: Eobert Hunter manhole covers S 348 34 Khocle acct assigned 15 00 ! W Groves salary 75 00 len V Mills acc't assigned 1 20 Total i 33 51 STREET FÜND. Arm Arbor Savings Bank accounts assijinecl them: John Krumi labor 8 1 50 August Herman " Alexander Schlupe laber 'J -'■") ffm .1 EUndall labor 1 50 Austin Marken stone 1 80 üllcer labor ï 50 0 .1 Bnyder " 1 50 M Ichael Williams labor ' liOO Michael Hessian labor 3 00 JohnG " :iqo Michael llerey " 7 50 Edwurd Ross '" 3 75 Charles Warren " 3 75 Gjorge Healy " 3 25 Michael Kuster " 150 George Mason " 1 80 Amusi, Hermann " 150 Win li Suitth ■■ l 50 Ailolph Flnkbelner " 2 25 Win Bury " í TO M Herey labor S 70 Micheal Wiliiaras labor 8 40 " " 3 76 Edward Koss laDor 'J w Adoluh Flnkbinder labor 75 Charlea Warren labor 5 i" lexander Schlupe labor 1 Oí Bennett Frenen labor 2 10 James Masón labor 4 95 Gottfried Geiser labor :S 0(1 ÏÏ.I Band all labor 9 00 W B .niilli labor 2 25 James Mason labor 9 00 .lolin Krumi " 3 60 Mlchael Berey labor 11 70 Charles Warren ' 5 IC Edward Ross " 5 10 Mlchael Hessian " 4 35 C.TSnyder ' 5 10 Julius Fnnke " : 75 August Hermann" 3 60 WmJKandall " 13 00 WmBSmltn '■ 3 60 Michael Scfaalble " 3 60 Gustave Hentz " 3 60 John Grofï " 2 70 Emil Meieer " 3 60 Vin liury " 2 70 George Mason " 3 fiO James Mason labor 7 50 August Hentz labor 150 216 46 James Donegan repairs 2 55 O Eberbach supplies 3 80 Zenas Sweet gravel 2 50 Fred Frey supplies I 25 Daniel .1 Koss salary A H Holmes livery 2 00 Glen V Mills accounts assisned 67 Geo F Key salary 100 00 Lutck Brothers lumber 9 66 tlnNagel 150 State Savines Bank acc'ts assigned: Mlchael Euster labor S 3 80 Michael Schaible " 150 5 10 Total S 0 64 PÓLICE FÜND. M C Peterson. salary and postage. . S 85 50 Reuben Armbruster salary 50 on David Oollins, salary 50 00 John O'Mara, salary 50 00 George Isbell, salary 50 00 Ohristian Brenner livery 2 80 Total ï 268 CO FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND. Fred Sipley, salary S 60 00 C A EdwarJs.. " 50 00 W il McLaren, " 50 00 Max Whltlinger, " 50 00 AlbertWest, " 50 00 Eugene Williams, " 50 00 Herman Kirn. " 50 1 0 Samuel McLaren, " 50 00 ChasOa " 20 00 Hoelzle. " 8 00 V 1, Schnlerle, " 8 00 Ed. Hoelzle. " 8 Ofl Wm Kettich. salary 8 00 GeoHoelzlo " 8 00 Anton Tuefel sunplifcs 2 05 Eberbiich Prug and Chemical Co., supplles lo 1S GeoH Brownpollsh 150 vllmenrlinger and Schneider bran.. 1 H7 Paï öibney hay 5 41 F E Mills straw 4 12 11 J Brown ies 2 2" Ensene B Hall roal 6 50 O Eberbai'b supplies 8 oo Olark & Basaett coal 9 50 Rlnsev & Seabolt. supplies 40 78 H t James toweling 8 25 Mrs Ream washing 5 00 Total S 575 21 POOB FUND. Frcd Slpley. sjiiary S JO 00 A.nn Arbor Rallroad freight 19 80 1 I! hensmore woud 18 60 Am i Tramp Societv labor 73 W P Stlmson, Rroceries 98 H J Brown medicine 100 I' Bisalke. groeertes 6 26 Frank Burg. grocerles 45 Ed Duffy. grocerles r '■' M OlarK and Bassen coal 2 ño Doty&Felner lioes 40 Mrs Evans, oash 5 01 Goodyear & Co medicine 2 o John Goetz & Son. (trocarles 15 'o John Goot z. .Ir., uroceries T 22 E B Hall coal 3 2S G HoefTer groceries 6 oo 0 Lutz meat 100 W P Lortholz. (trocarles 13 311 Wm H Mclntyre. frro. eries 14 55 AEMummery medicine 2 21 0 Mavnnrd & Co srooerie 11 tiT .1 H Mlíler's Sons groceries 2 00 O'Hara, Poyle&Oo, jiroceries 7 50 r: Rinaey, itrocertes 9 8B H Richards coal 6 fO L Kohde coal T Rin-ioy &Soibolt. groceries 18 8 WFS'tlmson grocerles 7 01 Btjtebler & Oo Rrocerles 8 01 George Spnthelf meat 2 CK) Wahr & MllkT shoes 150 Total 222 49 KECAPITULATION. Contlnaent fuDd $2281 88 Sewer Fund General 339 54 Street f und.... 410 6 Pólice fund -ü 00 Flremen's fund BT5 21 Poorfund 223 9 Total S 4097 21 Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Moore. Koch, Grossman. Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Brown, Shadford. Rbodes,Soule, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock - 14. Nay s - None. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Financeto whom was referred the petition of Philip Visel relative to sidewalk tax would recommend that the claim be allowed and that a warrant for $35 99 be drawn in pay ment of the same. Respectfully submitted, C. H. Cady, Harrison Soule, Committee on Fi nance. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koch, ("rrosíman, Laubenuayer, Dell, Burke, Brown. Shadiord, Rhodes, Soule, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscoek - 14. Nays - None. STREETS. To the Coramon Council: Your Committee on Streets wouid respectfully recommend tbat the surplus dirt on South University Avenue, S. Drive between State and 12th streets be removed and that a layer of crushed rock, 3 inches deep, be placed eight eet eaoh side of the center of said avenue. Respectfully submitted, Geo. L. Moore, J. A. Dell, Harrison Soule, C. H. Cady, W. M. Shadford. H. J. Burke, M. Grossruan, Committee on Street. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koen, Srossman, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, ïrown, Shadford, Rhodes, Soule, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock- 14. Nays - None, ?o the Common Coancil : Your Committee on Streets would respectfully recommend that your honorable body order a gutter graded and aved on the north side of Madison treet along Hanover Square also curbng set to said gutter. Respectfully submitted, Geo. L. Moore, J. A. Dell, H. J. Burke, Harrison Soule, C. H. Cady, Miehael Grossman, W. M. Shadferd, Committee on Streets. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koch, Grossman, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Brovvn, Shadford, Rhodes, Soule Cady, Sanforth, Pres. Hiscock- 14. Nays- None. To the Common Council : Your Committee on Streets would recommend that a tile drain be ordered on the east side of Pifth Avenue frotn Packard to Madison streets to prevent the large amount of surface water washing the roadbed and further your Committee would recommend that the lawn extensión bo graded from the sidewalk line to the gutter line. The tile to be laid in present gutter line. We herewitll submit au estimate from the City Engineer relative to the cost of said tile drain. 570 ft. 10 inch at 18c per lin $102.60 570 ft. trenching at 25c per ft 142.50 Total estimate $245. 10 Respectfully submitted, Geo. L. Moore, W M. ShadforJ, C. H. Cady, J. A. Dell, Harrison Soule, Michaet Grossman, H. J. Burke, Committee on Streets. Aid. Dell moved that the report be laid on the table for two weeks. Lost as follows : Yeas. - Aid. Maynard, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Brown, Oady, Danforth - 7. Nays - Aid. Moore, Kocb, Grossman, Shadford, Rhodes, Soule, Pres. Hiscock -7. Aid. Brown moved that the subject be indelinately posponed. Lost as follows : Yeas- Aid. Grossman, Laubengayer, Burke, Brown, Danforth- 5. Nays - Maynard, Moore, Koch, Dell, Shadford, Rhodes, Soule, Cady, Pres. Hiscock - 9 Aid. Maynard moved that the report be 'aid over 'intil the next session of ihe council. Adoptedas follows: Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Groastnan, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Brown, áoule, Cady, Daaí'orth- 9. Nays- Aid. Moore, Koch, Shadford, Rhodes, Pres. Hiscock- 5. REPORT OF CITY OFFICERS. Aun Ai-bor, Mich., Feb. 28, 1897. 