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Barnto's Suicide

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New York, June 16.- A dispatch to The World f rom London says: Barney Earnato's suicide must cause widespread ruin amongsmall investors. They had pinned their faith to him. The big speculators, having hacl lnside knowledge of his serlous condition, have either cleared out or been manipulating his stock with considerable profit. Barnato's tragic end has convinced the public here of the utter rottenness of the South African boom, which now easlly takes rank as the biggest stock Inflation scheme (not to say swindle) of the record reign. Barnato securities were quoted eighteen months ago at a capital valué of L12,000,000 ($60,000,000), but In the last six months they had fallen to about L3,000,000 ($15,000,000), though they recently improved on better accounts f rom South África. liarney Had Taken to Drink. Mrs. Joel, Barnato's Bister, told The World correspondent last night, before anything was known here of the death, that friends Intended to land Barney Barnato at Funchal for a month's rest, ashishealthwasnot yetsuchas to render hls return to London advisable. No aecret is made of the fact that hia break down was accelerated by heavy drinking, which began when the Kafflr slump started - even before hls departure for South África, which waa hurrted and private. His mind Bhowed signa of failing under stratn elght months agro, on which account he was sentaway from England. There had never been any sensible improvement in hia eondition. Songht "Solace" Too Frequently. Hls responslbilitles welghedheavily on hls mind and he sought "solace" too frequer.tly. His naturally robust conetitution had been undermined by hls laborious, exclting life, and symptoma of softening of the brain manifested themselves. His family and partners became alarmed at the probable effect on his securitiee if this were known, as they were believed to be depetident Bolely on his personallty. So they used every effort to gret him off to the Cape and place him in seclusion for a time, in the hope that he would recover. TRICKED INTO HIS LAST VOÏAOE. Put Aboartl an Ootyoinf Steamer hj a Kuw - Hls Lordly Palacc He did not want to leave London, but by a rus thoy Induoed htm to go on board a steamer to see a nephew off to the cape, and he was kept talklng in the cabin until the shlp had parted with the tender. He was thus shipped away against hia will. Thls explains a story -made mm-h of at the time and now revived- that he went the last time to South África so unexpectedly that he had only the clothes he stood in. His oondition became wqrse insiead of ter. He made a public exhibition of inEanity at Johannesburg about six weeks ago, but lt was attributed to temporary causes. His friends knew better, however, and a good deal of selling his securitieg for a fall has been indulged in during the slump by well informed speculators. The collapse has not been as great as was looked for, because the Beits and other big South African houses have combined to keep up prices. At the same time it has been more than sufflcient to prevent a newly attempted boom in these securities on which the stock exchange has been reekoning for a few weeks. After Barnato began building a lordly palace for himself on aristocratie Park Liane his phenomenal good fortune derted him. Barnato's house cost, it is estimated, L1,000,000 ($30,000,000). It is now approaching completion, and the interior decoration is partly done. The exterior is órnate in the extreme, Bar-nato having given unlimited discretion to the architect to embellifh it with tracery, pilasters and statues. London, June 16.- Today's papers publish columns of obituary, reminlscence, anecdote and history of the late Barney Barnato. It is said he thrice attempted to commlt suicide before he left Cape Town. He was aecompanied on the vessel by his wife and children. Barnato's real name was Barnett Isaacs. Aft WniiKin and Qnen. Kansas City, June 16.- Philip E. Burrough, British vice consul here, te exerting liimself to promote a local bration in honor of Queen Victoria. Jíishop Glennon said to his interviewer: "I shall order no prayers for Bngland's queen in onr churchee. More, I shall, if 'necessary, expressly prohibit such j prayers in all ehurchea Ín this diocess. j Our people have no occasion to invoke !, special blessings on Queen Victoria. As a good woman we admire her; as queen, we have no prayers to offer for her." Hoffinan Murder Mystery. San Francisco, June 16. - A new phase ' of the Hoffman tuagedy was presented ! Monday when it was reported that a unknown woman, strangely acting, and notieeably careful to conceal her identity, was seen on several occasions leaving the downtown establishment of HofE. man & Rothschild. The coroner's inquest began Tuesday afternoon. Bookkeeper Figel has been subpoenaed as a witnesi. Won the Handbull ChuinplonKhtp. Chicago, June 14.- William Carney, oí Chicago, Champion handball player oí the west. yesterday afternoon deieated James Pitzgerald, the Champion of Ireland, six games out of a seríes of seven. The match was for $500 a side and the championshlp of the world. The men wlU meet again July 4 in Brooklyn for a final series of eight games. Sultan Will Accept Dr. Angelí. Washington, June 16.- A cabk-gTam recerved at the state department from the United States charge at Contantinople ye?terday afternoon states that the sultan bas issued an irade announcir.g the acceptance of Dr. Angelí as minister from the United States and Mr. Terrell has accordingly started for home.


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