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Mack & Co.

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THB STORE) Supreme Effort to Clear the Store of Goods by June Ist Merchandise and Mechanics do not mingle well- the one must give place to the other. THE MERCHANDISE MUST GO; and every influence which price will lend to the movement will be used to accomplish this purpose. OUR IMPERATIVE ALTERATION SALE CONTINÚES, with a presistent lowering of prices, this week. y 1 5 iii i Special Prices in Draperies, Carpets, Furniture, Crockery, China Ware, and all other Furnishings used in the household. 1IOUS6 i66 p6lS W66K Bicycles of the highest excellence at prices to be had nowhere else. SUPREME EFFORT TO MOVE r i LADIES' FINE SHOES. .! Don' t miss the Great Bargain Sale on our Entire Stock of Ladies' Fine V Dong-ola and Vici Kid Shoes, button or lacet razor or pie toes, for E'; i These Shoes were all made by E. P. REED & COMPANY, K, and were fbrmerly sold at $2.50, $3.00, and $3.25, but will go at SI. 9 5 1. a while they last. . v We are showing all the new shades and toes in Oolored Shoes and Oxfords. -SprJLB See our $3.00 Chocolate and Ox-blood Shoes ÉSUPREME EFFORT TO MOVE Tailor Made Dresses and Skirts Every garinent in our Cloak Department must go out bef ore June 1. This week we offer choice of 50 Highest Olass Tailor Made Suits.wörtli 112.50, $13.50,115.00 $16.50, $20.00. Any suit in them nn Store,.. $10.00 40 All Wool Tailor Made Suits, black and colored, worth $10.50, n p $11.50; $12.50. Driven out at O-OÜ CYCLE SUITS AND SKIRTS. Exhibitions of the best material and workmanship ai cost of material. DRESS SKIRTS--ALL MUST GO. $15.00 Silk Skirts, Beautif al Brocaded ,P&l Colored Silk - Moire Yelour, x Exquisitely Jetted and Appli ƒ m qued, the choice of entire line. $8.05 I Vv 12.OO Black Brocaded Silks - the i. choice of any Black Silk Skirt ff V v in the store at O.ííJ) # R 1K OO Brocaded Silk Skirts - Black é' 1 and Colored Broadcloth Skirts ƒ Y ft. % -Black and Colored Etamine f ■ K % Skirts, üll the the Correct ColII k ors, Beautifully Braided;-w K % 5.95 1 v i % S.OO Silk Skirts - Mohair Skirts, J I m % Bri]liantine,Cheviot,Sergeand As. % W m Fancy Skirts, at 3.95 AsKk % m % 6.OO $5.50, $5.00 Skirts, all styles of SSáfVwí % m % material, Black and Colored.. 2.6 yW M' % 2.50 Black and Fancy Brilliantine C m m % skirts - ïalïeta "Lined, Wide -J____ M Binding, wide and well made at 1.4O - 8UPREME EFFORT TO MOVE, Spring Underwear. 5 Cases Ladies' Full Size. Good Weight Vests, made to C„ i'.'r-f sell for 10 csnts, are marked Ju !!iir Ladies' Egyptian Eichelieu Ribbed Vest, full regular jj„ iifc. illl? made, crocheted neck and armsy the 18c grade, made Nu CwíílySfi Ladies' Balbriggan Fancy Kibbed Vests- Ilandsomely JRp _J@r!wÊ fmished neck and arms, are the 25c value, lu mSfc 10 Lines White and Ecru Silk Crocheted Doublé Silk, &LFn( nimW Front Lisie Thread, Balbriggan and Egyptian Vests, the lUp f I WlmÍL ver ne'Snt f value giving at 25c, all in Bale, at '" j j 60c Ladies' Black and Ecru Tights, Spring Weight, for OQp XI 1 IS Sill6 ■ ww SUPREME EFhORT TO MOVE WASH DRESS GOODS. 8,000 yards 12c Dimities, 15c Organdíes, 15c Light and Black Lawns 12c. Fancy Crepons, hundreds of Styles will , be sold at f% Q 5,000 yards Fine Satines, Light effects, Wool Challies, etc, q. will go at ' y C 35c Finest Imported Dimity Lawns' etc, will be sold at 4 Jr Ay Supreme Effort to Mooe Corsets. JA VsA. 49-C CORSETS FOR 25 CENTS. f f' L? Saturday, next week, we place on sale 25 dozen Summer 1 Wyi! V Corsets, aa good form as our dollar Corseta. Well made and v) F()r Olle day MrtJ' --l 2 cents. t_5- fSJM Idea!, Jackson Park, Vision, and Paragon íBÚlm Corsets, all 75c Corsets, at 50 cents jjf Ll tlie PPular corsets made in this country will be found ifSAVkJf in our corset section. Supreme Effort lo Move all Kinds ! of Dcmsstics. Fruit of the Loom and Lonsdale, yard wide Bleached Cotton 6 ets. 10c Extra Heavy Colored Shirting 7 ets. Lancaster Apron Check Gingham 4 ets. 1 Case Standard Challies - New Effects 2 ets. 10c Toile du Nord Ginghams - Best Colorings 71 ets. 12c Crash - A Dozen Lines to choose frora 8 ets. Supreme Effort to Move Gloves and Hosiery rm "gm C I'aöiss Black Taffeta Gloves sizes 