7b the Common Council of the City of Aiin Arbor, 3lich. CITY TREASUREK'S HEPORT. Balance on hand, last report 18177888 MOSEÏ RECEIVED. Contlnpent Fund Glen V Mills rent {rom L Ronde Í 80 00 Pred Sipley 4 30 Fred Sipley 3 20 Tiix collected 11847 60 11935 10 Total S 33707 49 MONEY DISBÜKSED. Contingent fund warrunts S1345 C(i Street fund warrants 420 lil foor fund :S11 W [olice fund 21 30 Flremsn's f und 551 52 University Hospital Aid Bond fnnd... 3240 00 6093 46 Total 52TU14 03 BALANCE ON HAND Contingent fund ï 2803 82 Street fund 7222 47 Foor fund 1410 24 üridjie, Culvert, and Orosswafkfund 2634 10 Polinefund 958 82 Ftremen'8 fund 3379 07 CityCemetery fund .10 Water fund 1724 00 Do" Tax fund 207 00 IVlinciuent Tax Fund 6 98 Uncollected City Tax 2306 77 Tax collected 211245 40 f39784 35 12170 33 12170 38 Total S STOM 03 SEWER REPORT. Feb. 28. Balance on hana last repoit Ï12431 MONEY RECEIVED. February 27. Tax account Sewer Dist. No. 1 tax collected 4 72 Tax account Dist. No 2 tax collected 123 4t; Tax account Dist No ü ta s collected 1258 90 T;ix account Dist No 4 tax collected 15B 39 Sewer District No. 5 Bonds sold 7500 00 Tax account Dist No 5 tax collected 145 33 9278 80 Total amount on hand 12121 57 MONEY DISBURSED. February 27. Main Sewer warrants uaidï 183 63 Lateral sewer Distrid No. 6 warrants paid 34 25 217 88 Amount of Sewer Tax on hand Ï21492 69 Continued ou page 7. t Continued f rom page 3. BALANCE ON HAND. February 27. Main sewer fund $ 9514 06 Labor ae't lateral sewer Dist. No. 1 39 90 Labor ac't lateral sewer Dist. No. i 27 38 Labor ac't lateral sewer Dist. No.3 1944 34 Labor ac't lateral sewer Dist. No. I 232 73 Labor ac'1 lateral sewer Dist. No. 5 84!) 79 Labor ac't lateral sewer Dist. No. (i : " Tax ac't. lateral sewer Dist. Nq. 1 1070 08 Tax account lateral sewer Dist. No. 2 1768 33 Tax account lateral sewer Dist. No, 8 0719 80 Tax account lateral sewer Dist No. 4 158!) 99 Tax account lateral sower DistNo 5 3907 71 Uncollccted Sewer Tax District No2 21 75 ' {24601 20 3108 51 3108 51 Total sewerMoney on handS21492 00 Respectfully submitted, C. H. Manly, Treasurer, To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor. Gentlemen:- Below find statement of ordinance cases brought or determined before me for quarteu ending Mar. 31, and disposition made of sarne. The City vs. Perrine- No. 425: eommenced Nov. 27, 1896, disturbing Opera House; tried before jury, Jany. 16, 1897, convicted and recommended to mercy of the court. Fined $11 28 and costs. Appealed to Circuit Court. No. 495, March 23, George Laugengayer, drunk in street. Plead guilty. Fined $10 and $3 costs, or 20 days in jail. Paid fine into City Treasurer, Mar. 29. State of Michigan, ) County of Washtenaw. f SSElihu B. Pond being duly sworn says that the foregoing statement is correct, that no other ordinance cases have been brought before him during the quarter, and that -he has no money in bis hands belonging to the City ; nor any fees belonging to any officers of the city. Elihu B. Bond. Subscribe i and sworn to before me this 5th day of April A. D. 189". Glen V. Mills, BESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Moore. Resoved, That the Board of Public Works be directed to purchase 1500 yds. of stono suitabie for the crusher at 60 cents per cubit yard. Adopted as folJows : Yeas- Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koch, Grossman, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Shadford, Rhodes, Soule, Cady. Danfroth, Pres. Hiscock- 13. Nays- Aid. Brown- 1. By Aid. Brown. Resolved, That the City Attorney be and he is hereby directed to confer with the Prosecuting Attorney as pertains to a resolution requiring that a contract be entered into by the county and city officials pertaining to sewers recorded on page 146 of Journal 6 of the Proceedings oï the Board of Supervisors, said resolution authormng the payment of $250 to the City of Ann Arbor for the privilege of attaching to the city sewers. Adopted