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In And About The City

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ileiirv Richards will patent a "jumping beau.'' Light Infantry military ball next Tuesday night. The High School Breezes are blowing again- buy a copy. Jas. Baker an old resident of the fifth ward died Tuesday. Sana Krause, of Grand Eapids, is visiting relatives in this city. Miss Hice of Ypsilanti, visited the High School last Wednesday. The nort.h side maple sugar social cleaned up $40 for the new church. Kegister of Deeds Cook received for record, Wednesday, a deed executed in 1857. Martin Schaller sold a large order of wall paper to a party in Iowa this week. A big parade will hv a feature of the I, O. O. F. dedicaöon ceremonies on April 26th. Bach & Butler sold one of Artlmr Bfown's Ann st. lots to John Schlee for 1.000. Fred Schleicher is preparing to build a modern home the corner of Second and Liberty. uy Mullison is now the owner of a trotter and is itching for a brush with some of the local sports. The Y. W. C. A, entertainment will be given on S&turday evening May lst instead Friday evening April, 3Oth. The new telephone company will muke application for a franctiise at the iH'xt meeting of the common council. The d welling house' on the Hasting's farm of Densmore Cramer was consuined by tire Monday night. Insurance .34,000. Arbor Tent, K ü. T. M., will dance and make merry at Maccabee Hall, on iMunday eve, April 19. Music by the Chequamegon's The spring nuinber of the Ann Arbor High School Breeze is out, and reflects credit upon i s youthful editors. l'or sale at all m-ws stands. The University sausage foundry is sa'nl to be short on dogs. Here's a chance for the smal] boy to replenish his last years stock of marbles. Martin Schaller rememberèd the fire laddies with a box of cigars for their services at the lire whieh threatened hie book store with destruction last week. üuly 30 indictments were iired at Z. T. Lewis, the bond forger, at Urbana, last Monday. lf he survives tfaat charge tliere are 120 more left to finish hini with. The st.ite of armed neutrality which prevails between the sheriff's oilice and the pólice forcé of this city breaks into open hostilities upon every slight provocation. The new proprietor of the Arlington Hotel, (' A. Millard, took up the reins Monday morning, jiist where Landlord Hawes left ofï. and the guests never missed a iiiscuit. ('. A. Sauer has replaced the old front at Bigalke's witli one so lwmlsotne that the proprietor lias to stop and look at tlie numlicr before he is sure he has reached bis own place. Miss Bella Uont-lson who t;iught in the Aun Arbor High School last year and who is teaching in the Detroit High School this ye ir, was a visitor at the Iligli School last Tuesday. üfficer Feterson is entitled to credit for the efficiënt marmer in which he preserved order in the vicinitv of the hall in which thefreshmen banquet was held last Fritbiy night. Kev. J. Xelson Lewis of this city, formerly pastor of the First Baptist church of Walden. Miss., will preach at the Unitarian Church next Sunday evening. Subject, "The Coming Creed." Justice - Elct Duffy has announced his intention to let the boys down easy after he assumes the judicial ermiiie. For the iirst quarter thf sentences of his c urt will be 30 flays in the ('ook House. Assessor O'Hearn is out noting the improvements made in Ann Arborduring the past year. About the third Mondiy in June you will be able to learn what tliis official thinks oí your financial standing. Hev. ,T. L Ilutchitison, of Ann Arbor, has received an invitation from the Society of Western Writers to be present at the forthcoming meeting at W'arsaw, Ind., and to read an original poem on the occasion. The milk trust got a bad shaking up Monday mortiiiisr when Carr's horses took a little run from Miller ave. to Dr. Kapp'a oilice, on Main street. The only damage was the severe strain on the driver's goud nature. Judge Newkirk has purchased a building lot at Mie corner of Ann and Stite streets, of Arthur Hrown, and will at once proceed to erect a domicile for lus f iniilry. This will make a welcoine addkion to Ann Arbor's residents. Th ■ sermón preached by Rev. J. ï. Sunderland lat Suidiy morning on " Why am I a Unitarian?'' was listened to by an unusually large audience. In answer to a very f?en :rdl demand it is beiag printed, and may be obtained at the üliurch next Sunday. Judge Pond caimot get a jury who will agree that E. J. Stilson committed assault and battery upon Adam Meuth. The promoters of the new telephone exchange are busy canvassing the city for s'nbscribers and they say that they have but few more names to secure to inake the necessary 300. Their rates are $24 per year for business places and $18 per year for residences. Thé Detroit Presbytery meets at Milan, on Monday evening next. Rev. .1. Mills Gelston, of Ann Arbor, is to be one of the speakers at the popular meeting on next Tuesday evening. Rey. J. P. Hutchinson, of our city, is supplying the pulpit at Milan. Arthur Brown has purchased the llunt property at the corner of Ann and State streets through the agency of Jred McComber. Mr. Urown wiil divide the properiy in f our building lots, two facing on Ann street and two on State street. It is a very desirable ;ocation. The Michigan receiver of the Granite State l'rovident Association, which succumbecl to an overdose of amateur financiering last summer. has raked together the assetts which the former managers left lying around loose and will soon apportion them among the stockholders. The High School appointments for the commencement exercises this year are: Misses Florence Hoven, Mary Bradshaw, Jíessie Cordley, Lucia ons. Emma Kapp, Cannilla Ryan, Alta Storms, M. Emina Taylor, Messrs. Fr. 1!. Brown, Jay Fox, Clarenee Hughes, Theo. Zimraerman. There will be a special Easter service for old and youag at the Unitarian church next Suuday morning, with an Easter address to the children, a short Easter sermón to adults. parts taken in the service by the young people, extra ïnvisic, decoration of the church with llowers, and welcome of new members into the church. Dr. Mosher delivered an address in Detroit the other night upon "The Iniluence of Habitual Posture upon the Health of the Individual." but the press reports do not teil us whether or not the learned doctor touched upon a posture upon the deserted steps or , the campus buildings that is a favorite with many charming co eds , ing the bahny evenings of spring and , early summer. ( reat social demonstration of the Sal vat i OB Anny to be conducted by Lieut-Col. Brewer,Commander-in ('hief of Salvation Army f orces of the Northwest, assisted by Major Parker, private secretary to Col. Brewer, and Major and Mrs. Pebbles, offlcers in charge of Michigan torces and Detroit Relief Department, in the First Methodist church on Friday evening, April 23. at 7.30. Music by the combined city choirs. A prominent Main street merchant allowed his watch to get over an hour ahead of time Wednesday night. He woke up lat - according to his watch- Thursday morning and madn remarkable fast time in getting down to the store. None of the clerks were up yet, but the merchant imagining them to be indisposed opened the store, spread out the siock and figured anxiously on how he could attend to business single handed. At the usual liour the clerks appeared and explanations followed. - Times.


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