5ü to 6lA ' IC CV selling at 12 1-2C J (.CkVVi BOc Black Pure Silk Gloves 25C ƒ "'SlkJ'iAj! 75e Black Pure Silk Gloves 37 1-2C SSiÉÉtT r"i ïlOO Black Pure Silk Gloves 50C LWÊÊM Wmê Ladies' Pure Silk Gauntlet Gloves, Black, (SVÊMË jLf'.'"::jüÜ Red.Tanand Drab 35c lêMÜÊm Km. il Ï1.00 Ladies' Kid Gloves Black and Colored 69C JIHKmKm)MÚ Ladies' and Mens' Fancy itripe Hose 2 1-2C '9SrmÊ'ÊLadies Black Home Kuit II ose 5C I 'jK? K W Ladies' Fast Black Seamless Ilose 7c fÊ-l' 25c.Ladifs' Faney Striped Hose 12 1-2C y0 12}C Chlldrens' Gray Mixed Kibbed Hose.... 6C v ._-----'; 25c Childrens t'laiii Hlack Cotton Hose 1 2 1 -2C ss' 35c ïnf ants Cashmere Hos6 &t 12 1-2C 1 1 r Men 's 8C Extra Heavy Socks for 25C Supreme Effort to Move all Wool Dress Novelties. 25c Wool Novelties in Mixtures, Checks, Plaids j J -, goiug for ItPU ' 29c all Wool Dress Goods, Black and Colored, Checks, I Q p Stripes, Plaids and Fancy Mixtures, I Ü U ( All our Newest Styles all wool Dress Goods - New , ? Checks, New Plaids, New Mixtures, Everything in cQp y THESTOEE worthupto75cayardfor UüU S1.00 Imported Silk and Wool Novelty Dress Goods, includes every piece of New Colored Fancy Dress CQp Goods in THE STOEE, put on sale for UÜU ÉSnpme Eftort to Ion Unfler Ma 500 Dainty L Carme nts 'i Prettily Trimmed. with Laces and Embroideries, Exquisji?1 itely made of Sheer, Delicate Light Weight Fabrica, Particularly Adapted for Warm Weather Wear, and Elegant vifcis Knougli for any Trousseau. Will be 011 sale AT ABOUT sCr HALF. Dainty Gowns, worth up to $4.00 $1 .69 íi Dainty Gowns, worth up to .52.00 1.19 Jj Dainty Skirts, worth up to 52.75 1 .59 fsaii?v Sg Daiuty Skirts, worth up to S1.25 1.19 SiB 5 Dainty Skirts at 34. W'ÊkQ&ïPm Drawers worth 60c, 40c, a nd 25c, at 39c, 25c, and 16 M ÉfiiÊL ■ j Dainty Chemise, worth up to S3.C0 1.69 ipf V -fB 1 Dainty Chemise, worth up to $1.60 .93 "l 1 W Dainty Chemise, worth up to S1.25 .79 " I Daint y Corset Covers, worth up toSl.OO 69 3kIV Dainty Corset Covers, worth up to 75 cents .55 iBjiiW V. Dainty Corset Covers, worth up to 60 cents 34. 5S5Í?Y::S; Dainty Corset Covers, worth up to 30 cents 17 ÍS EVER BEEN IN OUR BASEMENT? IT'S FULL OF BARGAINS. Here's Children Carriages. g!B holstered in brocatille rifBfiT sol.-, steel wheels with JSÊÊ&%ÊÈii$ 'ï rubber tires, very Mjt' strongly braced frame ÉP8f . Srr $12.50 r is a special, niade expressly for our trade. Full sized, all rattan body, upholstered in plust or j tapestry, satin parasols, rubber tired wheels, it is a big j winner, price S9.5O. WwlÜU Buys a handsome carriage with large rattan body, upholstered in tapestry with satin parasols and steel wheels. It's the same carriage that was sold last year at 57. 50, now in different colors $5.50 ( "We show Garriages, price from $4.50 to $18,00. Our assortment will furnish you a carriage to suit your taste and pocket-bóok. 1 [ Refrigerators YES, "White Mountain MmJ Refrigerators are attractir ively and artistically decllPt" orated, are economical in ffl BBfeÜisJl the use of ice, preserve food perfectly, zinc lined ïiLli fi throughout, are odorless, ifjj and free from imi)ure and IL(y" S& B !"'!& musty air. Floors are flush with door sills, HOin . ing them easy to clean. Ui m Patent trap positively prevents all odor from overflow from working back into ' the in-chamber. Prices from 5.50 up, according to 1 st)'les. Also Belding and Century Refrigerators from $7.60 to $18.50. SCREEN DOORS all sizes, well made and finished, covered with good painted wire cloth, same as other people are selling at $1.15, our price 90 cents. Beautiful Doors with fancy panels and corners $1.5ü each. WINDOW SCREENS _EL In nicely finished adjustable frames, Éij tfci JÊËvl t'nree sizes; 25c, 30c and .'!")(■ each, ■ Bh Painted Wire Cloth by the yard 15c. r: jMp Screen Door Hinges 10c pair. „.-.,; BBL SOME OF TIIE TII1NGS yoitr ".-Ifjfï Iwr didn't know we sold; Ice Cream Freez- " ers, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels, Lawn Mow- ers, Stej) Ladders, Hammocks, Base Ball Goods, FishingTackle, Sporting Goods. There's not an article used in the house not to be found under our roof. DRYGOODS. pib6T FURNITURE. Ph50one 54, 56, 58, and 60 Main Street, Ann Arbor.


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