as folio ws : Yeas- Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koch, Grossman, Laubengayer, Dell. Burke, Brown. Shadford, Rhodes, Soule, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock - 14. Nays - None. By Aid. Rhodes. Resolved, ttiatthe Board of Cemeterv Commissioners be directed to report at the next session of this Council the lots sold during the last flve years, the ainount received for the same and work performed by them. Adopted as foliows : Yeas- Aid. Maynard. Moore, Koch, Grossman, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Brown, Shadford, Rhodes, Souíe, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock- 14. Nays - None. . By Aid. Brown. Whereas, certain malicious persons have circulated false reports relative to the utterances oí Alderman John Koch in this chamber upon the subject of the wages paid the laboring men and i Whereas, Aid. Koch has ever espoused the cause oí the laboring class Vbefore tliis Council. Therefore be it Kesolved, That this Council stamp such statements as malicious and unbecoming men of honest politieal differences. Adopted as folio ws: Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Moore,. Grossman, Laubengayer. Dell,Burke. Brown, Shadford. Khodes, Soule, Cady, T)anforth, Pres. Hiscock - VI. Nays - None. Aid. Koch not voting. By Aid. Koch : Whereas, This day terminates the existance of the present Council and the term of office of our honored and respected .presiding ofïicer Pres. Hiscock and Whereas, The citizens of the City of Ann Arbor have honored him by electing him without party difference to the highest office in their gift therefore be it Resolved, Tbat this Council express not only its appreciation of the efficiënt and impartial manner in which President Hiscock lias performed the arduous duties of nis office but also extend a vote of thanks to the people of the City who have unanimously advanced him to the Mayoralty. And be it further resolved, That an engrossed copy of this resolution be presented to Mr. Charles E. Hiscock Which was unanimously adopted. Aid. Cady moved that when the Council adjourn it adjourn to tomorrow at 2 p. m. for the purpose of canvassing the vote cast at the charter election held April 5th 1897. On motion the Council adjourned, Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. COUNCID CHAMBER. f Ann Arbor, April 8th, 1897. f Adjourned Session. Called to order by Pres. Hiscock. Roll Called. Quorum Present. Absent Aid. Grossman, Burke, Coon. Aid. Maynard moved that the Council resolve itself in to a Board of Review. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koch. Laubengayer, Dell. Brown, Shadford, Rhodes, Soule, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock - 12. Nays - None. Vote. Mj. First WardSuporvisor, William K. Childs 179 John R. Miner 823 44 Alderman, Francis M. Hainilton 21!) 41 E"gene G. Manii 178 Constable, William E. Eldert 2:25 58 Meiven C. Peterson 1 72 Second Ward- Supervisor, John M. Feiner 331 Sid W. Millard 255 2t Alderman, Charles Tesmer 181 John Koch U01 120 Constable, Frederick J. Huno 242 10 Frederick Gaekle 232 Thh-d WardSupurvisor, Jolin J. Fischer 307 l."! Waltov H. Dancer US Aiderman, George W. Sweet 22 4 Jacob Laubenfxayer 325 Constable, William H. Bowen 234 21 Martin I'. Vogel 213 Fourth Ward Supervisor, Herman Krapf H)i 4 Joseph Donnelly l!)0 Alderman, Prank Vandawarker :íJ7 )5 John Finnegan 143 Constable. Arthur A. Crawford 17(i John Cox 100 14 Filth WardSupervisor, (jlcorgo H. Ehodes 80 .hunos Hoy le 100 20 Alderman, Wm. M. Shadford, ',:i George Spathelf, Jr. 104 25 Cpnstable. Alvln N. Felch 84 Josepb a. Sekora 4 lo Slxth Ward Sjipevislor, Arthur J. Kitson 212 162 Hudson T. Morton 50 Alderman, EmmettCoon 108 137 M. J. C'avanaugh (1 Constable, Frederick Oleaver 201 14:: George Jewett 58 . ri-nlli Ward- Supervisor. Ernesi E. Ebertacb 175 175 Aldermyn. 