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THIS IS A GOOD PICTURE OF THE LUDWIG I PIANO I BUT IT GIVES A PCQR IDEA T ' OF THE ORIGINAL. 4. & Ak to i-ee it at J& JP 21-23 E. Wastyngtor). J ANN ARBOR MUSIG CO. % This Space Belongs to the ANN ARBOR Fluff Rug Factory STEAM GARPET CLEANING WORKS It will pay you to watch it. Works, 47-49 West tiuron St., TO USERS OF Gasoline When you want a free burning Gasolirie that does not smoke or foul your stove, try Dean & Co. 'e RED STAR THE FINEST MflDE. DEAN & CO. 44 South Main Street. Hood's Kestorc (uil, regular action K3 B I 9 of the bowels, do not VLg0 m 9 JJ tate or inflame, bnt leave 9 I JJ all the delicate digestiva ■ ■ ■ gaiiism in perfect condition. Try them. 25 cents. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass, Sneriff's Sale. NOTICE is hereby given, that havlng seized and taken the l:müs and tenements hereinafter meutioned, by virtue of one CPrtain execution issued out of and under tlie seal ot tilt; Circuit Court for the County of VVashtenaw. in Chancery. in tt certain cause tberein depeuding vvherein Jolin llarrison. Jool iiarrison, Mary lïrown, Elizabeth Brown and Est lier Brown are corn pi ainants, and Marsaret Harrlson is de'endaut, and to medirectori and delivered I sball on Mie third d;iy of August. A. D.. 1897 at JO o'clock in the forcnoon of said day, at the soutb front door of til. Court House iu the City of Aun Arbor, Michiaa, sell at public auctiun or vengue to the luirhest bidder, all of the rlght, title and interest, of the above nanied coinplalnants in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situat,e in the township of Superior, Conuty of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, known, bounded and descrlbed as follows, towit: The north-west quarter of the north-east qnarter oí' section nurnlíir nineten (19) Town two l') south, Bange Beven (I) east, State of Michigan and cxntatning forty (0; acres of land more or less. Dutud, Aan Arhor, June H. 1897. WJI. JUDSON. 4T-Ö3 Sheriff. E. B. NOBKIS, of Counsel for Defendant. Commissioners' Jiotice. C TATE OF MICH10 AN, County of Washtenaw k The nndersigned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said county, eommissioners to recetve. examine and adjust all claims and detnanda of all persons against the esta-te of Elizabe h Wallinuton, late of said county deoeased, hereby sve notice that six months from date are al'owed by order of said Probate Court. for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the office of 51. J. Cavanaujih in the city of Aïïiï drbor, in said county, on Monday the lfith day of Augus arid on Tuesday the 161h day if November next. at ten o'clock a. m. of each of said days to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Uated, Jlay 15th, 18DT. M. J. CAVANAÜGH. FREU J. HOWI.ETT. 45-48 Commissioners. BUSINESS DIRECTORY CL. McGUIRB, Lawterand Notart Pub Lic. Front Ofïices over Farmers & Me chanics Bank, Aun Arbor, Michigan. F) McKERNAN, Attorney-at-Law. CollectiOKS pro nptlv attended to. Money to o:in Houses and Lots for Sale. Office in Oourt House MARV C WHITING, Counselor-at Law. Address postofiice box 1796, Ann Arbor, Michigan.' TOHN F. LAWRENCE, Attorney at-Law. fj Office. Corner Fourth and Ana streets, Arin Arbor, M ehigan. OM. MARTIN. Funeral Director and Under . taker. Cloth. Metalic and Common ('nftins. Scoreroom No. 19 Ka?T WashinetoD Street "eidenee Corner Liberty and Fifth Telephone 91. WW. NICHO1,S, Dentlst. Kooms over Ann Arbir Savintis Bank, opposite Court House square. VITALIZED AIR adminietered. It i asreeable and easy to take and po prostrating ettects follow, wliile teeth are extracted without pain. JOHN BAUMCARTNER Successor to Anton Eisele. - DEALEH O, - American and Imoorted Granite - AND - J1ARBLK of all KINDS, Building Stone, Stone Walks, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed; Handle irom the -smal] est to the largest work in all its Branches. Shop - Cor. of Detroit and Catherine sts. - - - Ann Arbor, Mieh. Blue Streak What is it ? Wliy it's the most effective Insect Destróyer produced to-day, the result of prolouged scientific and practical observation by prominent agriculturists. Hellebor ..ene Emulsión Paris Green jjondon Purple Blue Vitriol True Dalmatian Insect Powder for spray ing mixtures, at LOW PRICES. Blue Streak gives satisfaction whereever used. Lenox Hand Atomizers and Sprayers. Blue Streak the most economical and effective Insect killer on the rnarket. Eberbach Ze Son SILVER I L TRUSS. __ Easy to V.tar. j Retains lo pressurc l:i Scvcrest V Ilipaor BacK. : Her:: ia I Ko onderst r.; . with Comlort, I Kever iuovc. l f WANUFACTORED AT 290 Hain St.. BUFPALO, N. V. FOR SALE AT Manu's Drug Store 39 S. MAIN ST.


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