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Animal Meeting of the Y. W. C. A. Ollicers elected: President- Miss II. T. Crippen. Vice-president - Miss Alice Purter. iseereury- Miss Jennie saelye. Corresponding Secretary - Aiiss Hat-ie Warner. Treasurer- Miss Emüv Haley. Mis. S. W. Clarkson and MisseS Helen Salyer, Garrie Christman and Mis. ütto Bennett were elected to serve on the board of managers. The little society organized with 20 nnembers, three years ago, has grown to oe a potent factor in the lives of many AnnArbor girls. It is a place where all meet on the common ground of womanhood. It is a helpful sisterhood, with no lines drawn by money, position or education. It is a helpful sisterhood, " each giving to the other's need, each helping on the other"s best," and all are learning'to "preach the gospel of f riendliness." In looking over the records of these three years, we lirid tliat the growth in capabïlity and usefulness of some of our young women has been remarkable. Somewho knewalmost nothing of these things at fir-t are now both ready and competent to lead a religious meeting, take charge of an entertainment, manage a committee, or do almost anything whieh is put into their hands, and have a much larger view of life than before. The growth in this respect has been very marked during the past year. Our work lias been a quiet one, but we are trying to do for the young women of our city that which the Y. M. C A. aims to do for the young men- to niake life worth while - better worth the living. During our iirst year we tried hard to coax girls in for a socia hour each week, but in vain. During the past six weeks, 150 have taken ad v-antage of the Tuesday evening's open ooms. The number of afternoon caliere during the year has been 2,110. 15o vomen have asked us for work, and we ïave found employment for 55 of these. Including the Sunday meetings, business meetings, etc. the attendance has been 5,325. This shows to some extent iow our work has broadened since the oeginning. Go down our streets some pleasant evening, and as you pass the scores of young women you ineet.think whether we do not ne d j ust such a cosy place as our assoeiation room in Ann Arbor. Look into the rooms on Tuesday evening and see if it is not apprecia"ted. , , We hope to organize a girls' branch. Do you care to look into the problem of what will become of the young girls who are on our streets every evening, if they are not given higher standards of life"? Who is fltted better to do this than the Y. W. C. A., if she had a few more workers and a little more money to use in this way ? Do you know tb at one brisrht snrl. neglected during the ast years, is even now being the rum f manyof our little girls, some of them rith iis'good a home as your own ? Will ou help the Y. W . O. A. devise some ■av to save these girls i The Y VV. C. A. now has a memberhip of 196, of whom 95 are active memClasses have been held in eight diiïerntsubjeds The enrollment in these lasses is 75. Our library is good, so far as it goes. üf some kinds of books we need moie. We do not stand in need of any moro theological works just at present, as few of our girls are studying for the inin.istry. üur sources of income are these: Membership dues. Class fees. Intelligence oflice. J'.ntertainments. Kent from W. C,T. U. (S10 annually). The sustaining, honorary and auxilhary dues have amounted to $79.25; class Eeea $25.35; entertainmentS, $43. In all, we have actually recèived S302.55 since Mav 189fi We" had on hand. at the bezinning of the yeav. sili), making the grand total of $418.55 to carry on the work of the association for the year. Some much appreciated financial aid has come, not in the direct form of monev.but withQut this kindness we shoulil not have been able to keep our eeneral secretarv. We have spent $364.30, oí whicta S220 means rent ana secretary's salary. We still have O40 to pay on tnis. ÁVe neecl a new carpet for one of the smaller rooms; we need new singing books; we need a few gymnasium conveniences for our physical culture classes. If we could spend $50, for postage, printing, etc, instead of the $5 we used for it last year, we could be much more useiul. If we could doublé our list of sustaining members, we could venture to take up opportunities at which we dare not look without more resources than are at our command today. How much are girls worth ? Are we Chinese that we regard boys as valuable and girls not worth taking Cire ofV The Ann Arbor Browns will play the Page Fence giants at the Fair ground tomorrow. Admission, 25 cents, A subscription has been taken up among the businessr men to buy suits for the club. Walter E. Fick is manager and F. II. Belser treasurer. " Cash." Never before in mercantile history have prices of commodities been as low as at the present time, and merchants who have bought. and are trying to sell at old prices in these times of sharp competition, find it up hül work. Üur motto has been is and alvvays will be 'Quick sales and small profits"; "Cash.' We here make a few comparisons in prices: Paper window shades complete, that you have been paying 25 cents for are onlv 10 cents. Cloth shades 25 cents Hammocks that usually sold at 81.25, SI. 50, S2.00 and $2.50 aré sold now at 7öc, $1.00, S1.50 and 1.75. Croquet sets that brought from SI t.o $2 are now 6()c, 70c and 80c. Mrs. Potts' nickel plated sad irons would be cheap at S1.25, but we can a great deal easier get (J8c per set f or them and sell ten times as manv. Vou know wlïat heavy copper, nickel plated tea kettles are wortii- we sell No. 8, 85c and No. 9 . at 95c. A set of dishes, 100 pieces, that would be clieap at S8, we sell at $6. Perhaps jou have bought or priced olothes wiinprers, but our solid white rubber roll wringer, warranted at $1.(50, caps the climax, tepladders are only 10c per foot. 1 est matches 10c per pkg. Baking powder only 10c per lb. AVho would not wear a 'ring, if a gold filled, - acid test, ring, can be had for önly 50c. Kemember, no common verbal guarantee, but black on white, given by the manufacturar. 'These rings are the exact duplícate of solid gold rings in style and pattern. $43.00 buys the high grade, blue beauty, " Century " wheel. One of the best and mosf, beantiful wheels made. The above prices exst only at THE FAIR. 25 North Main st, opp Post Office. II. C. Exinger, Prop. Ann Arbor. People calling on their merchants for trading stamps, please remember to cali for your stamps when you pay for your parchase and receive them with yonr change, thus savinsr the merchant or his clerk an extra trip to the cashier's desk to get them for you. Epicurean Daintles. At Weinman's market, 33-35 Washngton street. The very rinest of every;hing in the line of fish, fowl and meats, 'resh and appetizing. Just now a fine lot of chickens, and spring lamb with mint. , 43 New goods are being received every week at the Merchants' Supply Oo. oílice. Please cali and see their line of premiums. Don't forget to eall on us in our new and large stores, J'os, 4, 6 and 8 East Liberty st. We are showing a beautiful assortment of Furniture, Carpeta and Draperies. 2t IlAtLER'S FUltNITXJRE STORE. Ask the dealer of whom you buy shoes. groeeries, dry goods, books or anything else, for trading stamps. They are of value to you. Cali at the Merchants' Supply Co., 30 East Huron street, and see the fine furniture, silverware, rugs, etc., you can get for nothing with the popular trading stamps.


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