0. Honior Cady i:;.i 29 Frederlck G. Harpsi lio Constable, John Young liil 78 John Seyfried 83 Tu ( Honorable the Common Council of the City 0} Ann Arbor, State of Michigan; sttting and ácting as a Board of Canvasst rs: Your Petitioner, Jacob Laubengayer, of the City oí Ann Arbor, State of Michigan, humbly complaining. Respectfully represents. tbat at the City charter election held in the said City of Ann Arbor on Monday, the 5th day of April, 1897. He was candidate for the office of Alderman in and for the Third Ward of the said City, that his name appeard as a candidate for that office on the Democratie ticket on the regular and official ballot, voted and cast by the electora in the said ward at the said City election. That George W. Sweet, of the City of Ann Arbor, was also a candidate for the same office and that his name appeared on the Republican ticket as such candidate on the said official ballot. Your Petitioner further represents that it appears in and by the official returns of the City election that the said George W. Sweet received a plurality of four votes or thereabouts over and above the votes receíyed by your Petitioner.' Your Petitioner upon his information and belief further represents avers and charges that the inspectors of said elëctions so held in the third ward of said City made a mistake in the canvass of the votes casi by the electora for the office of Alderman in the said ward, in this, that they cast out and rejected from the count of votes ten votes and upwards which were regularly and lawfully cast for your Petitioner and should have been counted and returned, and that the said inspectors rejected the said ballot for no legal, good or sufficient reasons that the said inspectors counted divers and sundry votes, to-wit ten votes and upwards for the said Geo. W. Sweet which should for good and sufficient reasons had been rejected, and cast out of the said count. Your Petitioner further represents that in and by the return of the said inspectors it appears that there is and was an unusualdisparity in. the number of votes cast for the said office of Alderman compared witb the votes actually cast by the electors of the said ward at the said election, and your Petitioner avers and charges on his information as aforesaid that there was a mistake made in the count and canvass of the votes so cast for the office of Alderman to the great wrong and injury of your Petitioner, and your Petitioner avers that it is his belief that if the vote of the said electors so cast for the office of Alderman had been canvassed and returned without error or mistake vour Petitioner would have been found to have received a large plurality of the votes cast at the said election for the office of Alderman. Your Petitioner further representa that by reason of the mistakes and errors as foresaid and other mistake and errors which will be made to appear on a re-count of the votes so cast for the. office of Alderman the said George W. Sweet, your Petitioner's principie opponent, was returned as duly elected to the said office of Alderman by the said inspectors of election of the third ward of the City of Ann Arbor as aforesaid. Your Petitioner therefore prays that a re-count of the votes and ballots cast in the third ward for the Gity of Ann Arbor, for the office of Alderman may be had by and before your Honorable body, your Petitioner having deposited with the City Clerk the statutory fee required by law, and the true and correct result of the said election duly certified and declared, and your Petitioner will ever pray. Jacob Laubengayer. State oí Michigaa, County of Washtenaw. f SSOn this 6th day of April 1897 before me in a Notory Public personally carne Jacob Laubengayer, the above named Petitioner, and made oath that ne fiad heard read the foregoing petition by him sabscribed and knows the contenta thereof, that the same is true of his own knowledge exoept as tothe matíer and things whioh are therein stated to be on information and belief and as to such matters and things he believes it to De true. Jas. R. Bacii, Notary Public. Filed April 7, 1897 at 3:30 p. m. Glen V. Mills, City derk. Received fee of $10.00. Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. Aid. Brovvn moved that Pres. Hiscock be elected as chairman of the Board of Canvassers. Adopted. Aid. Maynard moved that the City Clerk be dirocted to produce the ballot box of the third ward containing the City vote. Adopted as follows: Ycas- Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koch Laubengayer, Dell, Brown, Shadford. llhodes, Soule, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock - 12. Nays - None. Aid. Brown moved that the President appoint a member of the couucil to act as a member of the committee to recount the votes. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koch, Laubengayer, Dell, Brown, Rhodes, Soule, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock - Nays None. Aid. Shadford excused from voting1. Pres. ' Hiscock appointed Aid. Shadford as such member Jacob Laubengayer appointed Aid. Brown to represent him. George W. Sweet appointed Aid. Dell to represent him. Aid. Cady moved that a recess of the Board be taken while the ballots being counted. Adopted. After the completion of the Ccuncil reconvened. To the Common Council: Your committes to whom was referred the matter of recounting the ballots in the 3rd ward of said City for the office of Alderman would report as follows : That George W. Sweet received 220 improtested votes and also seven votes that wore protested by Mr. Laubengayer. Copies of which protested votes are herewith returned and marked from 1 to 7 inclusive, making a total ■ vote of two hundred and twenty-seven and that Jacob Laubengayer received two hundred and twenty-four votes. making a majority of tbree votes for Mr. Sweet. W. H. Shadford, Jesse A. Dell, Authur Brown. Committee on Recount. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore, Kooh, Dell, Brown, Shadford, Rhodes, Soule, Cadv, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock- 10. Nays - JNone. Aid. Laubengayer not voting. To the Honorable Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor. The Board of Election Commissioners of the City of Ann Arbor respectfully submits the following report: An examination and count of the official ballots was made and three thousand, flve hundred, twenty-six tickets were delivered to the inspectora of the several wards as follows : Another count was made of the returned ballots which resulted as stated below. FIRST 1VAED. Number of ballots delivered. . . 538 " " votes cast 417 " " ballots returned unused 121 538 SECOND WARD. Number of ballots delivered... 709 " " votes f!fl.sf, snn " ballots returned unused 208 " ballots unaccounted for 1 709 THIRD WARD. Number of ballots delivered. ... 743 " votes cast 477 " ballots returned unused 262 " ballots unaccounted for but reported spoiled and said to be in the ballot box 4 743 FOURTH WAKD. Numberof ballots delivered.... 511 11 " votes cast 390 " " ballots returned unused 117 " " ballots returned spoiled 4 511 FIFTH WARD. Number of ballots delivered.... 282 " " votes cast 186 '; ballots returned unused 96 282 SIXTH WARD. Number of ballots delivered ... 354 " " votes cast 270 " " ballots returned unused 82 " " ballots returned spoiled 2 354 SEVENTÏI WARD. Number of ballots delivered . . .. 419 " " votes cast 261 " " ballots returned unused 154 " " ballot accounted for but reported spoiled 4 419 We found the boxes all securely sealed; bat the diversity of returns show to the Commission the necessity of issuing instructions to the election inspeotorsof the City and we recommend that honorable body order a form for such instructions printed by the City Clerk. Respeutfully submitted, G. F. Allmendineer, N. J. Kyer, B. M. Thompson, Board of Election Commissioners Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. Aid. Brown moved that the Board of Election Canvassers adjourn. Adopted. Whereupon the council reconvened. By Aid. Moore. Resolved, that the Commoa Council of the City of Ann Arbor at a recular session at the Council Chamber in said City on the eight day of April, A. D., 1897 do declare and hereby eertify that at the charter election held in and for the said City of Aan Arbor on the fifth day of April, A. D., 1897 the following named persons were duly and lawfull.y elected to tüe following city and ward offlcers viz. Mayor Charles E. Hiscock Pres. of the Common Council, Gottlob Luick. City Clerk, Glen V. Mills. Assessor, Patrick O'Hearn. Justice of the Peaee, John L. Duffy. First Ward- Supervisor, John R. Miner. Alderman, Francis M. Hamilton. Constable, William E. Eldert. 3econd Ward - Supervisor, Sid W Millard. Alderman, John Koch. Constable, Frederick J. Huhn. Third WardSupervisor, John J. Fisher. Alderman, George W. Sweet. Constable, William H. Bowen. Fourth Ward - Supervisor, Hermán Krapf. Alderman, Frank Vandavvarker. Constable, John Cox. Fifth Ward- Supervisor, James Boyle. Alderman, George Spathelf, Jr. Constable, Joseph A. Sekora. Sixth Ward- Supervisor, Arthur J. Kitson. Alderman, Emmett Coon. Constable, Frederick Cleaver. Seventh Ward- Supervisor, Ernest E. Eberbach. Alderman, C. Honaer Cady. Constable, JohnYoung. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Koch, Laubengayer, Dell, Brown, Shadford, Rhodes, Soule, Oady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock Ñays- None. By Aid. Brown. Resolved, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby ordered to procure a gold dollar and have the same suitably inserí bed and present the same to the Hon. Warren E. Walker, Mayor ia the name of the People of the City. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Koch, Laubengayer, Dell, Brown, Shadford. Rhodes, Soule, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock- Nays - None. Aid. Brown moved that the Clerk be instructed to return the $10 deposit to Jacob Laubengayer, errors having been found in the returns. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Koch, Dell, Brown, Shadford, Rhodes, Soule, Cady, Danforth. Pres. Hiscock- 10. Nays - None. Aid. Laubengayer not voting. On motion of Aid. Brown the Council adjourned sine die. To the Board of Election Canvassers of the City of Ann Arbor : The following is a tabulated list of the votes received by the several candi dates for City and Ward Offices at the Charter election held in and for the Cit; Ann Arbor, April 5th, 1897. President r.„v é Jdstice Mayor. of the pV " V. SS of the Coüncil. g Peace. ïlTIiTlITTjïl W95jo,ogoOo J First Ward 286 30 218 183 7 283 21 200 172 212 1B Second Ward 267 2 93 386 1 258 2 28 16fl 305 1 ' Tliird Ward 277 8 1 174 279 3 273 5 234 202 250 5 Fourth Ward 240 15 174 205 4 235 9 197 155 213 7 Fifth Ward 113 1 1 72 109 112 1 100 86 94 2 SixthWard 205 20 214 47 4 209 14 85 149 106 10 Seventh Ward... 108 20 142 100 8 174 14 105 125 111 16 Total 1556 86 1 110871308 27 1544 66 121010541291 57 Majority 1468 194 U7S 1210 180


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